Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 417: Flathead from RB

The morning of November 14 was definitely a heavy morning for all the officers and soldiers of the 36th Infantry Brigade of the Japanese Army.

The Chinese pay attention to burying the dead in peace, and the Japanese also have the tradition of letting the remains return home.

The soldiers who died in the battle, even if only a piece of bones is left, will be burned into ashes and put into a small wooden box by close comrades to take back to their hometowns and hand them over to their families in person. This is almost an unwritten traditional rule of every army.

However, the 36th Infantry Brigade broke this rule.

With flames in his eyes, Ushijima Mitsuru ordered the 56 Japanese soldiers who were killed in the early morning attack to be buried in the field where they were attacked and killed. The whole army lined up in front of the large tomb that was dug in just 40 minutes and buried 56 remains to swear an oath.

If they don't kill the Chinese army that is chasing them in front of them and don't kill every one of them, the 36th Infantry Brigade will never come back here to pay tribute to their comrades who can't return home.

Only victory can allow them to bring 56 lonely ghosts home. Otherwise, they would all stay on the land occupied by the Empire, condemning the surviving soldiers of the 36th Infantry Brigade.

To put it bluntly, this tomb is the mark of shame that the 36th Infantry Brigade has carved on itself. If it cannot take revenge, this mark of shame will remain forever.

Having branded itself with a mark of shame, one can imagine the hatred that the 36th Infantry Brigade, which regards honor as life, has for the advance regiment.

"Kill the Chinese!"


"Kill them!"

Thousands of Japanese soldiers raised their arms high and shouted slogans amid the loud roar of the brigade's lieutenant colonel chief of staff with a sun belt wrapped around his head.

The morale, which had already been extremely low, seemed to be full again in an instant.

Ushijima Mitsuru, standing in the crowd, breathed a sigh of relief.

Burning 56 bodies would not only waste time, but the thick black smoke and the pungent smell of burnt bodies would only continue to cast a shadow on the hearts of ordinary soldiers. It would be better to use this to arouse the soldiers' hatred of the Chinese.

Now it seems that he has succeeded.

The reason why he did not personally take the role of leading the whole army to swear an oath was purely an inexplicable fear from deep in his heart.

The Chinese were so bold that they attacked and killed dozens of people with cold weapons under the eyes of the army. Who knows if he would still hide in the dark and spy here, even if he had ordered the outer guard force to expand its alert range to 2,000 meters to ensure safety.

But this is the wild, it is really too vast. The guard force of up to hundreds of people spread out, and there is no sense of security.

"Boom!" The sound of the artillery shell exploded, just beside the deafening army column that just shouted in unison.

Before everyone lay down, several Japanese soldiers fell down with a scream.

Damn it, it's coming again! At the moment when Ushijima Mitsuru was suddenly pounced on by a group of quick-reacting guards and almost fell to the ground, there was miraculous no anger in his heart, only sadness.

Obviously, it was not that the Chinese guns were not accurate enough, but that he sent the guard troops 2,000 meters away. The Chinese mortars had a range of 2,500 to 2,800 at most. Due to the threat of the guard troops, they fired at least 2,600 meters away.

Fortunately, they did not have a super gunner, otherwise, the result of a shot falling into the neatly standing array was something that even the Japanese Army Major General could not imagine.

This may be the most gratifying thing for Mr. Ushijima Mitsuru, who was protected by a group of big men.

However, the next moment, Ushijima Mitsuru, with mud on his face, saw several guards running frantically to the front of the queue.

The Japanese Army Lieutenant Colonel, who was just passionate, was rolling on the ground with a scream.

China did not have super gunners, but it had sharpshooters.

A bullet penetrated the jaw of the Army Lieutenant Colonel, smashing the entire jawbone into pieces and crushing the fragile mouth. From the outside, it looked like a flower suddenly bloomed on the whole face.

Blood flower!

Perhaps it was not the massive blood loss that killed him, but the severe pain.

It was a mouth that could fit an adult's fist. The lower lip and the lower jaw had become a meat paste. The horrible wound that looked painful made the military doctors at a loss. The severe pain caused the brain to activate the coma protection mechanism. Then, in full view of the public, the army lieutenant colonel who led the whole army to cheer and swear to kill the Chinese army died.

The trachea filled with a large amount of blood was unable to deliver oxygen to the brain that had activated the protection mechanism, and the brain fell into a deep sleep.

The 36th Infantry Brigade lost another senior officer.

He was still swearing revenge the moment before, and became a corpse the next moment. This is really an extremely huge irony.

What's more ironic is that the sound of artillery covered the sound of gunfire, causing the panicked Japanese army to have no idea where the Chinese fired the gun for more than ten seconds.

It was not until more than ten seconds later that the experienced Japanese army realized that the enemy was in the southeast direction based on the direction the army lieutenant colonel was facing.

However, the specific distance and location of the shooting could not be determined at all.

The twelve cannons that were quickly set up could only symbolically fire at about a mile away. The Japanese troops responsible for the outer guard quickly moved inwards, trying to find the group of daring and dangerous Chinese.

However, taking advantage of the twenty seconds before the Japanese army could react, Tang Dao, who had put away his gun and ran all the way, was at least 1,000 meters away from the main position of the Japanese army.

This time, he did not shoot from 500 to 600 meters away, but at least 800 meters away.

He did not use the Mosin-Ganna rifle that he usually used, but the MG34 with a long barrel of a heavy machine gun.

The only special forces soldier in this era who could use a heavy machine gun as a sniper rifle made the Japanese army completely misjudge his specific location. In such a vast wilderness, no matter how much carpet search there was, nothing could be found.

The shells were all taken away by the Tang sword.

The swearing-in ceremony of taking 56 remains and not being able to return to their hometown and carving a big "shame" on their foreheads to inspire morale was messed up by the Chinese, and a lieutenant colonel and several Japanese infantrymen were killed.

No matter how deep and tolerant Ushijima Mitsuru was, he was furious at this time.

The Japanese Army Major General, who could not vent his anger on the Chinese and could not chop one or two of his subordinates with a knife, chopped the small table and stool in his marching tent into pieces.

Then, in the next few days of marching, he could only sit on the ground like ordinary Japanese soldiers.

Yes, in the next three days, the completely enraged 36th Infantry Brigade bit tightly behind the advance group.

No matter how the advance group moved, whether it was escaping into the wilderness or turning around again to cross the Suzhou River towards Kunshan, the 36th Infantry Brigade was following closely under the guidance of the naval reconnaissance aircraft.

The Chinese could jump into the cold Suzhou River in the autumn wind, and they could too, without even building a pontoon bridge, not for anything else, just to speed up the march so as to catch up with the advance group earlier.

That posture, perhaps only the flat-headed brother who was kicked for no reason on the African grassland can be compared with it.

The legs are short, but we will go all the way to the end. The Japanese flat-headed brother and their black brothers on the African grassland have the same characteristics.

Can't help but become a flat-headed brother! The Japanese army ate poorly and slept unsteadily along the way, and had to travel with a pair of big dark circles under their eyes during the day.

Since entering China, the "strongest division on the surface" has been invincible. When has it ever suffered this? This is all caused by the Chinese six or seven kilometers ahead. Only by killing them can we have a hot meal and a good sleep.

The valve called crazy in the body of the 8000th soldier of the 36th Infantry Brigade was pried open by Tang Dao.

Tang Dao stood at the edge of a forest, looking into the distance with a telescope.

"Sir, what can we do? The damn Japanese are like flies that smell rotten meat. They don't even stop. They can use trucks and carriages to carry soldiers on the road to save energy, but where can we get so many cars?" Gong Shaoxun, who hurried over to report to Tang Dao who returned to the advance regiment headquarters, was frowning.

"Hey, hey, I say, Old Gong, you may be anxious, but you can't scold yourself like this! How did we become rotten meat?" Lei Xiong, who was half lying on the grass and puffing out smoke, greeted lazily. While speaking, he smelled his armpits and couldn't help cursing. "Damn it, don't tell me, it's really stinky. I fought in Songhu for two months and it didn't stink like this now. I'm so tired from running."

After hearing what Lei Xiong said, several officers around him couldn't help but smile bitterly.

During the war, it was common for the men in the army not to take a shower for several days or even half a month. Whether they smelled or not was a small matter. But like now, they were in a state of forced march for a week and were chased around like rabbits by the Japanese army. It was really painful.

From the mental to the physical, both.

The five or six days of running and chasing almost drained all the physical strength of these Chinese elites, so that in the last two days, some soldiers fell into the ditch while walking, and they were still snoring.

Just like now, Tang Dao ordered the whole army to rest for half an hour. I don’t know how many soldiers immediately lay on the ground, and they were too lazy to even smoke. This is a situation that has never happened to these three guard battalions that are known as the elite in the army.

That also shows that the physical fitness of the whole army has reached the limit.

Of course, if the Chinese soldiers are like this, the Japanese army that has been harassed by Tang Dao for three or four days will never be much better. The situation will only be worse. If there were no more cars and carriages, the advance group would have gotten rid of them long ago.

As they were talking, Guo Shouzhi, Zhuang Shisan and other officers from various battalions rushed here.

Everyone cast their eyes on Tang Dao, who was standing with his back to them, and secretly guessed the purpose of Tang Dao summoning the chief officers from various divisions.

"Everyone, the Jiashan frontline command sent a telegram to my advance regiment an hour ago, saying that an infantry regiment of the 18th Division was transferred from the front line. The whereabouts are unknown!" Tang Dao turned around and looked at the officers with a sharp gaze.

The officers' faces changed drastically.

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