Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 39: I treat you to sugar cookies

Chapter 39 I treat you to sugar cookies

 It’s not really that the bullet took a turn.

 What was hit was a corpse. The blood of the Japanese sergeant who had just died had not yet completely coagulated, so blood would naturally splash out.


 Another shot, still in the same position.

 Talented recruits who have adapted to the quadruple scope, their accuracy has become terrifying and mind-numbing.

 It's just that besides wasting bullets, and at best scaring the ghost, what's the other use?

 This idea just came to Leng Feng’s mind.

I saw that the Japanese soldier who had been well hidden all this time was like a fertilized, no, a frightened rabbit, suddenly jumping out of the bunker and rolling to the left.

 Why does he want to come out? Leng Feng was suddenly stunned.

Moreover, is that guy born with a disability? Why are the tactical evasive moves so unstandardized?

While his thoughts were still going on, Niu Er quickly pulled the bolt of the gun and fired again. The Japanese soldier, whose tactical movements were somewhat clumsy, was knocked to the ground before he could even escape two meters.

"Sir, I did it." After picking up the gun and retracting the fortification, Niu Er excitedly reported to Tang Dao.

"That's right! Then I'll give you this gun." Tang Dao smiled and looked at the Japanese troops outside who were still retreating in an orderly manner. "This morning's training ends, brothers in the third platoon, call it a day!"

After saying that, he bent down and left the fortification, leaned on a bed roll placed in a corner more than ten meters away from the window, and closed his eyes to rest.

When the soldiers in the third platoon saw that the platoon leader had left, why were they still here?

They all also bent down and left their fighting positions, hiding in their chosen resting spots on the second floor. Naturally, those were corners that could not be blasted even if the infantry cannon hit the window.

Everyone understands that the round of gunfire and artillery fire just now is not even a warm-up. The Japanese soldiers who were beaten must be very angry and humiliated. They may launch a strong attack at some time. If they don't take a break and have a cigarette , I won’t have a chance to smoke anymore.

At this time, the Japanese army closest to the warehouse also ran 400 meters away. The warehouse building looked like it was difficult to get lucky, so naturally no more ammunition was wasted. The Japanese army's stingy nature naturally also stopped, and it was no longer possible. Useless consumption of bullets.

Seeing that the infantry had all rested, the artillery fire from both sides naturally started from two to one to one to one, until the entire battlefield returned to silence.

The Chinese people on the banks of the Suzhou River naturally didn't know what this contact between China and Japan meant. They only knew that the Japanese army began to attack, and they were still a few hundred meters away from the Sixing Warehouse. The Chinese defenders went up and shot the Japanese. People were beaten to the ground.

 Aren’t you lying down? Without looking at the machine guns and mortars, the Japanese infantry immediately ran away?

Although many of the Japanese counterattacks landed on the front of the Sixing Warehouse, none of the shells seemed to have penetrated the building. Looking from the side of the Suzhou River bank, the entire building remained motionless, except for the charred walls. and potholes.

 What does that mean? It means that nothing happened to our own people, but the Japanese were beaten and hurt.

 I just don’t know if they cried or not.

 The first battle this morning was won.

“We won, our people won again.” There were at least thousands of people on the north bank of the Suzhou River on both sides of the building, and they burst into cheers.

 “Let’s go, Nan’er, daddy will buy you some cakes, buy two!” The middle-aged man in a robe who carried his son on his shoulders put the child down, clenched his fists, and waved excitedly to the sky.

"Dad, just one is enough. I will eat with my parents." The five-year-old child held his father's hand, raised his face, and answered in a milky voice.

Although the little child didn't quite understand what happened in the distance that made his father so happy, he knew at a young age that his current home was no longer the home he once had, and eating a piece of cake was already a luxury.

Tears flashed in the middle-aged man’s eyes. He paused for a while and pointed to the dark blue military uniforms running vaguely on the roof of the building in the distance and said:

"Nan'er, have you seen them? They are our Chinese soldiers. As long as they win, we can go home."

 “Go home?” The little child put his fingers in his mouth, imagining the past days, his eyes filled with longing. "Well, I want to eat sugar cookies! Eat a lot of sugar cookies!"

"Well! There are sugar cakes, meat cakes, and bean paste cakes. Whatever Nan'er wants to eat, dad and mom will make it for you." The middle-aged man's eyes flashed with tenderness and the same longing as his son.

 “Dad, wait!”

The middle-aged man was trying to pull the child to squeeze out of the crowd, but when he saw the child struggling to break away and his small body moving forward in the crowd, he couldn't help shouting anxiously: "Nan'er."

The barbed wire fence near the river bank was guarded by armed soldiers from several Western countries. Any Chinese who moved forward would be forced away by them with rifle butts and bayonets.

 As a result, a clear blank area was formed between the crowded Chinese people, about five or six meters wide.

 The little child who squeezed out of the crowd was standing in the open space.

 Many people's eyes fell on him.

 Wearing a gray and black coarse cloth long coat and cloth shoes, the little child does not appear to be a child from a wealthy family, but his face has been wiped clean, indicating that although he was in trouble, he once had a good life.

A Western second lieutenant officer frowned. These stupid Chinese people have been taken in by the concession, but they are so ungrateful that they are still causing trouble here?

Just when I was about to order the little naughty boy to be driven back to the crowd, I saw the little child looking into the distance. His bright eyes were full of hope, and his gestures couldn't help but pause slightly.

Then, I saw a little Chinese man bowing deeply towards the Sihang Warehouse in the distance and shouting something loudly.

 Then, I saw the Chinese crowd getting excited. Many people, imitating children, bent down and bowed!

After a while, a row of dark blue military uniforms stood on the roof of the Sihang Warehouse two hundred meters away. The windows facing the concession were also filled with dark blue military uniforms.

  “Stand at attention!”     “Salute!”

An extremely sonorous and powerful voice echoed over Sihang Warehouse, and a row of soldiers straightened their chests and saluted the crowd in unison.

 The Chinese people bowed to them, and the Chinese soldiers responded in their own way!

 Cheers resounded through the sky.

"This is the reason why we stay here." The Army Lieutenant Colonel in the headquarters took a deep look out the window, focused his eyes again on the map of Songhu Zhabei District, and murmured softly.

He was the only one in the headquarters. I don’t know whether he was speaking to himself or to the person he was thinking of.

Perhaps no one knows his state of mind at this time except himself!

 “Wotechana wave says?” The Western second lieutenant officer curiously asked a sergeant who was proficient in Chinese beside him.

“He seems to be saying, thank you, uncle and uncle, fight the Japanese devils well, and when Nan’er comes home, I’ll treat you to some sugar cookies!” The sergeant tried to express it in a Chinese context.

 “Wote?” Western Second Lieutenant’s blue eyes were full of doubts.

What a strange Chinese child. He doesn't understand what the war in front of him has to do with children and sugar cookies.

Of course the second lieutenant doesn't understand it now, but he will understand it one day when war burns in his land.

 In the **** war, for the people who lost their homes, sugar cakes were a precious and precious thing.

As the saying goes, laymen watch the excitement, while insiders watch the door.

The common people celebrated the victory happily and exchanged salutes with the Chinese soldiers who defeated the Japanese army.

 But in the tall building a hundred meters away from here, many people in suits and ties put down their telescopes, and most of them sighed.

  Gentleman does not build a wall. Most of these people are respectable. Although they are attracted by the battle on the opposite side, they will never go to the river bank to watch the battle like ordinary people. If a stray bullet comes, someone will die.

They may not all be gentlemen, but they definitely have a lot of knowledge.

Everyone is very clear in their minds. Even though the Japanese army was beaten and retreated, the Chinese army in the Sihang Warehouse almost showed all their trump cards in the first battle, and the battle had hardly started officially. How could they fight in the future?

 Are all Japanese soldiers idiots? Of course not. If they were idiots, how could they win this battle?

 The next step may be a miserable wind and cold rain! The sighing ‘people of insight’ almost lost interest in continuing to watch the battle.

 Because there is no hope for this battle. Who wants to see a defeat full of death?

 Especially, those who are mortal are their kin.

In the warehouse building, several veterans who had previously teased Niu Er came over and solemnly apologized to Niu Er, which made Niu Er feel a little embarrassed. He hurriedly took the cigarettes handed over by the veterans and coughed violently while inhaling.

 The soldiers laughed wildly.

 All the unpleasantness disappears.

"Brother Niu, please explain why the Japanese guy like Mao is running away! You obviously can't hit him." Seeing that the atmosphere was harmonious, a veteran asked a timely question.

 If he didn't know the answer, their chief would probably die of curiosity. Platoon leader Tang Dao Tang was so bad that he just left after doing it without explaining that the cliffhanger was intentional.

"Ahem! Because I wounded him with the shot I just made. If he doesn't run away, he can only be killed by my shot after shot. Ahem!" Niu Er replied with a violent cough.

 “Why is this?” The veterans were stunned.

Not far away, Leng Feng, who was making excuses to talk nonsense with Tang Dao, also quietly pricked up his ears.

 Because this is really beyond their ability to understand.

From Niu Er's perspective, the corpse was enough to block the bullet. The kinetic energy of a general rifle bullet is not as powerful as it can penetrate the human body and kill another person after flying more than 400 meters. Moreover, after penetrating the human body, the bullet has already No matter how deformed it is, it is difficult to maintain a straight trajectory.

"No, I hit the ribs of the corpse. The human bones are hard enough to deflect the bullet trajectory slightly. The location where he is hiding is too small, and the chance of an irregular ricochet hitting him will change. Big, I’m lucky too.”

"My dear mother! You mean, you hit the corpse's bones and then use ricochet to kill him?" The eyes of several veterans looked like they had seen a ghost at that moment.

"Yes! The commander reminded me to bend the bullet. This is the only way I can think of." Niu Er answered matter-of-factly. "However, if he doesn't run away, I estimate that five or six bullets will be needed! If it were Commander Tang, one bullet should be enough."


 The big pervert brought a little pervert.

Leng Feng's mouth was so wide open that he couldn't close it. Tang Dao smiled and put the cigarette that he had just lit but slipped back into his mouth again, "The recruit Danzi didn't learn anything else, but he learned how to brag! Don't take Leng Lian seriously. "

“I really don’t want to talk to you right now.” Leng Feng took a deep puff of his cigarette.

 “Haha!” Tang Dao laughed.

 “Haha!” Leng Feng also laughed out loud.

  . . . . . .

  PS: A big chapter of 3200 words, one chapter! Two chapters will continue tomorrow. Fengyue's waist really hurts and she can't sit still. Especially when I think about the fact that my waist may no longer work, will it be able to be used in the future? Fengyue's heart felt a little anxious. Fortunately, the egg was not hit.

 (End of this chapter)

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