Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 25: The Japanese army is just a walnut

Chapter 25 The Japanese Army is Just a Walnut


Looking at the disgraced subordinate with one arm hanging in front of him, as if he had been beaten for stealing something, Major Hide Toyoda made a very strange sound from his throat after listening to the report with a livid face.

It wasn't just that he was disgusted by his subordinates' stupid tactics. Of course, it wasn't that the Japanese major with a slightly bulging belly and a rich general's belly really had a baby. That was, a mouthful of old blood welled up from his chest, and he was raw again. Toyota Show swallowed it back.

Originally, the bright moon was in the sky, the enemy troops were escaping, and the troops were marching straight in. It was such a comfortable time for the general, but this beautiful mood had been covered by the Chinese with the corpses of 20 soldiers an hour ago. Shadow is already quite agitated.

What the Japanese major didn't expect was that an hour later, the Chinese, who were eager to push further, simply threw another bucket of dung upward.

As the most powerful 1st Infantry Squadron under Toyoda Hide, it has a full strength of nearly 200 people, 60% of which are veterans who have experienced the entire battle. It has always been the sharpest knife in Toyoda Hide's hand, and he must attack every enemy. Stay firm and invincible.

 But it only took more than an hour for the knife to become dull.

 No, it should be said that it is broken.

If it was because he was going to attack a fortress and he chewed too hard that he broke all his big teeth, this would be completely understandable for Toyoda Hide.

 At least, that shows that we are a brave iron head, right? Our Imperial Japanese Army has always been so stubborn, we work hard when we win, and we work hard when we lose, which is in line with the spirit of the samurai.

 But what now? What the **** is it that I only brought back eighty or ninety people for a mere close reconnaissance of two hundred people?

That's right, Kurokawa Weizou's two infantry squads that had just been replenished to full strength three days ago collapsed "very wisely" under the condescending fire of more than a dozen machine guns.

But being on the battlefield doesn’t mean you can run away if you want. The crazy Chinese people had no intention of sparing bullets and just chased them and shot them more than 400 meters away.

As a result, together with a dozen people from the squadron headquarters, there were a total of more than 120 people. Both wings had no time to shoot a few bullets at the Chinese who were attacking their own friendly forces, and they themselves were beaten to death by crazy machine gun bullets.

More than a dozen people were killed on the spot, and nearly twenty more people were mowed down by Chinese machine guns during the subsequent escape. Now, more than 80 people can still stand in front of their major captain, who is swallowing old blood deep in his throat. , that’s all the result of counting the wounded together, including those lying on stretchers.

As for the infantry team that is being besieged by the Chinese crazy firepower, do we need to talk about it? Although the few top soldiers who stayed outside the fighting area and were responsible for observation have not returned to report, both Toyoda and Kurokawa Weaving have already classified the dozens of people in their hearts as a dead end.

It's not that they didn't want to rescue, but that based on the comparison of firepower between the two sides at the time, it was very likely that the entire infantry squadron would be trapped.

“Captain Toyota, based on the heavy firepower displayed by the other party, there is at least one infantry regiment of Chinese in that building.”

Kurokawa Weizou could only use the strength of the enemy to cover up his incompetence, otherwise, he was afraid that the angry superior would let him break his belly to express gratitude to His Majesty who was still on the island.

That was really miserable. Not only was His Majesty unable to see it at all, but more importantly, he took a knife and made a cross on his belly, and then watched the yellow-green intestines flow out, which made him suffer all the time.

Although he was given the honor of being a special warrior, the Japanese lieutenant did not want this treatment at all. If possible, he wanted to live well. At the worst, he would die on the battlefield. At least he could earn a good fortune for his family. reputation.

“An infantry regiment?” Toyoda almost asked this unscientific question through his teeth.

How shameless do you have to be to lie about military information like this?

How could you possibly put an infantry regiment of 2,000 men in one building? Even if there are less than 2,000 people, more than 1,000 people can fit in. Do you think they are canned fish?

 He wanted to kill the **** in front of him who had brought him glory, but he couldn't do it. Toyoda Hide glared at his disgraced subordinate, his face twisted like a ghost.

"They had four Maxim heavy machine guns and more than ten light machine guns firing together. They were not an infantry regiment, so they definitely did not have this kind of firepower. And the Chinese who ambushed our troops in the front were all armed with German-made submachine guns. Those with this equipment, "We must be China's elite army." Kurokawa Weaving continues to work hard to save his life.

Toyoda gritted his teeth and looked at the map hanging on the wall of the temporary headquarters. He finally saw clearly the small characters of Sihang Warehouse on the map. Seeing a certain major's face stiffen, the brigade staff officer behind him quickly shook the phone and asked the brigade to The department inquired about information about Sihang Warehouse. When all the information about the Sihang Warehouse was reported softly to Toyoda's ears by the combat staff a few minutes later, Toyoda's face became stiff.

Perhaps Kurokawa Weaving is not just fooling around. Other buildings may not be able to accommodate an infantry regiment, but a building with an area of ​​20,000 square meters and a height of more than 20 meters can definitely accommodate it.

If this is the case, Kurokawa Orizo's failure is not too difficult to accept, and he finally found a reason to explain to the summit the heavy losses in tonight's battle.

She didn't say anything for a full minute, turning her head silently to face a thousand meters away.

 What came from the distance was no longer fierce gunfire and explosions, but deafening cheers.

That is a huge sound that can be made by at least tens of thousands of people.

The Japanese major's hand tightly grasped the command knife hanging on the side of his leg, and he suddenly pulled it out. When the muscles on the Japanese lieutenant's face twitched violently, he pointed a thousand meters away and said coldly:

"Second order, all infantry squadrons recall all search teams. The entire army will prepare for five hours. At five o'clock in the morning, they will bury the pots and make rice. At six o'clock, the entire army will be purified and approach the Sihang Warehouse. In addition, please report to your Excellency, the Captain of the Hakiban Alliance and Your Excellency, Commander of the Watanabe Brigade, our department hopes to obtain the help of the division's artillery regiment in order to wipe out the remaining enemies in the Sihang Warehouse. "

 “Hi!” The lieutenant messenger on the side lowered his head heavily.

Then he looked at Kurokawa Weizou, who had his head lowered all the time. The bloodshot eyes covering his eyes were almost jumping, and his voice was extremely cold: "Kurokawa-kun, the shame your department has suffered must be washed away by you. In the evening, I will I will add another infantry squad to you. You will be the vanguard of the entire army tomorrow. Do you dare to take on this important task? "

"Hi! I will definitely live up to the captain's trust this time." Kurokawa Weizou lowered his head and ordered.

This also used this to cover up the deep bitterness in his eyes. The Japanese lieutenant understood that he could not escape the fate of death after all.

 The so-called striker sounds nice, but in fact it is nothing more than cannon fodder to test the strength and firepower of the Chinese.

If the Chinese really had an infantry regiment as he imagined, the hundreds of soldiers under his command would probably be dead even if they were not even able to enter within a hundred meters of the building.

Hopefully, the **** he just mustered up the courage to brag about doesn't exist.

Otherwise, there wouldn't have been only dozens of Chinese people who ran out of the building to ambush his unlucky infantry squad. The habit of the Chinese with sufficient troops has always been to attack fewer people when there are more people, right?

This is probably the only reason that kept the unlucky Japanese lieutenant from crying at night.

This battle-hardened Japanese lieutenant obviously didn't realize that after these two small-scale encounters at night, his once arrogant pride of the Imperial Japanese Army had been knocked to dust.

 The thought that occupied his mind the most now was actually hoping that his opponent would not have enough troops so that he could continue to live.

This is the truth. All strength in the world comes from whether the fist is hard enough. As long as it is hard enough, no matter how hard the walnut is, you can still break open its hard shell and see the fragile kernel inside.

 The Japanese army is that walnut.

The Japanese lieutenant who has lost his belief in victory is like a small shell on the walnut.

 Now, this shell has been broken.

 (End of this chapter)

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