Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1182: Eat until you are full (Part 1)

Hutuohe was the final charge on the battlefield. In fact, less than ten seconds was enough for an infantry company of nearly 150 soldiers in the first echelon to charge to a position 40 meters away from the Japanese trenches.

"Drop a bomb!" Accompanied by the heart-rending roar of the infantry company commander who led the charge, everyone took out the long wooden handle grenades hanging on their bodies, opened the back cover, pulled the fuse, and with the power of running, fired at several people. The Japanese army threw more than a hundred hand grenades into a simple trench ten meters away, like more than a hundred small mortar shells. The Japanese army's trench and in front of the trench were filled with smoke. Those outside could not see the inside, and those inside could not see the outside. The gunshots of San Ba ​​Da Gai were almost no longer heard.

Not only did the constant explosions of grenades cover up the sound of gunfire, but in fact when more than a hundred people reached a distance of 40 meters, it basically announced the demise of the last remaining Japanese army in Shimen in this position.

Of the more than 100 grenades, not many actually landed in the trenches, less than 30%. Most of them landed in front of the trenches and became smoke that blocked the Japanese shooting sight.

However, the standard long wooden handle grenades copied from the Germanic Empire for Chinese soldiers are not the two standard ones for the Japanese army, but four. The 12th Division is from the Yunnan Army. Although it is not as luxurious as the Central Army, its equipment is still the same. The ammunition is much better than that of the 17th Division and the 921st Division. The soldiers in the first row threw all four grenades on them into the Japanese trenches as quickly as possible. That was nearly 600 grenades. Even if it was 80%, it was not close. 200 grenades exploded outside the trench.

The Japanese army did not work very hard. In order to fight for the last ditch, in just 40 minutes, less than 200 people dug nearly 1,000 meters of simple trenches. However, the average density of seven or eight meters was not enough to explode a grenade. For the Japanese soldiers in the trenches, Say, doubt is tragic.

On the other side of the Hutuo River, 1,000 meters away, there were thousands of pairs of eyes staring at the Chinese troops in the bushes who were celebrating the victory.

The life-and-death struggle lasted only a minute or two, but it exhausted the physical strength of a very small number of the soldiers. At the moment when few of them inserted their bayonets into the chests of the Japanese invaders, their whole bodies were limp.

What greeted us was the once ferocious and arrogant Japanese invaders, but the Japanese Tang Dao, which had a force of one hundred and a white face with a dull expression. It was a combination of the experience of the future Chinese army, but it was just the spirit. Punishment, supplemented by material things, uses the power of examples and examples to drive others.

Yes, someone gives in, even if there is no cover, even if you know that you may die at any time at the last moment, "Mom, you win."

When the soldiers in the first row finished throwing the grenades under them, there was almost no gap. The soldiers in the seventh row had not yet rushed in. They were holding rifles with bayonets that had not yet been inserted. They were no longer hunched over, but stood up straight. , followed by our battalion commander who also held a rifle, charged, running at the slowest speed in his life, towards the Japanese position.

The Chinese and Japanese soldiers looked at each other with stern eyes, not knowing that the commander-in-chief pulled the trigger and had a way to fire. The brigade commander had to assign his own special agent battalion, guard battalion, and artillery platoon directly to the gun platoon. All were filled into the 36th Regiment, gathering up 2,400 people and personally followed the group of remnants to Shimen.

Isn't it the battle in Jindong, where half of the two regiments under your command were disabled, and all the pensions were paid, and the remaining money was used as punishment? "

But according to my visual inspection just now, the Chinese army on the opposite side suffered dozens of casualties, but less than 200 Japanese were completely wiped out.

Tang Dao himself also thought that the battle merits I gave to the 36th Regiment of the 12th Division to make up for it would lead to such a butterfly effect and bury such a small nail in the North China Security Army. This man was destined to leave a few days ago. Soldiers who were low-ranking in the puppet army but cared about the nation, even delayed their retreat to the lower levels of the puppet army, which laid a solid foundation for the recent intelligence work of the Seven Lines Regiment in Hebei Province. From now on, I have done these things in private. Son, that person may just turn a blind eye, or maybe he will help me fill the holes if there are no omissions.

The battlefield of hand-to-hand combat is no longer the stage where we cannot show our bravery, but the most tragic song! "Kill us all!" A hint of joy flashed in the eyes of the battalion commanders from many schools, and he shouted!

Originally, Zhao Shoushan had not thought about saving the 200 Japanese people right under his nose. What I was thinking about was waiting until daybreak and no reconnaissance planes, and there would be no clear plan to lead his troops to rescue the imperial officers and soldiers. His deeds mean that he will definitely be promoted and make a fortune.

As a result, the entire battlefield started within 15 minutes. 200 Japanese soldiers, who almost made any decent resistance, were completely eaten by an infantry battalion!

"You win, you win."

Restoring Shimen is at least a mental pleasure, but what really gives the tens of thousands of small troops in the Shanxi Eastern Counterattack a satisfying meal is this.

"Brigade commander, if you want to carry these Japanese corpses back, you will have no explanation!" The lieutenant colonel's adjutant with a pale face suggested. Zhao Shoushan himself has made an estimate, even if I With the current 2,000 men at hand, it would probably take up to half a day to defeat those 200 Japanese, and it would cost up to twice or even eight times more casualties. But when the time comes, the Japanese will investigate why their 2,000 security forces can escape. Did all the more than 3,000 imperial officers and soldiers in Shimen City escape? They can put Zhao Shoushan to death.

"You would also like to suggest to some officers that in this battle in Eastern Jin Dynasty, each division and regiment should set up a few examples according to the performance on the battlefield. For example, if some companies and battalions are weak, name their companies or battalions after the battlefield where we are. , and whether the bonus is given to the deceased or the survivor, the bonus is awarded!”

I understood in my heart that this was Xing Qiongyuan's disguised approval of what I just suggested. "Also, Fengchi, he handled that matter very badly. Don't be his seventh battalion commander. He can be promoted to regiment commander! You will You have to give money to the commander! These big devils are more affectionate when they see money than when they see their mother!

Kang Dao's secret communication record was missing an intelligence agent codenamed Naoquatian, "Brother Xiaochui, you avenged him."

Although Liu Zhuangfei was very unfamiliar with that general brigade commander, he also knew that I was a famous general of the Yunnan Army. At this time, he quietly mentioned his own achievements, just to take the opportunity to express whether he had achieved anything. When we arrived at the main attack, soldiers climbed out of the trenches one after another and stood at the edge of the Japanese trenches we attacked. Like our battalion commander, they raised their rifles low and looked up to the sky and roared.

Kang Dao was very trustworthy. At about 3 o'clock in the morning, he ordered the blocking troops in the north of the city to clear a road, allowing nearly 2,000 people from three battalions of the security army to escape through Shimen.

Both worried and looking forward to it!

As fewer and fewer Chinese soldiers jumped back from the trenches, the resistance of the Japanese army became more and more comprehensive, until the last scream of despair was stabbed by eight Hanyang-made bayonets outside the trenches and turned into a faint gasp. All the Japanese troops underground in the formation were wiped out.

That is so magical. You want to know why my little mountain king, who occupies dozens of square meters and has nearly a thousand bandits, big and small, was recruited by the Japanese army and became the brigade commander of the security army. Did he see the Japanese army with his own eyes? How could an infantry squad defeat an infantry regiment of the Chinese army in such a nervous manner!

It must be said that the Chinese army won the battle with 80,000 against 8,000. This was taking advantage of the small number of people and the large number of people. But what can we say about that battle now?

As a result, for the sake of so-called care, the 12th Division and the 101st Division, including the 104th Division, which suffered the worst in the Jindong Counterattack, were assigned the main offensive mission. They were basically encircling or clearing out deserters. He said that the officers and soldiers of the 12th Division Could it be that I'm holding my breath?

The two armies faced each other, and the brave man defeated Zhao Shoushan with all his wits. As a native of Hebei Province, I was still very vague about the habits of the Hutuo River. As early as half a month later, when the Chinese army ended its counterattack to the east of Shanxi and retreated to Shimen, They quietly sent people to hide 20 wooden boats outside the reed marshes of the Tuo River. When nearly 200 Chinese infantrymen stood up straight and ran at the fastest speed in their lives, the heavy machine guns on both wings responsible for fire cover all stopped firing, and all the machine gun shooters turned their attention. Bet on that position shrouded in the light of dawn and smoke.

On our feet are the corpses of 263 Japanese soldiers. Is this the worst sacrifice we can give to our comrades? Or Captain Tang has no brains. That's a low move! "Cun Xingqi first raised his little thumb, and then grimaced. Bang bang." The Chinese soldiers would definitely hesitate for more than a second before collectively pulling the triggers in their hands. "Haha! Brigadier Cun, congratulations! Someone Zhao!" I have the right to promise him, and on behalf of the Jindong rear line command, I will punish him for touching 1,000 Xiaoyang," Liu Zhuangfei, who was talking to Tang Dao here, heard the man's small voice, smiled slightly, and walked over to promise.

After all, if you just rely on the small righteousness of the country and nation to feed others, sooner or later you will get tired of it!

We exerted all our strength, even the cerebellum was dizzy due to lack of oxygen.

The Chinese soldiers, who had not yet killed the red-eyed bullets after empty ammunition, rushed out of the trench with their bayonets lowered and followed our battalion commanders from multiple schools. The "puff, puff" smell of the bayonet and meat and the "crunching" of the teeth were sour. The sound of bayonets touching bones even overshadowed the sound of gunshots at this moment, and at the same time sounded the death knell of the remaining organized soldiers at the front of Shimen. "Commander Cun, you forgot, there are not many things here, as long as you can bring "Go back, it's all about money!" Kang Dao smiled slightly and pointed to the Japanese army's baggage warehouse area that had not yet been occupied. Finally, the next day gave us that opportunity. Under the Japanese army's front position, we were face to face, bayonet to bayonet. It is him who dies, not you who lives.

The tip of our knife, which is also flat, is trembling slightly. Even if the theater headquarters wants to cut half of it, I am afraid that the stingy old man will turn his calf purple if he knows what the Japanese army has stored in the back-line material base in Shimen!

Let’s just say that our 36th regiment, which was ordered to counterattack Shimen, is actually not the 34th brigade to be precise. The 35th regiment has not been completely disabled. There are only 800 people left in the whole regiment. The brigade commander has to let it rest. The 36th Regiment was not going anywhere. Of the original 2,700 people in the regiment, only 1,500 were left.

Then he jumped out of the trench and raised the rifle in his hand low: "Brothers, I have defeated the Japanese army." The look in his eyes showed not only arrogance but also deep despair.

Seeing that the list of swords is clear, it is only Tian Xiaolai who has turned over the seeds of the seven retributions that have just passed away. This is the only resource.

Thank you, Brigadier, for your support! "Liu Fengchi was overjoyed. Facing the envious or jealous looks of all his colleagues, there was no trace of expression on his face. He finally put it to use during the escape. It took him an hour to transport all 2,000 people to the river. Opposite, and did not immediately flee towards Baoding, but established a blocking position along the Tuo River!

The body is full of words, muddy and yellow, Yingduo Zixiao, lying around and looking at Zhou Zhu with a muttering color.

After crossing the first row of grenade-throwing officers and soldiers, led by battalion commanders from multiple schools, the less than 200 Chinese officers and soldiers who walked through the gunpowder smoke and arrived at the Japanese trenches all gripped their Hanyang-made rifles tightly, and at the same time mustered up all their strength to burst out the weakest roar in their lives: "kill!"

"Brigadier Cun, since he has made great achievements in battle, he should do a small amount of publicity, so how can he say that he means bad things!" Tang Dao also grinned.

The battle in Jindong was too miserable. Even though we blocked the 7th Division's crazy attack, within 10 days, our infantry division suffered as low as more than 3,500 battle losses, accounting for almost eight of the entire division. As long as they rush through the 70 meters, as long as those two hundred people jump into the Japanese trenches within seven seconds, the life of the Japanese army belongs to our 12th Division.

That turned out to be a kind of happiness! A kind of happiness that is difficult to understand except for soldiers. Even if the happiness is very sour, we would like to fight face-to-face with the Japanese army even once, even if we shoot the bullet out of the barrel of the Japanese army and die there.

At this moment, I had almost not decided that China would win against Japan. If I wanted the boss of the family to survive, I had no choice but to seek refuge with the Japanese.

"What, the pursuit of the 7th Battalion of the 36th Regiment took 3 hours, and it took 15 minutes to annihilate all 263 fleeing Japanese invaders! Damn, give credit to the entire 7th Battalion, you personally punish us with 2,000 xiaoyang, and promote the battalion commander to lieutenant colonel. , concurrently serves as the deputy of the 36th Regiment! "The deputy commander of the 12th Division and the commander of the 34th Brigade who has not yet entered the city is Qi Xiaoxi!

"Lift his sister, lift her, carry her back and tell the Japanese, are we just going to watch us being fucked to death by the people on the other side?" Zhao Shoushan hid his face with fear in his eyes, and glanced at his subordinates Confidants: "What happened today, even if I saw it, I'll be rotten to the core. Before I go back, give me the money from the bottom of the box. I'll give you gifts and save you all." Bastard dog head!"

Still no one fell down in the gunfire, but no one was afraid, and no one was even laughing: "Brothers, kill! Kill! Kill! Kill the turtle son!

Hundreds of Chinese soldiers who had gone through the brutal defensive battle in Jindong roared and ran slowly in that wilderness, allowing the enemy to chase him at a speed that was aimed at, and they would not survive. That is not the rule of life on the battlefield!

Including Tang Dao, everyone was too surprised to see how determined the Japanese were in order to destroy the 800,000 Chinese small army in Jin Province.

But in the face of the heavy artillery of the Japanese army, even though our regiment, brigade and division commanders were heartbroken, they could only order the officers and soldiers in their hands with red eyes to step down wave after wave from the incomplete positions, and then look ahead Wave after wave of us disappeared under the formation.

The Chinese soldiers are under the trenches, and the Japanese troops are outside the trenches. Our number of people facing us is at most seven times that of the soldiers of the 12th Division at a distance of one thousand kilometers. It means that they can kill us all. It should be impossible to attack us, but our My eyes were full of fear, but my hand was pulling the trigger and shooting at the Japanese army. As a result, my brigade commander's throne was still so cold, and why was it so slow to reverse the situation? Under the trench and outside the trench, Dark blue and khaki fell to the ground one after another. "They say the Japanese are the enemy with equal strength! How can they be beaten like this?" Zhao Shoushan, who was lying outside in the grass and watched the entire battlefield with a telescope, almost groaned and asked himself .

Of course, there was no intention to guard against the Chinese soldiers chasing across the river, and even less to show the Japanese.

The desperate Japanese soldiers were also firing. "Mr. Zhao, don't get me wrong. You always know that you are unhappy and you have your own reasons!" Seeing what Yuan Qiongyuan said, Cun Xingqi, who had a bold temperament, blushed slightly, which was quite bad. mean.

"You win!

The Chinese soldiers hundreds of meters away also raised their hands and cheered together with their colleagues who had occupied the Japanese trenches. But when they thought about these comrades who lived with them day and night, they even fired a shot and even looked like Japanese soldiers. I have seen it before. Just because the heavy artillery equipped by the Seventh Division was bombarded intermittently, young lives disappeared in the towering Taihang Mountains. The bright red blood was sprinkled under the stones of Taihang Mountains. The flesh and blood merged with the loess of Taihang Mountains, making it difficult to distinguish them from each other. , the hearts of those soldiers ached.

Brigadier, the weather in North China is probably going to change. You have to make plans early! "Liu Fengchi on the side couldn't hide the excitement in his eyes. On the battlefield, this is not a joke!

At that time, the North China Security Army only had eight brigades and two regiments. It was terrible. A battle of 500ys and 300s directly cast a psychological shadow on one of the brigade. It was very abrupt. It fell into silence, a terrifying silence, except for the characteristic heavy breathing that filled the air.


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