Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1142 Battle of Qingshiyan (5)

How crazy is this army lieutenant who fought with Tang Dao all the way from Sihang Warehouse?

With the number of 1,200 people, it was completely possible to reorganize 4 companies, 3 infantry companies and an artillery company according to the organization of the four-row regiment infantry battalion. The arsenal security platoon and disabled veterans were selected as company, platoon and squad leaders. The combat effectiveness may be 4 The camp is still far away, but because the weapons and equipment are relatively sophisticated, if it is used as a defense, it can still fight the Japanese army.

In fact, these 1,200 people do not need any organization and can be used as reserve soldiers. Shangguan Yun will personally command them and add them to those platoons and squads that have been disabled.

But according to Chu Shaoyun, it was just drinking poison to quench thirst. Just these student soldiers, workers and militiamen could only hold out for three or four days. The main force who was still fighting the Japanese army in eastern Shanxi could not return. , it’s still a dead end in the end.

Since it's already a dead end, why not go all out and give it a try?

1,200 men, divided into 4 companies, a battle defense artillery company, an infantry artillery company, a machine gun company, and a rifle grenade company.

Combat defense artillery battery: Mainly composed of technicians and workers, it has 4 platoons, each with 4 squads, three artillery squads with 2 combat defense guns each, and an ammunition squad with 24 combat defense guns. , each gun is issued with 50 rounds of explosive ammunition.

Infantry artillery company: It is composed of technicians, workers, and militiamen. It has three platoons. The platoon-level organization is the same as that of the combat defense artillery company. There are 18 infantry guns, and each gun is issued 50 rounds of artillery shells.

Machine gun company: It is composed of veterans and militiamen. It has 5 platoons. Each platoon has 4 squads. Each squad has 15 people. Each squad is equipped with 5 light machine guns. Each light machine gun is equipped with 20 30-round magazines. , 10 20-round magazines.

Rifle grenade company: composed of veterans, militiamen, and regular security platoon troops. It has 4 platoons. Each platoon has 5 squads. Each squad has 18 people. Each squad is equipped with 6 Browning grenade launchers. Each grenade launcher The weapon is equipped with 50 rounds of ammunition.

Chu Shaoyun naturally put a lot of thought into the personnel allocation of these four companies. Compared with the militia and even the regular army, the technicians and workers of the arsenal are considered skilled at these 37mm combat anti-cannons and 70mm infantry cannons.

Because the arsenal has the task of designing weapons and supplying arms, whether it is artillery, machine guns, mines, or grenades, technicians and workers must go to the weapons testing ground for testing.

For these two kinds of artillery, almost all technicians have conducted live-fire drills in the past six months. Although they may not be accurate, they can still guarantee the same position and area.

That's enough. According to Chu Shaoyun's words, if we can't hit it accurately, then we have to rely on enough cannons. If one cannon is not enough, then we can use 20 or so together. Thousands of cannon shells can cover the enemy even if the error is one mile. Crying for father and mother.

The rifle grenade is actually a bit like the Japanese grenade, but the Japanese grenade hits in a parabola, while the American-made rifle grenade follows a straight path, and its range is similar to that of the grenade.

This kind of weapon Tang Dao is actually not very attractive, so the four main infantry battalions are not equipped with much equipment. The firepower output to defeat the Japanese army's heavy firepower points has to rely on the infantry platoon's three 60-meter mortars.

But during training, the regular army of the Fourth Army also requires everyone to be able to use this kind of weapon carrier, and the officers and soldiers of the arsenal security platoon can also use it. It doesn't matter if the militiamen don't know how to use it. Before setting off for a live-fire training, as long as they can successfully use it The grenade will pass if it doesn't land under your feet.

As the old saying goes, if one grenade can't kill someone, get a hundred of them, and one of them will be close to you!

However, this means that with the addition of a reinforced infantry platoon of 80 people, the nearly 1,300 people deployed at the Fourth Line Regiment Station need to combine 24 combat anti-artillery and 18 infantry artillery pieces as well as 100 light machine guns and 120 rifle grenades, including the required Ammunition is brought to the battlefield.

This kind of organization is more like a transport team than a combat team, because apart from the scary number of weapons and equipment, it doesn't seem to be systematic. Most people even left their rifles at the base in order to carry ammunition. .

Once encountering a close combat, 3 of these 4 companies can only become lambs to be slaughtered!

To put it bluntly, this is a team battle in which you give everything you have. If you win, you won’t be able to push the crystal, but if you lose, you will lose your pants.

Not for anything else, just to deliver a wave of ruthlessness!

This is almost no longer a gamble as Chu Shaoyun said, but a firework that burns all the fireworks. The materials are the lives of these 1,300 people and the final inventory of the Fourth Line Regiment Ordnance Warehouse.

As for how heavy a blow it could inflict on the Japanese army, Chu Shaoyun didn't know, Lao Tantai didn't know, and Teacher Xiao He didn't know either.

The last three officers of the Si Xing Tuan base will lead the 1,300 Chinese who made brave choices to fight a battle that was destined to lead to no return.

In the future, the highest military academies of China and Japan will select this battle example into their teaching materials. However, the Japanese side mostly adopts a critical perspective and believes that making such a choice and establishing such a reckless organization is a kind of stupidity in itself.

This will destroy all the scientific research and military production capabilities of the Si Xing Regiment in one fell swoop! If not for this, the Four Elements Group would never have had the chance to grow into a thorn in the side of the entire empire. It can only be said that luck was on the side of the Four Elements Group at that time.

However, China believes that this kind of behavior was inappropriate at the time and even in the future, as it was a waste of potential and an impossible chance of victory.

But don’t forget that the form of China’s entire Patriotic War is similar to this. China, which was still in a semi-feudal and semi-colonial state, had weak productivity and was no match for Japan at that time. But didn’t most Chinese people also fight the war resolutely like ants trying to shake a tree?

Although many people attributed the victory of these temporary armies composed of students, workers, and peasants to luck, luck has always been given to those who have enough courage, not to cowards!

Otherwise, how could Xin Youan, who was both a poet and a swordsman, lead 500 elite cavalrymen to kill tens of thousands of Jin troops and capture traitors?

Sometimes luck is needed to win a battlefield, but its core foundation is to have enough courage to not fear sacrifice!

The criticism of the Japanese military academy is not only the embodiment of egoists, but also a naked jealousy! The comments of the professors of the Chinese military academy have always been sharp and to the point.

Since everyone says that this is the luck of the Chinese, then the unlucky ones are naturally the Japanese.

For example, all were lightly equipped, and the most powerful heavy weapons were grenade launchers and light machine guns. More than 1,500 Japanese soldiers were exhausted from crossing mountains and ridges.

At nightfall on September 11, more than a thousand Chinese soldiers marched in the mountains with torches like a long dragon, winding through the mountains.

More than ten kilometers away from them, there was also a team of Japanese soldiers holding flashlights, with sweat on their faces and their uniforms all hanging in tatters, looking for passages between cliffs and moving forward.

The natural dangers of Taihang Mountain, when the plank road is built for tourism, will make tourists marvel at the wonders of nature, but when you lose all this, I am afraid you will only curse, "God, how the hell do I walk? Why don't you give me wings?"

And what about the Japanese? Naturally, they can only shout "Baga! Baga!" non-stop.

Really, this vocabulary is too poor.

One side was struggling forward, approaching its front-line position, while the other side was circling around, trying to outflank Qingshiyan from the rear.

Do you think they will meet?

It was almost a fateful duel!

The difference in the number of troops on both sides was not too big, and the Japanese army had an overall advantage in the quality of troops, but in terms of equipment, the Japanese could only kneel down and call their father!

For this wave of group battle, the Chinese side stacked armor and increased attack, and also added two layers of 'courage' and 'sacrifice' BUFFs, just ask if the other side is panicking!

Of course, there are even more unlucky than this wave of lightly equipped Japanese troops...





"Commander, this is the telegram sent by Director Tan Tai Yunshu and Director He to the regiment before departure, and then they silenced the radio." Ye Chenghuan handed the telegram to Tang Dao who hurried back with an ugly face.

After receiving this telegram, Ye Chenghuan immediately called back and ordered to stop the implementation of the tactical plan named "Moth" by Old Tan Tai himself.

What is a moth? Of course, they are moths that fly into the flame!

But that is the essence of the arsenal that the Four Lines Group has worked hard to manage for more than half a year. If the equipment is gone, it can be bought again, but if the people are gone, it will take at least a year or two to recover.

Especially Lao Tantai and Xiao He, one is the future father-in-law of Tang Tuanzuo, and the other is a female scientist praised by Tang Dao as the most likely to become a scientific master in China in the future. The loss of any one of them will become a permanent sorrow for the Four Lines Group!

But the telegram he sent back eventually fell into the sea, and the field radio on the opposite side should be turned off.

Tang Dao held the telegram, was silent for a long time, and finally spoke: "Since they have made such a determination, let them accomplish what they want!

Reply, agree to all the decisions of the temporary command headquarters of the garrison, and in the name of all officers and soldiers on the front line of Jindong, pay tribute to their bravery!

The blasting plan of all equipment, materials, and factory buildings in the garrison will begin when the position of the 4th Battalion of Qingshiyan is broken!

Also, starting tonight, all military families and civilians in Dakouzidong Town must start a full evacuation. Each person can carry 10 days of rations and wait patiently in the mountains for the return of the main force of our regiment!"

"Okay then!" Ye Chenghuan could only nod helplessly, and hesitant eyes finally showed: "What about Captain Tan Tai? If I don't tell her in advance and let her and Director Tan Tai send the last telegram, even if she doesn't blame us, we brothers will feel guilty for the rest of our lives."

"As for Tan Tai..." Tang Dao hesitated for a moment. "Let me go and tell him! This is the choice made by Dad. As his children, we can only support him as he supports us!"

"What about the 4th Battalion? Can we just watch them being wiped out? Do you want me to send another telegram to the 921st Division, hoping that they will ask the 80th Army Headquarters to send us some reinforcements at the Qingshiyan front, even if it is a militia!" Ye Chenghuan's eyes showed pain.

"I have already telegraphed to the commander of the 921st Division Liu in the morning, but you also know the situation at the 80th Army Headquarters. The Japanese 109th Division and part of the 108th Division have a total of more than 30,000 people attacking them. Most of the 511th Division is fighting the Japanese invaders in northwest Shanxi. The more than 20,000 regular troops and more than 20,000 militia troops responsible for staying in the base area are also struggling to fight against them!

The people in the 80th Army base area are as high as hundreds of thousands. Once the defense line is broken, the consequences will be even more disastrous!" Tang Dao's eyes were full of helplessness.

This should be the most difficult situation he has encountered since he came to this era. The main force was fighting with nearly 20,000 Japanese troops, while the garrison was attacked by nearly 10,000 Japanese invaders. It was unprecedentedly difficult to resist 30,000 Japanese troops with the strength of just a regiment.

The two commanders of the Four-Line Regiment looked at each other in silence. They knew in their hearts that even if Jindong won the battle, if the 4th Battalion and Teacher Xiao He were injured, the Four-Line Regiment would also lose. It was not a complete loss, but it would lose most of its property.

"Commander, Director Ye, we can send reinforcements to Qingshiyan." Gu Xishui, who had been following Tang Dao, suddenly suggested.

"Reinforcements? The 21st Division is attacking like crazy. The regiment has even released half of its reserve troops. Who will be the reinforcements? Moreover, it is 180 kilometers from here to Qingshiyan. I am afraid that the reinforcements will not be able to make it in time even if they rush there without sleep." Ye Chenghuan sighed.

"Two commanders, have you forgotten the Yeyue Village that cooperated with Shen Laoliu in the battle?" Gu Xishui said.

"Hey! Xishui's statement is feasible!" Tang Dao's eyes suddenly lit up.

Just yesterday, the beautiful female leader of Yeyue Village personally led people to escort Shen Laoliu, who was finally stable, to Niangzi Pass.

To express his gratitude for the contribution made by Yeyue Village in this war, Tang Dao, who was very busy, personally met with the female leader and, in the name of the county magistrate of Licheng County, granted them a piece of mountainous land with a certain area of ​​10 kilometers, which might not be much better than the geographical environment of Yeyue Village, but it could support the lives of two to three thousand people.

And he also promised that if the young and strong men of Yeyue Village joined the army in the Four Lines Group, they would be paid the same salary as the Han nationality. The annual salary of more than 100 yuan made the beautiful female leader feel excited.

However, this was a big deal, and she could not make a decision alone. She had to go back and discuss it with the tribesmen, but according to Tang Dao's experience, this possibility was as high as 90%.

After all, this time, the residents of the main village of Yeyue Village and the villages affiliated with it reached more than 3,000 people. In order to avoid the retaliation of the Japanese army after the war, they must all evacuate. They could only take away the necessary living supplies and needed funds very much.

The 10,000 ocean funds promised by Tang Dao are just a drop in the bucket for such a large tribe. As long as 300 people join the army, it will bring tens of thousands of oceans of military pay to the tribe, which can allow thousands of people to survive in the mountains. This temptation is not small.

Through the battle report of the Sun Moon Valley, Tang Dao has a completely new look at the mountain people of Jiuli.

They may not be very strong in hot weapon output, because most of them are bird guns, but when it comes to cold weapons, they are really talented players.

In that battle alone, the villagers who fought hand-to-hand with the Japanese army with Jiuli's unique long swords more than one meter long in both hands killed nearly a hundred Japanese pirates, which was not inferior to the combat power of veterans who had experienced hundreds of battles on the battlefield.

Combined with their unique walking and lurking characteristics formed over the years of hunting and working in the mountains, they can become a typical mountain infantry company with a little training.

"Equip them with enough submachine guns and machine guns, and then my reconnaissance company will send 20 people to serve as their company, platoon and squad leaders. As long as they obey orders, they can become a powerful light infantry company. Without mortars and heavy machine guns, we will use the special forces model to harass and destroy the Japanese logistics and artillery in platoons and squads to reduce the pressure on the front line." Gu Xishui took a deep breath and continued.

"No one is more familiar with the terrain there than the brothers in my reconnaissance company." Gu Xishui's eyes showed confidence.

"Good! If this battle is successful, you, Gu Xishui, will be the first to make a contribution!" Tang Dao smiled.

"Who can your reconnaissance company send?" Ye Chenghuan asked.

"Niu Er just returned from the front line, let him lead Heizi, Lu Zhongda, Mingxin and others to go." Gu Xishui thought for a while.

"Good guy, you are taking good care of the old company commander! You said you will transfer 20 people, but you are going to send the best of the reconnaissance company!" Ye Chenghuan was stunned.

The people Gu Xishui named were either platoon leaders or squad leaders in the reconnaissance company, and they were definitely the backbone of the reconnaissance company.

"Okay, except for Mingxin, the rest will do as you say. Now go and notify Niu Er and the others, and let Niu Er serve as the temporary company commander of this mountain infantry company. Tonight, he will leave for Yeyue Village with Long Yingtou, and rush to Qingshiyan tomorrow morning. Tell him that 180 kilometers will only give him three days and nights at most. If they can make it, they will be reinforcements. If they can't make it, they will be the corpse collection team. Let them do whatever they want!" Tang Dao glanced at Gu Xishui calmly and gave the order.

As an old comrade, how could Tang Dao not understand Gu Xishui's little thoughts? Shangguan Yun was his only old superior on the Qingshiyan battlefield? He was an old comrade with 270 people.

If he didn't save them, he would have the same regret and self-blame as Xiao Mei'er.

As the chief of a regiment, Tang Dao had to consider the overall situation and make choices, but he was also a human being. Shangguan Yun, the old comrades from the Sihang Warehouse, Tan Tai Yunshu and Teacher Xiao He were all pains that he could not bear. Fortunately, Gu Xishui's appropriate suggestions helped him.

300 people may not be enough to dominate the entire battlefield, but they can definitely reduce the pressure on the front battlefield and buy more time for the more than 2,000 people in Qingshiyan.

Just like a critically ill patient, as long as he doesn't die, there is still a chance, maybe wait for a famous doctor or a new drug that has just come out.

If he dies, there will be no chance.

As for whether Long Ying will agree to give it to someone, Tang Dao believes that she can't refuse the conditions he gave.

Long Ying, who was still taking care of Shen Laoliu in the field hospital and had not left yet, opened her mouth in disbelief when she heard the conditions listed by Tang Tuanzuo who came here in person!

After taking a deep look at Shen Laoliu, he left two girls in the village to take care of him, and then took Niu Er, who had been prepared, and a baggage platoon loaded with guns and ammunition to Yeyue Village, which was more than ten kilometers away!

That was really a condition that no one could refuse.

First, Yeyue Village did not have to pay any taxes in the jurisdiction of Licheng County; second, the Four-Line Group would subsidize its 50,000 yuan relocation compensation for this relocation; third, all the villagers who participated in this battle would be awarded the official rank of second-class soldiers, and three months of military pay would be issued as a war allowance.

If the villagers served as deputy squad leaders, deputy platoon leaders and other positions to assist in management, they could be awarded the rank of senior soldiers!

Because Long Ying had military exploits and the rank of sergeant, the exploits of this battle in Sun Moon Valley were enough to make him promoted to second lieutenant in the army!

The survival of the tribe and their status in the army were all guaranteed!

300 lives, so what if they were sold to the Four-Line Group?

What's more, this is killing the devils, the common enemy of the entire Chinese land!

Great enemy, deadly enemy!

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