Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1132 Artillery Showdown!

"Send a message to Pang Dahai of the artillery battalion, find out the artillery position that the Japanese army dared to move forward, and kill him!" Tang Dao received a telegram from Leng Feng, the third battalion commander of the flank highland, with a cold look on his face.

There are only a few reconnaissance teams sent by the reconnaissance company that can carry field radios, and most of them are in the directions of Jingxing, HD, Yangquan, etc.

That is to avoid problems on one side of the triangle defense line, and the Four-Line Regiment must make new strategic adjustments.

Although Tang Dao fully trusts several friendly troops, Tang Dao is currently the commander of thousands of troops. He must not just start from personal feelings. Make full preparations to give yourself time to respond in advance. I don't know how many casualties can be reduced.

Therefore, among the several groups of reconnaissance soldiers on the front line of Niangzi Pass, only one group has a field radio. I don't know whether it is for lurking or the signal is interrupted. The reconnaissance team has no movement since sending a message yesterday afternoon.

The Japanese artillery positions have definitely moved forward, but to which specific area, the artillery observers in front can only calculate the approximate position through the trajectory of the shells.

"Don't tell me such unclear words as "probably", I want to know the probability!" Pang Dahai angrily threw the phone.

If he didn't have to personally command the mountain artillery company, he, the current highest commander of the artillery battalion, would have wanted to personally observe the trajectory of the Japanese artillery fire.

The Japanese artillery has been focusing fire on the flank heights for more than 20 minutes, but the calculation areas reported back by the artillery observers at several points are not exactly the same. How can Pang Dahai not be angry?

In fact, this really can't be blamed on the observers sent by the artillery battalion, but the Japanese artillery who already knew that the Four-Line Regiment had mountain artillery made sufficient preparations to prevent retaliation by artillery fire. They formed a group of two guns and quickly moved after firing a base number, so that the artillery fire could continue, but the positions were frequently changed, so the observers of the Four-Line Regiment Artillery Battalion could not come to a consistent answer.

Of course, in addition to being unable to lock the position of the Japanese artillery positions, Pang Dahai also had to guard against sneak attacks by the Japanese.

This extremely experienced artillery commander knew very well that the Japanese front-line artillery observers were also staring at his mountain artillery positions.

7,000 meters away from the main defense line, the Japanese artillery group consisting of 4 105 howitzers has been waiting for prey. Once the target is determined, within a minute, tens of thousands of square meters will become a sea of ​​fire.

Although the mountain artillery company retreated 2,000 meters overnight after yesterday's shelling and re-stationed the artillery positions surrounded by mountains, it is still within the range of 10,500 meters of the 105 howitzer.

However, the mountain artillery company also has a trump card that has not been revealed. The Japanese only know that the 4th Regiment has a 75MM caliber mountain artillery, but they don't know what type of artillery it is. If it is regarded as a 41-type or a 41-like type, then the range of more than 6,000 meters of these two types of mountain artillery will make them misjudge!

The maximum range of the Bofors mountain gun is as high as 9,300 meters. Even if the mountain artillery company is now 4,500 meters away from the front line of Niangzi Pass, it still has enough range to strike the Japanese artillery positions forward!

But what if the Japanese 105 howitzers also move forward? Or do they have experts who are proficient in global artillery and have already determined that it is a Bofors mountain gun through the explosion power or fragments of the shells?

Pang Dahai has no way of knowing, but he can only take a gamble!

If he doesn't take the gamble, the mountain artillery company can only watch the brothers on their own high ground fighting the Japanese invaders in the sky of artillery fire!

This move of the Japanese is really vicious, using casualties in exchange for the opponent's casualties, purely competing for manpower consumption!

"Deputy Battalion Commander Pang, lock the Japanese artillery position, the probability is 70%, area 628263, repeat, 628263!" The voice of the artillery observer on the phone came at a rapid speed.

"Okay! If you can succeed, Xiong Aichun, I will give you a second-class merit." Pang Dahai walked out of the temporary shelter and ordered sternly: "Mountain artillery company 1st and 2nd platoons, positions 1 to 8, prepare to fight with me and the Japanese artillery, 3rd platoon, positions 9 to 12, all retreat 1,000 meters!"

"Deputy battalion commander, you take the third platoon away, I will stay here to command." The third platoon leader standing by said hurriedly.

"Your battalion commander, my battalion commander, listen to my orders." Pang Dahai glared, ignored the third platoon leader, picked up the microphone: "Everyone stay in the original position and listen to my orders, 1st to 4th positions, target 628265, rapid fire 20 rounds, 5th to 8th positions, target 628264, rapid fire 20 rounds, after completion, all positions will retreat 1,000 meters according to the previously formulated plan!"

Pang Dahai did not give orders according to the grid area number reported by the artillery observer!

The reason is very simple. Since the Japanese army is constantly changing positions, the two minutes of adjusting the firepower preparation from the entire mountain artillery firing range and firing range are enough for the Japanese artillery to run hundreds of meters.

Although the 21st Division is a Type B division, the information sent by the scouts before shows that its artillery unit has a large number of trucks. Pang Dahai has reason to believe that since the Japanese commander dares to move forward at the risk of being retaliated by the opponent's mountain artillery, he will definitely use trucks to tow the mountain artillery weighing only a few hundred pounds to move.

Pang Dahai's calculation is not wrong at all.

2 minutes later!

"Boom! Boom!" Accompanied by the roar of the Bofors mountain artillery,

the Japanese artillery position was full of shells!

The 8 Bofors mountain artillery fired at full force. In less than 90 seconds, nearly 100 shells were poured on the position of the Japanese artillery battalion that was still pouring fire on the flank high ground.

For a time, smoke billowed from the Japanese artillery position!

However, it is unrealistic to expect that these 160 rounds of artillery shells can defeat the 12 mountain cannons of a Japanese artillery brigade.

The Japanese army is not fools. They have already made sufficient preparations for the possibility of retaliatory artillery bombardment. Not only did they quickly use trucks and packhorses to drag the mountain artillery to their positions, but the entire artillery position was extremely vast, and the distance between each cannon was very large. With a height of 120 meters, even if an artillery shell explodes, other mountain artillery teams will not be implicated.

The 8 Bofors mountain cannons were smashed indiscriminately, but the thunder was loud and the rain was small. The final result was to destroy one mountain cannon, and another mountain cannon because the truck could not be retrieved, so a pack horse was used to transfer it. As a result, one shell was fired at 60 An explosion occurred meters away, and the frightened packhorse ran wildly dragging the mountain cannon. When the artillery lieutenant led by him had no choice but to kill the packhorse with the Southern Type 14 pistol he carried, the tortoise box jammed again... .

Then, I could only watch helplessly as the frightened horse dragged the mountain cannon and fell into the ravine. Not to mention the difficulty in getting rid of these hundreds of kilograms of iron lumps, if it fell into the ravine of more than ten meters, could the cannon still be used?

Pangdahai's mountain artillery company dispatched 8 mountain guns and spent 160 rounds of artillery shells. The results were good, damaging 2 75mm mountain guns. More importantly, it reduced the pressure on the flanking highlands.

Without the falling of artillery shells on the high ground where the sound of killing was loud, the infantrymen of the Four Lines Regiment with strong light firepower could pour bullets towards the Japanese troops down the mountain with all their strength with less scruples!

When Kameichiro Nagano, who was stationed at the headquarters of the 21st Division, heard that the artillerymen of the Fourth Army began to retaliate against the first artillery battalion that he had arranged to move forward, he was not surprised but delighted!

The prey finally appeared.

The bait of the 12 mountain cannons he spread was so sweet that even if the Chinese knew that they might be retaliated against, they had no choice but to swallow it in one bite.

As everyone knows, just last night, the other two artillery brigades also quietly moved forward to the area 3,000 meters from the front line of Niangziguan, and have been quietly standing still, just for the fat prey of the artillery of the Sixings Regiment!

Moreover, the howitzer squadron that had been following the division headquarters was approaching a distance of 6,000 meters!

The 28 artillery pieces have been on standby for a long time, waiting for the artillerymen of the Fourth Line Regiment to appear.

Now, they finally show up!

"Youxi, destroy them!" accompanied by the order of the captain of the Japanese Left Artillery Regiment.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" In the mountains of the Taihang Mountains, blossoming bombs rose.

The Japanese army's counterattack resolutely exceeded everyone's imagination. The concentrated bombardment of 28 artillery pieces lasted for more than 20 minutes. The artillery fire extended from 2000 meters behind the defense line to nearly 1500 meters, and nearly 1300 artillery shells were thrown. The trees on the two hills were destroyed. Completely smashed!

Looking at the thick smoke less than 500 meters away from the headquarters of his artillery battalion, a courageous old artilleryman like Pang Panghai couldn't help but wipe his hands in a cold sweat.

As expected, the Japanese were holding back their efforts to use dirty tricks. The main force of their artillery regiment quietly moved forward, waiting to be swallowed up in one bite.

If the Japanese army didn't know enough about their own artillery models and miscalculated the range, the extended round of artillery fire just now would have enclosed most of their mountain artillery battery.

All we can say is that in addition to strength, luck is also required on the battlefield!

Now it seems that the luck of the Si Xing Regiment is at least better than that of the Japanese army.

The Japanese major general, who lacked sufficient understanding of the heavy firepower of the Four Lines Regiment, had a smile on his face at this time, but he did not know that the more than 1,000 rounds of artillery shells he fired with all his strength only exploded some rocks and flowers in the Taihang Mountains, just a few meters away from the target he really wanted to destroy. 500 meters difference!

The tragedy is that his two artillery brigades, whose positions have been completely exposed and are still fighting happily, are still within the range of the mountain artillery battery.

When a hunter goes all out to hunt, would he still think that his prey would be so ferocious, and that he would be able to come back with a carbine even after being beaten to a pulp?

Therefore, the two artillery brigades were lined up closely, and the distance between each gun was no more than 30 meters, which was even lower than the regulations of the Japanese Army Code of Conduct!

"Damn it, did you feel good about the fight? If you feel good about it, it's my turn to fuck you." Through the reports of the artillery observers, Pang Panghai had already locked the area of ​​the two mountain artillery brigades near the defense line of the Japanese army, but there was no one there. Fire.

He was waiting for the Japanese army to start to relax!

When it was discovered that the last shelling position of the Japanese 105 howitzer was approximately 1,000 meters in front of its own position, Pang Panghai finally determined that it should still stay 6,000 meters away from the defense line, which was their ultimate range. Pang Panghai finally ordered a counterattack.

This time, it was no longer just 8 guns, but the entire mountain artillery battery, 12 guns, concentrated fire together!

Moreover, it is no longer just 20 rounds of rapid fire, but 100 rounds of shells for each gun, all of which are required to be empty.

The so-called coming and not reciprocating is also rude! If you send me more than 1,000 and I don't send you back 1,000, how can you embody the Chinese military saying that "when friends come, they have good wine, but when the jackal comes, he is greeted with shotguns?"

The song "My China" co-written by Tang Tuanzuo and Tantai Mingyue Company Commander has recently become popular throughout Southeast Shanxi!

"A big river has wide waves

The wind blows the fragrance of rice flowers on both sides of the bank

My family lives on the shore

I'm used to hearing the boatman's slogans

I'm used to seeing white sails on boats

This is beautiful China

It's where I grew up

in this vast land

There are beautiful scenery everywhere

The girl is like a flower

What a big heart this guy has

To fight against the invading jackals

Awakened the sleeping mountains

Changed the appearance of the rivers

This is the heroic China


The female nurse from Pingbei City sang the song "My China" with tears in her eyes, and gently wiped the blood stains on her young face with a towel!

"Da Da Da!" The soldiers on the high ground roared "Kill" and fired the angry bullets in the gun barrels at the rushing Japanese army!

"Quick! Quick! Quick! "Teams of baggage soldiers carried shell boxes, even if their shoulders were bleeding and their faces were scratched by branches and thorns, they kept on moving and delivered the shells needed by the artillery company to the positions.

The artillerymen of the Four-line Regiment on the mountain artillery company's position had already taken off their upper body clothes, exposing their chests, sweating profusely, and stuffed heavy shells into the gun barrels!

Sixing Regiment Mountain Artillery Company, for the first time since its establishment, fired at full force!


The entire battlefield was stunned by the artillery battles of both sides.

From the main defense line to the flank heights, the infantrymen who were still fighting fiercely on both sides of China and Japan seemed to have become supporting roles at this moment.

Invisible to the naked eye The trajectory of the shells was not clear, but the sharp whistling of the shells crossed back and forth from the sky, making the infantry completely lose their judgment.

Even the veterans of the Four-Line Regiment who had experienced countless battlefields did not know whether a row of bombs would hit their heads at some point.

Life and death, not even a little bit in your own hands, that feeling is really terrible.

Military orders, bravery, and sacrifices, at this moment when the whistling continued, all seemed irrelevant, especially for the Chinese and Japanese armies on the main defense line.

But no one knew how much their own artillery had lost in the mountains with continuous thunder and lightning, except for those who were in it.

Anyway, I personally led two The commander of the artillery regiment of the 21st Division of the Japanese artillery battalion was stunned at the time!

When the overwhelming shells hit him, he was only 500 meters away from his temporary regiment headquarters, and then his genitals turned red.

It was the continuous fireballs that reflected the red!

Unfortunately, it was the first time he saw such a magnificent scene, and it could not last long!

Soon he was knocked to the ground by several soldiers behind him!

The conscientious guards rushed so resolutely that the honorable Japanese Army Da Zuo had to eat a mouthful of dust!

But this saved his life!

The 12 mountain cannons of the Four-line Regiment, which were firing at full speed, soon began to extend their artillery fire, and the scorching air waves even The unfortunate child lying on the unbelievable Japanese soldier Da Zuo was swept away.

But at least the Japanese army Da Zuo was lucky that he had saved his life.

But his subordinates who had not yet called off the battle were not so lucky.

Because the formation of the two artillery battalions was too concentrated, once a shell hit the area, or even caused the stored shells to explode, it would often sweep in the artillery or artillery dozens of meters away.

And this time, the artillery of the Fourth Regiment, which was completely unloaded, poured more than a thousand shells, even though the four 105 howitzers kept firing back.

"The Chinese 75MM mountain artillery has a range of more than 8,500 meters! That is an excellent artillery from the Western world! "This is the conclusion drawn by the awakened Japanese artillery commander.

The summary is correct, but don't summarize it next time!

Because it's really too late!

The mountain artillery company of the Sihang Regiment opened fire for half an hour, and the two Japanese artillery battalions that regarded themselves as hidden hunters were completely beaten into lambs!

This artillery battle initiated by the Japanese army, in which both sides fought back and forth with all their might, similar to a bayonet-style artillery battle, did not end until about 9 o'clock!

The Japanese statistics were given to Nagano Kameichiro, who had a livid face. He only glanced at it and almost vomited.

That was the result of the Japanese Army Major General's sufficient psychological preparation. Otherwise, in this artillery duel, one more person would be added to the list of Japanese casualties.

The one with internal injuries

24 artillery pieces, 6 destroyed, 7 damaged, 13 transport trucks destroyed, more than 300 pack horses lost, it seems that the loss is only half, but the unprotected artillery loss is huge!

A total of more than 2,000 artillerymen were killed in this bombardment, more than 400 people were killed, 60 were missing, and countless were injured!

The missing ones were naturally blown to pieces by the dense artillery fire. If you want to pick up a piece of bone as a souvenir, no, if it is a memorial, it is probably impossible given the current situation where everyone in the artillery regiment is injured.

Including the poor left-level artillery regiment commander, he also lost a front tooth, and was pressed for a long time, some lack of oxygen, and the blood red on his face gradually faded in the evening.

"Chinese, so cunning! Damn Germans." Nagano Kameichiro, who was about to have internal injuries, slumped in his chair and made such a sad and helpless summary of this battle.

Germans: ? ? ? ?

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