Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1093: Fighting the Rich with Three People!

August 24!

The order to dispatch troops from the Second War Zone has not yet been received, but three people came to visit the Four-Line Regiment!

They are still some old acquaintances, Li, the commander of the 104th Division, Zhao, the commander of the 17th Division, and Cheng, the commander of the 683rd Brigade.

These three are all important generals. If nothing unexpected happens, they will definitely be indispensable for this dispatch. Moreover, their respective garrisons are nearly a hundred miles apart. At this time, they all came to the Four-Line Regiment "unintentionally". Not to mention that Tang Dao knew that they had made an appointment in advance, even "Guaiguai" could smell the "bad intentions" on the faces of these guys.

"Guaiguai", who did not participate in the training today, lay in the shade in front of the gate of the regiment, and a pair of round pig eyes cautiously looked at a certain major general who got off the horse with a smile on his face.

"Hey! It's been a while since I last saw you. You guys in the Four Lines Regiment have started raising pigs! They're free-range. Looking at their size, they'll have grown to 300-500 kilograms by the New Year! Brothers, how about we fight the local tyrant Tang Tuanzuo together?" Brigade Commander Cheng probably didn't see the wild boar face of 'Guaiguai' clearly, but he saw its huge body, and all he could see was a pile of pork.

Tang Dao, who came out of the gate to greet him, didn't have time to explain.

'Guaiguai' got angry!

It felt that the person coming out had bad intentions from a distance. Good guy, it turned out that he was coming for our little cutie. This is really intolerable.

A lazy pig rolled over and stood up, baring his fangs that had grown another centimeter, and roared at Brigade Commander Cheng.

The wild boar is a fierce beast. It bared its teeth and howled fiercely. The three elders who were used to the battlefield with blood and flesh flying all over the place didn't feel anything, but the war horses pulled by the orderly behind them couldn't stand this stimulation.

At that moment, their muscles were tensed, and their eyes were wide open staring at the ferocious giant pig in front of them. The Japanese horse captured from the Japanese army's Da Zuo raised its front hooves high and neighed!

"Hey! This pig wants to bite people!" Brigade Commander Cheng was also slightly surprised.

"Hey, Brigade Commander Cheng, this pig of the Four-Line Regiment not only wants to bite people, but also has military status!" Unlike the two men with glasses, the 104th Division Commander Li on the side had sharp eyes and saw at a glance that the vest worn by "Guaiguai" had the rank of private second class pinned on it.

"No wonder he's so fierce, he's from the Four-Line Regiment!" Brigade Commander Cheng has a very high EQ, and he quickly took out half a steamed bun that he hadn't finished eating in the morning from his pocket and threw it at 'Guaiguai' from a distance.

"I'm sorry, pig brother, I read too much and my eyesight is not good, I apologize to you!"

'Guaiguai' was originally very angry that someone was thinking about his fat body, but when this half steamed bun was thrown over, the fragrant flour aroma stimulated his extremely developed olfactory cells, making it a little difficult to control himself.

The bared fangs were retracted, and the little tail shook involuntarily, and even the pair of round pig eyes still maintained the expression of the previous fierceness.

Obviously, this was a pig who wanted to maintain the prestige of the 'mountain king' in his heart, but his body had already responded very honestly.

"Look at your greedy look. I didn't feed you enough, did I? Take it and get out of here!" Tang Dao waved his hand with a smile and drove away the "Pig-headed Private" who always lacked moral integrity when it came to food.

Fortunately, the "Pig-headed Private" had a strong hatred for the shit-yellow military uniform. Tang Dao specially sent people to do experiments. Whenever someone put on the Japanese military uniform, the pig eyes of the "Pig-headed Private" would immediately turn red.

That is to say, Shen Laoliu, who played the Japanese soldier at the time, climbed the tree quickly, otherwise the "Pig-headed Private" would have to bite his leg with his big mouth. Even so, the "Pig-headed Private" with hatred in his heart also hit the tree as thick as an adult thigh fiercely, shaking it.

In addition, there was a "hammer" to restrain it. It bit the big ear of the crazy "Pig-headed Private", and "Guaiguai" calmed down and let Shen Laoliu, who was sweating wildly.

‘Guaiguai’ has poor control over his emotions and is not really suitable for the reconnaissance company, but his physical strength and sense of smell are far superior to ‘Hammer’, so Tang Dao intends to put him in the medical company.

These two days, Erya is feeding him more to enhance their relationship. During the battle, he will be allowed to wander around the field hospital. With his sensitive sense of smell and intuition of danger, he will definitely be able to detect the enemy first, which is another insurance for Tang Dao to increase the safety alert of the field hospital.

Who knew that Erya, who was busy with training, had not arrived yet, but the three uninvited guests came first, and made him look greedy.

Seeing that ‘Guaiguai’ picked up half a steamed bun happily and hid in the shade to eat it, Tang Tuanzuo felt that the face of the Four-line Regiment was almost lost by this guy.

“Haha! You can’t say that Tang Tuanzuo is a local tyrant! Very good, even a wild boar eats the emperor’s food.” Brigade Commander Cheng laughed and looked back at the other two who were smiling. "You two, am I right? This local tyrant is really real. Should we fight him?"

"It's right to fight local tyrants, but it's not easy to fight this local tyrant, Commander Tang. Even if the three of us join forces, we may not be able to beat him!" Commander Zhao of the 17th Division said with a smile while looking at Tang Dao.

"Okay, I say the three commanders should not use words to squeeze a young man like me. If you have something to say, let's talk inside. The Four-Line Regiment only has this little property. If you are interested, I, Tang Dao, can give it to you. Just ask." Tang Dao spread his hands and replied.

"Haha, I have to say that Brother Tang is still generous. You two, please, let's talk inside!" Commander Li of the 104th Division smiled brightly and took the lead to walk into the small courtyard gate of the Four-Line Regiment headquarters.

In terms of affiliation, the Sihang Regiment is under the jurisdiction of the 47th Army, and has the closest relationship with him. His position is much higher than Tang Dao, so it is not wrong for him to be half the master.

"Tang Dao, the counterattack plan has been issued to each division headquarters, and you should have received it immediately." The four people sat around the small wooden table that had been set up under the big tree in the courtyard. Before Xia Dayu's tea was served, Brigade Commander Cheng said with a serious face.

Obviously, as a higher-level officer, they didn't need to wait for the theater headquarters to issue the combat plan. They had almost inquired about it, and none of the three of them could escape, otherwise they would not have run to the Sihang Regiment to "fight the local tyrants".

"Oh? Come on, let me see what kind of combat plan these officials have come up with." Tang Dao said casually while waving his hand to arrange Xia Dayu to serve tea.

"Hmph! That commander Yan just saw that we fought well in the last battle in southeastern Shanxi and thought that we still have enough value to use. However, it can be said that the emperor does not lack hungry soldiers, otherwise..." Dissatisfaction surged on the face of Li, the commander of the 104th Division.

It turned out that in order to delay the main force of the Japanese Front Army in North China as much as possible and prevent it from sending the main division to reinforce the battlefield of the Jiangxia Battle, a group of elders in the Second War Zone concocted a battle plan to counterattack Eastern Shanxi and destroy the Pinghan Line.

And the closest to Eastern Shanxi is naturally the Chinese army in the Taihang Mountains in southeastern Shanxi. In addition, more than two months ago, everyone worked together to beat the invading Japanese army, and the Japanese Front Army in North China was even quiet for more than two months.

Therefore, this battle plan to counterattack Eastern Shanxi fell on the various units stationed in Taihang Mountains.

The 80th Army, the 17th Division, the 104th Division, and the Four-Line Regiment could not escape.

However, the counterattack in eastern Shanxi was not a small battle. The 20th Division of the Japanese Army was stationed in eastern Shanxi, and the 108th Division was also stationed in Changzhi, Lucheng, Licheng and other places. The strength of these two divisions alone reached 50,000.

If the troops were not strong enough, let alone counterattack, destruction, and containment, it was still unclear whether they could come back intact.

Therefore, the Second War Zone Command spent a lot of money this time, and a total of five infantry divisions and one regiment were dispatched.

The 80th Army dispatched the 921st Division, the 22nd Army dispatched the 104th Division and the Four-Line Regiment, plus the 17th Division.

There were two other infantry divisions. Commander Yan could not mobilize all the Sichuan Army and the 80th Army, even if he was shameless, so he simply spread the rain and dew evenly.

The Central Army dispatched the 12th Division of the 3rd Army, and the Shanxi Suiyuan Army dispatched the 101st Division of the 65th Army. Basically, all the armed forces of the major forces stationed in Shanxi Province dispatched a part.

Moreover, the 12th Division and the 101st Division are both elite troops. If not, the Sichuan Army would probably be the first to express dissatisfaction.

After all, they have sent out a division and a regiment, which is the largest number of troops.

"The commander of the 12th Division is called Tang." Commander Zhao was afraid that Tang Dao didn't know these two infantry divisions well enough, so he prepared to give Tang Dao a detailed introduction.

"It's these two divisions! It seems that Old Yan has some vision. OK, this time, even if we can't achieve the strategic goal of the war zone, we don't have to worry about self-protection." Tang Dao waved his hand and smiled.

In fact, no one in the world knows these two infantry divisions and their respective commanders better than him.

The 3rd Army came from Yunnan Province. Most of the officers in the army came from the Yunnan Military Academy. They made many contributions in the War of Resistance against Japan. The Yunnan people have never lost the prestige of China's border province.

Their Lieutenant General Division Commander Tang Huaiyuan was even more famous. He had been promoted to the commander of the Third Army. He fought bravely in the Battle of Zhongtiao Mountain three years later, but was eventually surrounded by the Japanese invaders and committed suicide.

The brigade commander surnamed Cun under the division was also a loyal and brave man. Hearing that the commander had died, he endured the pain and led his soldiers to charge into the enemy camp until both legs were broken, and then committed suicide with his sword.

His subordinates shed tears, and no one left the dead commander. All died in battle. His 88-year-old father learned of his son's death a few months later and died of hunger. When he died, he opened his eyes in anger, so that his family could not touch his eyes, and he also hoped that his son would return to his hometown!

Although Tang Dao had not seen the combat effectiveness of such an army with his own eyes, with such a commander, how bad could the combat effectiveness be?

The commander surnamed Dong of the 101st Division under the 65th Army of the Shanxi Suiyuan Army was even more amazing.

Just looking at his resume, from the Northern Expedition to the Central Plains War, to the Great Wall War, Suiyuan War, Xingkou Battle, Yuancheng Defense War, and Icefield War, you can know what kind of soldier he is, and his military position has also risen with the war, from the regiment commander during the Great Wall War to the division commander during the Xingkou Battle, and then to the army commander as the Anti-Japanese War deepened, and to the corps commander when participating in the Icefield War!

Even that person praised him as a brave general!

As the saying goes, 'Brothers are united, and their strength can break metal! ', Tang Dao is not afraid of whether the friendly forces are elite or not, he is afraid that someone will not only hinder him but also sell him out.

Fortunately, the stingy old man is not good at other things, but he is really good at judging people. In order to reassure the several garrisons in Taihang Mountains, he directly sent two infantry divisions that will never be sloppy.

The Fifth Division and the First Regiment have more than 70,000 troops, which almost represents the essence of the 300,000 troops under the Second War Zone. This is definitely a huge investment!

Of course, as Li said, "The emperor has no shortage of hungry soldiers." In order to make these troops obey orders and go out, the stingy old man spent a lot of money this time.

Five infantry divisions, each infantry division was allocated 200,000 silver dollars in military pay, 300,000 catties of military rations, 1 million rounds of various machine rifle bullets, and 2,000 rounds of various artillery shells! The smallest regiment-level unit, the Four-Line Regiment, was also allocated 100,000 silver dollars in military pay, 200,000 catties of military rations, 300,000 rounds of various machine rifle bullets, and 1,000 rounds of various artillery shells.

Of course, the stingy old man's "house-raiding" style of distributing supplies to each division was also because the last Southeast Shanxi Campaign gave him, the commander of the theater, enough face in front of the military and civilians across the country. Not only did he have the Blue Sky Medal on his chest, but many media also praised him as a "commander-in-chief", which doubled the confidence of the stingy old man.

For a big man like him, military exploits represent a stable position. As long as this counterattack can achieve some results, even if it does not achieve the expected result of completely delaying the main force of the Japanese North China Front Army, even if the Japanese North China Front Army that goes to the main battlefield of the Jiangxia Battle has only one division instead of several, then his position as the commander will be stable, and even the principal can't touch him at all.

Otherwise, do you think that the stingy old man would be so stingy with supplies at such a cost to "smash" this group of elite troops?

Moreover, although the stingy old man is the commander of the theater, he has also understood a truth through the battlefield situation over the past year. He is good at "farming", but he really lacks talent for marching and fighting.

If you can't do it yourself, then leave it to professionals to do professional things.

Therefore, this time, the general of the 80th Army Group was still the commander-in-chief of the counterattack and raid, the commander of the 921st Division Liu was the commander-in-chief of the front, the deputy chief of staff of the 80th Army Group was the director of the staff department, the commanders of each division were also deputy directors of the staff department, including Tang Dao, who had the lowest military rank, and also held the position of deputy director of the staff department.

Don't underestimate this deputy director, that means Tang Dao can provide strategic and tactical opinions to the staff at any time, and must be recorded in accordance with regulations. Whether it is the director of the staff department, the commander-in-chief of the front or the commander-in-chief of the campaign, his opinions cannot be ignored.

"Tsk tsk, Commander Yan is bleeding a lot this time! Brother Cheng, you are the commander of the main brigade of the 921st Division, 200,000 oceans! This time you should get a lot!" Tang Dao laughed.

"You kid, you don't know the situation of our 80th Army Group. Don't look at 200,000 oceans, there are many mouths waiting to eat!" Brigade Commander Cheng rolled his eyes at Tang Dao and said with a bitter smile on his face. "I want to say that my entire brigade has only been allocated 10,000 yuan and 30,000 kilograms of military rations. Do you believe it?"

"Your army is too..." Li, the commander of the 104th Division, was shocked, and then he thought of some news, but he could not say the rest.

Apologies appeared on his face, and he raised his teacup to greet Brigade Commander Cheng.

Because what Brigade Commander Cheng said may not be false at all. If it were not for the expedition, it is estimated that even half of the 10,000 yuan would not be distributed.

Behind the Sichuan Army stands the entire Sichuan Province, and behind the 80th Army is the barren Loess Plateau!

"Brother Cheng, there is no need to say anything. How about giving half of all the military pay, food, and ammunition supplies distributed to my regiment this time to your 921st Division and half to the two brothers?" Tang Dao waved his hand generously.

"Brother, you are generous. Take this tea as wine. I'll drink it. Brother, you can do whatever you want!" Brigade Commander Cheng drank the tea in the cup in one gulp.

This made Li, the commander of the 104th Division, stunned. It was obviously dry mouth! Old Cheng, you are too shameless to thank me!

"Haha! Then I will accompany Old Zhao. When you set up the wine later, Brother Tang, I will drink three cups in a row!" Division Commander Zhao laughed loudly.

Division Commander Li

It seems that if I don't accompany him to drink a cup of tea, it will be a bit rebellious!

Wait, this is not right! Didn't the three of us come here to ask for money and food? We want something else!

"But brother, you know that the money and food will not reach me even if they go to the division!" Brigade Commander Cheng said to Tang Dao a little "shyly". "Look, equipment can't be eaten, and no one wants it in the rear, but your brother needs it to fight the Japanese!"

"Puff!" Division Commander Li didn't have time to swallow a mouthful of hot tea, and it all came out.

It turns out that he has a small mind!

Especially compared with this brigade commander who is already known as the world's first brigade.

"Haha! You can't use tea instead of wine, you have to drink real wine!" Tang Dao also laughed.

Compared with Comrade Lao Li's evasiveness, he prefers the straightforwardness of this optimistic brother Cheng.

He has already prepared the equipment, but the premise is that the three elders must drink good wine first.

How big is this wine?

The calligraphy of Cheng Da Brigade Commander who was "blackmailed" by Tang after drinking wine is used to describe the joy of this big wine: "There is no wine on the list of gifts given by my brother, but my brother is drunk like a dog!"


Are you polite?

Good boy: Brother, let's go together, this guy is not a good bird, he wants to eat me and scolds you!








ps: Brothers! It's too miserable today. I finally got some sunshine in the afternoon and went to play football to relax my muscles and bones. As a result, my foot was almost broken! I went to the physiotherapy massage parlor and worked there for almost 2 hours, so the update is late, sorry!

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