Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1054 Not a single good bird!


Following Fujiwara Battle's extremely frustrated roar, he retracted his sword and leaped to the side and back with a lifetime of strength on his feet.

He narrowly dodged Tang Dao's thrust, which was as fast as thunder.

It's not that Senio Fujiwara is 'cowarded' again, but it's not the first time Tang Dao has used this move. Four months ago, Tang Dao did almost exactly the same trick and tied it to his forearm. The attached fine steel spur blocked his samurai sword, causing him to lose the opportunity. In the end, he had to abandon his ancestral sword and the Tang Dao to fight in hand-to-hand combat, but was head-butted by the brave Tang Dao and was seriously injured?

The power of Tang Dao's hammer made Fujiwara Senzuo heartbroken, so don't remember it too deeply.

Now, Tang Dao actually used this move again.

Damn it, coming here with empty hands is all a lie. He had clearly seen Tang Dao throw away his gun and two spurs before going up the mountain.

How sinister does this guy have to be that he actually carries three military thorns with him?

It turns out that he still doesn’t understand his old rival thoroughly enough! Or maybe Tang Dao has gone too far on the 'despicable' road. No matter how he chases after Tang Dao, he can only smell farts behind Tang Dao. Fujiwara Senzuo, who is retreating crazily, is so depressed that he almost wants to vomit blood.

It's a pity that he doesn't even have time to vomit blood now.

Forced to lose the opportunity again, he was facing a violent attack from Tang Dao.

See, they say the only lesson people learn from history is that they don’t learn any lessons from history! Fujiwara Senzuo once again proved this truth with his own practice.

Tang Tuanzuo now has thousands of like-minded brothers, as well as flowers and beautiful scrolls, how can he so easily die together with him, a bereaved dog.

But his performance was so realistic that even if Fujiwara Senzuo knew he was fake, he wouldn't believe it.

As the saying goes, every inch is longer and every inch is stronger. A samurai sword with a blade length of 75 centimeters is actually much longer than the 40-centimeter-long spur in Tang Dao's hand. However, every inch is shorter and every inch is dangerous. Tang Dao, who has the upper hand, bullies the opponent. The military spurs stabbed, scratched, and smashed in a flurry of attacks. The gleaming samurai sword in Fujiwara Senio's hand turned out to be a shortcoming.

The Tang Sword attacked wildly. Fujiwara Battler kept retreating, trying to get out of contact with the Tang Sword. He retreated more than ten meters in one breath, until Fujiwara Battle hero's already dirty bare feet suddenly touched a huge boulder and he was unable to retreat. .






Originally, Fujiwara Senzuo's purpose of using his trump card to force Tang Dao to fight alone was actually not that complicated. It was mostly out of helplessness.

The Chinese used their numbers to gradually compress his movement space. Tang Dao followed him with a few elite soldiers and a ferocious dog that could chase him to death. There was no way he could escape. He even suspected that the reason why both sides were still in a chase-and-escape mode during the day was not that Tang Dao couldn't catch up with him, but that it was just draining his energy, like a fish. When he lost all his strength, he would do it again. Capture him.

He only had one chance to survive if he wanted to use the whereabouts of the Chinese soldiers to force Tang Dao to fight him alone. As long as he could defeat Tang Dao and use Tang Dao's life as a threat, he could force the Chinese army to get out of the way.

As for whether Tang Dao, who was seriously injured and survived, would turn into a poisonous snake and bite him at any time, he couldn't care about that much for the time being.

Who would have thought that Tang Dao would be much stronger than the one in Zheng Cheng a few months ago.

Isn’t it said that once a master reaches a certain level, it is extremely difficult to make further progress? Why is Tang Dao making progress while being a commander, no, having a wife?

Why did he encounter a monster like Tang Dao who often subverts common sense? In just ten seconds, Fujiwara Senzuo's body reacted violently to Tang Dao's crazy 'teasing', but in his mind he was thinking about why he was such a wronged person!

Really, this is Japan! The contrast between the body and the brain is like an art film made by Mirai Ao and Shinoda.

Fujiwara Senio didn't know that Tang Dao now had two great martial arts masters, Uncle Han and Ming Xin, by his side. He used the iron and blood in the army to hone himself. Tang Dao was not idle either. Whenever he had nothing to do, he would find two of them. The masters of martial arts competed with each other. Now, based on their skills alone, they are not even as good as the strongest single soldier in the frontier in his previous life.

After being beaten by Tang Dao's wild attack, Fujiwara Senzuo's body and soul finally merged into one body.


With a sharp roar and a fierce look in his eyes, Fujiwara Senzuo dropped his katana brazenly and used his left arm as a shield to suddenly block the Tang sword's stab. He made a fist with his right hand and used his fingers to make a knife. Suddenly Slash Tang Dao's neck.

However, Tang Dao just stabbed him without hesitation. Since Fujiwara Senzuo wanted to die, it would be better to stab one of his arms first.

As for that hand strike, Tang Dao turned his shoulder halfway, trying to block the strike with his strong shoulder muscles, but also wanted to destroy Fujiwara Sentio's arm first.

Fujiwara Senio's eyes were even more cruel, Tang Dao really underestimated himself.

Even though he was using his palm as a knife, he was able to break eighteen pieces of a two-inch-thick wooden board with his palm knife in one breath. Tang Dao wanted to use fat, muscles and even bones to block his sword. The result would be broken muscles and fractures.

There was only a "dang" sound, and the Tang sword's sword touched Fujiwara Senzuo's forearm, which was used as a shield, but there was a loud noise and it could not penetrate.

At the same time, Fujiwara Senzuo's palm sword also hit Tang Dao's thick shoulder, and there was a muffled "Peng" sound, like a hit.

Just by relying on the feeling of "stroking" the opponent's body for many years, both of them knew in their hearts that the opponent was a bastard and had tied something on his body to ambush. This attack did not achieve the expected effect at all.

When Fujiwara Zhanxiong's face changed, Tang Dao's face also changed slightly, but the old fists did not mean that the legs were useless.

In a flash, a crotch kick popped out like a venomous snake and went straight to Fujiwara Zhanxiong's lower body.

This kick would definitely break his balls and break his body. He didn't believe that there were still people who stuffed steel plates in their crotch. Just grinding could grind the thin egg skin off. Anyway, he would not do such a stupid thing.

Then, the two people in the fight thought of the same thing again. Fujiwara Zhanxiong also kicked out a leg, and the target was also Tang Dao's lower abdomen. The two legs with the same target met on the way to kill.

Just like the encounter with the big flood in the novel, the white skirt will eventually meet the white shirt!

Like fate!

"Bang!" A muffled sound, like a wooden door being closed by someone.

The expressions of both men remained unchanged, but judging from the fact that their facial muscles were twitching, it was estimated that both of them were very painful from the hard collision of legs.

With the help of this force, Fujiwara Sen's leap back staggered and left the battle group, but Tang Dao did not continue to approach this time.

His feet kept staggering forward and backward, but he clenched his fist and punched himself on the shoulder with his backhand. A tooth-grinding "crack" sound was heard, which was the sound of bone joints under the action of huge external force.

As Tang Dao slightly moved his arms, Fujiwara Sen's child's hole shrank slightly when he retreated ten meters away. It turned out that he was helping to reset his shoulder joint that had just been dislocated by Fujiwara Sen's knife.

Although he beat Fujiwara Sen's horse in a lightning-fast ten seconds, and even forced to drop the samurai sword in his hand, Tang Dao, who was attacking frantically, was almost exhausted.

The worst thing was that he was hit by Fujiwara Sen's knife, and his shoulder joint was dislocated. In fact, it was just a draw at most.

Fujiwara Sen, he is really a very strong opponent.

Fujiwara Sen did not stand still in the past few months, and he did not give in to the fighting style of both sides. He was more difficult to deal with than the fierce battle in Zhengcheng.

What's more terrible is that I don't know if it was stimulated by me, but this guy is more cunning than before.

It's so good that this guy even tied a fine steel arm guard on his elbow. No wonder he dared to throw away the samurai sword and use his arm as a shield.

Facing Tang Dao's slightly condensed eyes, Fujiwara Sen slowly pulled off the white shirt sleeves on his arms. The tough cloth seemed to have no obstacles under his hooked fingers, revealing the fine steel arm guards on his forearms that flashed with a faint green light.

"Mr. Tang, in order to deal with your bayonet, which is more ferocious than a poisonous snake, I prepared this little thing for you when I returned to Pingbei City. I didn't expect that I was almost pierced by you!" Fujiwara Zhanxiong's finger slid through a small hole on the right arm guard, his face was calm, and no one could see the trace of regret flashing in his eyes.

"In addition, Mr. Tang, your style of tying bayonets all over your body really opened Zhanxiong's eyes! Why? Is this bulletproof, or is it that you lack confidence in your Four Lines Regiment under the pressure of the imperial army?"

Fujiwara Zhanxiong's bad habit of attacking the enemy from a psychological level has almost become his obsession. If he doesn't say a few words, he probably won't feel happy.

Tang Dao's mouth flashed a trace of sarcasm, and he reached out to roll up the sleeve of his left hand. There was nothing there, except for a white and tender arm.

Fujiwara Zhanxiong's eyes were twitching.

Perhaps, he has never regretted it as much as he does now. If he had just chopped down with his sword, the forearm of the terrible opponent who had occupied the shadow of his mind for a long time would have been broken, and his chest and abdomen would have been pierced.

It turned out that Tang Dao really took off the bayonet tied to his arm without any fancy tricks this time, and he didn't lie.

But even so, he was still fooled by Tang Dao's empty city plan, and lost the initiative. He was forced to throw away his samurai sword after a round of fierce attacks by the terrible opponent, and had to expose his last support in advance.

Tang Dao was indeed gambling, and the chips on the gambling table were his own life, but what he was gambling was the shadow of the previous battle in Fujiwara Sen's heart.

From the point of view of not caring about his life, Fujiwara Sen's gap with Tang Dao is incomparable.

"Do you regret it? Regret it so much? Actually, you are wrong. The reason you retreated is not because of the fear of death, but because you are afraid of me, you are afraid that I will play with you. Just like I played with you last time, right?"

Tang Dao's eyes were more sarcastic, and when Fujiwara Zhanxiong's facial muscles kept twitching with anger, he shamelessly added: "Don't worry, no matter how much you have missed me for so long, no matter how much you want me to take the position, I am not interested in men. I will not play with you, I will only beat you, and beat you so hard that your mother can't recognize you."

"Baga! Tang Dao, you deserve to die!" Fujiwara Zhanxiong's face was directly turned into a pig liver face by Tang Dao's words.

His so-called mind skills were directly crushed into slag in front of Tang Tuanzuo's poisonous tongue.

The polite words Tang Jun, which were originally on his lips, also turned back to Tang Dao in seconds. This is because Fujiwara Zhanxiong's vocabulary for scolding people is too poor, otherwise he would have to add "fuck you immortal board" in front of his words.

Of course, it was not only Tang Dao's poisonous tongue that made Fujiwara Sen's anger rise, Tang Dao was poisonous all over.

Just when he was so angry that he wanted to scold Tang Dao, Tang Dao's feet moved slightly, and a fist-sized stone flew towards him.

The force was so strong that it was obvious that not only had it been calculated in advance, but also that after beeping for so long, Tang Dao's strength had recovered a lot.

Damn, I've been fooled again!


This was the thought that rose in Fujiwara Zhanxiong's mind when he stretched out his right arm to block the stone flying towards his face. That heart! It was like a hundred thousand grass mud horses trampling over it. Mud was not enough to describe it, it could only be described as a swamp.

The initiative was gone again.

He could only continue to be beaten passively.

What greeted him was naturally the violent attack of the Tang Dao that had recovered its breath.

The reason why he was willing to beep with you was just to have a good rest so that he could beat you better. In this respect, Tang Tuanzuo was much stronger than Fujiwara Zhanxiong, who liked to beep but always thought he was looking for the opponent's flaws.

Just a few words can make the opponent collapse? What a weak opponent!

Fujiwara Sen's appearance shows that he is a country bumpkin who has not studied psychology systematically. Even so, he is still offering it in front of Tang Danzuo, who has discussed the philosophy of life with a female doctor of psychology. He is too lazy to mention Tang Dao to scare him.

Talking alone is useless. What is a flaw? You will know it only when you fight.

Without the samurai sword, Fujiwara Sen's two fine steel arm guards and Tang Dao launched a life-and-death duel.

Although Fujiwara Sen's samurai sword is gone, the two fine steel arm guards will break bones and tendons, and the arms are much more flexible than the sword in his hand. Fujiwara Sen's crazy attack by Tang Dao also forced him to exert all his potential, and his kung fu that can enter the top ten of Japanese martial arts was fully displayed.

The risks faced by Tang Dao are no less than those faced by Fujiwara Sen's samurai sword.

However, the crazy Tang Dao is more terrifying in Fujiwara Sen's eyes.

The bayonet could not poke the fine steel arm guard, Tang Dao simply threw away the bayonet in his hand, and took a stone slightly larger than a baby's head and smashed it at Fujiwara Sen's fiercely.

Fujiwara Sen's fine steel arm guard, who was desperately resisting, was hit so hard that sparks flew out. The fine steel arm guard, which originally shone with a faint green light, was smashed into pits and pits, as miserable as if it had been trampled by a group of elephants. Fujiwara Sen's hit almost made him doubt his life.

Damn it, there is a reason why I can't beat him with a bayonet, but you can't say that you beat me into this state with a stone!

For two whole minutes, this time, Tang Dao was full of energy and "smashed" Fujiwara Sen's crazy for two whole minutes.

Both sides were sweating profusely as if they were fished out of the water.

One was struggling to beat, and the other was painful to block.

Tang Dao's clothes were torn on his chest, and the two black bruises between his chest and abdomen plus the dark black bruises on his forehead were terrifying to look at, but the price paid by Fujiwara Sen'o was even more tragic.

The originally cruel corners of his mouth were swollen as if he had been stung by a nest of wasps, thanks to Tang Dao's elbow. Behind the swollen lips were three missing big teeth, and he was really beaten to a pulp.

Of course, the most unbearable thing was the huge bump on his forehead, which was not only huge but also red and purple, just like the one that almost didn't become a unicorn a few months ago, and it was painful to look at. In fact, Fujiwara Sen'o was not only hit so hard that his whole head seemed to be buzzing like tens of thousands of bees, but he was almost fainted from the intense pain alone.

That was the result of the two people using their heads as weapons in close combat, refusing to give in to each other, and colliding fiercely.

Fujiwara Sen's head was buzzing. He really didn't understand why Tang Dao liked to fight in such a way that both sides would lose. Didn't he know that the head is the source of human wisdom, and that hitting too much would make him stupid?

Or had he become stupid because of hitting too much? Otherwise, why would he like to hit men with his head?

If he knew that Tang Dao had experienced the most rigorous training in the world in the Chinese People's Army in the past, the Iron Head Kung Fu, and had broken ten red bricks with his head in one breath, he would probably never hit Tang Dao with his head again in this life or the next.

For a special forces soldier, let alone the head, anything can be a weapon as long as it can kill someone.

That is, because of the distance at that time, Tang Dao couldn't bite, otherwise, it would definitely tear off three or two pieces of meat on Fujiwara Sen's face.

As for whether he would become stupid, if a person even lost his life for this reason, who do you think is the smart person?

Just like Fujiwara Sen's current situation, he is almost finished, but he still has a hundred thousand questions like a child.

Just when the two men were almost exhausted and crossed each other, Tang Dao suddenly opened his mouth and bit his shoulder, and then his head swung suddenly.

A flash of bright knife light suddenly appeared!

It stung Fujiwara Sen's eyes.






PS: I would like to recommend Feng Yue's new science fiction book! "I Can Bury Everything" has more than 700,000 words. Feng Yue's book friends are also invited to read this new science fiction book about the world of Shan Hai Jing carefully created by Feng Yue when they are free. Feng Yue has been writing two books with 10,000 words every day for four consecutive months. I feel like vomiting blood. It is really too tiring to open two books at the same time. Feng Yue bows to thank you!

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