Ella, who followed Gray Wind into the basement, saw that the basement, which was originally the same as the utility storage room, had completely changed.

Silver-gray walls and floors with no gaps and no discernible material replaced the original stone building style of the castle cellar.

Under the bright but not dazzling light source, the originally piled debris turned into instruments and equipment.

Some of the equipment was barely recognizable to Ella, but some were completely incomprehensible.

Ella, who was unaware of the situation, felt as if she was in a certain mad scientist's laboratory when she looked at the scene in front of her.

Especially in the corner of the room, there was a small space about ten square meters in size, enclosed by a flickering blue light curtain, which contained the spirit and body of the temple guard.

As if sensing someone entering, the Jedi hero opened his eyes and glanced at the group of people who came in, then closed his eyes and continued to meditate.

I don’t know how it was processed, but it still looks like a sleeping body floating in the center of the small space after such a long time.

Milin clearly said that he should "treat each other with courtesy", could this be regarded as "treating each other with courtesy" in Gray Feng's eyes?

Before Ella could express her doubts, Gray Feng, who was walking at the front, said:

"He was unruly and wanted to explore things he wasn't supposed to know."

"Are you talking about this laboratory?" Ella asked.

"Well, my computing power and maximum mass are limited, so I need some auxiliary equipment."

Gray Wind replied without denying.

"Oh, where did the electricity come from?"

Although Ella knew before that Milin had built several wind turbines on the top of the castle to ensure daily lighting.

But the power of those wind turbines is obviously not suitable for such a laboratory-like place.

"Geotherm" Gray Feng said, stopped and said, "come closer to me"

"?" Although she didn't understand what Gray Feng was going to do, Ella was still very obedient and approached the center of the room where Gray Feng was with Alori.

After the three of them got close enough, a blue light curtain fell down and covered the three of them together, and a circular opening suddenly opened in the floor without any gaps.

Before Ella could scream, the three people surrounded by the blue light curtain suddenly fell down.


Unexpectedly, Ella, who was descending at a high speed, let out a series of screams of unknown meaning, and at the same time hugged Gray Wind beside her out of a sense of self-protection.

Gray Feng lowered his head and glanced at Ella, who was hugging him like an octopus, with the same indifferent expression as before.

Alori, who took a step away as soon as Ella raised her hand, crossed her arms and whistled rhythmically.

After playing the Return of the Dragonborn and then playing the Song of the Dragonborn, the three people who landed at super high speed stopped in a passage.

Although she didn't feel the impact of the super-high-speed landing, Ella still stumbled to the ground after letting go of her hand.

"This...where is this?" Ella said tremblingly, trying hard to stand up straight.

"One hundred thousand meters underground in Iscalon City." Gray Wind said.

"One hundred thousand meters? One hundred kilometers? Are we in the mantle now?" Aila stared at Hui Feng with a dull expression.

"Well, our current location is the surface mantle area of ​​the planet numbered G001."

As Gray Feng spoke, he walked straight into the passage.

"Wait, is this the geothermal energy supply you're talking about?" Ella, who quickly followed, said in surprise.

"Doesn't your world still have this kind of geothermal well technology?" Gray Feng asked strangely.

"...This is definitely not the geothermal well I know..." Ella turned her head and glanced at Alori.

"Watch what I do. I don't have this kind of technology over there. Who knows what I can dig out in Tamriel." Alori said calmly.

"Okay, I'm the one who's embarrassed."

Ella turned her gaze back to Gray Wind, and said as if she had re-recognized this Gray Gu Storm, who called herself the ship's mother:

"When did you start digging?"

"It started after we occupied this area, and it was carried out simultaneously with the construction of the town."

Gray Wind answered as he walked.

"Does the Admiral know?" Ella asked.

"This distance is beyond the control range of the town construction system owned by the commander." Gray Wind's answer simply translated means that Milin doesn't know.

"Um... what are you digging this for? Is it just for generating electricity?" Ella felt that a "geothermal well" of this level should be enough for the daily energy needs of a modern city.

"The commander ordered me to build this city into a production base and a war fortress at the same time. A geothermal well is the basis for achieving this goal." Gray Wind replied.

"...I think the admiral said that the output base and the war fortress should be different from what you think." Aila complained decisively.

"Originally, this plan was supposed to be launched when the population under management reaches one million." After Gray Wind finished speaking, he continued without pause:

“But after coming into contact with the psychic users that the world itself had, I decided to start it early.

"e..." Ella, who could understand what Gray Wind meant, remembered that Milin had said in a joking tone that she looked like a governor.

Is this what Milin meant by the governor's posture?

"In addition, this area is also used to store some tools that are not in use at the moment."

With that said, Gray Wind brought Ella and Alori to a room.

There are also many instruments that are confusing to people, and each instrument has a container of different shapes suspended on it.

"Tools? What are they used for?" Ella asked, looking at these colorful containers and feeling a little bit nervous.

"To destroy the world." This time it was not Gray Feng who answered, but directly reached out to pick up a bottle of Alori from an instrument and played with it like a ball.

"Ah?" Ella didn't understand what Alori meant.

"These are weapons specifically manufactured based on the world's biosphere and species' genetic sequences."

Gray Feng ignored Alori who was playing with the ball, picked up the empty container from the side, and put the Originium powder that had been initially analyzed in his body into it.

"??" Although she could understand what Gray Feng was saying, Ella still felt like she was sleepwalking.

Alori, who was a little dissatisfied with Ella's appearance, threw the container in his hand towards Ella and said, "Take it!"

"Ah!" Ella hurriedly caught the container and carefully held it in her arms. At least Ella could understand that the things in these containers were big killers.

"Haha, if you didn't catch it..." Halfway through, Alori realized that he didn't know what it was, and he glanced at the label on the instrument next to him and continued:

"The insects in this world are finished... Wait, isn't it a good thing that those bugs are finished? Especially flies and mosquitoes."

Gray Feng, who ignored Alori, said to Ella who looked nervous:

"It's not that exaggerated, but because of the uncontrollability of these tools, they are all placed here."

If you can't make a big killer that is controllable for the time being, then make something uncontrollable first.

"You did all this without telling the admiral?" Ella felt that after she left here, she wouldn't be surprised by anything she encountered.

"..." In response to Ella's question, Gray Wind was silent for a while before saying: "These are all just in case of emergencies."

"Does the Admiral really need this?" Ella, who knew that this was a solo operation, said speechlessly.

"How do you know why the boss hasn't thought about this?" Seeing Ella's look, Alori said with a smile.

"Admirals shouldn't think about destroying the world." Ella thought she knew Milin very well, or what these admirals were like except for their LSP attributes and their love of fishing.

After all, few people have the guts to sit on the front line and face the artillery fire in the deep sea.

"So this is what the boss looks like to you. Then Ella, do you know what the boss looks like to us?" Alori said with a smile.

"What does an admiral look like to you?" Ella asked curiously.

"Living high in the sky, walking among all things, doing whatever he wants, doing whatever he wants, doing all good and doing all evil, more like the devil than the devil, more like the Holy Spirit than the Holy Spirit."

Alori praised Milin without any bottom line with words that made Ella's skin crawl.

Gray Feng's answer was much simpler:

"love and peace"


love and peace? Ella glanced at the containers in the room and felt that there was something wrong with herself or the world.

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