When she saw Lapland, who was retrieved by Milin, dressed in a vacuum coat, Ella's expression froze.

There is still a whole night left to dress up like this.

Admiral, have you finished everything that should be done and should not be done?

"Admiral..." After sizing up Lapland, who still looked childish even though his expression was heavy, Ella, whose eyes finally focused on his ears and uncovered tail, took a deep breath and said to Milin:

"One cannot, at least one should not..."

"Don't make trouble. Do I look like that kind of person? Something serious has happened. Bring me a pen and paper." Milin retorted casually and directly pulled Lapland into the carriage.

"That's right..."

Ella wanted to immediately complain that not all LSPs who could become admirals were like this, but after taking a look at Lapland's newly developed figure, she swallowed her words.

Although Milin is like other admirals in terms of lsp, they all can't walk after seeing the ship girl.

But it seems that they haven't really taken action against the destroyer.

Even if you often grab snacks from the destroyers, you are just trying to amuse the children in a different way, and you will use better things to make the destroyers burst into tears afterwards.

He is the kind of normal admiral who is very concerned about whether the military police can have a good rest.

Milin, who got into the car and cleared everything on the small table aside, saw Ella still in a daze and said:

"What are you thinking about?"

"Oh," Aila came back to her senses and quickly dug out a few pieces of papyrus from a pile of debris and spread them in front of Milin.

After getting the paper, Milin didn't wait for Ella to continue to find the pen. He dug out a coloring pencil from his storage space that he usually used for drawing, and started writing on the papyrus.

It was the first time that Ella saw Milin look so serious and asked doubtfully:

"What happened? Admiral."

"Things that may cause the destruction of the world..." Milin continued to write information on the papyrus about source stones, ore disease, the world of Terra, and Arknights without raising his head.

Because he didn't remember clearly, Milin wrote wherever he thought. Anyway, it was written for Gray Feng to read. With Gray Feng's summary ability, there would be no problem in understanding what Milin wrote.

"Something that may cause the destruction of the world?" Ella blinked, and it took a few seconds to realize what Milin was talking about and moved her gaze to Laprad.

Lapland, who was wearing only a coat, shrank obediently into the corner of the car after getting in the car. He was not like the naughty kid he usually is who wants to turn the sky upside down.

Seeing Ella turn her gaze to him, Lapland subconsciously shrank back and raised his head again, looking quite awkward.

Ella noticed Lapland's change, and she also noticed that Milin did not prepare underwear for Lapland.

Ella, who had always regarded Lapland as a child, quickly took out a few pieces of her own clothes from the box containing a change of clothes and wanted to change them into Lapland.

As a result, Ella's action directly caused Lapland to reject:

"Do not come near me."

"??" Ella, who looked puzzled, turned her attention back to Milin, who didn't care about Lapland and was still writing vigorously.

"Admiral, is it related to Lapland?"

"Well, there is something in her body now. If it is not controlled, it will become a source of pollution and spread to other people."

Milin, who simply explained it, did not elaborate on what it was.

"Is it some kind of epidemic?" Ella looked at Lapland, who was thousands of miles away, with a sudden realization, thinking about making some masks.

"It cannot be considered a disease. It is not very contagious when alone on one person..." Milin, who just happened to write about the characteristics of the Origin Stone, stopped writing for a moment, raised his head and glanced at Lapland before continuing:

"At least there is no problem with daily contact. Just be careful not to come into contact with blood."

"Uh, why does it sound so similar to..." Ella thought for a while but did not express her speculation.

"This thing is much scarier than HIV." Milin, who knew what Ella was thinking, said: "HIV can at most destroy a species. If the things in Lapland are not controlled well, the planet will be destroyed."

"Destroy the planet?" Ella didn't understand how an infectious disease could destroy the planet.

"Because this thing will form a crystal called Source Stone in the infected person's body..." Milin said while opening his palms.

Strands of fine crystals seeped out from the texture of the palm, and then these fine crystals, barely visible to the naked eye, gathered into a ball under the influence of the Force.

"As the number of crystals in the body increases, the infected person's body organs will gradually undergo alienation."

Looking at the fragments of Origin Stone floating in the palm of his hand like stars, Milin continued:

"When an infected person dies, the body will crystallize in a very short period of time, forming an extremely powerful source of infection."

"At that time, just a little contact, even just standing next to it and taking a breath, may cause new infections."

"But more than the infection, what's more terrifying about this crystallization is that it will change the composition of the entire planet's atmosphere."

"When the concentration of this crystal reaches a certain level, the entire planet will suffer various forms of natural disasters due to the excessive concentration of crystals."

"The most common one is that the Originium crystals gathered in the stratosphere are smashed down in a celestial way, creating more sources of infection."

After Milin told all the information he knew about the Origin Stone, the car was quiet.

Although Lapland learned something about the Origin Stone from his other self.

But since the other Lapland only knew the madness attribute of killing people, Lapland, who had not yet sorted out a bunch of memories, could not know much.

Fortunately, the information about the Origin Stone has been retrieved from the memory of another self, and this Lapland can already understand what Milin is talking about.

As for Ella, she has a complete reserve of modern knowledge and can easily understand the horror that Milin emphasized.

But compared to the terrifying aspect of the Origin Stone, Aila was more concerned about Milin's behavior of precipitating these Origin Stone powders from his body.

Ella asked Milin in a worried tone:

"Admiral, are you infected too?"

"Well, a little bit..." Milin glanced at Lapland.

Noticing Milin's eyes, Lapland turned his head to avoid Milin's sight.

"But it's not a big problem for me. The nanobots left in my body by Gray Wind have already acquiesced that they are harmless."

Seeing Lapland's actions, Milin smiled and said indifferently.

"Can this be harmless?" Ella, who didn't see any harmlessness in what Milin just explained, asked in surprise.

"After all, when talking about harm, it depends on the consequences. This kind of thing can't have a substantial impact on my body, so of course it's harmless."

Otherwise, Milin would not be able to activate his own power, quickly increase the value of these Origin Stones in his body, and then separate the increased Origin Stones out of his body.

After explaining what he knew about the properties of Originium, Milin took out a small porcelain bottle, put all the Originium crystals that separated from his palm into it, tied the mouth and put it aside, continuing to write:

"And I'm also surprised. In theory, a pure human like me won't get ore disease."

"Haha." Hearing that Milin called himself a human again, the expression on Ella's face immediately became subtle.

"A messenger will be arranged later to deliver this letter to Gray Wind as quickly as possible." Milin, who ignored Aila's attitude, continued.

"Admiral, aren't you going back?" Ella asked worriedly.

"Don't rush, wait until this matter is finished, and I will ask Holo for custody of Lapland later," Milin said.

Hearing that Milin wanted to ask Lord Wolf God for custody of him, Lapland looked like he wanted to say something.

But remembering that he seemed to have no choice, Lapland could only swallow what he wanted to say.

"Then I'll deliver it myself..." Ella said while looking at the small porcelain bottle on the table.

"...Alright." Milin paused for a moment and agreed.

"But before you leave, please change Lapland's clothes."


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