As we all know, it is a common characteristic of naughty children to remember to eat but not to beat.

Likewise, this assessment is applied to many canines.

Lapland, who has the dual attributes of a naughty child and a canine at the same time, has taken this to the extreme.

Even Lapland, who had seen various "wonderful uses" of the Force, was just about to receive a wave of electrotherapy from Milin.

The only polite thing I learned is to replace the word "ye" in self-proclaimed words with "I"

Milin felt extremely tired as he was raising a naughty child and a husky at the same time.

After trying to help Milin lead Lapland for a while, Ella took the initiative and took her armored cavalry to join the caravan's daily patrols.

As the name goes, you can't just take money and not work, it would be too embarrassing.

If you don’t want to raise a naughty child, just say so. You don’t need to be so emotionally intelligent.

I don’t know if it’s because of Holo’s compulsion, or because Mirin is responsible for the daily diet.

Lapland, who was thrown to Milin by Holo, has really stayed with Milin.

Even though the carriage Holo was in was only a few dozen meters away from Mirin, Lapland, who talked about the Wolf God every day, did not go back to look for Holo.

"Sir... I'm almost an adult. I can't trouble Lord Wolf God with anything." Lapland said loudly, lying on the roof of the carriage with a piece of dogtail grass in his mouth.

"The Rubeus tribe reaches adulthood early enough." Milin, who was lying in the same splayed posture as Lapland, but instead of lying on the roof of the car, said with emotion.

In order to reduce the time spent raising the naughty child as much as possible, Milin did not even prepare a bed for Lapland.

As a result, the little female wolf simply used the roof of the car as her bed.

The coolness of using the sky as a quilt also made Milin in the carriage hear the very refreshing sound of grinding his teeth.

So Holo, you just want to leave the job of raising children to others.

"What is the Luper tribe?" Lapland asked Milin, who got off the roof and looked down into the car.

"It's a pronunciation of the wolf clan." Milin replied.

"What about the Ruburt clan? We are the great wolf god clan. We are different from those beasts that can only dig the ground with four claws." Lapland immediately objected.

It seems that this Wolf King candidate also has the attribute of racial mysophobia.

"Anyway, even Texas has come out, so it's definitely right to call you the Lubo tribe." Milin sat up and stretched.

If only the name Lapland had appeared, Milin would not have played this trick.

But even Texas has appeared. If we don't do this, wouldn't we be sorry for the status of the fourth natural disaster?

This name that made Lapland go berserk upon hearing it belonged to another candidate for the Wolf King.

At the same time, Milin also learned from Lapland, who couldn't hide anything, that the Wolf King candidate named Texas was the most qualified to become the next North Wind Wolf King.

Put aside the cognitive bias caused by Lapland's entangled and arrogant look when talking about Texas.

At least Texas in this world is more likely to become the Wolf King than Lapland.

This is why Lapland is taken with Holo.

The fight for the Wolf King is devoid of any human feelings.

The best outcome for a loser is to become a lonely sculpture in the frozen soil.

For most losers, their body parts will become props for the winners to demonstrate their martial arts.

The phrase "I will use your skull as a bowl" originally came from the Nords.

Seeing Milin mention the name "Texas" again, Lapland immediately wanted to pounce on him without a long memory.

But before I could perform "One hundred and eight postures that you humans can do" again?

Lapland, who was hanging upside down, and Milin, who was thinking about what to have for breakfast, paused at the same time.

Lapland, who directly turned over to block the car door, closed his eyes and sniffed the surrounding air repeatedly like a real wolf, and the ears hidden in his hair also turned a few times.

"Something's happening!" Lapland, who seemed to have confirmed something, picked up the ax placed in the carriage and rushed out.

After a while, Ella, who rode quickly to the carriage, said to Milin, who was wearing onion armor:

"There are robbers."

"It's only been a few days..." The caravan encountered bandits before it left Iscalon's territory, which really made Milin a little unhappy.

But there is nothing we can do about it. Except for a few lucky ones, most of the deserters and refugees brought about by the continuous war will become bandits.

Moreover, these bandits will spontaneously or unconsciously be diluted according to their numbers. Places like Milin with good security management will attract these bandits.

After all, good public security management means fewer competitors.

However, when Milin prepared his troops and arrived at the confrontation area, he discovered that they were not ordinary bandits and bandits, but a group of soldiers disguised as bandits.

This is also normal. Generally, bandits with normal brains will not touch large caravans like Porcelain Wolf and Spicy Spice.

Because a large caravan is almost an army.

"It should be a nearby lord, or a passing army going to a certain battlefield." Aila, who followed Milin with an armored cavalry unit, said.

"Huh...what do you think Lawrence is doing?" Milin asked Ella while looking at Lawrence who was negotiating with these soldiers.

"What else can we do? Pay money to buy peace." Ella said not surprised.

After hearing what Ella said, Milin expressionlessly rode towards the Nord mercenary team holding various axes.

Asked Lapland, who was also holding an ax in his hand and staring at the "robbers":

"Didn't you say you wanted to be the Wolf King?"

"?" Hearing the familiar voice, Lapland raised his head and looked at the Onion Knight in front of him. After being stunned for a while, he threw the ax to the ground and hugged his belly and laughed.

"..." Milin, who knew how funny his equipment was, was not angry, at least he didn't show any anger. He just looked at the little female wolf rolling on the ground until she was covered in dust.

Lapland's laughter also eased the tense atmosphere a lot. Lawrence, who had just finished the negotiation and seemed to be preparing to take money to eliminate the disaster, also looked here with a blank look on his face.

He waited until the little she-wolf had laughed enough before Milin said:

"So the future Wolf King will just watch his things being taken away by others without any reaction."

"What can I do? That is the will of the Wolf God." Lapland tilted her head and refused to look directly at Milin. It seemed that she did not like this situation of being blackmailed by others but could only watch.

"As a king, do you need to care about God's will?" Milin smiled and turned around to ride his horse. He drew the long sword from his waist and pointed at the "robbers" who had received the money to get out of the way.

The armored knight who had been following Milin lowered his lance at Milin's action.

Without hesitation, Milin continued to slowly accelerate towards the "robbers" and continued:

"What a true king should do most..."

Milin's voice gradually became louder, and the speed of the pure white horse he was riding became faster and faster.

Finally, when the sound of galloping horse hooves shook the earth, Milin's voice rang directly in Lapland's ears.

"Let your will become God's will."

"He...what are they doing?" Lawrence, who had just returned to the convoy, asked in surprise.

"Training the wolf," Holo said with a Riddler smile.

Before Lawrence could react to what his wife was saying, he heard a "whoop" sound coming from the team of Nord mercenaries.

Amidst this wolf howl, the Nord mercenaries, who can be said to be the best at infantry and pig assault tactics on the entire continent, also shouted similar war roars, and swarmed up with the armored cavalry charging with lances.

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