Escalon, a name that sounded classy, ​​was actually just an ordinary small town in the hinterland of the empire.

There are many small cities like this in the empire where the resident and floating population can reach five figures intermittently.

However, although it is small, as a city whose construction time can be traced back to the period when the empire was still called the Republic, it has everything that an imperial city should have.

The sewer system is perfect but somewhat in disrepair.

An obelisk that records local history and celebrates imperial leaders.

A public bathhouse that is used for more than just bathing.

As well as the Colosseum, which is used to improve fitness on weekdays.

It sounds just like ancient Rome. In fact, this country is called an empire, but basically no one can tell what kind of empire it is. It is indeed the same style as the ancient Roman Empire.

In addition to the more famous mainstream Roman features mentioned above, the city also has less famous non-mainstream Roman features.

For example, Roman-style taverns were popular gathering places for people from all walks of life, from emperors and senators to common people.

Even though it's a tavern, it's not just a place for drinking.

Taverns in ancient Rome were also places that provided dining and even accommodation. In essence, they were not much different from the comprehensive restaurants of later generations.

Pushing open the door of the largest tavern in Escalon City, Milin was slightly startled by the scene in the tavern just a few steps in.

Milin, who is considered a semi-regular customer, saw for the first time that the lobby of the tavern, which usually only filled up at night, was filled to capacity at noon.

Moreover, the people sitting there feasting are mostly big-bodied, round-waisted guys with ferocious faces.

The arrival of Milin also attracted the attention of these guys, but immediately, these guys who barely had "Blade Licking Blood" carved on their foreheads turned their attention to the gray girl who was half a body behind Milin. On the body.

Wearing a military uniform that dates back to more than a thousand years later, coupled with a cold and fair face, the lethality of these medieval roughnecks was off the charts.

It's a pity that no matter how much Priapus tried to seduce these guys, no one did anything except watch.

This does not mean that Escalon is a good place with sound laws, but because these people smell familiar smells in Milin and Gray Wind.

Seeing that his old seat was occupied, Milin, who was too lazy to go upstairs to find a private room, simply took Hui Feng to the bar of the tavern.

Compared with the packed lobby, the bar area is actually quite empty. This at least proves that these guys are still abiding by the rules. This kind of bar area is reserved for locals and real regular customers.

As soon as Milin and Gray Feng sat down, the tavern owner Avigo, who had successfully made his neck disappear by relying on the thickness of his chin, appeared in front of Milin with an agility that was completely inappropriate for his body type.

The way Avigo appeared made Milin subconsciously glance at the kitchen door whose curtain was still shaking.

He mentally calculated how long it would take before Arvigo would have to expand the door again.

"Isn't this the famous collector Milin? How can I use it today... Hey, Milin, are you thinking of something impolite again?"

The welcome speech that sounded like a tenor instantly changed to a bass as Avigo noticed Milin's eyes, and it also came with a subwoofer version.

"I'm thinking about how close your weight loss success rate is to the lowest number." Milin thought about it without avoiding his impolite thoughts.

As he spoke, Milin raised his hand and slapped a row of four silver dinar coins on the stone bar.

Almost at the moment Milin arranged the dinar, a fleshy palm slapped two wine glasses in front of Milin and Gray Feng.

Another fleshy palm passed over the top of the silver coins like magic, turning the four shiny silver dinar coins into four gray and dirty Aspen copper plates.

Milin, who didn't touch the change, picked up the wine glass and took a sip. He felt the wine, which was neither sweet nor sour but very refreshing and thirst-quenching, slide down his throat, igniting his stomach a little and quickly spreading to his limbs. The feeling of being exhausted.

"Sure enough, the best thing is to have a sip of wine when you have nothing to do." Milin, who drank half of the glass in one gulp, said something slightly against his will.

If possible, Milin would still like to drink happy water instead of this classical-flavored wine... This kind of flavored wine is almost equivalent to mixing half a liter of low-quality dry red into three liters of water and adding a little grape skin.

It quenches thirst, but as for the taste... this is already the best wine that Escalon can drink. The price of nearly two dinars per glass is enough to prohibit most people.

"Business has been good recently?" Avigo asked when Milin put down the wine glass in his hand and held another wiped wine glass in his hand, ready to refill Milin at any time.

"Well, I knocked a big one, so I made a little profit." Milin said, looking at the wooden wine glass engraved with the god of wine in his hand.

Drinking from lead cups or sprinkling lead in wine seems to be just a rumor. Of course, it is also possible that the "ancient Rome" in this world did not have large-scale lead mines within its sphere of influence, so that the culture of "living on lead" was not born.

Another possibility is that Milin has not been exposed to the higher-level aristocratic life.

Anyway, in this tavern, most of the commonly used wine glasses Milin saw were wooden wine glasses with slightly decorated metal rings.

But with Gray Wind around, even if Milin sprinkles a handful of lead sugar into a wine glass and feels like a handful of heavy metal poisoning, there won't be any sequelae.

"What does it mean to make a little profit?" Avigo was a little surprised by Milin's terminology.

"If you only count the money, it's a loss." Although Gray Feng was responsible for repairing Alori's suit of walking armor and the Gothic plate armor that she wore to play with matryoshka dolls in the walking armor, the rest of the costs were not cheap. Where to go.

The food and grass consumed, the daily soldiers' wages, plus the extra income were almost nothing because Alori was so "waaaagh", and the 1,167 dinars as employment fees left very little after filling these holes.

In addition, during the few days of return, Attila was prepared to prepare as nutritious and reorganized meals as possible to make up for the body's deficit.

After careful calculation, Milin found that he still lost a little... The biggest problem was the nutritional meal package strictly formulated by Hui Feng.

However, there are some things that cannot just be calculated in terms of monetary profit and loss. There are also other things that are more valuable and cannot be measured in money.

At least Milin felt that he had made a lot of money on this trip, otherwise he would not have gone to Avigo's tavern to have a good drink.

"Things that cannot be measured by money?" Avigo, who didn't quite understand what Milin was talking about, used his imagination and asked:

"Did you discover any noble tombs during this operation, or did you discover the legacy of an emperor who was killed by his men, or did you finally find out that you are the illegitimate son of a great noble or even the emperor himself?"

"What the hell? Why did you suddenly have an illegitimate child?" Milin, who almost spit out half of the remaining wine, complained: "Do I look similar to the unlucky emperor who was killed by his own imperial guards?"

"That's true. After all, you are a Cathay native, and someone who can do your job shouldn't be too unlucky." Avigo expressed his agreement with Milin's words.

Even though he and Milin once claimed to be a native of the empire, their ancestors had also entered the Senate.

It seems that the inheritance law of the Praetorian Guards is not a strange thing no matter which world "Rome" is.

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