Riding and slashing the stars of empire civilization

44 Possibilities that exist in Attila

Even though he had done it many times, Milin was still a little uncomfortable with the experience of wearing Gray Wind that turned into inner armor and not taking it off for many days.

Although nanorobots have no gender, because Milin is a male human, Gray Feng has always shaped his interactive terminal into the image of a human female.

This kind of wearing the other person as clothes gives a feeling of women being like clothes.

In this regard, Gray Feng didn't think there was anything wrong.

According to her words, since she signed a five-thousand-year contract with Milin, ensuring that Milin can live safely for these five thousand years is the top priority.

"Ahem, I mean, it should be fine now, I don't have to wear it anymore."

Milin said helplessly.

Five thousand years is a bit exaggerated for a carbon-based monkey like Milin.

As if to confirm whether there was really no danger around him, after a while, globs of silver-gray liquid flowed out from Milin's cuffs and trouser legs, gathered to the side and gradually formed the appearance of Gray Wind.

Fortunately, Lao Wei was happily loading his carriage, otherwise his heart might not be able to bear it when he saw this scene.

Attila, who was standing next to Milin, didn't react at all. After all, it wasn't the first time he saw him.

Gray Feng, who transformed from the inner armor form back into a human, said again in an old tone:

"If you, Commander, are going to begin your plans for domination now, it would be best to summon a new lieutenant."

The reason for repeating the same old tune is that Milin’s previous reason for shelving this proposal was that it was too expensive.

Summoning it once costs nearly five digits of dinars, which is about two to three million per draw when converted into a krypton gold game.

It's not like Milin has never seen cheating games for money, but this is the first time he's seen such a cheating game.

The makers of these cheats may not be counting the game points used to draw cards in the game with the real currency.

But now, the ransom Milin received from Pahlavi alone has reached five-digit dinars, not to mention other benefits.

Although it’s a scam, Golden Finger is also very user-friendly and “doesn’t just collect money.”

So Hui Feng once again raised the request for additional personnel.

"Is it necessary?" Milin, who did not excuse himself this time by saying that the time had not come yet, asked seriously.

"It's necessary before I can have enough quality." Gray Feng also answered seriously.

Being limited to the maximum mass means that Gray Wind cannot have an almost infinite external incarnation like his complete self.

This also means that when Gray Feng does one thing, it is difficult to take care of other things.

"There were no big problems before, but once you start planning, Commander, you will inevitably have governance problems that you will face after territorial expansion."

Gray Wind stated the reason for the reinforcements.

"It's not difficult to establish a complete administrative system, isn't it?" Milin nodded and asked without denying.

"It is indeed not difficult, but my top priority right now is to protect your personal safety, Commander."

Obviously, even if a complete administrative system is established, Gray Feng still can't trust it... It's normal to not trust it.

"So I need to summon a governor who can govern on your behalf, or a general who can protect me on your behalf?" Milin asked.

"My suggestion is the former."

It seems that Gray Wind also doesn't believe that others can protect Milin better than her.

This is not only because of Alori's negative teaching material, but also because Milin is too good at sneaking out.

As the power grows, the number of enemies will definitely increase.

In the future, Milin's safety will require personal protection.

"But you also know that summoning is random, and I cannot guarantee whether the summoned one will be suitable." Milin spread his hands and said this, then paused and continued:

"I can't even guarantee that the one I summon will recognize me."

It can only be said that Milin, who summoned Gray Feng and Alori for the first time, has reached a certain level of energy.

Gray Wind has been alone for too long after the destruction of the world. When he saw Milin, he signed a five-thousand-year contract to sell himself.

And Alori... Milin still doesn't know why Alori stayed with his brothers.

Is it because they are all dragonborn?

"I can handle it," Gray Wind said.

Although he couldn't hear the change in Gray Feng's tone, Milin could clearly feel that Gray Feng's words contained the meaning of "it's not a loss if you call him".

"Okay, anyway, you have to arrange the money, so just use it." Milin, who heard the implication of Hui Feng's words, decided to try his luck.

"I hope we don't summon any ancient gods or anything like that."

Fortunately, judging from the current situation where Gray Wind and Alori are restricted, even if they summon the ancient gods and other gods, it shouldn't be a big problem.

"Let me recall the instructions for use first."

After making a decision, Milin ordered Attila to get the ransom.

Avigo, who didn't understand what Milin wanted to do with the money in the wilderness, stopped loading the car and looked at Milin with doubts.

When Avigo saw Milin taking the large bag of dinars from Attila, his time stopped.

To be precise, time for everyone, including Attila holding the money bag, and the entire world stopped.

In a world where time stopped and all colors gradually faded away, Milin let go of the money bag in his hand, looked at the money bag frozen in mid-air and said:

"At the beginning of the ancient times, who lit the fire?"

In the gray and silent world, a small flame lit up, and in an instant, the purse filled with dinars was burned cleanly.

Looking at the dinar that was still frozen in the air and kept in the bag, Milin's mouth twitched slightly and continued to read:

"The shape of up and down is determined by me alone."

As soon as he finished speaking, the coins gathered in mid-air scattered to the ground with a "clatter" as if they had found their own time.

Wait until these coins roll down evenly in a circle with Milin as the center.

The fire that had just kindled the purse burned spontaneously on these silver coins without pay.

It was as if a flame with extremely high temperature melted these silver coins into a fluorescent liquid in an instant.

Then, as if someone had deliberately sketched it, the melted liquid drew a circle of large traps and small circles at Milin's feet.

The gradually expanding magic circle soon included Gray Wind and Attila.

Under the influence of this magic circle, Gray Feng turned into a humanoid shape composed of small pieces of silver-gray squares like building blocks.

Attila, who was also included, also underwent tremendous changes.

The barren figure became plump, and the skin gradually turned pale with a hint of dark blue. The starlight gathered in Attila's body, forming a starry sky with the dark blue background.

"Tsk, is this possible?"

Seeing Attila's change, Milin, who didn't care if something unexpected happened to him during the summoning ceremony because he was distracted, sighed.

In other words, it is normal for Attila to have this change.

"What is this?" Hui Feng, whose whole body was mosaic-like, also had a slightly mosaic-like sound.

"Wandering star soldiers, wandering natural disasters, destroyers of civilization, you can describe them any way, they can be said to be the same as us."

After hearing Milin's description, Gray Feng turned his head and seemed to be looking at Attila carefully.

It's a pity that changes are changes, but Attila, who was still in a state where time stopped, did not notice this look.

After just glancing at Attila, he moved his eyes back and Milin continued to read:

"The nine heavens and the universe, the sun, the moon and the stars"

Now is the time for krypton gold summoning. As for why Attila in this world has the possibility of becoming a star soldier, it is a secondary matter.

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