"Isn't this too exaggerated?!"

Alori's exclamations echoed throughout the camp grounds.

In the past few days, words with similar meaning to this sentence have been said many times by Alori.

Sometimes it was in this camp, sometimes in the castle courtyard, sometimes in the tavern of the old Wei family, and sometimes even directly on the streets of Escalon City.

What would surprise Alori so much was Attila's current level of strength.

Compared with being beaten by Alori with one hand when he first joined Milin's command, Attila is now able to fight a comparable battle with Alori in his normal state.

But if it was just a simple improvement in combat power, it wouldn't shock Alori to this extent.

What would surprise Alori was Attila's intuition, which was like cheating.

Having such intuition means that Attila is basically invincible when facing a battle with a small difference in combat effectiveness.

Alori knew very well that Attila's sudden ability was due to Milin's teachings on the school field that day.

"This is how the cultivation of the Force is. If you suddenly realize it, you will become very powerful." Milin said: "Of course you think Attila is stronger now because she was too weak before."

"Why don't you accept me as your disciple?"

Alori, who didn't understand why Milin didn't pass this move on to him, looked at the opponent with extremely resentful eyes.

Milin, who was holding a water glass and using a slender reed stick as a straw to sip the juice in the water glass, noticed Alori's eyes and said without looking back:

"It's not that I haven't thought about it, but it's a pity that you are not suitable for this power."

"Why isn't it suitable?" Alori walked up to Milin in confusion, followed the same example, broke a reed stick and inserted it into the water glass in Milin's hand, stretched out his head and took a sip.

The freshly squeezed juice, which was sweet and sour with a large amount of honey added, made Alori look happy.

Unfortunately, before the happy expression on Alori's face could completely fade away, the reed rod was cut off by Milin.

"It's probably because of the worldview. Besides, the power you have is no worse than the Force, so why bother looking far away from the near."

"Just one bite! Boss, you are so stingy!" Alori, who cared more about honey juice than learning the Force, said with an unhappy expression.

"I've prepared it for you all. Go and drink yourselves." Milin raised his head with a look of disgust and motioned to the table next to Alori and Attila with his chin.

There were exactly three water glasses filled with juice on the small table placed under the sun umbrella. There was also a small jar of honey next to the juice.

"Where did the honey come from?" Alori asked curiously as she quickly picked up one of the cups. Attila who was following her also picked up a cup.

Attila glanced at Alori beside him as soon as he picked up the juice, and then walked behind Milin in a few steps.

In this world where there is no sugar industry, honey is truly a valuable product. Just the small jar on the table requires a large bag of dinars to buy, and you may not be able to buy it.

"Brought back by the reconnaissance cavalry." Milin said habitually biting the reed stick.

"Huh? Those wooden heads would still do such a thing?" Alori drank all the juice in his cup in two gulps.

Just when Alori turned her dangerous eyes to the cup in Attila's hand, she found that Attila had been hiding behind Milin at some point, holding the cup with both hands and sipping the juice.

"Who made a honeycomb fall directly on the head of the scout cavalry?" Milin said in confusion.

"Oh, you're lucky enough... that the reconnaissance soldier came back alive?" Alori didn't know whether to evaluate the reconnaissance soldier as having good luck or bad luck.

"Still alive, otherwise where would we get the honey? It's just red blood, and the available combat troops will be reduced by one."

The lack of a monk's blood recovery meant that he needed to recover naturally, and depending on the speed of the soldiers' natural recovery, this unlucky scout cavalry would definitely not be able to keep up with the rest of the battle.

Because in addition to the honeycomb that happened to hit his head, the scout cavalry responsible for monitoring the assembled troops also brought back a piece of news.

That means those troops are indeed coming towards Milin.

Whether they want to conquer Milin, or just want to take advantage of the change of lords of Escalon City to plunder this territory, in short, these troops have indeed entered the territory that now belongs to Milin.

According to the movement speed of the reconnaissance cavalry, the unit with unknown purpose is only about two or three days away from the nearest village.

Perhaps due to survival instinct in this chaotic world, the residents of that village had disappeared before Milin's reconnaissance team arrived.

I don’t know if he hid in the nearby mountains or somewhere else, but in short, this made Milin feel a little relieved.

It is very difficult for robot-like system soldiers to persuade villagers to leave the place where they live to avoid being robbed.

If there is no one on site to direct, the only thing the system soldiers can do is to drive away the villagers who are unwilling to leave. If the villagers are unwilling to leave, they will take action immediately.

If this happens, it will go against Milin's expectations.

"Are we leaving now?" Alori said excitedly after hearing the news was confirmed. When it comes to fighting, this female lizard is more energetic than anyone else.

Since appearing, I have had the experience of walking alone several times.

"You have other plans." Milin said the words that made Alori's expression stiff.

"Wait! Why do you want me to stay! Am I not your personal guard, boss!" Alori quickly asked after hearing that he was going to be excluded from this battle.

"You have a more important task." Milin said to Alori.

"Master~~" Alori suddenly used an extremely gentle tone, as if he was a different person, shaking Milin's arm and said: "I know it was wrong to act alone last time, but it was just impulsive, so don't do it again. Are you punishing me~"

The very deliberate slurping sound directly made Attila who was standing aside shiver. Attila, who almost lost his grip on the drink in his hand, looked at Aluo who showed such a posture with slightly panicked eyes. inside.

"Stop, stop, stop, you are not suitable for this." Milin quickly surrendered.

"Hey, am I not suitable? But after all, I have been the beauty pageant champion of Tianji Province for several years!" Alori said, shaking his head and shaking his red hair.

It has to be said that Alori does have the capital to say so. Both in terms of appearance and figure, he can be regarded as model-level. The texture of his skin is smooth and delicate, without any of the frost lines that are unique to being born in a bitter cold land.

But the problem was that Alori was holding a flail weighing hundreds of kilograms with one hand, laughing loudly and playing the Blood Feast in a crowd of people, which was forever fixed in Milin's head.

This is one of the reasons why Milin will give Alori a "fully armed" set.

Wait, is there a beauty pageant in Skyrim?

Milin, who temporarily skipped his doubts about this question, said to Alori in a serious tone:

"You have more important tasks to do while you stay here, and as planned, I don't intend to engage in a head-on battle this time, and your abilities won't be fully utilized, so it's enough for Gray Wind and Attila to come with me. .”

"What's a more important task?" Alori asked, seeing Milin's serious attitude and no longer playing tricks.

"It would take a month for the King's City to receive the news from here. The lord next door would definitely not know it so quickly. Do you still remember that I did not restrict the access of the caravan?"

Milin explained briefly.

"Boss, do you suspect that there are conspirators in the city and are planning to lure the snake out of its hole?" Alori asked immediately.

"There is a high possibility that I just can't find a reason to raise funds for territory construction. You are also professional in how to handle it then." Milin said with satisfaction.

"I understand, I promise to complete the task." Alori said with a smile, knowing what he needed to do.

Probably because he liked this kind of mission, Alori no longer struggled with the fact that he couldn't go to the battlefield with Milin to kill people.

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