Although Escalon City and the territory under its jurisdiction are not very large, the backward traffic conditions also mean that if you want to patrol the entire territory, it is definitely not a matter of leaving early and returning home late.

Even just traveling around a few villages took Alori almost a week.

After completing his first patrol mission, Alori rushed back as soon as he gathered the soldiers back to the camp. He saw Milin and Attila playing with sandbags in the courtyard of the former castle, now the center of the town. game.

"Boss, what are you doing?" Alori, who started to take off his armor after entering the courtyard, asked strangely when he saw this scene.

"Playing games." As Milin said this, he took out a sandbag stained with lime from the pile of small sandbags piled around him, and then raised his hand towards Ati, who was standing in the middle of the courtyard with a wooden stick in his hand. La threw it over.

When the sandbag approached, Attila seemed to want to swing the wooden stick in his hand to knock down the sandbag, but he completely misjudged the direction and swung the wooden stick to the other side.

"Pop!" The sandbag coated with a layer of lime left a mark on Attila's body.

Alori, who was about to complain about why Attila was so clumsy, suddenly noticed that Attila's eyes were obscured by a circle of black cloth, and at the same time, the circle of black cloth also covered Attila's ears.

It ensured that Attila was now in a state where he could neither see nor hear anything.

"This is your training method, boss?" Alori, who took off his walking armor and plate armor, leaving only a set of chain armor on his body, approached Attila like he was playing tricks, and stood beside Attila. Less than a meter away, there were various poses that looked like playing tricks, and they were also making various faces at Attila.

Unfortunately, Attila, whose hearing and vision were blocked, did not react to Alori's movements. He still maintained the movement of holding the wooden stick, waiting for the arrival of the next sandbag.

"Well, this is the training method for young Jedi." Milin, who was a little disappointed that Attila didn't hit Alori with a stick, threw a sandbag again, leaving a lime mark on Attila's body.

"Is this effective?" Alori asked curiously as this was the first time he saw this kind of training method.

"Didn't you see it?" Milin asked.

"What did you see?" After hearing what Milin said, Alori looked at Attila carefully, but after watching for a long time, he could not see that Attila had made any progress other than being smashed.

"Look carefully." Milin said as he continued to play the sandbag throwing game.

After watching for a while, Alori noticed something was wrong. Although Milin was throwing sandbags, he was not throwing them one at a time at a uniform speed.

Instead, he lost several quickly at one moment, and then slowed down for a while before losing one.

But no matter whether Milin throws it quickly or slowly, as long as Milin throws the sandbag, Attila will swing the wooden stick in his hand, but he will never hit it accurately.

In other words, Attila, whose vision and hearing were blocked, knew clearly when Milin threw a sandbag at him.

"How did you train this?" Alori was surprised when he discovered this.

"Based on feeling." Milin said and threw another sandbag at Attila.

"Feeling?" Alori was confused.

"Well, pure Force induction, abandoning all substantial perceptions, and training one's own Force power, is a bit similar to telepathy." Milin explained simply.

"Is the Force sensing?" Alori, who didn't understand much, thought it was very magical. He simply made a piece of cloth to cover his eyes and ears, and stood on the other side holding a wooden stick and said:

"I'll try too."

Milin didn't say anything when he saw Alori's look. After all, it was just throwing sandbags. If you throw one, it's still a throw. If you throw two, it's still a throw.

After just throwing it away for a while, Alori could only take out more cloth and wrap himself into a mummy.

Because even without vision and hearing, Alori can detect Milin's sandbag throwing by sensing the changes in the air with his skin, and can even smell the movement of the sandbag by smelling it.

"No, no, I can't play, I can't play." Alori, who had been mummified for a while, found that his perceptual ability was so outstanding that he was completely unable to simply train the so-called telepathic sensing ability.

When Gray Feng walked out of the castle with a few glasses of wine, he first saw Alori, who had tied himself into a mummy, trying very hard to break free from his shackles.

"What's going on during the patrol?" Gray Feng asked Alori after bringing the wine and placing it next to Milin.

"Nothing, it's still the same..." Alori said.

Although the main task of patrolling the territory is to eliminate banditry, it can only be said that after working a little hard to make money in the past few months, there are no decent banditry in the entire Escalon territory.

Even if as time goes by, those robbers and robbers who have little to gain from other areas, or who have been driven away, will definitely come here, but it will definitely not happen in a day or two.

"Oh no, there is still something wrong." After finally getting rid of his mummy state, Alori came to Milin's side and picked up a glass of wine and poured it into his stomach. He suddenly remembered something and said.

"What's going on?" Hui Feng, who is currently in charge of administrative work, asked immediately.

"The situation across the border, the neighboring territories seem to be gathering troops," Alori said.

Alori's report immediately made Milin stop. It seemed that he realized that Milin had no intention of throwing sandbags. Attila, who was covered in gray marks, also took off his blindfold at the same time.

"Is the neighboring territory gathering troops?" Milin asked as he picked up another glass of wine and took a sip.

"Well, at first it was the hunter over there who said it, and then I went to see it myself. If it hadn't been for this, I would have come back the day before yesterday," Alori said.

"Grey Wind, map." Milin didn't hesitate, nor did he complain about why Alori didn't report it as soon as he came back. He turned around and walked into the hall.

Watching Milin walk into the castle, Attila lowered his head and glanced at the clean wooden stick in his hand, and then at the lime marks everywhere on his body... In order to make these lime marks more conspicuous, Attila Wear dark clothes.

Looking at these, Attila sighed softly.

Attila, who was not very satisfied with the progress of his training, closed his eyes again, trying to get back the feeling of tethering.

Alori, who was the last one to enter, saw that Attila was still where he was and immediately said:

"What are you doing standing around? Come in together."

"Ah? Me?" Attila opened his eyes again and asked doubtfully.

"Aren't you who you are? Are you still the resentful souls around you?" Alori said.

"Ah?" Attila quickly glanced at the empty side, seeming to be frightened by Alori.

"Haha, I'm just kidding, come on in, you are the boss's apprentice after all." Alori said.

"Oh, here we come." After hearing Alori's words, Attila immediately put away the stick and walked into the castle while patting the lime marks on his body.

After Attila entered, Alori moved his eyes back to where Attila was originally standing, raised his hand and gestured to cut his throat, and then closed the door with a smile on his face.

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