Riding and slashing the stars of empire civilization

21 This cheat probably didn’t do product research.

Milin and Avigo were chatting happily and hugging each other goodbye at the gate of the castle, which made the citizens watching secretly relax a little.

Regardless of whether Milin, the newly appointed county magistrate... the city lord, has reached an agreement with Avigo, this scene at least means in the eyes of these citizens that Milin has no plans to pluck the goose.

What they are most worried about is that Milin will act like a gangster and a soldier, just to get a vote in Escalon and leave.

In that case, those "citizens" who would suffer the most would definitely be these "citizens"... who still have a sense of being fat sheep.

After bidding farewell to Lao Wei, Milin saw Gray Feng waiting for him as soon as he returned to the castle... to be precise, it should be in the center of the town.

Gray Feng, who was still dressed in a futuristic sci-fi style military uniform, held a pile of parchment scrolls in his hands and asked Milin:

"What are your orders?"

"What are the statistical results?" Milin walked past Hui Feng and walked to Alori who was secretly drinking. In Alori's evasive eyes, which looked like he had been caught, he played with the white porcelain that was equivalent to Avigo's entire net worth. Wine Glass asked.

"Confusing dates, inconsistent accounting data, strange income and expenditure, it can be said to be a mess." Gray Feng complained in a calm tone.

"It's not surprising. After all, the previous lord didn't have much culture either." Milin said without any surprise.

Just now, Avigo could be said to have tried his best to mock the stupidity of the previous lord in front of Milin.

In Lao Wei's evaluation, the former lord can almost be equated with a monkey with brute strength.

"If I were the former lord, then all those who did this work should be hanged at the city gate."

Gray Feng said without changing his tone.

"Seriously, you are the lord now." Milin said with a smile.

Milin said this because when the castle became the center of the town, Gray Wind's title in Goldfinger changed from "general" to "governor".

Just like the General profession, which has a lot of unlit special skills, the Governor's

It's a pity that most of them are "???". The only one that lights up is "Central Control". The explanation is "There is no maintenance fee for workers, and the construction speed is +10% at the same time."

This is quite in line with the character... But the question is how to get this worker?

Town centers are bare of options in Goldfinger, and there are absolutely no options for building those empty-eared workers who shout "cut, cut, lumberjacks!"

"I also want to hang them, but unfortunately I can't." Gray Feng shrugged in a very humane manner. Unfortunately, this shrug was accompanied by Gray Feng's completely unchanged expression, which looked weird.

"Why?" Milin asked curiously.

"Because the person who should be hung at the city gate is already dead, and more importantly, the previous lord did not establish a functional administrative and supervision system." Gray Feng moved his eyes to the door as he spoke.

Following Hui Feng's gaze, he turned his head and saw Attila with a gray face walking in.

"No?" Milin, whose eyes could also move to Attila's face, asked strangely.

Attila, who walked in and was about to report that those heads had been processed, realized that Milin was not talking to him, and immediately stood aside obediently.

"Well, not at all. Even the simplest tax has no fixed time and amount." Gray Wind replied.

"...e, you mean that the former lord's territory income is the same as collecting protection fees?" Milin thought for a moment and came up with a more appropriate adjective.

"It doesn't even count as collecting protection money. At least the protection money can still be received in your own pocket." Gray Feng replied.

"That's really miserable, even worse than County Magistrate Ma." Milin, who understood what Gray Feng was talking about, said with a smile.

"Who is County Magistrate Ma?" Hui Feng asked curiously.

"A good man who has been working for half his life." Milin said with a smile.

"..." It was not the first time for Gray Feng to see Milin's Riddler appearance, and he remained unmoved.

"In other words, the reason the previous city lord was so poor was because his subordinates ate a lot of money?" Milin, who was a little embarrassed by Gray Feng's ignorance, brought back the topic.

"You can say that, but based on the population, productivity, and gross product value of this area, it's not much." Gray Wind said.

After all, even including the surrounding villages, the total population of this territory is less than five figures...the total population that needs to pay taxes.

Coupled with the productivity of medieval paintings, even if the taxes have been collected 100 years later, they will not be able to collect much.

In the previous conversation between Avigo and Milin, the city lord was a guy who knew nothing but asking for money.

From Gray Wind's words and the treasure trove of the city lord who didn't have many dinars, it can be seen that the city lord was most likely responsible for this situation where he could do nothing but ask for money.

As for who made the city lord take the blame...

"Alori" Milin greeted the female tyrannosaurus dressed as a maid.

"Hey, hey, I just drank a little secretly, just a little!" Alori, who didn't expect that he would be called out when discussing this kind of thing, quickly put down the wine bottle in his hand and said.

"I didn't say you drank secretly. Besides, you just drank. Why did you drink secretly?" Milin asked strangely.

"You only feel good when you drink secretly, hee hee." Alori scratched the back of his head and continued.

"Okay, remember to do your work after drinking secretly." Milin said helplessly in response to Alori's trick.

"Of course, it won't delay things. It's not like you don't know how drunk I am." Alori said, patting the headlights hard.

Alori's words are not bragging. According to her drinking capacity, it is more than enough to drink the whole city down.

"Okay..." Anyway, Milin still doesn't understand how Alori can compete with the robot Gray Wind in drinking capacity. The latter's drinking capacity is theoretically infinite.

"Tsk...so boss, what do you want me to do?" Alori gasped in pain after taking two pats and found out that he was not wearing three-layer explosion-proof armor.

"Old profession." Milin said.

"What's your job?" Alori was stunned for a while before reacting: "Boss, do you want me to go... to... fight upside down?"

As we all know, dragonborn from Skyrim are best at drilling ancient tombs.

"Ahem, I'm talking about bringing into play the traditional virtues of grasping the root treasure, the fine tradition of being able to destroy everything as long as you can bear enough weight." Milin said.

"...Hehe, it's not that good of a tradition." Alori, who understood what Milin wanted her to do, said with some embarrassment.

As for the people Milin asked Alori to go to E, they were naturally the people who made the unlucky former city lord take the blame, especially the intermediary who cheated Milin of a lot of dinars.

"Understood. I'm the best at searching homes." Alori said, knowing the target.

"In other words, it's called imposing fines and confiscating illegal gains." Milin pinched his forehead and sighed.

Zhuan Genbao, who always acted faster than he thought, didn't wait for Milin to finish speaking, and without changing his clothes, he slammed open the door and rushed out in his maid uniform.

Looking at this momentum, the mansion of the intermediary Marcus is probably not as high as the sky.

Milin asked as he watched Alori leave and returned his gaze to Gray Wind;

"As the governor, do you have any suggestions for our new territory?"

"That depends on Commander, whether you plan to use this place as a production base or a war fortress." It sounded like Gray Wind had already made up his mind.

"Is there a big difference?" Milin asked.

"It's not very big." Gray Wind replied immediately.

"Then come." Milin said that it would be best to choose all the multiple-choice questions.

"If that's the case, then I need some assistants." Gray Wind said.

"Do you need an assistant?" Milin asked curiously.

Theoretically, Gray Wind is a super manager who can handle all the affairs of a colonial planet by himself. Even if his computing power is limited, he won't be unable to handle a small medieval city like Iscalon.

"I need assistants with certain combat capabilities to protect your personal safety, Commander, while I'm dealing with these matters." Gray Wind said.

"Don't worry, it's not like you don't know my fighting ability, you can still protect yourself enough." Milin said, who didn't expect Gray Wind to mean this.

"Just in case" Hui Feng did not accept Milin's statement.

"Isn't Alori enough?" Milin asked curiously.

"She needs to assist in the security management of the city." Gray Feng said in a calm tone.

"What about Attila?" Milin glanced at Little Bai Mao, who was still trembling next to him.

"...She needs to lead a team to clean up the surrounding bandits." Although Gray Feng has always been imaged as a paralyzed machine girl, at least he did not have low emotional intelligence to question Attila's combat effectiveness and her loyalty in front of Attila. .

"Therefore, I now believe it is necessary for you, Commander, to summon new assistants to assist us."

"E, well..." Milin said with a slightly embarrassed expression.

It's not that it can't be summoned, it's just that it's ridiculously expensive.

Although many things, including his large number of golden fingers from different producers, Milin did not hide from Gray Feng and Alori, there was one thing that Milin still did not say.

That is, Gray Wind and Alori were given the natural disaster novice gift package by Goldfinger, who was responsible for summoning hero units.

More importantly, this golden finger, which is specifically responsible for summoning hero units, is summoned randomly.

Among the random summoning options that Milin can currently see, very few are humanoid creatures...seriously speaking, Gray Wind doesn't count either.

If you spend all your money to summon a Kirby or send out Star Wars, the style of painting will be weird.

Noticing Milin's hesitation, Hui Feng knew that there was no follow-up to his suggestion and did not persist and said:

"In that case, please commander not to go out for a while to avoid any accidents."

"Well, this is okay, but I cherish my life."

Milin replied seriously.

"...I hope so..." Through monitoring Milin's body, it was clear that what he said was a lie. Hui Feng shook his head helplessly.

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