The tea is not good, but the tea is not cheap.

Beichen doesn't know how to taste tea, but he knows how to make medicine.

Therefore, the tea that Ram usually drinks is essentially medicine.

Xuexia naturally doesn't understand these, but she knows that such drinks are generally not cheap.

Even if her family is relatively well-off, she is reluctant to take out such drinks to entertain guests.

Most of them are kept for drinking during cultivation.

Thinking of this, Xuexia couldn't help but look up and look at the furnishings around.

It doesn't matter if you don't look, the more you look, the more shocked you are.

The seemingly ordinary decoration in front of you is actually shockingly luxurious.

Let's not talk about other places for the time being, this living room alone is not ordinary.

Not only are there fur products of various high-level animals, but the wooden furniture is also obviously made of mutated plants, exuding a calming atmosphere.

Even the several potted plants used as decorations exude amazing energy, unlike ordinary items.

"Tell me, team member Yukinoshita, how did you get beaten like this?"

"Didn't I say that you need to report to me before carrying out the mission?"

Beichen's question interrupted Yukinoshita's thoughts.

The girl retracted her gaze and looked at Beichen.

Seeing Beichen stroking the cat while opening his mouth to bite the fruit fed by Rem, she couldn't help but open her mouth and wanted to say a few poisonous words about his corrupt behavior.

Fortunately, although Yukinoshita couldn't stand this style, at least she knew that she was not qualified to point fingers at other people's lives.

So she quickly adjusted her mentality and explained:

"This is not a mission, captain. The thing is..."


Time goes back a little, back to the club activity time after the last exam.

Since she didn't join the club, Yukinoshita didn't plan to stay at school. She planned to go home and take a rest, and then continue to play the role of a righteous partner in the evening.

But before going back, she had to go to Shizuka Hiratsuka.

When she first came to the office, she didn't find Shizuka Hiratsuka.

After asking other teachers, she learned that Shizuka Hiratsuka and Yotsuya Miko were chatting in the cubicle.

So she stood by the conversation room and waited, intending to go in after they finished chatting.

Yukinoshita knew about Yotsuya Miko's situation.

This schoolmate who was one year younger than her had awakened a special ability similar to the "Yin Yang Eyes" some time ago. Not only could she see the true appearance of the weird, but she could also cause real damage to them. It was a relatively rare ability.

But it's not that powerful, because there are many ways to see the weird, such as the magic of appearance.

If you want to cause damage to the weird, then the first choice must be the spiritual system, followed by the elemental system, and the physical system is the worst.

So Yotsuya Miko's ability is only more popular in specific fields.

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that Yukinoshita accidentally overheard their conversation.

Logically speaking, the second young lady would definitely not eavesdrop on other people's conversations.

But Yotsuya Miko mentioned cats, so she pricked up her ears and listened a little.

As a result, she heard Yotsuya Miko telling Hiratsuka Shizuka that she suspected that Tono Yoshi was a cat abuser.

The reason was that when she met him in the park outside, she found that he was full of cat spirits, at least hundreds of cats.

The reason why she didn't call the police directly but told Hiratsuka Shizuka was because the other party was a school teacher after all, and it was too hasty to draw a conclusion just because he had evil spirits.

So she went to her instructor Hiratsuka Shizuka and asked for her opinion.

Hiratsuka Shizuka naturally took the responsibility and said that she would arrange someone to find out the matter without alerting the other party.

After the gloomy beautiful girl Yotsuya Miko said goodbye and left, Yukinoshita immediately stepped forward and took the initiative to ask Hiratsuka Shizuka for help.

However, Shizuka Hiratsuka rejected Yukinoshita. She had no intention of letting Yukinoshita get involved in this matter.

After all, the situation is unclear now, and she has to investigate it first.

As for why she didn't find the evil spirit on the other party in school, it was because the school had a barrier and the evil spirits didn't dare to get close at all.

After being rejected by Shizuka Hiratsuka, she was also warned not to interfere in this matter.

After returning home, Yukinoshita tossed and turned in bed and couldn't fall asleep.

Recently, she has also been investigating the matter of the cat abuser.

Originally, she had no clues, but now she finally got a clue, but was forcibly stopped. How could she not feel uncomfortable.

When she thought of those little cuties suffering, she got angry and the more she thought about it, the angrier she got.

In the end, the snow girl turned into a fire girl. She couldn't help it for a while, turned on the detective mode, and followed Tono Yoshi who went out shopping at night.

As a result, before she could catch up

After further investigation, she was targeted by a human-faced spider of level 5.

Although she is the heroine of destiny, Yukinoshita often fights monsters above her level.

But she is not proficient in spiritual magic, and the pure elemental attack damage is a bit worse, which is a bit disadvantageous.

In the end, she was defeated and chased by the opponent.

Until she was kicked by the opponent and flew into Beichen's house.


"Tsk, fish lips!"

After listening to Yukinoshita's narration, Beichen couldn't help but scold.

"Why don't you use your brain to think about it."

"If Tono Yoshi is really a cat abuser, and he has hundreds of cat evil spirits that died at his hands, then how can he, as an ordinary person, live to this day?"

"Those evil spirits can suck him to death just by absorbing spiritual energy, so why do you need to take action?"

Being scolded by Beichen, Yukinoshita bit her mouth lightly and did not refute.

It was indeed her fault for not considering this matter, not handling it calmly at all, and ignoring the characteristics of the weirdness.

Weirdness is a general term for all evil spirits and indescribable things.

Most of them survive and strengthen their strength by absorbing the spiritual energy or flesh and blood of living people.

This is also why there are not only many but also strong weirdness in the big cities of the island country, but there are basically no weirdness in the countryside.

If there are few people, they lack energy sources and will become weaker and weaker until they die.

Therefore, if Tono Yoshi is really a cat abuser, even if those cat evil spirits are relatively weak, the quantitative change will lead to qualitative change, and it is still very easy for them to kill Tono Yoshi.

All they need is for each evil spirit to take a light bite, and Tono Yoshi will die directly.

But now he is alive and well, at most a little depressed.

Just because he has cat evil spirits on him, Yukinoshita concluded that he is a cat abuser, isn't this funny?

"Yotani Miko has just awakened and doesn't understand many things thoroughly. Xiaojing doesn't pay much attention to such things and tends to overlook details."

"I won't say anything to them, but what's wrong with you?"

"You lose your sense of propriety when it comes to cats. Are cats really all you can think about?"

"You accidentally ran to my house this time, what about next time?"

"What if someone sets a trap for you based on your characteristics?"

Perhaps because he was a little angry, Beichen spoke to Yukinoshita again.

"Sorry, Captain, I..."

"You don't have to apologize to me." Beichen did not accept the girl's apology, and interrupted: "Your behavior did not cause me any trouble. You are sorry for yourself."

"Hi! I've learned a lesson."

"I will reflect on my behavior later."

With her hands on her thighs, Yukinoshita bowed to Beichen.

Seeing that the girl realized her mistake, Beichen nodded with satisfaction.


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