The old man was very angry.

"Kato, has your situation reached this point now?"

"Have you ever thought about changing your appearance to alleviate it, such as growing long hair?"

Beichen asked Kato out of curiosity.

If he remembered correctly, in the original book, after Kato grew long hair, his originally inconspicuous attributes would disappear and he would become the center of attention.

If it were still an ordinary society now, it would be fine, but I don't know if Kato's characteristics can still be changed by this method in this world of spiritual revival.

"I tried it, but it didn't work."

Hearing Beichen's question, Kato did not hide it and responded truthfully, and his tone seemed a little more calm.

Even if he had long been accustomed to being ignored, he still felt uncomfortable.

Seeing the girl in a low mood, Beichen didn't know what to say.

There are gains and losses.

Kato has received many benefits because of this characteristic, such as the care of various forces.

If this characteristic is gone, maybe people will not take care of their family?

And since it is useless to keep long hair, it means that Kato's characteristics are strengthened by the rules of the world.

You can say it is the protection of the world.

Anyway, with Beichen's current strength, he doesn't have the ability to deal with it. No matter how much comfort he gives, it is better to chat with her more.

Thinking of this, Beichen quickly changed the topic and talked to Kato about other things.


"Knock, knock."

A knock on the door sounded.

At first, no one took it seriously.

Until a female teacher walked to the podium and stood still, everyone realized that the person coming was a teacher.

So they returned to their seats and waited for the beautiful teacher to speak.

Noticing the sudden silence in the classroom, Beichen ended his small talk with Kato and looked up at the podium.

If he guessed correctly, his teacher this year should still be Shizuka Hiratsuka.

After all, she is the head instructor in charge of training extraordinary people in the second year of high school.

She usually teaches the top class.

There is no doubt that Class A where Beichen is is the best.

Even if the students present are not gifted, they must have special abilities.

And Shizuka Hiratsuka, surnamed Hiratsuka, given name Shizuka, nicknamed Iron Fist Saint by people in the circle.

Let me reiterate that it is "Saint" not "leftover".

Remember this, otherwise if you call her by the wrong name in front of her, she will beat you.

Of course, you will not be hurt by her beating.

As a Level 5 extraordinary person, she can awaken the light-related ability and can hit you while adding "Holy Light Healing" to her fist to heal you.

Except for the pain, there will be no trace left on your body.

It can be said to be an enhanced version of "dipping the belt in iodine and disinfecting while hitting" after the resurrection of spiritual energy.

Just as Beichen was thinking about it, the woman who appeared in his sight made him a little confused.

The woman on the stage was tall and wore a black suit.

She wore a white headband, and her long black hair was all scattered behind her.

On her tall nose bridge, she wore gold-rimmed square glasses, covering her slightly childish face.

Unlike the silly and confused look in front of Beichen on weekdays, Yoel at this time exuded a shrewd and capable temperament.

And with the blessing of pushing the glasses frame from time to time, he became more majestic.

Yes, the one who appeared in Beichen's class at this time was not the old model worker Shizuka Hiratsuka, nor the late rookie Madoka Kirisu, nor Sawako Yamanaka.

But Yoel Blair.

"Hiss - good guy, I'm just calling him good guy!"

"So the escort mission she mentioned is to be a teacher to the students? And she's putting it on my head?"

"What is this? Teacher play?"

Seeing Beichen looking at her blankly, Yoel couldn't help but feel proud.

It's worth her 'hard work' to hide it for so long.

Now that she has achieved satisfactory results, how can she not be happy.

"Cough! Cough!"

After coughing a few times, Yoel suppressed her excitement.

This is her first time on stage, so she can't get carried away.

"Hello, students! I'm your teacher, Yoel Blair."

As he said that, Yoel picked up the chalk and wrote his name on the blackboard, then put down the chalk, turned around, and pushed his glasses frame that had slipped down a little.

Hey! Don't tell me, Yoel now looks a bit like a teacher in the eyes of Beichen below the stage.

Yoel on the stage naturally didn't know Beichen's thoughts, but she was sure that she must be very stylish now.

After all, she had received training from Shizuka Hiratsuka.

"Now that everyone is here,

Then we will proceed to the next item, go to the auditorium for the opening ceremony. "

"We will introduce ourselves after we come back."

"Student Xiao Beichen, Baiyin and Ayuzawa have gone to the auditorium to direct the work. Now it is your responsibility to organize everyone to line up and go to the auditorium to attend the ceremony."

Hearing this, everyone turned their heads and looked at Beichen with a smile on their faces.

Those who are familiar with Beichen know that Beichen is usually very lazy and would rather lie down than stand.

He doesn't even touch the annual class committee selection.

Now the new teacher has assigned him a task, obviously not wanting him to continue to be a lazy person.

They all want to see what Beichen's expression is.

Sure enough, when everyone turned their heads and saw Beichen's face with a "are you kidding me" expression, they all said:

"Hey! Beichen, the teacher is calling you! Hurry up and reply."

"That's right, don't keep the teacher waiting for too long."

"Don't worry, Beichen, we can just line up by ourselves later. "


Yol was a little panicked. She asked Beichen to maintain order because she only knew Beichen.

She didn't mean to embarrass him.

Now seeing that everyone was teasing Beichen, he immediately thought that he had done something wrong.

After all, it was her first time as a teacher and she had never dealt with such a situation. She panicked for a moment and was anxious on the side.

Seeing that Yoel broke down in a second, she turned from a capable female teacher into a cute girl, looking around on the stage, wanting to stop everyone, but not knowing what to say, Beichen couldn't help but pull the corner of his mouth.

Without that fine steel drill, what porcelain work can you do.

Helplessly, he couldn't watch Yoel's image shattered, so he could only stand up.

"Okay, Teacher Yoel."

He nodded to Yoel first, and waited for her to calm down before continuing to speak to the old students who had just made a fuss:

"Don't think I don't know what you guys are thinking. ”

“What’s the matter? You’ve been beaten by Xiao Jing for so many years, and now you’re so proud of your new teacher?”

“Don’t make the new teacher angry and run away, so that Xiao Jing can come back to take care of you.”

“You’ll suffer when the time comes.”

In Beichen’s opinion, this group of people just saw that Yoel was a new face, and wanted to test him by making trouble.

After hearing what Beichen said, everyone realized that they had done something stupid, and they apologized to Yoel and began to brainwash Yoel.

They said nonsense like ‘once a teacher, always a teacher’ and ‘with teacher Yoel here, I feel that my training speed has accelerated’.

Yoel was so confused for a while.

It can be seen that they were really scared by Hiratsuka Shizuka’s holy fist.


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