Chapter 67 Bardos, save me!!

“This kid, what’s going on!”

Looking at the suddenly explosive Kahn, Xiangpa stepped back a few steps and said with a look of horror.

He couldn’t figure it out, obviously he was seriously injured and his strength had been exhausted, why could Kahn suddenly burst out with such a powerful force?

Moreover, the power that Kahn is bursting out of now far exceeds the power he had just blessed with the tenfold Realm King Fist! Xiangpa said that the horse has a hanging wall, and it can’t play a little!


Bardos, who had just planned to take action to stop Xiangpa, was also stunned on the spot.

“Brother Kahn…”

Sophia also covered her mouth in surprise and asked, “Miss Bardos, what’s wrong with Brother Kahn?” ”

Bardos’s beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, and he said with interest: “Perhaps, it is because Lord Elephant Pa touched Mr. Kahn’s counterscale, that is, Miss Sophia.” ”

“Therefore, Mr. Kahn, in his anger, broke through his limits and stepped into a higher level.”

Not only can you grow quickly in battle, but you can even break through your limits in desperate situations and gain a stronger 29 strength. What kind of monster is this!


When Kahn’s geometrically soaring power reached a new peak and gradually stabilized, the shaking sixth universe finally slowly returned to calm.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

As the monstrous dark green energy rose up, there were continuous thunder arcs dancing around Kahn. Kahn’s current appearance has not changed much from when he passed on the super form just now.

If you want to talk about change, it may be Kahn’s sharp eyes that can penetrate the universe, and the lightning that constantly jumps around him. But his strength is more than an order of magnitude stronger!


Kahn truly broke through his own limits and transformed into the second form of Chuanchao!

Under this form, even if it is a full state of destruction god form, it is definitely not Kahn’s opponent. Not to mention that now this physical strength is exhausted, and there is not much residual blood elephant Pa left in the body.


Immediately, Kahn’s eyelids lifted slightly, and his eyes that were as sharp as blades and murderous intent fell sharply on Xiangpa. This moment.

Xiangpa’s scalp and even the pores all over his body exploded. The forehead was covered with cold sweat.

Because from Kahn’s eyes, Xiangpa felt a strong breath of death!

“You guy, how can you still have this kind of power!”

Xiangpa, who was triumphant just now, thought that the victory was in his hands, but now showed a look of horror.

“There is no need for the dying to know.”

Without the slightest emotion, the words fell, and Kahn threw a volley into the air. Click!

The cosmic space in front of him instantly cracked into shocking cracks, and an invisible shock wave blasted out at a speed that could not be detected by the naked eye.

In an instant, the invisible shock wave penetrated Xiangpa’s chest, leaving a deep fist mark on his chest.


Hit hard, Xiangpa’s face changed, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. One punch!

Just one punch cost Xiangpa’s life.

Immediately, Kahn’s right hand reached out, and a dark green qi element condensed and formed at Kahn’s palm,

“Xiangpa, how can a disgusting person like you change?”

“You can’t change, only die!”

Like Pata, he shouldn’t threaten himself with Sophia! Shout!

Qi Yuan slashed at high speed, swept out of Kahn’s hand, and carried a thick aura of death straight towards Xiangpa. At this moment, in the depths of Xiangpa’s eyes, there was finally a strong sense of fear rushing up,

“I… I throw in the towel! Super Wishing Beads for you! ”


Xiangpa’s plea for mercy did not weaken the speed of the Qi Yuan slash in the slightest, but accelerated it even more. Kahn really wanted his life!

“Ba… Bardos, save me!!! ”

In despair, Xiangpa did not care about destroying the image and face of God, and turned to Bardos for help in the void. Although Bardos was not at the scene, he knew that Bardos must be keeping an eye on the situation here.

She can’t watch herself die at Kahn’s hands and remain indifferent! Shout!

The Qi Yuan slash was extremely fast, leaving a long spatial crack in the cosmic space, and in the blink of an eye, it appeared in front of Xiangpa, wanting to cut it in half.

This moment.

Xiangpa’s head went blank and he lost the ability to think. He seemed to see his own death.

“Mr. Kahn, please stop here.”

Just as the Qi Yuan Slash was about to cut the elephant in half, an angelic staff appeared, eliminating Kahn’s Qi Yuan Slash.

Exactly Bardos.

Along with Bardos, there was Sophia.

Looking at the angelic staff that appeared in front of him, Xiangpa, who was already desperate, was overjoyed,

“Ba… Bardos! I knew you wouldn’t die without saving you! ”

Kahn’s expression was grim, and he asked coldly: “Bardos, what are you doing?” ”

“Mr. Kahn, Lord Elephant Pa has already admitted defeat, and the Super Dragon Ball is also yours, please stop here.”

Immediately, Bardos bowed deeply and apologized, “I solemnly apologize to you for Lord Elephant Pa’s broken word. ”


Kahn snorted coldly and said disdainfully: “I also lost just now, when Xiangpa wanted to kill me, where were you?” If I hadn’t broken through the limit, I’m afraid I would have gone to Hades to report by now! 550″

For Bardos’s act of saving Xiangpa, Kahn was naturally unconvinced.

Why do you save him when I want to kill him, but you don’t save him when he wants to kill me? Hearsay.

Bardos shook his head with a smile and said, “Mr. Kahn, I can tell you very responsibly that I was planning to save you just now.” ”

“Today’s matter is originally the first loss of Lord Elephant Pa, so even if Mr. Kahn loses this battle, I will keep you alive.”

“If you don’t believe me, you can ask Miss Sophia.”

“Yes… It’s true, Brother Kahn! ”

Sophia said with a serious look.


Kahn’s originally unbalanced psychology was a little better.

Bardos didn’t have to lie to him, and Sophia was even less likely to lie to herself. In this case, Kahn was barely able to accept it.

Seeing that Kahn was relieved, Bardos covered his chest with one hand and said slightly: “Mr. Kahn is worthy of being a broad-minded person, and such a mind is not comparable to a narrow-minded person like Lord Pa. ”

“Hey, Bardos…”

Bardos’s stepping on one by one also made Xiangpa a little dissatisfied.

He had just protested, and Bardos threw a death gaze, so frightened that Elephant shrunk his neck and hurriedly silenced him.


PS: Ask for a monthly pass for flowers!!。

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