Revival of the Gods

Chapter 900: Jiang Meihua wakes up

"Well..." Yuhua Xiaohua looked at the spirits and nodded. "The fluctuations in their bodies have stabilized, and it seems that they will wake up in a short time!"

"The spiritual space is somewhat different from other spaces!" Yu Yuwu looked around and said, "The law here is like water, it seems that there is uncertainty..."

"Yeah!" Yu Xiaoxiao said with a smile, "Would you like to be called the spiritual world? Spiritual spirits should be able to go to other spaces at any time, and they can adapt very well!"

"That is to say..." The jade witch understands and asks, "After waiting for the little fruit to wake up, can you return to the fairy space of the Taoist friend?"

"Well, it should be!" Yuhua Xiaohua looked at the busy and scribbled grass and replied, "How can we let them leave the fairy world space when they are busy with the sacred space and the ancestors of the celestial space?"

"Let's go..." Yu Yu and Wu said with relief, "Let them relax in the spiritual space, and help the Taoist friends to complete the most difficult thing!"

"Ha ha..." Yu Xiaoxiao laughed and said, "The poor road is thinking about how to ask for a friend!"

"Why are you polite!" Yu Yu Wu also said with a smile. "The friend's body is the poor road, and the poor road is also a bit of experience. These feelings should also be good for the baby's body!"

When talking, Yuhua and Yuhua went to the void, and they stood there, watching more than a hundred scattered baby sitting cross-legged, and the star palace printed a little starlight floating on their heads, Yuxi Xiaohua could not help. Tears in the eyes. More than a hundred scattered infants are actually the mapping of Xiao Hua's souls. What Xiao Yu let them do, they will not resist. If they are ordinary immortals, how can they let these scattered infants have their own spirits, fearing that they will always take them to do their own? Help?

However, Yuhua Xiaohua looked at the stagnation of these babies, and his heart was not a taste. He did not want these living babies to be the shackles of others, only hope that they have their own life and cultivation!

"Thank you all the friends of Taoism to sacrifice this thing..." Yuhua Xiaohua raised his hand and grabbed the Star Palace, and said, "Thank you for the poor road!"

The babies have hurriedly got up, and they have the same model: "You are kind!"

"How do you understand the mystery of the condensate?" Yuhua Xiaohua raised his hand and asked the crowd to raise the smile.

"I already know each other, just wait for the Taoist priests!" More than a hundred fairy babies answered Qi Qi.

"Ordinary scattered baby gel, but the top of Jinxian..." Yu Xiaoxiao smiled and said, "If you wait for the body, you have to start from heaven. It is the reason that Wudaoyou also has a sense here, not..."

It’s a pity that after Yuhua’s Xiaohua finished, all the scattered babies smiled and said: “Wu Daoyou has already taught me to wait!”

Yuhua Xiaohua stunned a bit, turned to look at the jade witch, the jade witch slightly smiled, slightly intent.

"Daoyou has a heart, thank you for your friends!" Yu Xiao Xiao Hua sighed and hurriedly squatted.

“Daoyou is very polite!” Yu Yuwu hurriedly helped Yuhua Xiaohua to raise up and said, “The poor road and the heavenly man return to the space. This is the hardship of the Taoist friends from the friends. I think before, you and me. Dabu Chau, how happy and how happy, and the Taoist priests fly soaring to the world is so embarrassed! The poor road is like a knife, since it can help the friends, the poor road will not be awkward!"

"Hey, fairyland..." Yuhua Xiaohua sighed and looked up at the space. He only said one sentence. "There is nothing to say about love and hatred. It is really hard to say!"

Haha, since it’s hard to say a word, you don’t have to say it! "Yu Yuwu laughed and said, "Since I am waiting for a reunion, I will wait for the fairyland in the future!" ”

"Yes, the world of fairy tales, famous thirty-three worlds!" Yuhua Xiaohua also laughed at the sky and raised his right hand. "You and I clamored!"

"Nature, nature!" Yuhua Wu also raised his hand to clap with Yuhua Xiaohua.

At the moment of the high-five, after the jade witch will raise Xiao Hua, the situation of the four major ministries will fall into the mind of Xiao Yu’s mind!

"Oh...hey!" Yuhua Xiaohua closed his eyes, and in a moment he was surprised and turned to be sad. "It’s really a matter of making people, and the poor road wants to ask the child. After all, the Taoist friend is a million. The witch of the mountain, unfortunately, Zi Ming and they still have not escaped the reincarnation..."

"Yeah!" Yu Yu Wu also sighed, "The poor road is self-recognized as a million virgin witches, although he often guards the Wan Yao world with his disciples, and occasionally returns millions of Mengshan. Unfortunately, Zi Ming is no better than you. I……"

Yuhua Xiaohua’s heart is full of misfortunes. Xiaohua’s secret jade witch with Ziming is not aware of it. It’s said that Xiaohua’s heart is not worried. It’s also fake. Yuhua Xiaohua couldn’t help but sigh again: “唉......"

Seeing Yuhua Xiaohua, Yuhua Wu hurriedly smiled: "Of course, the poor road made some preparations before the fall of the Ming Dynasty, but the means of poverty is limited, I don't know if it will work..."

The specific method of jade and witch did not elaborate, and Yuhua Xiaohua did not notice that the smile of the jade face is somewhat strange. It seems to be similar to the arrangement of the Huanghuang Fairy of the Hongxia Fairy. Dao: "Since it has fallen, it is no longer a child to reincarnate, not to mention it!" (Wu Wangming and Zi Ming's story is detailed in "The Legend of Witch Wang Ming", who will still be reincarnate as the mother of Wu Wangming, will be in Wu Wangming's book. Resurrection, cough, this book has not been written yet!)

After a while, the eyebrows of Yuhua Xiaohua were picked, and some of them were surprised to see the jade witch. The wonder: "Hey? I can't think of the cultivation and experience of the Taoist friends... so wonderful!"

"Shit!" Yu Yu Wu cried and laughed, "Do not care about your disciples, do not care about the poor! And don't listen to the horrible nonsense of the heavens..."

"Haha, haha..." Yuhua Xiaohua laughed and said, "They can fight for the human race. They can make such a reputation in the Wanxue world, even if they fall, even if they are physically disabled, how about? A sad song, leaving a legend that can be sorrowful, then it is enough!" (The story of Wan Yaojie is detailed in "The Legend of the Demon World", which has not yet been written!)

"Their legends are naturally judged by future generations..." Jade Wu said with a smile. "Just ruthless, Liu Yi and others have already soared, and the Taoist friends have to pay attention!"

"Tianzunfu once had strict orders, and took all the immortals who had risen in the enlightenment of the mainland..." Yuhua Xiaohua thought for a moment and said, "They may have been affected, but now that the order has been lifted, they should be innocent, but the fairy world is too large. The poor road does not know where the flying channel corresponding to the Wan Yao community is, can you meet the fate!"

"It's not afraid!" Yu Yu and Wu Xiaoxiao said, "The Taoist friends will make the door, and the business alliance will be bigger, they will be able to smell the wind!"

“Hey?” Yu Xiaogang just wants to say that he suddenly brows and looks at one place. Isn’t Jiang Meihua who is imprisoned?

"He wants to wake up!" Yu Yuwu thought, "This is also a blessing to the rich, listening to the Taoist friend said that he got the dragon, now you and I have a great space, he also dimmed."

"Oh, Fu Yuan is not only one of him, Ye Jian, Zhou Xiaoming and Zhao Ting are also!" Yu Xiao Xiaohua also laughed. "But Jiang Meihua is the most dangerous, almost degenerate. Previously he has not called him, now there is space." The law changes, it touches his soul!"

"That's the case, the Taoist first dealt with this matter!"

"Yeah!" Yuhua Xiaohua thought for a moment. "This is near the secluded pole. If he wants to escape the Jiang family, he is a hidden place. The poor road first looks at his thoughts, and then It’s not too late to make a decision!”

Said, Yuhua Xiaohua thought of another thing, took Kunlun mirror out and said: "There are also some disciples in the Kunlun Wonderland. Can Taoist teach secret techniques?"

"Do you say Daoyou?" Yu Yu Wu smiled and asked.

"Haha..." Yuhua Xiaohua smiled. "Look at the way the Taoist friends guard the scorpion in the Wanxue world. Lu Shu must be taught."

"Lu Shu, they are all good disciples!" Yu Yu Wu nodded, "Beiguang enters the space, the Taoist various instruments have different changes, Kunlun mirror and Haotian mirror are even worse, Inner Kunlun Wonderland and Penglai Wonderland rises. Ten times more, the spirits of the spirits are also more intense, and the poor roads fall into them. They don’t ask about the changes in the first ask the friends to be safe, so that the poor road is really moving."

"It seems that the poor road is still sensible!" said Yuhua Xiaohua, who took out Linglingen and handed it to Yuhua Wudao. "This thing is handed over to Daoyou, and the poor road first understands the cause and effect of Jiang Meihua." !"

"Good to say!" Yuhua Wu should have taken over Kunlun mirror.

Yuhua Xiaohua flew into the void, with a big hand and a wave, and surrounded by a illusion, it was the dusty sea waves rolling.

Yuhua Xiaohua illusion Xiaohua looks like he raised his hand and took out the mirror. After waiting for a little raise, the clear light poured out, and Yuhua Xiaohua sent Jiang Meihua into the illusion.

"This..." Jiang Meihua opened his eyes and saw that there were some dumbfounded eyes around the blue waves. When he saw the jade, Xiao Hua smiled and stood up, suddenly waking up and ecstatic, "This is here is the dusty sea?" ?"

"Nature is a dusty sea!" Yuhua Xiaohua said with a smile, "If it is not the dusty sea, how can the younger generation find ice? If it is not ice, how can the younger generation find the original monument of the Tibetan god? If there is no predecessor of the original Tibetan monument How can seniors wake up?"

"Hey..." Jiang Meihua sighed for a long time. He didn't have time to carefully explore his cultivation. However, there was no special drop in the realm of the situation. It was a surprise, but he resisted the excitement and asked Zuon, "It is I am bothering you, what about ice?"

Seeing Jiang Meihua first asked Qi Bing, it was obvious that he was not a person of love, and Yu Xiao’s heart was quite happy. He replied: "The fairy went to listen to the snow..."

"This child!" Jiang Meihua frowned, said, "The old man said to him, until the old man will help her..."

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There are many changes in the space, and it is necessary to explore one by one.

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