Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3942: Mysterious, **** heart

"Come on~"

Seeing the blackness, Ziluo immediately took away the purple that fell around, and flew straight into the sky with a low laugh.

It's just these few breaths, and the black has spread for a small half of the world. "Hohoho~" Wherever the black passes, there are crazy beast roars and birdsong sounds.

However, Ziluo turned a deaf ear to this and just stared at Black.


When black covers the snow-capped mountains, "Boom~" the snow-capped mountains are ignited, and all the snow turns into a black flame that shines brightly!

Burning snow!

Within the light of the fire, the inexplicable sound of "dong~dongdong~" began to vibrate between heaven and earth.


Ziluo was shocked and hurriedly looked around, but unfortunately there was nothing unusual around the snow-capped mountains, only the mad roars of beasts and shadowy bird shapes everywhere in the sandy sky.


Ziluo's investigation was fruitless, and then looking at the darkness, it suddenly whispered, "This... is this dark spirit aura? No, no, there is some devil energy, what's going on?"


After a while, Ziluo woke up and whispered, "I understand, this 'silence' is hovering around the dragon domain. At this time, it should be passing through the intersection of the dark spirit world and the magic, so there is a dark spirit aura. "


At this time, the outline of the dragon cauldron was also ignited, and the fire was burning inside. The flames shone on Ziluo's body, and the inexplicable texture circles made Ziluo look particularly hideous.

After the blackness shrouded the sand and sky, it began to converge from the edge towards the snow-capped mountains. Under the darkness and above the earth, countless alien beasts rushed towards the snow-capped mountains like crazy with the sound of drums. Fighting, throwing down an unknown number of corpses along the way, and these bones are all turned into bones without exception.

Ziluo on the top of the snowy mountain looked up at the top of his head, a vortex began to condense, and the darkness of the whole world seemed to be grasped by a big hand, and gathered towards the snowy mountain.

In the end, as if the sky had been stabbed into a black hole, a jet-black beam of light that "boomed" directly covered the snow-capped mountains.

"Boom boom~"

The black flames all over the snow-capped mountains shot straight up again, like a torch shining in the dark night.


More alien beasts rushed from all directions, like a pilgrimage, more like a moth to a fire, plunged into the torch, rushed into the snow-capped mountain, and turned into bones...


At the end, the profound fire of the snow-capped mountain rolled back and poured directly into the dragon cauldron. There was no need for any fragments at all. A mysterious dragon roared and flew out of the dragon cauldron. Unfortunately, there were no dragon cauldron fragments, and the mysterious dragon seemed to be locked. There's no way to fly high.


Ziluo smiled, looked up at the surroundings, and said, "If you don't come out, I'll leave!"

Unfortunately, when Ziluo finished speaking, no dragons appeared.


Ziluo listened to the sound of drumming all around, and thought, "Could it be that there are dragons? Forget it, no wait~"

Thinking of Ziluo sending the Dragon Cauldron fragments out again.


The fragments fell into the outline of the dragon cauldron, and Xuanlong immediately roared and flew out, carrying the dragon cauldron and flying high, and under the dragon cauldron, there was actually a flash of blood, and when Ziluo saw the situation under the dragon cauldron, he didn't realize it. stunned.

I saw that the place where the "Zhao" was originally, the mysterious fire was gone, replaced by a blood-colored heart, the heart was not only intertwined with black and blood-colored textures, but also beating "dong~dong~dong~" , the sound of the drum beating of the whole silent and sounding sandy sky came from here.


Ziluo let out a long sigh of relief, and then flew to the heart, but when it got close, it stopped again, looked at the dragon cauldron above its head, and the phantoms around it, and said with a smile, "I'm rather suspicious. , let’s not say whether there are dragons who can get here, even if it comes, how can it enter if there is no dragon cauldron fragment?”

After speaking, Ziluo rushed in without hesitation.

"Brush brush~~~"

The heart is not the substance, but the outline of black and blood-colored condensation. The purple snail rushed into the room, and there were 129,600 phantom immortal bodies.

As for Ziluo, but the blood and profound light flashed, he had fallen into a world, and the fluctuations of the black and blood-colored condensation between the heaven and the earth rushed straight to its soul, a kind of freshness like a rain was born.


Ziluo let out a low cry and shouted cheerfully, "Yes, yes, that's right, and only this kind of fluctuation can repair the origin of my soul!"

However, in just a moment, Ziluo panicked again, because it saw a layer of purple on its body surface like a veil, and the flesh and blood was so easily cut off.

"Not good~"

Ziluo whispered, "How can I corrode my body here? Although my body is already showing signs of collapse, it is still stronger than Hao. I can't fall into the embarrassment of Chen Chen's year."

Thinking that Ziluo is about to escape, after all, without a physical body, Ziluo can't protect his soul source, and if Ziluo's soul source is assimilated by Longyu, Ziluo will disappear.

Chen is the most obvious example. Chen who has lost his body often has to replace his dragon body. In order to grab "Miao", Chen often gambles with him. Although his body has already begun to collapse, Chen without his own body hardly wins. After all, Ziluo has a relatively complete body among the three dragon beasts, so it doesn't want to lose its body easily.

However, just when Ziluo was about to fly out, it stopped again, looked at its body that had been disintegrated layer by layer, and secretly said in his heart: "Although I don't know Xuanzhaoyuan, what the last 'source' is, but this 'Xuanxuan' ' and '焏', UU Reading are clearly in different time and space, that is to say, the two can overlap, Chen fell in '焏', didn't that powerful body remain?"

"Even if it is still alive, if I repair the source of the soul to perfection in this 'Xuan', and even improve it a bit more, how can Chen's source of the soul be my opponent? I should be able to easily take its body back!"

"Hehe, at this time Chen must have lied and told himself that he believed it, that Xiao Hua is his current life, but Chen ignored it. I have also seen Ling's, Ling made it clear, this life is the current life, Chen If I don't fall, my body will never wake up in this life, even if it is reincarnated 100 million times, so this Xiao Hua's body is definitely not Chen's, but Chen's forcible possession!"

"Since the house was taken, wouldn't it be easier for me to take it?"

"Isn't there a saying from the human race? If the old ones don't go and the new ones don't come, my body will collapse sooner or later, and I'm also contaminated with the dragons of the Dragon Domain. I'm afraid I won't be able to return again. If that's the case, then let's break the cauldron and sink the boat!"

After speaking, Ziluo turned around and returned.

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