Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3937: ?d soul, the method of casting the soul of the night spirit world

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Although the part of stepping on the God Tower beyond the Seven Realms has already taken shape, and even began to comprehend it, it is not easy to make it complete and feasible, especially Xiao Hua has to refer to Hao's exercises.

On this day, seeing that there was something obscure in Hao's practice, and he couldn't understand it, Xiao Hua stopped and said with a wry smile: "Second Senior Brother, look at what's going on?"

"Little Junior Brother~"

Zhang Qingxiao was also helpless, and said, "I can only probe what Hao is thinking, but I don't know why he thinks like this. The details of this exercise are up to you."

"It's okay, it's okay~"

Xiao Hua had no choice but to rely on himself, but after more than a dozen months, Xiao Hua still couldn't realize it, and this was quite the key.

Xiao Hua wanted to find inspiration from the nine-day trial, but after searching for a long time, he gave up again, because this exercise involved the casting of the soul, and he had already learned about the casting of the soul in the nine-day trial.

"The cultivation method of this casting is different from what Xiao Mou practiced before~"

Xiao Hua was at a loss, "The rank should be similar to the practice of Hao, and the last time should not be too far apart, otherwise, the magical powers of the seven worlds will not be able to be controlled, and the law of Longxuan is still a little worse, trouble!"


Xiao Hua suddenly heard something and said secretly, "How could I forget that prismatic crystal? Since that thing can suppress Lin Huan, it must be useful."

Thinking, Xiao Hua hurriedly looked at the dragon body, but saw that not far from the pedal, the prismatic crystal floated there silently. This item was obtained by Xiao Hua when he first entered the Dragon Domain, and it was used to suppress Lin Huan. Later, Xiao Hua found another part in the five-tone dragon formation. After filling it, Xiao Hua did not use it much, even in Xiao Hua. After entering "Blue", this thing was discarded there casually.

Xiao Hua took the prismatic crystal with the attitude of trying it out, and the result was absolutely beyond Xiao Hua's expectations. Jia Zhiwu almost lost his voice: "The soul of the soul?? The method of casting the soul of the night spirit world??, let's not talk about this thing, the name alone is a fork!"

Since it is the method of casting the soul in the dark spirit world, there is no way to cultivate without the qi of the dark spirit, but Xiao Hua was overjoyed after realizing it a little bit. This method can be used to step on the divine tower and modify the inexplicable paragraph of the halo. Cultivation method, in order to prevent any mistakes, Xiao Hua simply comprehends the entire method of burning the soul, and he has time in this grave of heaven and earth.

Besides, Chen and Ziluo flashed hexagrams all over their bodies and shot straight into the sky. Seeing the thin hexagrams blocking their heads, the two dragon beasts did not dare to neglect, and immediately looked at each other with fear in their eyes, but even in the face of such thin hexagrams Elephants, they have no other means, they can only let their bodies rush past, watching the purple and blue intertwined hexagrams to rush the hexagrams away.


There seems to be wind, but the sound of the wind is also very light, that is, the breeze swept Chen and Ziluo out of the hexagram.

Chen and Ziluo turned their heads to look, and the hexagrams comparable to heaven and earth have now turned into huge textures, and then with Chen and Ziluo's high flying, the textures have shrunk rapidly, and in just a few breaths, the textures have been transformed. Make a gravel, wait for Chen to blink, the gravel has long been mixed into the boundless desert, and can no longer be found.


After a long while, the figures of Chen and Ziluo stopped in mid-air, and Ziluo let out a long breath and said in a tone of life after a catastrophe, "Chen, I feel that we still underestimate this interface."

"That's right~"

Chen nodded, took a deep look at the gravel, raised his head and said, "This may not be a natural confinement, but a deliberate act by the Dragon Clan!"

"Oh, no~"

After finishing speaking, Chen Huofeng turned around and said, "Should it be the human race, or the dragon race? After all, the dragon race has gossip, as well as the human race, and now the human race's gossip is much more powerful than the dragon race."

"Since it is in the Dragon Domain, it is the Dragon Clan!"

Ziluo said, "Such a dangerous place is not a place for us to stay for a long time. We should hurry to find Xuanyuanyuan, and then find a chance to leave."


Seeing Ziluo flying, Chen didn't move, but asked, "I want to know, before you set up this ambush, did you already have the intention to stay behind?"

"Of course not~"

Ziluo smiled and said, "Even I have never had the intention to kill you or Hao, and I might as well tell you that before I fell into the tomb of heaven and earth with Hao, and after we were lucky enough to escape, I took Hao and flew a certain distance. When I was going to go directly to the Snow Mountain, it was Hao who proposed to go back."


Chen's expression remained unchanged, and he answered lightly.


Ziluo explained, "Put yourself in your shoes and think about it. My goal is Xuanzhaoyuan. The tomb of this world is extremely dangerous. Would I be willing to go through it again? Maybe go back again!"

"Of course he wants to take my body~"

Chen nodded and said, "This fellow often provokes me in Yanze Realm."

"That's right~"

Ziluo was overjoyed and nodded quickly, "That's right, although my body is not as good as yours in this world, but it is several times stronger than your body, and I will use your power to get Xuan Yanyuan. , so I can't set up an ambush to harm you."

Ziluo said it was reasonable, and he had been sealed in the tomb of heaven and earth without proof of death, Chen nodded wisely and smiled: "Fortunately, Luo, you notified me in advance, otherwise even if I die in the tomb of heaven and earth, UU reading wwwwww could not have known that the mind was so vicious."


Ziluo smiled bitterly and said, "I never imagined that 'Ji' would be so dangerous. I also thought that the three of us would get Xuanzhaoyuan so we could return together!"

"Haha, it's okay~"

Chen laughed and said, "We are the same, let's go!"

I don't know if I have experienced the tombs of heaven and earth, or because the two dragons and beasts already have the texture of the hexagram. When they fly into the depths of the desert, the space is still turbulent, but the two hexagrams of heaven and earth do not appear again.

But even so, Chen and Ziluo were still frightened, because they knew that every gravel under them was a grave of heaven and earth, who knew which would suddenly explode and include them in it.

After flying for a few more months, the waves of space began to calm down, and white bones began to appear in the desert. These bones are very unusual. One by one is huge, and there is even a thick mountain like a mountain, which is inserted obliquely in the gravel. It looks like The blue dragon beast from before.

Add more to "the fattest cow dung"~

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