Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3682: Wang Suhuan's true thoughts


The real person Lei Ting was terrified at this time, but he couldn't shout with his mouth open.

"I got it~"

Han Longji said first, "I will recognize him as my man, and I will never look for other dragons, let him go soon."

It was not Wang Suhuan's concern that Han Longji couldn't find other dragons. He squinted at the real Thunder, but he took a breath, the "brushing" the thunder pattern immediately dissipated, and the real Thunder rose into the sky again.


Han Longji's imprisonment also disappeared at the same time. It flew over and said with concern, "How are you?"

"I...I'm fine~"

The real Thunder guy was drooping his head, extremely listless.

"Let's go~"

Real person Lu flew over and whispered, "The space has completely collapsed."

"I'll take you to fly~"

Han Longji smiled slightly and said.

Real Lei Ting was taken aback, and hurriedly waved his hand: "I don't dare..."

"Hee hee~"

Han Longji stretched out her hand and took the arm of the real Lei Ting, and said, "Fly~"

After that, Han Longji couldn't say anything, and flew into the golden light while pulling the real Thunder.

Zhenren Lu nodded to Wang Susu, and followed behind.

Wang Susu looked behind the real person Lei Ting, and couldn't help cursing: "Tm really loses Laozi~"


Su Zhe smiled next to him, "This guy is a bit arrogant, even showing off regardless of occasion, but the luck of this guy is nothing to say!"

"Isn't this nonsense~"

The smiling and silent Yun Longji next to Wang Suanchong nodded, flying towards the golden light, and said to Su Zhe while flying, "This celestial body is peculiar, originally born with thunder, this dragon **** cave also has The fusion of lightning and thunder, oh, besides there is a stupid Han Longji who is cultivating with him, he is not good for him!"

Seeing Wang Suhuo and Su Zhe flying into the golden light, Yun Longji immediately followed, and the fishing dragon panchen hook in her hand shook lightly. Wherever she passed, the other golden threads and ghosts all returned.

"He got the benefit~"

Su Zhe smiled and said, "Where is Senior? Master Tianzun said that Senior is the Hunyuan Immortal who is most likely to advance to Tianzun!"


Wang Suo smiled, and didn't answer directly, and said, "If you want to become Tianzun, how can the advantage of Dragon God Cave be dealt with? Don't forget, we just arrived in the Dragon Region and haven't found Xiao Hua yet."

Just as Su Zhe was about to say something more, Wang Suhuan changed his words: "Of course, I don't deny that today's harvest is extremely important, and Master Tianzun's words... indeed make sense."


The Yun Longji behind was overjoyed and exclaimed, "Are you really going to become a god?"

"Baby Yun~"

Wang Suhuan turned his head and smiled and said, "If I become Tianzun, you will make the greatest contribution."

"Hehe, that's good~"

Yun Longji smiled and said, "Don't forget, marry me..."


Wang Suhuan's face changed drastically, he hurriedly looked to his head and said, "Look, this...where is this?"


Yun Longji was really fooled, it exclaimed, "Could it be that I made a mistake?"

Su Zhe naturally knew that Wang Suhuan was breaking the topic, but when he inadvertently looked at the golden light, he was also stunned.

Because after the golden light passes through the spatial cracks of the existence of existence and absence, more than a thousand phantoms appear again as if they diverge. These phantoms are like twisted spirals, some are stretched extremely long, and some are compressed into folds.

"It's alright?"

Yun Longji looked at the golden light and said in a puzzled way, "This golden light falls to the outside of ‘electricity’..."

Speaking of this, there was a thunderous roar at the end of the golden light. Yun Longji understood something and said with a smile: "Oh, it turns out that I have already arrived at Tibing, this...I can't blame me..."

"How can I blame you?"

Wang Suhua squeezed a smile on his face and said, "Thank you for being too late. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't be able to fly out of the Dragon God Cave today!"

"Senior means~"

Su Zhe also smiled and explained, "The space here is a bit weird, it seems that many paths have been torn apart by life. The golden light of your dragon weapon looks like one, but it has been divided into thousands of humans and dragons. I'm afraid they have all fallen into different places!"

"That's good~"

Wang Suhuan squinted his eyes and looked at the golden light in front of him, saying meaningfully, "I heard Yun said that this dragon clan named Ao Sheng is the reincarnation of the only dragon emperor in the Dragon Region. The support of the family of'嵓螭'."

"The purpose he just left is also very clear. He wants to win over us and find a chance to contact Lord Tianzun. We are not in a different place with him, just to avoid his entanglement..."

Speaking of this, Wang Suhuan’s face once again appeared weird: "Reincarnation, the Dragon Region is really a magical place. If you say reincarnation is reincarnated, it is as easy as drinking cold water. I am too far behind in the fairy world. The reincarnation of Qiongtianzun made me search for so long..."

"Yeqiong Tianzun?"

Su Zhe snorted in his heart, wondering, "Senior, the Ye Qiong Tianzun you mentioned is the one who escaped with... Shenchang Jian?"

Wang Suhua stepped on a golden light, and the curve immediately rose up around the golden light, and the curve hovered and fell to all directions.

However, Wang Suhuan gave birth to electric lights under his feet, and he confined these curves. Only after Yun Longji and Su Zhe flew in, Wang Suhuan removed the imprisonment, and the three flew in one direction together.

"Aren't you nonsense?"

Wang Suhuan said lightly, "Who else is there besides him? Besides him, who else deserves Master Tianzun to send me over?"

"What... what do you mean?"

Su Zhe was a little confused and wondered, "You mean, Xiao...Xiao Hua is the reincarnation of Ye Qiong Tianzun?"


Wang Susu looked at the dark thunder pillars appearing at the end of the golden light, and there was some inexplicable aura. He snorted and said, "Why do you think Tianzun is looking for me, UU reading instead of looking for other people? You think I am. The Hunyuanxian peak that is most likely to set foot on Tianzun?"

Su Zhe was completely dumbfounded: "Isn't it?"

"You are wrong~"

Wang Suhuan said, "Those who are stuck in a bottleneck like me, there are no one hundred thousand but eighty thousand, and many are even stronger than me. Why did Master Tian look for me? It's because I have enemies with Ye Qiong Tianzun..."

Su Zhe looked at Wang Suhuan even more incredible, and didn't know how to answer the conversation. Although Wang Suhuan was the pinnacle of Hunyuan Immortal, there was still a big gap between him and Tianzun. How could he have enemies with Yeqiong Tianzun?

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