Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3514: He came to Longyu with Kunwu Sword


Before Yulong finished speaking, the dragon lord raised his head and roared. The dragon's body that had stopped suddenly trembled a few times, the surrounding water flashed rapidly, and the huge dragon's body disappeared instantly!

Seeing the dragon lord chasing out, Yulong looked at the horned dragon and so on, and did not speak. The other four dragons also looked at Yulong. They also did not speak. They knew in their hearts that Wenqu was probably the person they were looking for, but they were looking for it. The person is not necessarily Wenqu.

It's just that under the anger of the dragon master, they can only insist in one bite.

"Roar, roar~"

After about a stick of incense, the dragon lord's dragon howl sounded again, listening to the unwillingness and anger in the voice, the faces of the five giant dragons changed greatly again.

However, this time the dragon lord returned, obviously there was no anger just now, and Longwei did not release it, which looked similar to ordinary dragons.

"Say it~"

The dragon lord stood still in the air and said lightly, "If you don't want me to search for my soul or be torn and eaten by me, just say it five or ten!"

"Yes, yes~"

Yulong was overjoyed and hurriedly wanted to speak.

"Don't worry~"

The dragon lord looked at Shanglong Dao, "You speak first."

Shang Long was visibly stunned. He wanted to wait for Yulong to say it first, and then copy it by himself after doing a sample, but he didn't know that the dragon lord actually let himself say it first.


The dragon lord looked at Shang Long and said coldly, "Do you still want to make up nonsense?"

"Don't dare, don't dare~"

Shang Long laughed and told what had happened.

"That sword is called Xuanyuan sword~"

The Dragon Lord said faintly, "You have a big life, that Human Race should not fully control Xuanyuan Sword, otherwise you will not be able to see me alive!"

After speaking, the dragon lord looked at Gonglong and asked: "How did you get hurt?"

After Gonglong finished speaking, the Dragon Lord also said faintly: "That's a dragon whip. It used to appear in the boundary between the Dragon Realm and Dao Immortal. It's a Primordial Immortal Tool!"

The horned dragon and Zhenglong have already worded them, ready to tell the ins and outs of the matter, but the dragon lord looked at Yulong and said, "How do you recognize the Kunwu sword?"


The feather dragon spews water and light, Wenqu and the humanoid silhouettes of the four fairy infants are all manifested. One of the fairy infants is holding a Kunwu sword. The dragons look the same in the eyes of the humans, and the humans are also normal in the eyes of the dragons. It looks like that, so Wenqu and Fairy Infant can’t be distinguished at all.

But the shadow of Kunwu sword is extraordinarily clear.

"Not bad~"

The Dragon Lord glanced at and nodded, "This is the Kunwu sword, he really is the reincarnation of the Dragon Emperor..."

"Long Emperor reincarnation?"

Yulong was shocked.

"Not bad~"

The dragon master glanced at Yulong and said, "Did you see that his clone method is the same as before?"


Yulong was even more surprised, wondering, "How does the dragon know?"


The dragon lord laughed, and the water gleamed on the dragon’s horns. The water shines like a mirror, shining all five dragons in it. Watching the mirror slowly condense into the other five dragon shapes, the dragon lord said, "Because I can Distinguish the lingering breath of their soul..."

The spirits of Wenqu and the fairy infants are originally the same, so the dragon master naturally cannot separate them from Xiao Hua's spirits!


The five dragons looked at themselves in the mirror, and each nodded like a clay sculpture.

And as he nodded, the bodies of the five dragons fell from mid-air one by one.

"Great Dragon, Great Dragon~"

Within the water and light, the five dragons were stunned. After a while, they woke up and hurriedly pleaded, "Spare us..."

"It's not that I won't forgive you~"

The Dragon Lord said coldly, "If you don't have Kunwu Sword, you all have great achievements, but since you have seen Kunwu Sword, you can't live in the Dragon Region!"

"Help, help~"

The five dragons called for help crazily. Unfortunately, the water slowly fell into the dragon’s horns, and their call for help soon disappeared. As for the five dragons, the dragon master raised the dragon claws and grabbed it with a slight wave and threw it in. Bodan Sea.

Seeing the dragon sinking into the Bodang Sea, the dragon lord’s dragon horns flashed water again, and a vague dragon shape flew out from the inside. The dragon lord said: "You’re right, he has come to the Dragon Realm. With Kunwu sword!"


The dragon smiled slightly and said, "Did I also say that although you are the dragon master, you may not be able to capture him!"

"I just left for a few days~"

The Dragon Lord was a little unwilling, muttered.

"This is the luck of being the Dragon Emperor~"

The dragon smiled and said, "If you can capture him, why should I spend so much time?"


The Dragon Lord said, "He has multiple clones just like before. These clones can use the artifacts of the Heavenly Court, the immortal artifacts of the Dao Immortal Realm, and if not unexpected, there will be dragon artifacts of the Dragon Realm!"

"He is Long Hao~"

The dragon nodded and said, "It's normal to be able to use dragon weapons. By the way, isn't Kunwu sword a dragon weapon? Hey, I didn't expect him to find Kunwu sword in the demon league. It seems that he went to the demon league to experience No purpose!"


The dragon lord nodded and said, "Kunwu sword is an unexpected joy. Of course, this can more confirm his identity."

"Since he is here~"

Long Xing smiled and said, "Then he doesn't have to go anymore, you can come back too."

"I don't want to go back now~"

The dragon lord looked into the distance, UU reading shook his head slightly.


Long Xing laughed, "Are you unwilling to let him run away from you?"

Speaking of this, the dragon shape suddenly reduced his laughter, and said in a cold tone, "Or, you aspire to Kunwu Sword!"

The Dragon Lord was not afraid, but said faintly: "Even if I take the Kunwu Sword, what will happen?"

Long Xing looked at the Dragon Lord, but did not speak immediately. After a long while, he said: "With your current strength, I am afraid that it is not easy to take the Kunwu Sword from Daoxian Hunyuan's hands, and he knows the Kunwu Sword. Only you and me are the two dragons that have appeared. I don't want this news to spread. Similarly, I don't want you to seize the Kunwu Sword."

The dragon lord asked back: "Is my strength insufficient, or am I unworthy?"


Long Xing replied, "Any dragon in our Dragon Realm is more worthy of Kunwu Sword, because we are a real dragon bloodline, and he is just a dragon clone! But you should know that you It's not that you have no strength to take the Kunwu Sword, you are not lucky enough..."

It’s a pity that before the dragon shape was finished, the dragon lord interrupted him and said, "What luck does the human race have, isn't it my dragon clan’s fart? As soon as I talk about the dragon lord, it’s no better than a Dao Xian Hun Yuan who is not a god. ?"

"Think about it for yourself~"

The dragon shape still persuaded with bitter words, "How long have you stayed in Bodanhai? There are not eight hundred and one thousand book immortals who have died in your hands? Why do you want to leave when he arrives? And, you are in the sea. 'And the eyes and ears, they must tell you in advance, right?"

The dragon lord was speechless...

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