Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3480: 1 door

   "Daoyou Xiao, Daoyou Xiao~"

Real person Lun looked at the **** face like a dragon, and said in his heart, "There was a certain family here who wanted to come with you, but a certain family did not expect that not only did you disappear, but this place suddenly appeared in front of a certain family, just like that. If you don’t go in, you simply have lost this opportunity. Therefore, a certain family can only go and see first. If a certain family has the opportunity, I hope that it can be passed to you with the help of the clone technique, so that you can get out of trouble as soon as possible!"

   said, the real dragon's body swayed into the blood of a dragon.

   However, after getting bloody, Real Man Lu was shocked. He looked at everything in front of him in an unbelievable manner, suspecting that he had gone wrong.

   Scarlet is not the heaven and the earth, and there are no treasures, there is just a door, a door with dragon patterns, and a door with 129,000 dragon heads on it!

   "I'm going~"

Real person   龘 whispered, "That's right? This...How is this a door? The Dragon God has told a few places to go to a certain house. This is the first one, why is it a door?"

Real person   龘 tried to push it, and the door didn't exist at all, it looked like a shadow, but Real person 龘 knew that there was indeed a door here, but he didn't know how to open it!

   Thinking of opening it, Zhenren Lu hurriedly looked down at the dragon weapon in his dragon's claws.


Real person   龘 was a little bit dumbfounded, and whispered again, "This...isn't this the key that Xiao Daoyou often talks about?"

   Xiao Hua had already given Zhenren Lu quite a few keys with dragon patterns, but this one was so big that he hadn't noticed it himself.

   Now that I know that this dragon tool is the key, it's easy to handle. The real person can see the difference between the faucet in the middle of the door and the other faucets at a glance. There are 129,000 faucets and only this faucet has its mouth open.

Therefore, Zhenren Lun did not hesitate to insert this key into the dragon head. Sure enough, as the key was inserted, the dragon head seemed to be alive. A series of dragon patterns emerged from the dragon head, and began to move towards the other 129,590 on the door. Nine dragon heads spread over.


Seeing everything in front of him, Zhenren Lu was ecstatic at first, and then his expression suddenly stiffened, and finally took a breath of air-conditioning and whispered, "Someone understands, Ao Sheng... Ao Sheng knew this place early in the morning, no, no, He knew for a long time that a certain family might have this key in his hands, so he...he just asked a certain family to issue the Dragon Mantra!"

"When I was in Long Island, a certain house entered the Dragon Temple first, and then Ao Sheng entered. The Dragon God admired something about a certain house. He... of course he might know! Even he knew more than a certain house. many!!"

   "After all, the Dragon God Venerable only told that the location of a certain totem is the place where the dragon weapon is used, but the Dragon God Venerable did not say where the totem is, but Ao Sheng knows it!"

"A certain family has spoken the Dragon Mantra. If you really see this totem, a certain family will have to take out this key, but under the circumstances, when a certain family does not see the totem, they will First, I took out the Pangu axe, and the Pangu axe can also split the totem. This made a certain family not violated the dragon mantra, and made Ao Sheng mistakenly believe that a certain family does not have this key..."

   "In other words, Ao Sheng has been using a certain house!"


Thinking of this, Zhenren Lun sighed unconsciously, and secretly said, "How can someone say that he is also the master of Ao Sheng in Longdao. Although the dragons have not said anything from the master when they arrive in the Dragon Region, everything on Long Island has also turned into a cloud of smoke, but We still know each other from the past, and are far more cordial than other dragons. Even if Ao Sheng asks a certain family for the key, a certain family may not give it to him. After all, he is still very good to Xiao Daoyou!"

"When a certain family saw Ao Sheng on the day, he actually hesitated in his heart, wondering whether he mentioned his past affection, but when he heard him directly call a certain family daoist friend, a certain family knew it, let alone the customs of the Dragon Realm. Simply speaking of his identity, it is impossible to recognize a certain family as a master, but a certain family is really unexpected, there is already such a big gap between Ao Sheng and a certain family!"

   "Of course, it may also be that Ao Sheng himself is in the whirlpool of power. He is in a dilemma, afraid that he will also involve a certain family, so he dare not be too affectionate, right?"

   "And this sacred dragon of a certain family is a sacred dragon in the mortal realm, and it is not unusual in the dragon realm. Since it cannot be integrated into the level of Ao Sheng, a certain family should stay away!"

Real person   龘 thought so in his heart, but he also knew that he could not be separated from Ao Sheng at present. On the one hand, the mysterious voice wanted to use himself, and on the other hand, Ao Sheng also wanted to use himself!

   "A certain family also knows some secret locations in the Dragon Region~"

Real person   龘 smiled bitterly, "Next, Ao Sheng is afraid that he will go to those places to test, and use all the places that a certain house can use?"

   "I'm going~"

   Suddenly, an unbelievable thought flashed from the depths of the real person's mind, and the real person was instantly terrified, "Then...that mysterious voice won't... won't it be Ao Sheng's Dragon Guard?"

"A certain family’s dragon power was abolished, and the dragon’s appearance was broken. When... in the dilemma of life and death, I met Ao Sheng, and then coincided with Ao Sheng’s trial. The secrets of the gods are returned to Ao Sheng one by one..."

"...No, no, if it is Ao Sheng, he can naturally ask directly. There is no need to spend so much time. Other dragons don't know his origin. A certain family knows it, and a certain family said that he owed him back then. Well, as long as he wants, a certain family can give him everything he gets..."

Zhenren Lu was a little As he was thinking, there were 129,600 dragon heads on the door dyed with dragon patterns, and the blood on the door "boomed", and then all the dragon heads all raised their heads together. However, only a **** color spurted from the central dragon head, rolling towards Reality Lu like a horse training, but when the blood fell, a sudden change occurred, and the blood color actually bypassed Reality Lu and rolled behind him...

Besides, Ao Sheng flew into the white phoenix-like mist, and saw the mist transform into thick air pillars, and within the air pillars there was pure blood overflowing toward the end of the space, and the unspeakable dragon power came from the air pillars. Ao Sheng was overjoyed when it appeared in China.


  Between the air pillars, Yinglong still fought with dragon guards such as horned dragons. Between the flapping wings, the air pillars were cut off from time to time, and the entire space made a great trembling sound.

   "Don't pay attention to me~"

   Ao Sheng looked around, and then at where Ying Long flew down, and hurriedly ordered, "This Yunling wants to return to the source of the marrow, and quickly catch up with it!"

   "Yes, yes~"

   Huang Longyuan and others immediately flew out and began to fight Yinglong in a group.

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