Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3463: Who is the last Tianzun?

"The servant of Qianyun should have returned empty-handed~"

Luan Zheng sneered, "If he found it, his tail would have been raised."

"Whether he finds it or not~"

The middle-aged man said patiently, "It can always prove that there are clues to the fragments of the ancient fairy world in this world."

"Then I have two questions~"

Luan Zheng thought for a while, and said, "First, since it is a fragment of the ancient fairy world, it is not the ancient fairy world. How can I accept the immortals of the 33rd layer of the fairy world? Second, if the avenue is broken, it is There is a problem with Moban Mountain, but Moban Mountain is related to the immortal mark and the foundation of my cultivation. Without Moban Mountain, even if the fragments of the ancient immortal world are found, the fragments can contain all the immortals. What about me? Continue to live longer than Tianqi? This time the adults’ secret order includes Huang Zengtian’s investigation of the three fadings of ordinary immortals. There is no Moban Mountain, let alone me, it’s an adult..."

Luan Zheng didn't dare to go any further.

But the middle-aged man smiled and said, "You are absolutely right, so what the lower realm of Qianyun is looking for is definitely not a fragment of the ancient fairy realm!"

"Then...what's that?"

Luan Zheng was stunned.

"Slash Sendai~"

The middle-aged man categorically cut the railway.


Luan Zheng said in a strange way, "Isn't Zhanxiantai located in the fragments of the ancient immortal world? Of course the penalty Tianzun looks for Zhanxiantai, this is the same as Moban Mountain..."

The middle-aged man finally became impatient, frowning and said: "Where do you think Zanxiantai is in the ancient immortal world?"

"Naturally is the Heavenly Palace..."

Speaking of this, Luan proved that something was white, and he took a cold breath and said, "Si, your lord is talking about the heavenly palace of the ancient immortal world!!"

"Not bad~"

The middle-aged man sneered, "On the surface, Gan Yun is looking for Zhanxiantai, but in fact, what he is looking for is the Tiangong, and the Tiangong in the ancient immortal world, isn't it the Moban mountain in the ancient immortal world?"

"I understand, I understand~~"

Luan Zheng nodded frequently, "As long as I find the Heavenly Palace, and then find the profound trace cultivation method, even if I leave the immortal realm, I can still live forever in the world."

"In addition~"

The middle-aged man said again, "With the power of the heavenly palace, it should be possible to recreate the immortal world, and naturally it can also remedy the lack of the Taoxianjie Dao!"

"That is to say~"

Luan Zheng suddenly woke up, "The ancient families such as Chaotianque and Liangtianque are now very hot...Oh, I understand, why the Taoist Tiangong did not pay attention to Huang Zengtian's immortal gate, they are looking for the ancient family! "


The middle-aged man smiled and said, "Don't talk about the ancient family, even the ancient immortal clan has now become a sweet cake!"

"If nothing happens~"

Luan Zheng sneered, "The ancient family and the immortal clan are now flattered, what kind of business will they do with the Taoist Tiangong!"

"you are wrong!"

The middle-aged man shook his head and said, "As far as I know, the Taoist Heavenly Palace and the others have just eaten at the ancient aristocratic family and the immortal clan!"


Luan Zheng exclaimed, "How is it possible? The ancient aristocracy used to look at the Chaotian Que. After the Chaotian Que was destroyed by us, how could other people be obediently obedient to the Taoist Tiangong? There is also the Shen family and the Jiang family as the heads. The ancient immortals, they are even more scattered, how can they have the courage?"

"But these two forces~"

The middle-aged man said with great interest, "Dare to give Dao Zun Tianfu and the others shut their doors!"

"I got it~"

Luan Zheng smiled, "There must be an immortal king supporting them, and there may be more than one!"


The middle-aged man nodded and said, "It's the old Dao Zun Tianfu and they are temporarily returning to see which fairy king wrote."

"My lord doesn't know who it is?"

Luan Zhengqi said.

"If I knew it~"

The middle-aged man smiled and said, "Why bother to go near and far to find Xiao Hua?"

Luan Zheng shrugged and said, "I'm afraid that no one dares to touch the ancient family and immortal clan before the truth has surfaced!"

"It doesn't matter~"

The middle-aged man replied, "Moving or not, the ancient aristocratic family and immortal clan are there, and the immortal clan can’t run out of the immortal world. It’s the Liu family who is facing the sky, and now I don’t know where to go, only the Liu Yanyu who followed Xiao Hua. There are still some traces!"

"My lord~"

Luan Zheng said hurriedly, "Xiao Hua owns the Kunlun Mirror, his team and Liu Yanyu should all be in the Kunlun Mirror!"


The middle-aged man replied indifferently, "So I let Wang Suhuan and Su Zhe go. Since I have sent someone, they can't send any more!"


Luan Zheng accompanied with a smile, "I understand that this is a rule that adults must abide by. If someone takes action, other people must watch, otherwise how could the ancient family and the ancient immortal clan still be there?"


The middle-aged man finally sighed and said, "I still underestimated Xiao Hua. I didn't expect that he was so blessed that he had cultivated to the high level of Hun Yuan!"

"You mean~~"

Luan Zheng was quite surprised and said, "The last Tianzun may be him, not Wang Susu!"


The middle-aged man shook his head and said, "Xiao Hua's Hunyuan was not cultivated in the Taoist immortal world, so he cannot be recognized by Moban Mountain, and it is impossible for him to become Tianzun. The last Tianzun should be Wang Susu."

"My lord~"

Luan Zheng thought for a while, and said softly, "There are rumors that Xiao Hua is the reincarnation of Yeqiong Tianzun..."


The middle-aged man smiled and said, "So I let Wang Suhuan look for him."

Luan Zheng wanted to ask again. The middle-aged man stretched out his hand and said, "Bring the Mo Xiantong sent by the immortal gates. I have to take a closer look. Maybe I can see from the inside why Sanqingtian is closed!"

Xiao Hua naturally didn't know that Tianzun Zhengfa, whom he had never met, had sent someone to rescue him. He was sitting on Long Nian and looked around impatiently.

Long Nian rushed into a piece of water that seemed to be nothing more than a biquan one Xu Yue ago. Xiao Hua thought it was a mountain current, but as Long Nian sneaked, the water waves around UU reading became more and more beautiful, and There was a feeling of boundlessness around the release of the sense of Long, if it hadn't been for the previous entry of a clear water, Xiao Hua would almost think that the dragon had entered the sea!

But as he continued to dive deep, the surrounding area gradually became under pressure, and the dragon of water became thicker, Xiao Hua was a little surprised: "Damn, this is the sea, but the way to enter is the clear spring."

"It's really interesting. When I was in Lin, the way to enter the Xuan was a cave. When I got to the holy, I changed to the ocean. Moreover, this Xu Yuelong has been diving, and I don’t know how much he has dived. Shen, from this perspective alone, this'Saint' should be on the back of'Lin', similar to the construction of the Demon League."


When Xiao Hua was bored, he heard the horned dragon raise his voice, "It's going to be'Guang' soon, so be prepared!"

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