Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3461: Hunyuan high-ranking Wang Suhuan

After a full meal, the middle-aged talent said leisurely: "Xiao Hua can escape from the Qing emperor. He is afraid that his strength is a high-level Hunyuan. He has also killed Emperor Zitong. The ordinary Hunyuanxian may not be his opponent. And Xiao Hua goes to the Dragon Region, even I don’t know, and other Tianzun may not know!"

   "Yes, yes~"

   Real Thunder also nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, "I don't even know about it!"

   "That's it~"

   The middle-aged man ignored the real person Lei Ting and said, "Xiao Hua is most likely to fall into the danger of the Dragon Realm. If there is no external force, he is afraid it will be difficult to get out..."

"What's the meaning?"

   Real Thundering was stunned, "My lord is going to save Xiao Hua?"

   It is a pity that the middle-aged man still ignores the real person Thunder, and said to Su Zhe: "Su Zhe, you owe me a favor, don't you?"

   "Yes, my lord~"

   Su Zhe immediately bowed and said, "The juniors go to the demon league, and it is all for the adults to point them out. The juniors set foot in Hunyuan, and they also rely on the adults for guidance. The juniors came this time to repay the favor of the adults."

   "Go to Dragon Domain~"

The middle-aged man said, "One is to investigate the whereabouts of Xiao Hua, and the other is to see if there is a place suitable for my human life and cultivation in the Dragon Region. After all, you have been to the Demon League and advanced there. In this respect, you are better than others. So much experience!"

"grown ups,"

   Su Zhe smiled, "If this is the case, it doesn't matter if you are an adult, after all, Xiao Hua is also helpful to me, and the situation in the Dragon Region is also useful for juniors in the future..."

   "Don't forget~"

   The middle-aged man shook his head and said, "Xiao Hua is now stronger than you. Your trip may not be easy..."


   Speaking of this, the middle-aged man suddenly said again, "I can think of it, and they can also think of it, you can't go alone, I will find you one who can hold others down!"

  "Good too~"

   Su Zhe thought for a moment, and said, "But it's up to the adults."


   Luoying laughed with him, "The juniors also want to visit Longyu, do you think..."

   "You don't have to~"

The middle-aged man didn’t even want to say, “And you don’t have to test anymore. When you show up here, Dao Ancestor Tianfu will know about it. So you go back and tell Zhao Xin so that he doesn’t have to wait anymore. Now this immortal world may be better than him. Even more serious..."

   Speaking of this, the middle-aged man stopped, raised his hand a little, and just before the heads of the real person Lei Ting and Su Zhe, a space crack appeared silently.


   A creamy white glow shoots out from the cracks in the space. This glow is different from other lights and shadows. It seems to be extremely heavy, and the space where the glow passes.

   With the sound of trembling, a vague silhouette of a human figure stepped out.


   As soon as the humanoid silhouette came out of space, there was a wind whistling around Su Zhe's body, and his fairy body refolded and fell towards the humanoid silhouette as the wind howled and turned into a glowing cloud.

   As for the real Thunder, Luo Ying, etc., the figure can not help flying up, but also rushes toward the silhouette of the human like a moth to a fire.


Everyone was shocked, and Su Zhe hurriedly urged his supernatural powers, but when he thought of it, the outline of the human figure was instantly clear, and then all the rays of light rolled back, falling into the outline of the human figure, followed by a suave, handsome son. Body shape, all the suction power disappeared.

   "Sorry, sorry~"

   Young Master looked at everyone. When her eyes passed Luoying, a ripple suddenly appeared in Luoying's heart. Then the Young Master laughed with him, "I didn't expect Master Tianzun to have other immortals here."

   "Hunyuan high-level!"

   Seeing that the brother-in-law regained his aura, he immediately blended in with his origins, without a trace of leakage, Su Zhe's eyes had a trace of envy, and he hurriedly said respectfully: "Senior is polite."


   The middle-aged man opened his mouth and said, "I have a chance here, a chance to become the **** of heaven, are you going?"



   Everyone whispered, but the real person Thunder whispered in his heart, and Wang Suhuan screamed out aloud.

   "Wang Suo Suo?"

   "I'll go~~"

   The real person Lei Ting and the others cried out in their hearts, "Is anyone else called by this name?"

   "nnd, it's really like the name!"

   "Wow, the king of romantic suaves, no wonder you can set foot in the high-end Hunyuan!"

  , it was Wang Suhuan, and some of them cried out, "Tianzun, are you always joking with me? Set foot on Tianzun?"

   "If you don't go,"

   The middle-aged man didn't explain at all, and said lightly, "I'm looking for someone else!"

   "Go, go, how can you not?"

   Wang Susuo immediately laughed and said, "I will be on an equal footing with Master Tianzun when I come back, so I'm not going to be a fool!"

   "I just said there was a chance, but I didn't say that it was certain~"

   The middle-aged man smiled, "Don't always think about coming back and sitting on an equal footing with me. Do you know what is meant by greater hope and greater disappointment?"


   Wang Suhuan also smiled, "Looking at what you always said, can't I think about it? Tell me, where is this opportunity, I have to pass through the thorns and thorns!"

   "Dragon Domain!"

   the middle-aged man replied.

   "Don't go!"

   Unexpectedly, Wang Suhuan replied simply, "Master Tianzun, goodbye!"

   After finishing speaking, Wang Suhua turned around to leave.

   "Have you decided?"

   The middle-aged man still asked faintly.

   "Of course I decided~"

   Wang Susu didn’t even want to say, "I won’t go to Dragon Domain anymore if I kill me. You never know how powerful the female Tyrannosaurus is..."

   "The secrets of the fairy world have changed~"

  The middle-aged population is still faint, "I am afraid that there will be no Tianzun in the future. This...this should be your last chance!"

   "I'm going~"

   Wang Su was stunned, looked at the middle-aged man, and hesitated, "You old man is not coaxing me!"

   The middle-aged man did not answer just like dealing with the real Thunder.

  Wang Suo looked at the middle-aged man for a long while, and then said helplessly: "I have surrendered. Tell me, what's the matter with the Dragon Realm?"

   "Su Zhe~"

   The middle-aged man knew that Wang Suhuan would agree, and he said, "You and Wang Suhuan go to Longyu to find Xiao Hua, UU reading, this is my order of heaven, you do it cheaply!"


   An earth-yellow beast token fell in front of Su Zhe.

   "Xiao Hua?"

   Wang Su was shocked and exclaimed, "The landlord on the 13th floor of Tianting, killed Emperor Zitong and challenged the fierce Qing Emperor? Why are you looking for him??"

   "Oh, I remember, my lord, you won't let me kill him, no, no, I'm not going..."

  Wang Su Suu said that Su Zhe respectfully gave birth to his hands to hold the Tianzun Order, "swipe~" Tianzun Ling gave birth to a shining light, directly engulfing Su Zhe, Wang Suu Suu, Zhenren Lei Ting and Jin Yong, dragging them into the gap of space.

   Luo Ying's face changed slightly as the sun disappeared. She looked at the middle-aged man and opened her mouth to ask something, but she swallowed it again.

   "It was an accident that you got here~"

  The middle-aged man paused for a moment before he said, "But if you can get here, which one is an accident? Since you want to shelter, the two of you will go to the Jie Chong!"

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