Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3444: Real Thunder is said to be moved


The real person Lei Ting returned to his position, his figure flickered, and he immediately returned to the hall, saying: "Okay, you continue to say."

"Yes, Uncle~"

Jin Yong didn’t dare to ask more, and continued to say, “The Supreme Master has already been inquired clearly, Zhengfa Tianzun has convened the various immortal gates, and each immortal gate has two quotas, one of which must be a high-level Taiyi, or each The Taiyi disciple of Xianmen who is most hopeful to set foot in Hunyuan, and the other is the representative of each Xianmen Taishang, specifically discussing how to deal with this great change of heaven!"

"The problem is~"

Real Lei Ting frowned and said, "Let's go to Xuanshan and not come under the jurisdiction of Zheng Fah Tianzun, shall we go to someone to take care of it?"

"As far as I know~"

Jin Yong replied, "Not only we Chong Xuan Mountain, but also other immortal gates in the Liutian Continent have also selected disciples to secretly go to Zhengfa Tianzun Mansion to see if there is a chance to meet Tianzun. A fairy gate, every fairy!"


Hearing this, Jin Xuanyue hurriedly said, "Uncle, what you said, the child remembered something. When the child was still in Huang Zengtian, there was an order from the Palace of Desire to ask the child to inspect the immortals within the sect's power. I don’t know why about the three fading events, and there is no more news later, and the result of the Yuanri inspection is still in my child's hands!"

When Jin Yong heard this, he hurriedly stretched out his hand and said: "Hurry up and take a look~"

Jin Xuanyue hurriedly took out a Moxian pupil and handed it to Jin Yong.


After seeing it, Jin Yong nodded and said, "This thing is good, but it's not useful!"

Then, Jin Yong looked at Zhen Lei Ting and said: "I have a lot of high-level disciples in Xuanshan Taiyi, but I have the most hope to set foot in Hunyuan, and the one with the most famous reputation is naturally the uncle of the master, so the master thinks that the teacher If the uncle goes to worship and witness the Fa Tianzun, his old man will see you if he can't say it!"

Thunder is really bitter, can he not go?

His Dao Guo is the Dao Ancestor's point, and Tian Wai Tian has a problem, it is naturally impossible for him to set foot on Hunyuan Dao! Moreover, Xiao Hua could not be found at this time, so why didn't he even have the opportunity to ask.


Real Thunder thought for a while, and said, "I'll go, but you wait for the two to rest here, I'll go and prepare!"

After hearing Master Lei Ting agree, Jin Yong and Jin Xuanyue breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. They had practiced many times along the way, and now they finally talked about Master Lei Ting, don't say wait, just wait for Yanyue, they are also happy!

"Don't panic, don't panic~"

Jin Yong hurriedly laughed and said, "Uncle Master, please prepare, this matter is very important, and it cannot be solved in a day or two!"

What can you do with Real Thunder? All his body and self are placed in the good luck palace of the immortal realm space, and the typical leave is just an excuse. He wants to discuss with Qingqing.

When it comes to negotiation, it's actually asking Qingqing what to do.

Xiao Hua didn't like Qingqing, but he still told Mortal Thunder to ask Qingqing if something happened. After all, it was the female fairy who had cooperated with Shengdi Kun to suppress Yuhua Yuanjun for a long time after the emperor. How could she be better than the reckless man of Thunder. Too much.


Qingqing was silly when she heard it, "There is a problem with Tianwaitian?"

"what is the problem?"

"Tian Waitian collapsed?"

"Dao Master, Dao Ancestor and Dao Zun have a fight?"

Facing Qingqing’s question, Real Lei Ting shouted: "How do I know? I just heard what a disciple said! I'm still at a loss now, I don't know what to do!"

Seeing the real person Lei Ting thinking of no flies, Qing Qing smiled thoughtfully: "Husband, even if the entire Dao Immortal Realm is anxious, they are all worried, only you, don't worry!"

"I know~"

True person Lei Ting said angrily, "I have good luck, I have Xiao Daoyou, what am I afraid of! The question is, nnd, can I not cultivate Hunyuan by myself? Do I have to worry about other Xiao Daoyou in my own cultivation? You know me Why come to Chongxuan Mountain, why not go to Xiao Daoyou, I just want to tell others that I can still cultivate to Hunyuan if I leave Xiao Daoyou!"


Qingqing said with a smile, "The husband has such a motivated heart, and the concubine body is extremely pleased, but the husband has misunderstood the concubine body. The concubine body means that we have Xiao Hua as the final limit. It’s not that everything depends on him!"

"This is no different from farting~"

Real Thunder sneered, "Don't I know? I asked you what to do now!"

"It's very simple~"

Qingqing said with a smile, "First, now it is a disciple from Chong Xuanshan who is coming to send a message. The husband does not know if this is the case, and the husband must first determine whether this is true or false;"

"Second, if the outer sky is really closed, why is the outer sky closed that day?"

"Third, the sky outside the sky is closed, the husband can no longer cultivate, or can not reach the Hunyuan? If you can't cultivate, the husband can change the place, didn't Xiao Hua go to the heaven, why can't you go? If the husband can't reach the Hunyuan Now that it’s yuan, why can’t it be reached? Your husband can find a way to overcome it..."

Speaking of this, Qingqing rolled her eyes and said: "If there is any Master Tianzun summoning the immortal gate, the concubine feels that Master Tianzun is also thinking of a way, and might as well participate in it. After all, there are so many people and powerful."

"Yeah, my husband understands~"

Real Lei Ting smiled openly when he heard it, and he grabbed Qingqing and gave a kiss.

Qingqing's temper is different from that of Emperor Kun Sheng. She smiled and said, "That's right, let's take pleasure in my husband!"

"You go to the good fortune Taoist palace~"

Real Lei Ting took Qing Qing's hand and said, "One is to plan what you said earlier, and the other is to be a staff adviser for her husband."

"Well, my concubine understands~"

Qingqing nodded, then looked around, and said, "I'm afraid that the cave can't be used anymore. My concubine sends an order to let them all go to the Dao Palace of Good Fortune!"


Real Lei Ting asked in astonishment, "Why can't I use the good cave mansion anymore?"

"The secret change that even Master Tianzun is involved~"

The green chest has the way of making bamboo, UU reading www.uukanshu. com "How could it not affect the entire Dao Immortal Realm? If the cause can be easily found, Master Tianzun can rush to find the major immortal gates? But since even the major immortal gates have been dispatched, how could this matter be false? Since this affects the entire Dao. The things in the immortal world are true, so how can this Dao immortal world be calmer, and how can you cultivate to Hunyuan again?"

"I go!"

Real Lei Ting whispered, "Wife, why are you so awesome!"

"Hehe, this is nothing, husband~"

Qingqing shook the hand of Mortal Thunder, and said softly, "Your strength is the real backing. We both want to live in the world safely and depend on you!"

I have to say that Qingqing took the real person Lei Ting to death. The real person Lei Ting was full of confidence and courage, and nodded and said: "Don't worry, I will not let you down."

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