Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3233: Tai'a sword is hidden in the great sword realm of Haotian

"Good stuff?"

Liu Yanyi didn't pay attention to this. When she heard the gift, her eyes lit up again, "Go, go, I want gifts too!"


Xiao Huaqiang suppressed the horror in his heart, nodded and smiled strongly, "Yi'er spends a lot of time in the sky, and your sister miss for you during this time!"

After speaking, the jade diary Xiao Hua glanced at Liu Yanyu and said, "Don't worry~"

Then, the figure flickered and disappeared immediately!

"I know, you hurry up..."

Liu Yanyi urged Yu Di Xiao Hua to leave, but she didn't know that Xiao Hua hadn't finished her words, so Liu Yan Yi curled his lips and said, "What are you in a hurry? I haven't finished talking yet!"

Seeing Xiao Hua Yu in such a hurry, Liu Yanyu's heart also "hooted" to her throat. When Liu Yanyu was the most frightened, Xiao Hua had just disappeared, and "Woo" seemed to be a kind of blocking everything. The sword intent of, covering the entire space like a dark cloud!

"Not good!"

Just when this sword intent was faintly born, Liu Yanyu could no longer perceive the heavens, let alone Xiao Hua. Liu Yanyu’s heart sank to the bottom again. She understood that there must be a powerful force to hold Xiao Hua’s. Space seal!

In other words, Xiao Hua's mind went out in time. If it was a moment late, his mind might be sealed in the space.

"This...this is power, so powerful?"

Liu Yanyu was shocked.

Liu Yanyi didn't know this. She took Liu Yanyu's hand and whispered: "Sister, how did you **** the seal of the Great Emperor from your uncle?"

"I didn't grab it~"

Liu Yanyu was a little absent-minded, but she knew that she had to clarify things clearly, otherwise the stupid people would definitely have a grudge, so she took out the Nangong family's luck literary and said, "This is what Xiao Lang gave me. There is Kyushu luck in this!"

"I understand~"

Liu Yanyi rolled his eyes slightly and said with a smile, "It's my sister's luck that far exceeds my uncle's fourth uncle, and the emperor's seal will find my sister!"

"Yes, yes~"

Liu Yanyu nodded and said, "So I didn't want to grab..."


Liu Yanyi whispered, "Can you lend me this thing?"


Where is Liu Yanyu's mind here? She hesitated for a moment, and said, "Let's wait for you to turn around, after my sister's sacrifice, I will lend you again!"

"Hehe, okay~"

Liu Yanyi was overjoyed and said, "You can sacrifice yourself, I just show it off!"

Liu Yanyu didn't doubt that it had it, and received the Nangong family's luck and luck literary, looked up worriedly outside the space, turned around and led Liu Yanyi into Chengtian Palace...

It is not only Liu Yanyu who is worried about Xiao Hua, but also the immortals of Qionghua Island.

Speaking of Qionghua Island, Dong Xiao, the sacred palace of Heicheng Wenqu, showed joy on his face, and hurriedly reported: "Your Majesty, Lou Zhu has entered the Great Sword Realm!"


Hei Di laughed and said, "I'm waiting here and waiting..."

However, before Hei Di's voice fell to the ground, Bai Di's expression suddenly changed, and his figure flew up with a "boom".

"what happened?"

Don't say that the emperor is the emperor, even the other two emperors are also shocked, and hurriedly asked.

Baidi ignored them, but squinted his eyes and looked at the sword light in the rosy clouds in the Great Sword Realm of Haotian, then turned to look at Wenqu, and said in surprise, "It's interesting, could it be my Baihu Divination? Will there be mistakes?"

"What is the emperor's whispering?"

The Emperor also looked at Emperor Bai and frowned.


The Baidi was hesitant to speak, but he glanced at the Heidi and Chidi next to him, and immediately changed his words when he thought of it, "It's nothing special, it's just a sword..."

Previously, when he was buried in the void, the Emperor Bai had to look for Tai'a sword, but at that time, there was no other great emperor besides him. Naturally, Emperor Bai didn't need to explain his own ideas; but now that the five emperors are gathered together, everyone has a chance. After getting the Tai'a sword, Bai Di naturally wanted to speak out his plan first, and when Tai'a sword came out after the province, the other great emperors took action.

"Keng Keng Keng~"

It's a pity that as the Baidi's words were uttered, the Great Sword Realm next to the star list actually gave birth to the sound of swords, and the bright sword realm was annihilated by this sound of swords!


Everyone is dumbfounded, this is something they never dreamed of!

They always thought that Xiao Hua would definitely bring good luck to the second-tier Taiqing Heavenly Immortal when he reached the Great Sword Realm, but they never thought that Xiao Hua had just entered the Great Sword Realm, and the Great Sword Realm would begin to annihilate!

"Too Ajian~"

Baidi suddenly woke up and exclaimed, "I understand, Tai'a sword is hidden in the Haotian Great Sword!"


The Emperor was also surprised. He looked at the Chi Emperor and said, "Do you remember the Emperor? I visited the Great Sword Realm in the Haotian Great Sword Realm back then. Except for the zuì Jiao Ba Mian Tablet, there is no Tai A Sword in it. Traces of..."


Inside the holy relics, a sword shook the earth, but Xia Yun next to the star list did not respond, and the inch was still turned into pitch black.

"What's the matter?"

The Emperor of Heaven was a little anxious and blurted out, "Why did Xiao Hua change so much as soon as he entered the Great Sword Realm? If it was Tai Ajian, then... wouldn't Tai Ajian be ambush long ago?"

"Brother Emperor~"

Baidi ordered Zeng Jian to send someone over to investigate, and said with a wry smile, "Could it be that you forgot, the time Hongyun in the Haotian Great Sword is different from the outside. Let’s look at it for a moment. The inside may be a hundred years old. !"

Facing the Great Sifang, Wenqu did not dare to enter the space easily, but he hurried back to the Great Emperor’s chariot, trying to avoid the Sifang Great to see if there was a trace of Xiao Hua in the space, but he could go to the Great Emperor’s chariot. But he saw the lazy Bai Ze sitting on the horns of Bone Dragon Ji, Bone Dragon Ji and a bloodless loach, also lying there, seemed to have no strength at all.

Seeing Wenqu flew back, UU read Baize weakly said: "The third master of the master, what a panic, isn't it just the annihilation of the ruins of the sacred? This is not what our master master is doing. It's been once or twice!"


Wen Qu felt that the situation was serious and whispered, "This time it is different. The place where Daoyou Xiao fell... is where Tai Ajian hides. Xiao Daoyou has already offended him when he fought against Tai Ajian in the emptiness of Burying the Immortal, too. The sword is hiding in the Haotian Great Sword. Didn't Fellow Daoist Xiao throw himself into the trap?"

"Fault him!"

Bai Ze and Bone Dragon Ji both lifted up their spirits, and jumped up and roared.

"Not good~"

Just as Wen Qu was about to speak, his face suddenly changed again, because at this time he could no longer perceive the space!

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