Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2967: Dark storm of humanity

Unfortunately, there was no response in the darkness.


Xiao Hua cursed in a low voice and turned his head to look. At this time, the sky had disappeared, replaced by a turbulent black cloud, which spread rapidly toward the surroundings like a stormy sea, sealing Xiao Hua's retreat!

"what is this??"

Xiao Hua was quite puzzled, but when these dark clouds came up, Xiao Hua was stunned by the decadent aura from within, as well as the flashing shadows and black colors.

What else can there be?

It is from the thirty-seventh level of Xianxuan to the end of the sixtieth level, the nasty and dark acts that took place in the cities of Heaven and Earth Tower!

"It turns out~"

Xiao Hua opened his eyes and murmured, "This... these memories that have happened are deprived of the tower of heaven and earth, but... but they are not melted, but are deposited in the tower of heaven and earth..."

"Boom boom boom~"

When Xiao Hua was thinking about it, there was a thunderous sound above his head, and in the endless darkness, there was a pitch-black rosy cloud that was ten thousand times larger than under him, and it washed down like a river of heaven.




Where the black color is pouring, the heavenly path collapses, the human relationship collapses, and all the charms are shattered.

Within Xiayun, the purgatory-like scene clearly greeted Xiao Hua's eyes, and the screams made Xiao Hua's blood surge...

"Xiao understands!"

Xiao Hua gritted his teeth and whispered, "The hundreds of millions of students who participated in the Tiandi Pagoda Xian election have lost their memories, but their memories are piled up in the Tiandi Pagodas. These memory Tiandi Pagodas cannot be eliminated, and now they have formed... a dark storm, and If these dark storms can't be eliminated, the Heaven and Earth Tower will collapse, I'm afraid it will ruin the order of the Heavenly Court!!"

Xiao Hua didn't know how many years the selection of the apocalypse had existed, nor did Wenqu know.

Xiao Hua didn't know how many times the election of the heavenly court was conducted.

But in the face of such a dark storm, even Xiao Hua, the Dao Xian Hunyuan, would be terrified. He couldn't believe what a disaster would be like if these humanoid ugliness rushed out of the heaven and earth tower and spread to the heavens!

Just thinking of this, Xiao Hua's eyes unexpectedly saw some hard-to-understand scenes. There were men and women in it, and Xiao Hua's wandering shapes made Xiao Hua's eyes squinting.

"I'll go, absolutely not~"

Upon seeing this, Xiao Hua's eyes turned sharply, and he secretly said, "We must not let these dark human storms rush into the heavens. Let alone how these human storms destroy the human morality of the heavens, what happens inside alone is enough to destroy the heavens. …"

But how to stop these dark storms of human nature?

Xiao Hua thought of the Emperor Qingzhu, but at this time he couldn't perceive the space at all, that is, he couldn't use all kinds of immortal tools; Xiao Hua thought of the Taoxian magical powers, but he tried slightly, and the power of heaven and earth was immediately born around him. It was the Heaven and Earth Pagoda that was going to send himself out, Xiao Hua hurriedly gave up.

There were nine colors in Xiao Hua's eyes, and he still used Taitong to look around. At this time, the human form darkness under Xiao Hua's feet had already poured up, and the dark storm of human nature above the sky was even more shocking.

"Xiao understands~"

Xiao Hua secretly said, "This dark storm of human nature was not caused by Xiao, but Xianxuan opened the 75th floor of the Heaven and Earth Tower. Xianxuan's learning level has 24 levels, and there is not only too much darkness in human form. Moreover, it is too close to the darkness of human nature that has precipitated before, and this has triggered the dark storm of human nature!"

The dark storm of human nature washed away, Xiao Hua did not dare to neglect and immediately released Qing Yun!


Qingyun protects Xiao Hua, and within Qingyun, there is a vortex power elephant. The place where the heavy light, moon heavy wheel and star heavy light shine on this day will long before the darkness of humanity rushing towards Xiao Hua has been shining away!

Hsiao Hua was overjoyed and hurriedly urged the "Swivel Sky Power Elephant Pian", chanting in her mouth:

"The day is shining, but the sky is back.

The sun is shining, and it's swimming like a flying expedition..."

As Xiao Hua sang, weird things happened. The immortal monument that was hidden in Xiao Hua's three flowers slowly emerged. An old man with a simple face and wearing sackcloth flew out of the monumental monument.

The old man's figure just fell into the darkness, and a thunderous voice sang from the sky and the earth:

"The sky does not give birth to a saint, and the ages are like a long night.

The sky is like a saint, the sun and the moon will shine forever~"

This sound came after another, like an empty valley echo, the more it was superimposed, the more it became louder!

With this voice, the flames of civilization began to burn between the eyebrows of Xiao Hua's body, and he was not under Xiao Hua's control at all.

The old man stood in the dark, his eyes swept, and then he saw the fire of civilization!

Only the fire of civilization in the eyes of the old man, falling in the direction of Xiao Hua.

And as the old man flew down, Xiao Hua's time body trembled slightly, and it seemed that he could not bear the weight of the old man's golden light!

"Holy Pro!"

Xiao Hua felt that his eyes lit up, as if he could see a little more clearly. A pitch-black step appeared under his feet, and a voice came from his heart: "Step on, break the darkness, and send the Three Immortals and the Four Doctrines of Crossing Channels. To the top of the World Tower!"


Xiao Hua understood, and exclaimed, "The younger generation understands that the darkness of human nature can only be illuminated by the light of the saints, and the dark human nature storm is only my human race's'set up the heart for the world, for the life and the people, and for the future. The four doctrines of "opening peace for all generations" can be broken. As for the elimination of this storm, you have to rely on the "three immortals of virtue, meritorious service, and proposition"! If you want to keep the darkness of the tower of heaven and earth forever, you must rely on this immortality. Holy stele!"


An old and majestic voice sounded in the darkness, this voice seemed to pierce through heaven and earth, through time and space.

Xiao Hua didn't hesitate, he raised his leg and stepped onto the dark steps.

Just when he was standing on the steps, the darkness abruptly rose on the steps "Woo", and immediately rolled up Xiao Hua, and the wisps of pitch black rushed directly into Xiao Hua's time body!

Xiao Huamo said that moving his footsteps meant that his thoughts would be stagnant, and countless dark shadows of human nature crazily attack Xiao Hua's soul!

This is not a magic shadow, it is not death, it is not fear, it is the darkest of human nature!

Xiao Hua is a human race, and human nature is the root. This darkness is his innate nemesis. The darkness of his own human nature has long been suppressed, and now he has begun to boil and start to fight back.


Xiao Hua's soul was flying into the sky, but his heart was clearly tight. If the darkness of his own human nature broke out, it would definitely be a disaster comparable to the collapse of the Tower of Heaven and Earth.

"How to do?"

"The Secret Technique with Light!"

Xiao Hua immediately thought of the third layer of the light-bearing secret technique and the light-to-chen tactics of the 缻绻小天境. UU reading www.

However, Xiao Hua urged the practice to discover that in the dark, he couldn't give birth to light at all!

"Five Secret Techniques!"

The task is completed again, you can still find Xuanqing...

Thanks to the following fairy friends for their strong support to Xiu Shen. They are: smelly mosquitoes, a grain of rice, wooden people, singing birds, Boss Zhao, brick movers, busy old men, Bihai advertising, Huan, Wen, Cang Zhan, I used to look forward to the present, Southern Emperor Beima, Trotting Youth, Open the Door of Sesame, Feng, Stupid Taoist, Nuo Lunxi Watch, Samsara and other fairy friends.

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