Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2822: Siege of Bimutian (1)


There was a warm current in Li Mengyang's chest, and she knew in her heart that from this moment on, her childhood nightmare would never appear again, and the obsession with her parents had become that of her husband.

Li Mengyang actually knew that obsession was not good, but she couldn't give it up. As early as when she was practicing in the mortal world, the master had said that the Dao was ruthless. Sooner or later, the obsession in her heart would become a demon, and sooner or later, the demon would kill her.

Even in the immortal world and Qi Yunshan, his master still said so.

The reason why Li Mengyang stayed at the Gate of Good Fortune was due to Song Xiaodi for a little while, and most of it was because the Gate of Good Fortune was not ruthless on the road. Li Mengyang liked the atmosphere of the Gate of Good fortune.

"Thank you, husband~"

Li Mengyang smiled sweetly at Song Xiaodi.


Hearing Li Mengyang's rare call to his husband, Song Xiaodi was also sweet in his heart, but he put his finger on his lips, motioned her to stop speaking, and then pointed behind him again.

Li Mengyang hurriedly looked, but saw that the immortal boat he had been riding in the sky before was blooming with thunder light, hanging mid-air behind him, above the immortal boat, the real person Lei Ting stood there with a blue face, his eyes straight to the huge platform high in the sky.

Li Mengyang hurriedly stuck out his tongue, afraid to speak.

Seeing Li Mengyang's cute appearance, Song Xiaodi also smiled. If Zhang Qingxiao hadn't helped him break into Li Mengyang's state of mind, how could Song Xiaodi know that Li Mengyang still had such obsessions?


On the immortal boat, Gan Taiyan and Lu Shiyun whispered, "Wen's family belongs to the immortal clan of the ancient times. This guardian formation is too powerful. It may not be broken by our strength. If you please..."

"Please, please, please~"

Real Lei Ting said angrily, "Fart, please! You know how to invite someone, can't you do it yourself?"

"Yes, Master~"

Gan Taiyan and Lu Shiyun looked at each other. They didn't talk as much as Yang Shi and others, and they didn't even dare to talk anymore.


After the real man Lei Ting finished speaking, Lei Guang made a masterpiece all over his body. He stepped up into the sky step by step and shouted, "Wen Quan, can you dare to fight the old man?"

"Who is Senior?"

On the platform, a non-irritable voice sounded, "Why come to Bi Mutian of my Wenjia? Wen Mou is self-proclaimed and gentle, and I am not troubled by Wen Mou's family. After thinking about it, Wen Mou didn’t know where it was offended. senior!"

"I want to clean up you,"

Real Thunder roared, "What's the matter? Can't it?"

"Naturally it works~"

Wen Quan didn't show his figure, but said lightly, "But senior, don't blame me Wen Jia for treating seniors slowly..."

"Boom boom boom~"

After all, the platform in the dark vibrated slightly, and countless black unicorn silhouettes rushed into the surroundings. The bright moon also began to dim at this time, like ink soaking, and within the bright moon, a unicorn began to slowly condense.

"Roar, roar~"

In the night sky in front of Real Person Lei Ting, there was a low roar of a unicorn, and then, black energy gushed out, the space burst with a "bang", and a black unicorn with blood in the eyes flew out of the tearing space.

The black unicorn is about ten thousand feet tall, and the black flame burns all over the body. This flame burns the space and collapses. In the collapsed space, bone dragons roar and fly out, roaring at the real person of Thunder.


Real Lei Ting snorted coldly, and between his hands, several thunder big hands were born, grabbing the bone dragons directly, and grinning, "Do you dare to bark at Lao Tzu for these little things?"


Thunder's hand shrank, all the bone dragons turned into bones, and the bones turned into bits and pieces in the Thunder.


The black unicorn furiously flew down, and a black flame spurted out of his mouth. The flame broke through the void and directly hit the real Thunder, which was comparable to Taiyi's full fight!

Before the real person of Thunder has had time to activate the immortal power, the flames have enveloped him within thousands of miles, and strands of black fire filaments leaked out of the void, and even the black fire filaments rushed out of the thunder light on the real body of Thunder. .

"I'm going~"

Real Lei Ting whispered, he really did not expect this black unicorn to be so powerful.

But when the real person Lei Ting urged the immortal force, "Puff puff~" Whether it was the immortal force or the thunder light, they were all shattered in the black flame!


Real Person Thunder suddenly understood something, and whispered, "This is the power of death! Nie barrier, are not a formation spirit!!"


At this moment, the black flame of the black unicorn had already fallen. Although the real Thunder dodged in a hurry, how could he escape in a hurry?


Although it is a flame, it can be compared to ice and water, and the black color is even more like ink, which instantly extinguishes the thunder light around the real person of Thunder!

"Haha, haha~"

Wen Quan's voice sounded on the platform, "Senior, I'm Bi Mutian is not an overwhelming fault. You dare to come and provoke you with such strength? Are you afraid of being laughed out of your teeth by others?"


As Wen Quan’s voice landed, within the full moon, the outline of the Mo Qilin also took shape. Mo Qilin looked up to the sky and roared, and then countless unicorn shadows flew down under the moonlight...

"not good!"

Seeing Mo Qilin rushing like lightning in the moonlight, he simply ignored the space and rushed to the immortal mark on the center of his eyebrows. Li Mengyang was shocked and hurriedly shouted, "Quickly protect my immortal mark!"

As soon as Li Mengyang's voice fell, the "boom" of a Mo Qilin's phantom had fallen on her immortal mark.

Li Mengyang felt that his head was dizzy, his eyes turned black, and the unspeakable tingling rushed directly to the soul, and there was also a cold acupuncture feeling on the immortal mark!


Contrary to Li Mengyang's expectation, Song Xiaodi whispered in her ear, "Hurry up and push Taxianque!!!"


Li Mengyang was taken aback, because Song Xiaodi's voice was very relaxed and there was nothing unusual, but she didn't have time to think about it, and hurriedly urged the Daxianque technique of the good luck gate.

Sure enough, after stepping on the immortal fault, immortal power flowed like rain, the sting of the soul was immediately eliminated, and the ink unicorn that had been imprinted on the immortal mark was also rapidly dimmed.

Li Mengyang came back to look at Song Xiaodi again. Song Xiaodi's eyebrows didn't have the mark of Mo Qilin at all!

Don't say that Li Mengyang was surprised. It was Wen Quan on the high platform, and he couldn't believe that he looked at the disciples of the Good Fortune Sect within the space of the surrounding space, and whispered, "This...what's going on? Who is your deity? Under the door???"

"Haha, UU reading haha~"

Reality Thunder was originally beaten by the flames of the black unicorn, but now he laughed and said, "Which **** dared to accept Laozi?"

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With that said, the real person Lei Ting raised his hand to offer a yin and yang picture book.


Two rays of light rushed out of the Yin-Yang Illustrated Book and directly swept towards the black unicorn!

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