Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2806: Hunyuan Fighting

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Greed appeared in the eyes of Emperor Zitong!

"Haha, haha~"

It's a pity that at this moment, Xiao Hua who was tumbling in another place suddenly laughed, "That's it, that's it!"

As Xiao Hua laughed, he lifted his left hand and closed the wishful stick. Then, with a clenched fist, no one could see it at all, but in Xiao Hua's eyes, two extremely faint wisps of pale gold had fallen on him. Hands.

at the same time,




On Xiao Hua’s eyebrows, the fairy mark, witch mark, and demon mark flashed at the same time. The color of the fairy mark was silvery white, the color of the witch mark was sublime, and the color of the demon mark was sky blue, but these three colors were only flashing three times, and they all turned into pale gold. !

Looking at Xiao Hua again, his whole body was throbbing with a thunderbolt, raising his fists to meet the shadow of Emperor Zitong's right arm!

"Boom boom boom~"

There are forty-nine punches between Emperor Zitong’s punches, and each weight has the power of the law of overwhelming mountains and seas. If this force falls to the mortal world, a Tibetan immortal continent cannot stop this punch. The previous three punches, even if it was Xiao Hua had to retreat steadily, but Xiao Hua slammed his fist again, and the forty-six heavy fist shadows were beaten to pieces in the continuous roar!

Emperor Zitong was stunned again, he looked at Xiao Hua with incredible bravery, and he didn't know what happened when he wanted to break his head.

"Is it possible that Xiao Huai has led me to fall, and has been showing weakness?"


Emperor Zitong could only guess secretly, but how could Emperor Zitong know?

Just as Emperor Zitong’s second punch made Xiao Hua’s right arm fire, and the bones were in the woods, the 36,000 Hunyuan disciples in the Dutian Star Array were worried and prayed together in their hearts. At this moment, Xiao Hua suddenly felt Du Tianxing. The power of faith within the formation.

With the emergence of the power of faith, Xiao Hua felt the beating of the immortal marks, witch marks, and demon marks. Xiao Hua was pleasantly surprised at that time. Isn't the entire sky star array just one space? Isn’t the power of faith the law in this space?

Although Xiao Hua could not mobilize the power of the laws of the fairy world, he could mobilize the power of faith in the space of the star array, and he could also fight the Emperor Zitong!

However, how could Xiao Hua mobilize the power of faith at this time?

So Xiao Hua tried the power of faith in the third punch, but unfortunately he did not succeed, but he still felt the power of the three immortals.

At this point, Xiao Hua didn't know how, although he could not mobilize the power of faith, but he could rely on the prayers of 36,000 disciples of the Dutian Star Array to guide the power of immortal marks, witch marks and monster marks. Fusion into one!

Thus, this is the rise of the fourth punch Xiao Hua!

The mystery in this, I am afraid that only Xiao Hua knows this world, how can Emperor Zitong measure it?


Emperor Zitong looked at the three immortal marks on Xiao Hua's eyebrows, laughed, and said, "Xiao Hua, Xiao Hua, even if you use your reincarnation to engrave the three immortal marks of heaven, earth and man, how can you be my enemy?"

With that, Emperor Zitong raised his fists and fought with Xiao Hua!

As for the forty-nine fairy infants, the Supreme Dunyi Xuanyuan Immortal Formation, and the Xuanji Tianshu Star Formation formed by the 108 Hunyuan disciples, they also formed a force of attack, attacking Emperor Zitong!

Emperor Zitong was arrogant, but after he and Xiao Hua trembled for a while, they felt bad.

At this time, Xiao Hua's single discussion on the power of the law of the soul world may not be able to compare with Emperor Zitong, but at least there is a strength that is far from the previous collapse; and the sky star array closes nearly tens of thousands of miles to the left. Emperor Zitong could not extract the Five Elements Rule from the heavens and the earth, he could only rely on his own soul world; these were nothing, but the most shocking thing about Emperor Zitong was that even in his own soul world, he found that he was within the star array of the sky. There is a vague imprisonment similar to the power of the law, which has inadvertently begun to affect his control over the world of spirits. The most obvious feeling is that the power of the law that he can activate is less and less when he raises his hand!

In particular, when Xiao Hua used the Big Dipper Fist, he actually hit his back with a punch. Emperor Zitong’s back immediately collapsed, and while Emperor Zitong’s thoughts, his back could not be recondensed for a while, which made Zitong. The emperor immediately became alert, this is no longer a matter of face, but whether it will be injured!


Emperor Zitong looked at Xiao Hua's brows and cursed in a low voice, "You are deliberately trying to lure me here. There are indeed some means. What a pity, your little means are really nothing in my eyes. Come, come, Come, I will show you my methods!"

After finishing speaking, Emperor Zitong spouted a group of bronze flames from one mouth. When Emperor Zitong raised his hand to grasp the flame, the flame condensed, but it was a fairy artifact that looked like a bell.

"Nine... Nine Dragons God Fire Cover?"

When Xiao Hua's gaze fell on the nine dragon patterns with different auras on the bell, he unconsciously exclaimed in his heart, "Tai...How did the immortal artifact of the real person Taiyi fall into the hands of Emperor Zitong?"

It is also a coincidence that Xiao Hua once refined the three flowers of a Taikoo Jinxian in the brave test of the British election. This Taikoo Jinxian is the Taiyi Daoist. From the Taiyi Daoist Taoism, Xiao Hua not only got the three flowers. The method of condensing the first eight arms of the Dharma Body naturally also obtained the method of ritual refining of the Taiyi real person's various immortal artifacts, and this Nine Dragon God Fire Cover is one of them!

But Xiao Hua slightly thought about it, and was relieved. He could go to the fragments of the Primordial Immortal Realm to obtain some Primordial Immortal artifacts. Of course, Emperor Zitong would have such a chance. Maybe Emperor Zitong also had the opportunity to set foot because of the Nine Dragon God Fire Cover. Hun Yuan even cultivated to the high-level chance of Hun Yuan!


Xiao Hua looked at the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover, UU Reading immediately thought about the method of sacrifice and refinement of this object, and even other things, but while he meditated in his heart, he sneered and said, "So you also have Immortal weapon? Take it out with anger and anger right now, isn't it a rush to jump over the wall???"

I have to say that Xiao Hua has been in the heavenly court for a long time, and has the ability to curse people and not replace dirty words. After these two idioms were read, Emperor Zitong was furious.

Emperor Zitong raised his hand with anger and pointed at the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover, "Boom boom boom~" A roar sounded from it, and nine dragon patterns emerged from the body. While flying in the air, the face of the dragon was condensed, and the violent dragon's breath was straight. Skyward!

Thanks to the following representatives of the fairy friends for their strong support to Xiu Shen. They are: Returning, Singing Birds, Walking Away, Zhao Yonggang, Sister Yun Shu, Cang Zhan, Chen, Loritin, Zhe, Bao, Nian, Handy The rice grains, Shanyang, the Southern Emperor and the Northern Horse, the former looking forward to the present, the shield, the life, the wind, the smelly mosquitoes, and many anonymous friends.

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