Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2804: Hunyuan Fighting

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"Boom boom boom~"

Within the Dutian Star Array, there was another trembling sound, and the Xuanji Tianshu Star Array composed of Qiao Samsara and one hundred and eight mixed elements showed its sharp edge!


Emperor Zitong whispered and exaggerated, "This...this is the star formation of the ancient family, right? After you robbed the emperor, it turned out to be for this purpose! However, you want to use this great formation to trap me, but Yes……"


Without waiting for Emperor Zitong to finish speaking, behind Emperor Zitong, opposite Xiao Hua, the stars shook, and the forty-nine fairy infant stepped out.

Forty-nine Hunyuan Intermediate Fairy Infant did not stand in the starry sky, but slowly flew, the supreme escape from the Xuanyuan Fairy Formation was like a giant sword waiting for an opportunity, revealing a murderous edge!

Emperor Zitong has completely changed!

"No... impossible~~"

Emperor Zitong exclaimed, "You...Where did you invite so many Hunyuan Immortals?"

Xiao Hua raised his wishful stick high, and said loudly: "These are not things you should consider, nor should you ask. What you should do now is...Keep your life behind!"

"Hahaha, hahaha~"

Emperor Zitong laughed wildly, "Do you know what you are talking about? You want to save my life: I'm afraid that Tianzun and the fairy king dare not say these things casually, right?"

Then he looked at the starry sky around him and yelled: "Xiao Hua, I want to make a bet with you, do you believe that I can get rid of all the star formations without using a single hand?"


Xiao Hua dismissed it and said coldly, "Say, what to bet?"

"If I win~"

The words of Emperor Zitong really exceeded Xiao Hua's expectation. He said, "You will tell me the origin of the battle-shaped thing that I just received...the Supreme Profound Soul Flame!"


Xiao Hua sneered, "Xiao thinks that you will let Xiaomou catch it, but you don't know that you only want to know the origin of Xiao's magical instruments. It seems that you are really well-informed!"


Emperor Zitong laughed and said, "If you can't even hold your little middle-level Hunyuan, what face do I have to return to the immortal world?"

"That's good~"

Xiao Hua nodded and said, "Since this is the case, Xiao will also fulfill you, but if you can't break the big formation of Xiao, you also need to show the method of refining the Supreme Profound Soul Flame to Xiao!"

"how is this possible?"

Emperor Zitong said angrily, "I just asked for the origin of your fighting-like things. You actually want my secret technique. This is impossible! At best, I can tell you who let me capture you!"


Xiao Hua disdainfully said, "You don't need to say this at all, it must be Nangongxun's servant!"

"Let's do it~"

Emperor Zitong thought for a while and said, "I can give you the method of sacrifice and refining, but if you lose, first give me something like a battle!"


Xiao Hua also hesitated for a moment, nodded and said, "Xiao promised!"

"Haha, haha~"

Xiao Hua's voice fell to the ground, and Emperor Zitong laughed loudly. His body was filled with soaring arrogance again. In the human form, seven or seventy-nine filaments of fire were as dazzling as the sun. The light was extremely bright, and some black colors were born, this black color There is an infinite suction power, but all the five elements are sucked into it.

And with this suction force, even black color emerged, "boom boom boom", and the seemingly endless heavenly laws rushed over in the surrounding sky...

"Ouch, not good!!"

The forty-nine fairy infants who formed the Supreme Escape One Xuanyuan Immortal Formation were the first to bear the brunt. The law of thunder was born around their fairy formations, covering them like a fishing net, and the Supreme Escape One Xuanyuan Immortal Formation immediately stagnated, even flaw!


Seeing the thunder of the law, Xiao Hua snorted coldly. Why didn't he know what idea Emperor Zitong had made?

Emperor Zitong just wanted to use the power of the law of heaven and thunder to destroy the star array!

After all, in the eyes of Emperor Zitong, although the 36,000 mixed elements are deployed, they cannot cause the Thunder of Heavenly Law for the time being, but as long as he is an introductory to attract the Thunder of Heavenly Law, the mixed elements of these formations will definitely be taken by the Thunder of Heavenly Law. Spread, then all the stars will be destroyed by Emperor Zitong!

This is what Emperor Zitong said, you don't need to single-handedly destroy the Dutian Star Formation!

It’s a pity that Emperor Zitong didn’t know that the 36,000 Hunyuan disciples of Good Fortune Sect were different from the 49th Fairy Infant. They practiced pure prehistoric God Realm exercises, and the greatest advantage of the prehistoric God Realm exercises is that Inclusiveness. As early as when these disciples were still in Qixian, they were still confused by the law of interface. Generally, there is no room. However, when they reach the real immortal or Hunyuan, they can change the laws of the body by urging the exercises, and they are not affected by the laws of the interface. limits.

Not to mention that the Dutian Star Formation is Xiao Hua’s life-saving formation. They have practiced since they were young, and those 36,000 Hunyuan disciples have long been familiar with the operation of the Dutian Star Formation. Seeing Emperor Zitong actually attracted the thunder of Heavenly Law, they were comfortable. The operation of the formation method made the Heavenly Law Thunder rush in like water, without ever affecting the Dutian Star Formation.

As for the thunderous laws of heaven all over the sky, he simply ignored the 36,000 Hunyuan disciples!

When Emperor Zitong saw the flaws in the Supreme Dunyi Xuanyuan Immortal Formation, the corner of his mouth was proud, but when he saw the entire starry sky, the 36,000 Hunyuan disciples were still flying slowly like stars, and the whole sky was full of stars. When the array was still perfect, he was stunned.

This... how is this possible!

These are Dao Xian Hun Yuan, how could they not be rejected by the Law of Heaven? ?

"Shen Changjian!"

Suddenly, UU reads www. A rumor about Xiao Hua from emerged from Emperor Zitong’s mind. He looked at Xiao Hua and exclaimed, "I understand, Xiao Hua, are the reincarnation of Ye Qiong Tianzun, and God’s Mirror is in your hands. Here, these Hunyuan disciples are the gods of cultivation!!!"

"Damn Lee Moy~~~"

Emperor Zitong exclaimed and frightened Xiao Hua. He had been away from the realm of Dao for a long time, but he had forgotten about Li Moyi. If Li Moyi had not spread the rumors, how could Emperor Zitong contact the disciples of the good luck sect with Shen Changjian? Together?

However, Xiao Hua cursed secretly in his heart, without any expression on his face, he said coldly: "How can these Xiao disciples be the gods of cultivation? You think too much!"

Thanks to the following representatives of the fairy friends for their strong support to Xiu Shen. They are: Returning, Singing Birds, Walking Away, Zhao Yonggang, Sister Yun Shu, Cang Zhan, Chen, Loritin, Zhe, Bao, Nian, Handy The rice grains, Shanyang, the Southern Emperor and the Northern Horse, the former looking forward to the present, the shield, the life, the wind, the smelly mosquitoes, and many anonymous friends.

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