Revival of the Gods

Chapter 270: On gambling

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"Impossible..." Situ Xuanyi smashed the railroad. "If the prince has just dyed the ghost house, you can use it. At this time, the ghost house in the prince's body is already merged with the Suzaku Zhenyang, not to mention the old man. I believe that you can simply **** out the glory of the ghost house, even if you can **** it out, the balance between yin and yang in the lord's body is broken, and the blood and fairy of the prince will collapse immediately!"

Situ Xuanyi is right, Xiao Hua can't refute it. He wants to use this opportunity to be a fairy. If the British don't agree with the diagnosis and treatment, he can only find another way. So he only looked at the English and did not speak.

The hall is dead again!

After a long while, Zhen Zhen whispered again: "Mother, do you want me to see the king?"

"Hey..." Yingxi sighed, "The country is busy, and these years have been with..."

Having said that, Ying Ying stopped, did not say down, and turned to see the kind of tenderness in the eyes of Prince Zhao Yan.

Xiao Hua was the most unfortunate in this kind of love. I thought about preparing to pass the sound. I know that Ying Hao suddenly turned his head and looked at Xiao Huadao: "Zhang Xianyi, how many times do you grasp?"

"This..." Xiao Hua pretended to hesitate. "Before I saw the prince, I felt that I had a good grasp of eighty-nine percent. Now I watched Wang Ye’s illness and listened to the decomposition of Situ’s predecessors. Only 50% of them have been grasped!"

"Five percent?" Lu Zhong could not help but sneer, "A fairy that has not been urging, one is just a fairy who has just set foot in the realm of Da Yan, actually dare to say that there is a 50% grasp?"

“Lv seniors...” Xiao Hua smiled and said, “How are we going to gamble?”

"On the gambling?" Lu Zhong is even more sneer, "What do you think about the singer?"

"Lv Laozi..." Xiao Hua saw Lu Zhong’s envy and said in a hurry. "We are gambling on the momentum, and the gambling is the feelings. One hundred Xuanjing is in your place. You can be a teenager in the younger generation! Take out a hundred Xuanjing to gamble with you, that is the means to believe in yourself, can't the predecessors take out 10,000 yuan to gamble their own eyes?"

Lu Zhong heard almost vomiting blood, what momentum, what feelings, in the end is to want to take a hundred Xuanjing to gamble their own 10,000 Xuanjing! Are you a fool when you are an old man?

Lv Zhong’s eyes turned, and laughed loudly: “If you use Qian Jing to give you a gamble, it seems that the old man is bullying, and Qian Jing is a vulgar, the old man is disdainful. So, the old man has a mystery here. Fairy, what is this fairy, what to do, the old man knows nothing. If Zhang Xiaoyou is interested, he can take a good value of the fairy and the old man to gamble, how do you see?"

"I am going!" Xiao Hua is almost low-lying, Lu Zhongguo is not the leader of Feishengxian, an absolute old fox, Xiao Huagang said that he has a strange fairy, he took a mysterious fairy, and the name and power are unknown. It also allows Xiao Hua to take out a singer of considerable value to gamble. Is this not bullying Xiao Hua?

Zhen Zhen also smiled and said: "The predecessors of Lu's predecessors are so mysterious, and even some of them are heart-warming."

"Oh..." Lu Zhong said, taking out a thing and laughing, "This thing is the first thing that the old man got when he first came to the fairyland, so the old man cherished it. Unfortunately, the old man is so long in the fairy world. Time, spent countless energy and never completed this fairy, now see Zhang Xiaoyou arrogant, it is the old man's temper, simply take this thing out and gamble with the little friends. Not to mention Zhang Xiaoyou, what is the fairy, as long as Xiaoyou can cure the medical treatment of Wang Ye, and this old man will give it to Xiaoyou!"

Lv Zhong is the most sociable, and this statement is very exciting. He definitely regards him as a predecessor of the younger generation. The image of high morality is tall and tall. It is a pity that Xiao Hua saw the contents of Lu Zhong’s hand. He couldn’t help but twitch and shook his head. “Lv’s predecessors are wrong. Since it’s a bet, how can the younger generation not come up with the corresponding fairy? Oh, of course. The fairy of the younger generation may not be able to enter the eyes of the predecessors, but this fairy is already the best quality of the younger generation."

Said, Xiao Hua took the four crowns from the bag, and once again fell into the hands of Lu Zhong, smiled and said: "I don't know if this thing can compare with the mysterious fairy of the predecessors?"

In the hands of Lu Zhong, there is a book condensed by a rusty book page. The lavender light on this booklet is intertwined with the blood-colored light belt. It looks quite dazzling. Isn’t that what Xiaohua is looking for?

"Oh, it doesn't matter!" Lu Zhong raised his hand and handed it to Zhen Zhen, laughing. "This thing has been handed over to the sky since now!"

Xiao Hua smiled slightly and handed the four crown pictures to Zhen Zhen.

寇 接 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Passionate, the goddess has not agreed to let Zhang Xian doctor diagnose the disease!"

"Since both of them are gambling!" Ying said with a bite, "That... I will accompany you to gamble!"

"Anniling..." Zhao Chengzhuo couldn't help but whispered, "I still have to scream with the Queen Mother!"

Yingying looked at the **** flames of the Prince of Zhaoyan on the jade bed. Some of them said awkwardly, "The husband and wife are one, and even more, the king has cared for me since I knew me. If the prince goes, I I don’t plan to live anymore! Today’s business is a matter for my husband and wife, and I don’t have to sue the queen!”

The more the English speaking, the more resolute the tone was, and finally looked like a sword to Xiao Huadao: "Zhang Xianyou, you try your best, I... believe you!"

"No, not right..." Xiao Hua said that the words of Ying Wei are very touched. However, the last sentence is a bit of a superfluous addition. What is "I believe in you"? Why do you believe in a stranger who has never met? Xiao Hua didn't feel secretly frowning. "In the words of Ying Yu, there is actually a death sorrow! Could she not endure this kind of torture? Or is there anything else that is hard to say?"

“Good!” Xiao Hua’s heart was in Nahan, but in the delicious, he nodded. “Since the goddess believes that she is down, she must do her best. Of course, I also hope that Situ’s predecessors will be better prepared. If the younger generation has the accidents mentioned by the seniors, please also the seniors. Timely shot..."

If it is Lu Zhong, he must refuse. How can he commit a crime? However, Situ Xuanyi did not hesitate, and seemed to be touched by the words of Yingying. He nodded: "Good!"

"And..." Xiao Hua turned his head and looked at Zhen Zhendao. "Can you have a defensive line that you have never sacrificed?"

"What?" Zhen Zhen did not understand.

"There is no support for the immortal, I am afraid of being disturbed by the outside world..." Xiao Hua said very sincerely, "If there is an adult, you may wish to borrow it!"

"Haha, you have put your idea on the head of the old man!" Zhen Zhen laughed, and suddenly pierced the purpose of Xiao Hua.

"Adults want more!" Xiao Hua said, "I only use it for the next time."

"What do you have to honour, how can the old man still want?" Zhen Zhen shot a scorpion, "嗖" a Mitsubishi-like fairy flew out and fell to Xiao Hua and said, "But, see you till this time. It’s obvious that you are somewhat sure of this. The name of this line of soldiers is the recent income of the old man. It has not been sacrificed. If you want it, give it to you!"

Xiao Huayi heard that it was a big joy for the soldiers. After receiving it, he did not look at it and thanked him: "Xie Daren!"

Zhen Zhen took out another ink fairy and handed it to Xiao Hua: "You don't have to be polite, try your best to save my prince. This is the immortal sacred ritual of the immortal sect. The soldiers are all useful."

“寇空空...” Yingxiu hurriedly asked, “How long does it take to worship the soldiers?”

“Simply savour a scent of incense!” Zhen Zhen explained. “Zhang Xianyou is only worried about exploration, and simple rituals are good.”

"Zhang Xianyou needs a quiet room to sacrifice?" Ying Ying asked.

"If that is the best!" Xiao Hua nodded.

Looking at Zhao Chengzhuo’s back with Xiao Hua’s departure, Lv Zhong couldn’t help but say: “The British goddess...”

Ying Ying did not wait for Lu Zhong to finish, and waved: "Lv seniors don't have to say anything! The younger generation has already decided..."

Zhen Zhen said to his hand to Situ Xuanyi: "The grievances of the sergeants do some preparations. If Zhang Xianyou has an accident, please ask the seniors to shoot!"

"Too!" Situ Xuanyi raised his hand and pointed two singers to the light bead. He looked at the fairy rushing to the silver sand and covered the blue and red light column. He said, "The old man is also coming for the prince's condition and can help." Must be shot!"

"Thank you for your predecessors!" Until this time, Yingxi was really sincerely swearing at Situ Xuanyi.

"You are ready to prepare for the disaster..." Look around the hall, shouting.

"Yes, the sky is an adult..." With a few loud voices ringing in the heights of the hall, but seeing the disc-shaped fairy that was previously hidden in the void, this fairy has a lot of totems, or Suzaku, or Firehawk. , or Fire Raven ~ ~ all kinds of fire color spirits flash with the light on the fairy, like life floating! Three or five feet with hundreds of feet of size will stand on the edge of the fairy.

"Oh..." A few cents will be together, and the fairy marks in the eyebrows will shine out of the light column. The fire on the entire fairy will be like a wave, and the space around the silver sand will be sealed.

Yingying thought for a moment, Yangtou rushed a few words outside, and then saw the appearance of many Peach Blossoms, and apparently the hall was also blocked.

After doing all this, Xiao Hua followed Zhao Chengzhuo back.

Ying Ying put the silver sand down, leaving only a small slit, said to Xiao Hua: "Zhang Xianyou please!"

"Good!" Xiao Hua was very confident and nodded. He flew to the silver sand, but he flew to the front and stopped. He asked, smiling, "Mother, don't know how to come out in a while?"

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