Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2692: Tianting Yingxuan No. 0 student

Of course, in addition to the voices of admiration and admiration, there are also dissatisfaction and ridicule.

"Huh, it's just Wen Heng from Junxuan, what storm can the British election cause?"

"If I meet him, I can definitely defeat him!"

"Well, I think so too, what strength can you have if you set foot in Yuqing Renxian for ten thousand years, even if you can pass the two exams, most of you will be defeated!"

"No, the thirty-six thousand five hundred Yuyue selected by our Emperor Hongtianyu, not necessarily Xiao Hua!"

There was a wide range of opinions, "Quiet~" Inside the palace gate, the majestic voice sounded, saying, "All the students participating in the British election will hear clearly, and then the Yu Yue participating in the British election will be distributed."

"Yu Yue is your token of waiting to participate in the British election in the forbidden area of ​​Kuihuan, Kunhuan, and it is also your proof of passing the British election."

"As long as you fail in the British election, or are eliminated, Yu Yue will disappear immediately, and you will also withdraw from the Kuihuan forbidden area!"

"The winner of the second round of the Kuihuan forbidden ban will get 36,500 Yuyue, and the winner of the third round will get 365 Huangcong tokens."

After finishing speaking, "swish swish swish~" millions of yellow rays flew out of the palace gate and fell in front of each student.

Xiao Hua took the Yu Yue in front of him, and his eyes showed thoughtfulness.

But seeing the color of this jade is yellowish, there are nine jade belts lingering on it, and under the faint Xiayun, in addition to the word Xiao Hua, there is also the word "zero".

"What does it mean?"

Xiao Huanhan said, "Isn't the number on Yu Yue the serial number to enter the forbidden area of ​​Kuihuan? How to give Xiao a zero? Does this mean there is no order?"

"When" the third bell rang immediately, the voice inside the palace gate also shouted: "All living beings, according to the numbers on the Yuyue, prepare to enter the Kuihuan forbidden area."

As the voice fell, behind Xuhuanglou Qi Yan, a disciple flew out holding Yuyue with a smile, and exclaimed happily: "The disciple is lucky enough to get the number one, I hope this number Yuyue can bring good luck to the disciple. When the British election is over, this Yuyue will remain in the hands of the disciples."

Everyone looked at this disciple enviously. After all, there were millions of people participating in the election of a Void Imperial City. How many people participated in the entire Emperor Hong Tianyu?

The probability that Yuyue No. 1 will appear in the Xuhuang City is too small. The disciple of the Xuhuanglou can get the Yuyue No. 1, which is indeed lucky.

In the eyes of everyone's envy, this disciple was about to fly into the palace gate with arrogance.


The voice inside the palace gate said coldly, "The old man only said to prepare, and didn't let you wait in!"


The disciple was stunned, and looked around, Qidao, "Anyone else?"

Do not say that this disciple, even everyone else is strange, because the voice said clearly, "you wait", not "you"!

"Because Wen Heng, the only one in Tianting, participated in this British election~"

The voice inside the palace said slowly, "So Xiao Wenheng got the only zero number in this British election. Before he entered the Kuihuan forbidden area, all the forbidden areas, including the forbidden area of ​​tremor si, the forbidden area of ​​Dan Ming, the forbidden area of ​​white place and No. 1 in the Forbidden Land of Youya can not enter.

"I'm going~"

Everyone's eyes were about to fall, and no one expected this scene to happen.

Although he didn't know the expression on Jiang Yuanming's face at Huangcheng Academy in front of the gate of Yingxuan, Gu Li excitedly said to Xiao Hua, "Xiao Wenheng, please!"

"Xiao Wenheng, please~~"

The students from the Tianshu Academy all around shouted in unison, they had never been so proud of it.

Xiao Hua touched his nose, with a bitter smile, he took Yu Yue and flew out. He had already affirmed that Zhaoming Qitianlu was the Zhaoming Qitianlu in all likelihood within Yushou Palace.

Only Zhaoming Qitianlu that bad old man could be such a prank.

Sure enough, in full view, Xiao Hua flew into the palace gate, and saw Zhaoming Qitianlu looking at herself with a smile, and asked: "Why are you here again? Quick, let me see, your language is now gestated. What kind of weird writing is there?"

With that, Zhaoming Qitianlu actually jumped over and began to pick Xiao Hua's clothes.

"I'm going~"

Xiao Hua was stunned. When was Zhaoming Qitianlu so wretched?

Zhaoming Qitianlu's mood is understandable, but he can't think of the trouble that Xiao Hua's No. 0 Yuyue will cause Xiao Hua!

Immediately after Xiao Hua flew into the gate of the Yushou Palace, he "brushed" a jade from the distance like a star, and with a loud "bang" blasted above Huang Cong, a line of bright and sunny writing on the jade seal of the mountains and rivers produced: "Zero Xiaohua (Wen Heng, Tianshu Academy

Gu Li guessed right. In the Yellow City surrounded by nine dragons, there is also Huang Cong jade ribbon. Jiang Yuanming of Huangcheng Academy also led tens of thousands of students to stand under a palace gate, and he was raising his voice to the students. "Everyone, you must have known it. This time the British election is extraordinary. I invited Doutian Academy at Huangcheng Academy. Although the conditions for the invitation are extremely unfair, I believe that you will not let me down... …"

"Master Yuan Zheng~"

A voice raised his voice, "As far as Xiaosheng knows, as long as one of their students achieves the mid-range of our 23,000 students, even if they win, it is really unfair! You should put the rankings further, as long as they win If we are a student, even if they win!!!"

"Haha, haha~"

All the students laughed loudly, because they knew very well in their hearts that any one of them was a leader in the Tianshu Academy, and it was absolutely impossible for the Tianshu Academy to win.


Unfortunately, at this moment, the jade seal of mountains and rivers floating in the sky shook, and a line of handwriting brightened everyone's eyes.

"Zero Xiaohua (Wen Heng, Tianshu Academy


The very arrogant student just opened his mouth wide in surprise, and cried out inconceivably, "Xiao...Xiao Wenheng is representing the Tianshu Academy in the British election?"

"He... how did he become number zero?"

"No wonder the palace gate has not been opened just now. It turns out that I have to wait for Xiao Wenheng to enter before I can enter!"

"Xiao...If Xiao Wenheng participates in the British election, he...even if he is not the first, his results will definitely overwhelm me. How can I win the British election this time?"


Listening to the messy sounds around, Jiang Yuanming's nose became irritated, and he couldn't help cursing.

Jiang Yuanming knew the power of Xiao Hua's name and Xiao Wenheng's name, so he didn't tell the students of Huangcheng Academy about Xiao Hua's participation in the British election, but he did not expect that Zhaoming Qitianlu directly listed Xiao Hua as number zero. .

This time is good, UU reading www. not only has Jiang Yuanming's encouragement turned into flowing water, but the momentum of all the students of Huangcheng Academy has also fallen into the bottom.

On this Spring Festival, I wish you all the best.

I would like to thank the following fairy friends for their infinite support to the cultivation of gods, and thank all book friends for their perseverance. They are: singing bird, smelly mosquito, guf8547*5, busy old man, ruthless, loritin, shield imperial, return, vanilla Wei, Southern Emperor Beima, Stupid Taoist, Proud Shenzhou, I used to look forward to the present, ordinary rice grains, Ran, two butterflies in summer, Shanyang, Ren Xiaoyao, shrimp plus fire, Zfw*6, simple book friends, Feng, eating Liangpi in the middle of the night, Fang XX, XX Le, Li Jian, stocks rising every day, Mu Shi and so on.

It's the fifth day of the Lunar New Year. I wish you all a good year of the Ox and all the best.

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