Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2686: Even though love is deep in my bones, I will treat you with brows and eyes as b



The seamless tower gave birth to the force of suppression, and fell down.

Liu Yanyi was furious, and hurriedly waved his arms, Ying Luo Feiwu wanted to block the seamless tower.

It's a pity that the seamless tower fell like a mountain, and Yingluo was beaten to annihilation long ago, and even the four majestic ones were beaten to pieces and turned into **** Yingluo.


Under the seamless tower, Liu Yanyi screamed and flew upside down!

"Sister, be careful~"

Seeing Liu Yanyi in a hurry, Huang Mengxiang and Wang Yuebai standing beside them hurriedly flew out, blowing flames from one mouth, and transforming into a dragon.


Nan Wu Liyan Bodhisattva also has the heart to stand up, and he snorted coldly, raised his hand and "swiped" two phantoms on the seamless tower, and smashed them at Huang Mengxiang and Wang Yuebai respectively.

Wang Yuebai and Wang Yuebai were already superficial, and the seamless tower phantom came first. With two muffled sounds of "puff puff", the two of them had been beaten to blood!

"Haha, haha~"

Seeing this, Xi Mujing couldn't help laughing again, "It's really a thing that doesn't know the height of the sky and the earth is thick, and dare to sway in front of the real Bodhisattva by relying on his half-hearted secret techniques of the Buddhist kingdom?"


Liu Zhifei and the stupid Taoist are like knives, desperately flying towards Liu Yanyi, Huang Mengxiang and Wang Yuebai.

Although the situation has reversed several times, things have reached such a point that Liu Yanyi, who is a Bodhisattva Yingluo, has been defeated, and the Liu family has really come to an end.

However, just when Nan Wuliyan Bodhisattva raised his hand and pointed at the Seamless Pagoda, and was about to take Liu Yanyi and others into it, he "brushed", a distant place, a little light rushed out like stars, this light cannot be said. What color it was, but the moment the light appeared, the Buddha's light dimmed, and Nan Wuliyan Bodhisattva turned into an ordinary monk again.

Nan Wuliyan Bodhisattva was startled, and hurriedly looked towards the light source, and whispered, "Heavenly Book Immortal?"

The voice of Nan Wu Liyan Bodhisattva never landed, the light has turned into a torrent of rivers and seas, and when the light condensed into an upright human form in front of Nan Wu Liyan Bodhisattva, a supreme might radiated from this human form, Wu Danqing coming!

Facing this supreme power, Nan Wu Liyan Bodhisattva's complexion changed drastically. He hurriedly put his hands together and respectfully saluted: "Amitabha, I don't know where Tan Yue came from..."

Without waiting for Nan Wuliyan Bodhisattva to finish speaking, Wu Danqing's gaze swept over the people present and fell on Wang Yuebai. He roared in anger, "Boldly divorce, sentimental to my lover!"

After speaking, Wu Danqing's eyes gave birth to light and shot towards Nan Wuliyan Bodhisattva.

"Amitabha, Tan Yue~"

Nan Wuliyan Bodhisattva was shocked and hurriedly wanted to explain, but unfortunately he hadn't said what he said, and the light had fallen on him.

As soon as the mysterious and boundless light of the Bodhisattva Nan Wuliyan touched the light, it was immediately annihilated like ice and snow when it met a raging fire.

Nan Wuliyan Bodhisattva's face was pale, he didn't think much, he quickly raised his hand and patted, the light flashed behind his head, and the Buddha's light was flourishing.

It's better to know that he didn't urge the light, the light just flashed.


The whole light burst immediately, giving birth to a strange black hole.


The Bodhisattva Nan Wuliyan let out a scream, and his whole body tore apart, rushing into the black hole like water, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Everyone is stupid!

This...this is the Nanwuliyan Bodhisattva of the Buddha Kingdom!

Fallen after one glance? ?

Who is this person?

Kill people if they don't agree?

But unfortunately, in the face of this condensed light, no one can look up to the human figure, everyone dare not show up.

At this time, Wu Danqing looked at Wang Yuebai, and when he explored his hands, there was light falling on her. In the light, Wang Yuebai's injury was healed with naked eyes.


Wu Danqing said a word, but didn't know how to say it. After a while, he looked at Wang Yuebai and said:

"You are like a bright moon and I am like a fog. I just want to look back at you, thinking about me and the kingdom and the evening.

Even if the catastrophe is over, even if the love is deep in the bone, I will treat you as before, and the years are the same. "

"Big sister, big sister~"

Where did Wang Yuebai understand this, she was a little panicked and looked at Liu Yanyi as if asking for help.

Faced with Wu Danqing, who is more powerful than Xiao Hua, Liu Yanyi took the courage and asked: "I don't know who is your Excellency? Why do you say that my little sister is your lover?"

"You don't need to know this~"

Behind Wu Danqing, Li He flew out, and he said faintly, "This is my adult's business, you just have to answer!"

As he said, Li He glanced at everyone and smiled: "You are all immortals in the Taoist realm, how come you get to the border between the Buddha Kingdom and the heavenly court? It looks like you have some disputes!"

"Not bad~"

Liu Yanyi nodded and said, "They set up Buddhist soldiers to ambush here, tempting me and my little sister to get here, ready to ambush me and wait!"


Wu Danqing snorted coldly, and said, "Everyone who dares to hurt my lover should be killed!"

"Yes, my lord~"

Li He promised, and his figure flickered, and immediately gave birth to many phantoms, these phantoms rushed into the Buddha array, but a few breaths had already wiped out all the Buddhist soldiers!

When Li He's figure rushed towards Xi Mujing, Yin Dong roared, rushed forward, and shouted, "Xio hurt my lady!"

Li He paused, turned his head to look, seeing Wu Danqing did not say a word, Li Heyi raised his hand to imprison Yin Dong and Xi Mujing, turned and flew back, and all the phantom figures disappeared.

"What is your name?"

Wu Danqing looked down at the poor Wang Yuebai and asked softly.

"I... my name is Wang Yuebai..."

Wang Yue stammered in answer.

"Let's go~"

Wu Danqing smiled and said, "I have searched for you for many lives, and now I finally found you!"


Wang Yuebai wanted to say something, but Wu Danqing ignored it at all, and carefully raised his hand and pulled Wang Yuebai's hand before turning around to leave.


Liu Yanyi was anxious and exclaimed, "What's the matter with you, why do you want to take my little girl away without saying anything? Why do you have to make things clear and ask my little girl if you want it? !"

"You don't deserve to know about me~"

Wu Danqing's figure slowly disappeared, his voice proudly remained in the air, "What I have to do, no one can stop it!"


Liu Yanyi wanted to say something more. Wu Danqing has disappeared with Wang Yuebai and Li He.

Liu Yanyi had no choice but to shout, "Wang Yuebai, listen to what the eldest sister said, protect yourself, don't listen to him nonsense!"

On this Spring Festival, I wish you all the best.

I would like to thank the following fairy friends for their infinite support to the cultivation of gods, and thank all book friends for their perseverance. They are: singing bird, smelly mosquito, guf8547*5, busy old man, ruthless, loritin, shield imperial, return, vanilla Wei, Southern Emperor Beima, Stupid Taoist, Proud Shenzhou, I used to look forward to the present, ordinary rice grains, Ran, two butterflies in summer, Shanyang, Ren Xiaoyao, shrimp plus fire, zfw*6, simple book friends, Feng, eating Liangpi in the middle of the night, Fang XX, XX Le, Li Jian, stocks rising every day, Mu Shi and so on.

It's the fifth day of the Lunar New Year. I wish you all a good year of the Ox and all the best.

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