Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2657: The grudge between the Gu family and the Fang family

[Net] "Where is this?"

Seeing this scene, Liu Yanyu shrank her neck and felt a breath of death. She hurriedly asked, "How come it looks so vast, so...desperate?"

"The last shadow in Zhou Xiaoming's memory~"

Yubi Xiao Hua also squinted his eyes and said, "It is a memory, but it may not be, it may be another Blue Rain reincarnation, the image left in the tree of the same air, or a promise, or a provocation!"

"In short, Xiao Mou is going to see this place, maybe where is the place to solve all causes and effects, is the key to Zhou Xiaoming's awakening."

After that, Xiao Hua left Zhou Xiaoming in the space and came out alone.

Looking at the slightly withered and desolate bamboo forest around, Xiao Hua suddenly felt emotion. If he hadn't returned to the Tianyuan, he would have missed this tree with the same air. Let's not say whether Zhou Xiaoming can wake up, just talk with Zhou Xiaoming. It is impossible for him to know everything about Lan Yu.

Everything is like having a big hand pushing yourself behind!

Xiao Hua looked at it again with Zhan Zhan Lin, and found nothing unusual, only then came out of the book page space.

Gu Li and Gu Chi were waiting outside when they saw Xiao Hua coming over immediately and respectfully asked, "Senior, what's the situation?"

"Thank you for the two courts for their righteousness~"

Xiao Hua hurriedly replied, "Although Xiao's disciple has not yet awakened, the scars on the imprint of the soul have been repaired seven or eight eighty-eight. Judging from the current situation, if there is no accident, the blue rain in the Tianyuan in the early years should be The past life of this disciple Xiao Mou!"

"Oh, congratulations to seniors!"

Gu Li and Gu Chi were also extremely surprised. Reincarnation is often said, but reincarnation is rare. How can they not feel surprised if they saw it with their own eyes today?

Xiao Hua naturally wouldn't tell them in detail, and smiled: "Let's just do this. The Concentric Tree has now disappeared, and the ban on your ancestors should also be lifted. This place can also be..."

Speaking of this, Xiao Hua clapped his hands and said: "By the way, the space here is lent to Xiao first. Xiao has set up a secret evangelism here, and disciples who can pass this secret are qualified to open the Luxiang Pond!"


Gu Li couldn't help but praised, "Senior's arrangement really touches the younger generation's heart."

"Gu Li~"

Gu Chi said next to him, "You can go back to handle the official affairs of the academy, and I will help Xiao Shibu the secret realm!"

When Gu Li went, Xiao Hua took Gu Chi back to the page space. It was Xiao Hua's idea to spread the secret realm in this space. So Xiao Hua entered the space and immediately explored the surroundings to find the best place for the formation.

It took a full half an hour before Xiao Hua had a general outline in his heart. After he stopped to explore, he smiled and asked Gu Chi, "By the way, why are you surprised when you see that white fox?"


Gu Chi hesitated and said, "This is a long story, and the juniors are not sure if this white fox has been seen by the juniors before..."

"If it doesn't involve secrets, Xiao still wants to hear it!"

Xiao Hua did not let him off because of Gu Chi's hesitation, but still said with a smile, "If it is really inconvenient, Xiao will not force it!"


Gu Chi laughed and said, "Although the younger generation does not have such a high morale as Master Gu, they are self-explanatory and follow the rules in their words and deeds. There is nothing unspeakable in ordinary times, but this matter is related to the blood feuds of the ancestors of the Gu family. , The juniors are a little bit scrupulous!"

"Didn't the juniors talk about my family's Shi Mingzu?"

"The old man is the key to my Gu family's decline from prosperity, and it is Luxiang that caused my Gu family's decline!"

"The mortal saying that wealth is not revealed is really an unbreakable truth! Even in the fairy world, even the prestigious Gu family at that time, after the news of the essence of Zhou Yu, suffered the disaster of destruction!"

"Shi Mingzu's strength is said to have reached Tier 3 and 8 of the Taiqing Celestial Immortal, but when the enemy came home, his old man still hadn't escaped the poisonous hand!"

"According to the ancestors who survived that year, when the time is right, the sky will burn, the earth will be overthrown, and all sides will be blocked by dragons and different beasts. Three humanoid silhouettes who can't see their appearances besiege Shimingzu, the peak battle of Taiqing immortals. I tried to crush the heavenly court with hundreds of millions of miles around..."

"...When Shi Mingzu's blood stained the sky, someone heard the faint screams and exclamations of his old man, "Fang Qing, you... are you...""

"Fang Qing, the best friend of Shi Mingzu!"

"Although it was not certain at the time, when our Tianyuan was first built, if Fang Qing had a clear heart, she would definitely come to help. Unfortunately, he did not show up..."

"Since then, my Gu family has regarded Fang's family as a world feud, and has accumulated strength for generations to avenge this dying enemy."

"...Before the younger generation, when my Gu family had the strength and tyranny, the ancestors often took action, beat the Fang family, and the Fang family's strength gradually withered..."

"...When I was in the younger generation, I also followed the ancestral instructions and sought revenge from the Fang family. However, when the younger generation saw the Fang family heirs, there was no way to start again..."

Gu Chi's words did not surprise Xiao Hua. He smiled and said, "Why?"

"Because the Fang family almost does not exist, they only have a few tribe members left. If the younger generation takes action, the Fang family will be cut off!"

"Isn't that good?"

Xiao Hua asked back, "Cut the grass and root out!"

"Junior didn't think so~"

Gu Chi smiled bitterly, "When the juniors arrived, the Fang family disciples didn't notice it, but when the juniors showed up, they seemed to have noticed the end. They stopped what was in their hands one by one, and sat down cross-legged, their faces looked like this. Already prepared."

"The younger generation can't bear it. It feels that Fang Qing is at fault, but the Fang family's descendants should be innocent. Besides, the Fang family has already paid enough, so the younger generation hesitates..."

"Just when the junior hesitated, a woman spoke up and asked the junior to wait a while, saying that she still had a child who hadn't come back. When he came back, it wouldn't be too late for the junior to do it again!"

"The junior was very surprised, I didn't expect it to happen, but after a while his baby came back, and the junior saw the baby and immediately gave up..."


Xiao Hua understood a little bit. Even if this child is not Fang Chuo, he has something to do with Fang Chuo, but he still pretends to be ignorant and surprised, "Why?"

On this Spring Festival, I wish you all the best.

I would like to thank the following fairy friends for their infinite support to the cultivation of gods, and thank all the book friends for their perseverance. They are: singing bird, smelly mosquito, guf8547*5, busy old man, ruthless, loritin, shield royal, return, vanilla Wei, Southern Emperor Beima, Stupid Taoist, Proud Shenzhou, I used to look forward to the present, ordinary rice grains, Ran, two butterflies in summer, Shanyang, Ren Xiaoyao, shrimp plus fire, zfw*6, simple book friends, Feng, eating Liangpi in the middle of the night, Fang Moumou, Moule, Li Jian, stocks rising every day, Mu Shi and so on.

On the first day of the new year, I wish you all the best and all the best in the Year of the Ox.

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