Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2650: Gu Li's scruples

[网] Seeing this, these Yuqing immortals were very satisfied, and then they scanned all the pavilions without any further attention, and their eyes fell on Xiao Hua, who said proudly: "I heard that the only Wen Heng in the heavens came to our heaven. I don’t know who it is?"

Xiao Hua, who had just been chatting and laughing with a group of students, is now as sinking as water, looking at these students coldly, not even bother to speak.


The Yuqing immortal smiled and said, "Don't Xiao Wenheng know the etiquette of the academy? Once I entered the academy, I was waiting for the brothers and brothers to come over, shouldn't you come to see the ceremony?"

"In this case, Xiao Wenheng's name as Wen Heng is a mere illusion!"

"Does a person who doesn't even know propriety, justice and shame deserve the name of Shangheng?"

Xiao Hua didn't want to pay attention, and waited for Gu Li or Gu Chi to come, but this Yuqing person became more and more unpleasant. Although Xiao Hua didn't want to be familiar with him, he couldn't let him talk nonsense, so Xiao Hua moved his palm slightly.

A big hand appeared in front of the Yuqing Renxian, with a "slap~", the big hand hit the Yuqing Renxian's face, knocking the Yuqing Renxian into the air.

"Do you dare to do it in the Tianyuan?"

Yuqing Renxian covered his face, looked at Xiao Hua in disbelief, and snarled at Xiao Hua in a low voice, "Look, I won't tear your mouth!"

"Brother Qingzhang calm down~"

The expressions on the faces of other Yuqing people were different, some were gloating, some were excited, and some people pretended to hold him, and said, "He has already violated the rules of the academy and must be punished. Why do you have to be familiar with him?"

"Punishment is punishment~"

The Yuqing Renxian named Qingzhang roared, "If he dares to commit a crime, I should teach him as a senior!"

Then he even raised his fist and smashed it at Xiao Hua, yelling: "I don't know what the sky is high and the earth is thick, do you think that you take Wen Heng to be the number one in heaven?"


Xiao Hua frowned, did not wait for him to come close, and slapped him again, slapped half of his head to the ground, and yelled, "It's really uneducated, don't say you are not worthy to be my brother, even if you are my brother, you What right do you have to humiliate me with such filthy words?"


If Xiao Hua hit Gu Qingzhang with some flukes and hacks before, this time he saw the real chapter in a face-to-face palm. Seeing Gu Qingzhang's blood flow all over the place, the other Yuqing immortals stopped in mid-air, with various expressions on their faces. Swept away, all became surprised.

"The third grade of Yuqing Immortal?"

Several Yuqing immortals couldn't help but yelled, "You actually cultivated to such a realm?"

Xiao Hua was a little embarrassed. Although his third-rank Yuqing immortal was extremely difficult to cultivate, it was far from what these Yuqing immortals could imagine.

But let the baby-like gods praise his Hunyuan, his face is not good.

"It seems that the white dragon fish service will be done less in the future!"

As Xiao Hua muttered, "Kachacha" bursts of thunder appeared, and Gu Li's shy and angry voice sounded: "You little bunnies, let me get into trouble!"

With the sound of thunder, Gu Li's figure turned into a streamer and hurriedly rushed over. He was listening to Gu Chi talking about the thirty-two "Guang Tian Hua Ri Jue". Suddenly he heard that a disciple of the college was going to provoke Xiao Hua. The soul was so scared to fly!

He is not afraid that Xiao Hua will not make a move, he is afraid that Xiao Hua will move into the Heavenly Court, and the "Bright Days Transformation Jue" will be ruined!

Oh my God, the thirty-two "Broad Days"!

Gu Li didn't dare to imagine, but he didn't even realize the half weight, Xiao Hua actually made thirty-two weights in one shot!

Gu Li just thought he was dreaming!

"Master Yuan Zheng, Master Yuan Zheng~~"

Several Yuqing celestial disciples were overjoyed when they saw Gu Li. They rushed to shout, "Xiao Hua violated the rules of the academy, and he shot Brother Gu Qingzhang!"

"Deserve it~"

Gu Li stood still in mid-air to see that Gu Qingzhang was repairing his body, and cursed, "If it's me, slap me to death!"

"And you guys~~"

After Gu Li finished speaking, he looked at the disciples again and cursed, "Don't think I don't know what you are thinking. You are urging Gu Qingzhang to come and find the difference. Don't you just want to watch the excitement? Want to see Xiao... Xiao Wenheng is deflated?"

"Come here all~"

"Apologize to Xiao Wenheng!!"

A group of people were stupid. They looked at each other, and one of them argued: "Master Yuan Zheng, you said, who is the biggest in the academy and the rules are the biggest. Since Xiao Wenheng broke the rules, he made a mistake. Shall we apologize?"

Gu Li sneered: "That was before, from now on, Xiao Wenheng is the biggest!"

"This, this~~"

The faces of several Yuqing immortals rose red, and they didn't expect this to happen.

"Don't hurry up and apologize?"

Gu Li roared angrily.

Seeing that Gu Li was really angry, they didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly bowed and saluted: "We are wrong, apologize to Xiao Wenheng!"

Xiao Hua, who has always had to be forgiving and forgiving, shook his head this time, and said, "Sorry, Xiao will not accept your apology!"

"Xiao thinks that you are the ones who broke the rules of the academy. You should be expelled from the academy!"


Gu Qingzhang and others were anxious and shouted, "What are you talking about? Who do you think you are?"

"It's just a well-chosen Wenheng, what's so great?"

"Xiao Wenheng~"

Gu Li also hurriedly laughed to accompany him, "Gu Qingzhang and the others are the best students in the academy in the past thousand years. Although they are a little jumpy, they are not bad-hearted!"

"If it is expelled, it is the loss of our college!"

"Wrong, wrong~"

Xiao Hua looked at Gu Li and said word by word, "Before Xiao Mou didn't know why the Tianyuan Academy declined, but now he knows the real reason. They are proud of their talents and disturb the normal atmosphere of the Academy. They are the most decayed moths of the Academy , They will not be expelled, the academy will never rise!"


After finishing speaking, Xiao Hua looked at Gu Li again and criticized, "And you, Gu Yuanzheng, your pampering and pampering makes them so confident, and you are the biggest accomplice!"

Gu Li's face turned red.

"Xiao Wenheng, are you sick!"

Gu Qingzhang scolded, "Master Yuanzheng, how can you..."

Without waiting for Gu Qingzhang to finish, Gu Chi walked over slowly, looked at Gu Li and said, "Oh, Gu Li, I understand your hardship. The college is getting worse and worse. All the good students went to Huangcheng Academy. It was easy to find. You are not willing to reprimand a few with good qualifications."

"Just like Xiao Wenheng, he came to the academy, you just wanted to give him the pavilion you used!"

"Your desire to be thirsty for talents is right, but your approach is grossly wrong!"

"Xiao Wenheng is a student, so he should be with the students. If you are the director of the courtyard, you should take the position of the courtyard."

"The academy is not owned by one person, nor can the prosperity of the academy be determined by one person; the academy belongs to all the students, and the academy can thrive only if all the students are successful in their studies!"

"I think when I handed over the college to you, what did I say?"

"Look at you again. Your ability is no worse than mine. Why is the college getting worse?"

"If you can't even read this, you can't do Xiao Wenheng staying in the academy for a thousand years will not save the academy!

Gu Li suddenly realized that, he immediately bowed to Gu Chi and Xiao Hua and said, "I was wrong!"

Then shouted loudly: "Where is the court sentence?"

On this Spring Festival, I wish you all the best.

I would like to thank the following fairy friends for their infinite support to the cultivation of gods, and thank all the book friends for their perseverance. They are: singing bird, smelly mosquito, guf8547*5, busy old man, ruthless, loritin, shield royal, return, vanilla Wei, Southern Emperor Beima, Stupid Taoist, Proud Shenzhou, I used to look forward to the present, ordinary rice grains, Ran, two butterflies in summer, Shanyang, Ren Xiaoyao, shrimp plus fire, zfw*6, simple book friends, Feng, eating Liangpi in the middle of the night, Fang Moumou, Moule, Li Jian, stocks rising every day, Mu Shi and so on.

The New Year’s Eve is coming, and the Seven Days of New Year’s Eve as usual kicks off. Let’s watch Xiao Hua and Wu Danqing's first battle!

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