Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2645: he came

[Net] "What War Book?"

Gu Xin asked hurriedly.

"What I know is not particularly detailed~"

The disciple explained, "It's just a rumor that Huangcheng Academy has given us a battle book to the Heavenly Academy, and we have to gamble in the selection of Apocalypse. If we lose, the Heavenly Academy will be closed!"


Gu Xin couldn't help but cursed, "My Tianyuan Academy has always been inferior to Huangcheng Academy in the selection of Apocalypse. This gambling battle is bound to lose!"


Another disciple said, "The courtyard is just about to recruit a group of students, and the courtyard is closed for thousands of years!"

"It's choking~"

Gu Xin still shook her head, unspeakable pessimism came to her heart.


The two disciples sighed equally, obviously they were the same as Gu Xin.

Not only the three disciples sighed, almost all the disciples who knew about the matter were sighing, and a pessimistic mood spread quietly in the Tianyuan.

There is a large hall in the middle of the academy. "Oh~" Gu Li, the master of the academy, was also sighing. He said to a second-grade Confucian of Taiqing Tianxian, "Uncle Chi, things are like this. Xuhuangcheng picked up Xiao Wenheng together. Xiao Wenheng was robbed. They thought it was my heavenly court who had been doing tricks, and they kept resenting them. That's why they have this battle book!"

The Uncle Chi in Gu Li's mouth is naturally Gu Chi. He sneered and said, "If Jiang Yuanming wants to clean up my courtyard, why wait until today, 20,000 years later? There must be someone else behind this matter!"


Gu Li was taken aback, and hurriedly asked, "My Tianyuan is also the Fangyuan Academy, and it is famous for the Wenqu Shenggong Academy. Who will make our idea?"


Gu Chi chuckled and said, "Naturally, it is the person who must be scrupulous about Wenqu Sacred Palace!"

"Twelfth floor?"

Gu Li frowned and tentatively said, "Xuhuanglou? Qiyunlou?"


Gu Chi shook his head without hesitation.

"It looks like Uncle Chi knows the inside story!"

Gu Li immediately understood, and hurriedly said, "You are right to invite my uncle over here. Can I tell you clearly?"


Gu Chi immediately shook his head and said, "I can't talk about this!"


Gu Li was anxious and said, "The academy is in danger, what else can't you say?"

"Gu Li~"

Gu Chi smiled bitterly, "I don't want to say that the Tianyuan is just being angered, and it is only closed. I can't say there is a chance to reopen in the future; if I say it, I will touch the scales of others, and our Gu family will be destroyed!


Gu Li exclaimed, "Is there... how serious is it?"

"The lesson of Ming Shizu...isn't it enough?"

Gu Li immediately opened his eyes and exclaimed: "Mo...Could it be four..."


Gu Chi stopped Gu Li's words, shook his head and said, "You only need to know this and I can't say more!"

"The problem is~"

Gu Li gritted his teeth and said, "Is this going to kill them all? My Heavenly Court has always been low-key and does not provoke right or wrong. Isn't it just to show my Gu family's attitude?"

"I said it~"

Gu Chi said again, "This is anger, maybe there will be changes after a while!"

"no change?"

Gu Li himself lost his confidence first, and whispered, "How can there be changes? Only the Wufang Tiandi can change their minds, but will Wufang Tiandi take care of the life and death of our Tianyuan?"

"No, no~"

Gu Chi waved his hand and said, "It's not the Five Heaven Emperor, it's a person..."

As he said, there was a disciple's voice coming from outside the hall: "The court is right, the registration for the selection of disciples has ended, a total of 3,140..."


Gu Li interrupted the report and said, "Just hand in the roster, you can start the selection!"

Later, some disciples offered the Xiayun Festival.

Gu Li didn't watch the Xiayun Festival, and threw it on the jade case, and said grimly: "They were all picked up by the Huangcheng Academy. How can a group of small fish and shrimps compare to those Huangcheng geniuses?"

After Gu Li finished speaking, he continued to ask: "Uncle Chi, who is this person you are talking about?"

"This person is naturally..."

Gu Chi was about to say his name, but when the words came to his lips, he swallowed again, and said, "Is this person a taboo? I'm not sure about it. I'd better not say it before he appears. !"

With that said, Gu Chi picked up the Xiayun Festival and said, "It's useless to say all this. Now the plan is to think about how to win the Huangcheng Academy!"

"It is impossible to win!"

Gu Li shook his head without thinking about it, "Huangcheng Academy's previous Apocalyptic Selections have exceeded Tianyuan's results by a lot, Uncle Chi? You..."

As Gu Li was talking, he actually saw Gu Chi's hand trembling a little while holding the Xiayun Festival. He hurriedly shouted: "Uncle Chi, Uncle Chi!"

"Haha, haha~"

Gu Chi laughed up to the sky and said, "Gu Li, this is my heavenly courtyard, he...he is here!"


"Who is he??"

Gu Li was puzzled, looking at the Xiayun Festival in Gu Chi's hands, and said, "This list is the list of students who will come to my Tianyuan to study. What use are they?"

"look by youself!!"

Gu Chi threw the Xiayun Festival to Gu Li and shouted.

Then, Gu Chi will use the technique of clearing eyes to explore.

But when there was a bright light in his eyes, he slapped his forehead hurriedly and cursed in a low voice: "How can I probe like this? Isn't this looking for trouble for myself!!"


At the same time, Gu Li also exclaimed, "Xiao...Xiao Wenheng?? How is this possible??"


Gu Chi finally couldn't hold it back anymore, and laughed, "How can it be impossible?"

"It's recorded above~"

Gu Li exclaimed, "Xiao Hua is the third rank of Yuqing Immortal, Xiao Wenheng is only a tribute to immortals for 20,000 years, how can I cultivate to the third rank of Yuqing Immortal?"

"It is absolutely impossible for others~"

Gu Chi squinted his eyes and said, "But for Xiao Xian, it's a big effort!"

"When did Xiao Wenheng have a watch?"

Gu Li still couldn't believe it, and asked, "Why haven't I heard of this idler?"

"You haven't heard of it!"

Gu Chi sneered, UU reading, "Because no one dared to mention that matter, lest it could be burned! However, since Xiao Xian has appeared, even if you don’t know about it, people think you know it. I'm not afraid to tell you!"

When Gu Chi killed Xiao Hua and killed Nangong Shiru and took away Yinghuo, Gu Li was immediately silly. He didn't speak for a while, and finally stammered: " wonder there has been no news from Xiao Wenheng. It turns out that he was...suppressed in the Red Cliff Little Heaven by the Eighty One Longjing..."

"Then he comes out now..."

Gu Li was puzzled, "Why come to my Tianyuan again?"

"Why did he come, I don't know~"

Gu Chi excitedly said, "What I know is, I have to ask Xiao Wenheng himself for this!!"


Gu Li also woke up and shouted, "Beat the drum, ring the bell, open the gate of the palace..."

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