Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2595: 3 deceased

"Boundary of the Two Realms?"

Li Nianxiao raised his brows and asked, "Are they Heavenly Court and Dragon Realm?"


Yingluo nodded and replied, "These warlords will only be on duty at the junction of the two realms, regardless of heavenly affairs!"

At this point, Yinghuo seemed to have thought of something, and closed the disdain on her face, and smiled openly: "Hehe, although they came late, they came after all, I...I can go back later..."

Ying was confused and smiled, and Li Nianxiao became a little hot.

He didn't speak, and looked up at the immortal soldier in the distance, and a man in battle armor flew up to the black and white clouds with the banner.

Yinghuo also didn't speak, but she didn't see where the warlord was, nor did she see the madness of the dragon clan, let alone the pain and wailing of other Confucian immortals, she only looked at Li Nianxiao, and only Li Nianxiao in her eyes!

The man in armor stood still on the clouds, and the banners unfolded behind him, but he saw a few large characters written on it: "Dragon Team Night Rain"

Looking at the man's appearance, isn't it the same Ye Yukeng Xiao Hua had seen in the Tower of Seven Love Nightmare?

Ye Yukeng just stood still, "Boom~" On the previous ground, the other two places where the tremors were also rushed out of Xiayun, and two groups of immortal soldiers flew out of the cloud.

When a man and a woman are standing on the other two black and white clouds, the banners behind them are also unfolding, the same is the Dragon Team, but the names of the generals are different, they are: Dongfang and Min!

Look at the fairy in the cloak, isn't it the Eastern monsoon?

Dongfang Jiyu had just revealed his figure, and immediately frowned, and shouted, "Ye Yukeng, what is going on?"

Ye Yukeng hurriedly bowed to salute and said: "My lord, the final general has just arrived, and he hasn't made a clear investigation..."


High in the sky, Nangong Shiru watched Dongfang Jiyu and the other three teams flying out, and her expression was pale, and she cursed, "How come Team Jianglong came? This is clearly far from the boundaries of the two realms! The Dragon Well is also on the edge of the Dragon Realm!!"

"My lord~"

Nangong Zixu's eyes turned sharply beside him, and after a while, he whispered, "Since the Jianglong team has appeared, you might as well accept it as soon as you see it, otherwise even the owner of the house..."


Nangong Shiru squinted her eyes and scolded, "Which one of your eyes has seen me benefit?"

"Is the **** Yinghuo kneeling down and begging for mercy?"

"Or the devil who humiliated me?"

"I have worked so hard to put a blood forbidden, and spent countless amounts of blood, is it just to let that dragon race eat some blood?"

Nangong Zixu was afraid to speak.


Nangong Shiru ordered, "Go and find out how they can get here!"

Nangong Zixu went quietly, Nangong Shiru squinted at the dragon's jiong, patted her forehead, and said softly, "You should believe what I said!"

Nangong Shiru's voice was very soft, but the dragon Jiong could hear it clearly, but it was a pity that the dragon Jiong was biting a Taiqing god, and he ignored Nangong Shiru.

"Oh, you should be back!"

Nangong Shiru was not surprised, he sighed and lightly tapped bloodshot eyes.


In the distance on the dragon Jiong's body, blood flashes again, and pain came from his dragon body. The dragon Jiong wailed and rolled, and he turned around and rushed towards the dragon well.

The giant dragon turned around and tens of thousands of dragons naturally followed.

Dongfang Jiyu naturally didn't know what the giant dragon was going to do. She watched the dragons fly in like a tide, and hurriedly ordered: "Form to meet the enemy!"

And she herself raised her hand and sacrificed a spear, urging her figure to face the dragon's piercing.


Giant Dragon Jiong watched the Dongfang Monsoon team block him, and shouted, "I swallowed this, right?"


In the eastern monsoon, I heard the dragon's piercingly speaking, a little surprised.

But immediately, the dragon Jiong didn't say much, and threw its teeth and claws toward the eastern monsoon!


The giant dragon flew close, and the eastern monsoon was shocked, and shouted, "Compared to the second-tier Zi Yao Luo?"

With that said, Dongfang Jiyu couldn't help but look up at Min Hong in another place!

Of course, it was just a glance. As soon as the Eastern Monsoon pushed the door, the "Boom" Three Flowers of Heaven, Earth and Humans were revealed. Although there was only one flower that day, the exposed charm immediately protected the Eastern Monsoon.


Dongfang Jiyu swung her gun over, and she was mortal.


Unexpectedly, the dragon roared, and the dragon's tail slammed down.

Facing the defeated Longwei and the mighty dragon's tail, Dongfang Jiyu didn't dare to resist, she cautiously retreated and flashed past, about to raise her spear again.


The dragon Jiong ignored her at all and rushed over!

"Get out, get out~"

The Eastern Season Rain is unknown, but she clearly took a long sigh, and quickly ordered, "Let these dragons return to the dragon spirit!!"

Although there are many immortal soldiers under Dongfang Jiyu's team, they have rushed out and the army has not been fully deployed. How can they face the dragons?

Hearing the order of the Eastern Monsoon, the team immediately stepped aside.

Tens of thousands of dragons went arrogantly.

"Hurry up and find out~"

Dongfang Jiyu watched the dragon fly into the dragon aura, and hurriedly ordered his soldiers, "What happened here?"

"Also, all the warriors, immediately send their team out of the fairy weapon and end the battle!"

"You must not let these dragons rush into the heaven!!"

The Eastern Monsoon gave orders in an orderly manner, and the fairy soldiers gushed out from the territory of Hongya Xiaotian!

"Damn, damn!"

Seeing the team getting more and more, Nangong Shiru couldn't help but violently jump on the chariot. If hundreds of Taiqing immortals and tens of thousands of ordinary immortals were killed, they would be killed. These are the three soldiers of the Dragon Dragon team. , There are people with surnames in the Celestial Armies. They are dead, and the Dragon Team will be held accountable!

"My lord~"

Nangong Shiru was scrupulous, but Gu Chi and others were overjoyed. They had a feeling of rebirth after the disaster, and they hurried over to see him.


Looking at these immortals who are not inferior to him, UU Reading felt bad, and said hurriedly, “The situation is critical, don’t be polite, everyone listens to my arrangement and immediately sets up the battle, I’ll wait. Maybe there is still a chance to escape..."


Gu Chi was shocked, and said anxiously, "My lord, what do you mean? Could it be that you come to rescue me and wait?"

Dongfang Jiyu's face was bitter, and he explained, "I didn't come here on purpose!"

As he said, Dongfang Jiyu looked at Min Hong and Ye Yukeng who were also in the distance, and said: "I have just been transferred to the Jianglong team, and now I am on the way to patrol the territory, but I saw an abnormal dragon spirit. Only then brought their respective teams to explore!"

"Also...that is to say~"

Gu Chi and the others were a little pale, and asked in a low voice, "My lord is not ordered, the immortal soldiers...that's all, no more reinforcements!"

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