Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2589: Blood

This place is a bit weird, it looks like a red-colored cliff, but only half of it is exposed on the ground, and there is a rust-like totem on this cliff, but the totem is dark gold in color.

At this time, the dark gold totem has a flame-like Xia Cai soaring into the sky, and there is a vaguely heart-piercing roar inside.

Xia Cai only rushed out one hundred thousand feet, and was suppressed by the battle formation formed by tens of thousands of teams, producing extreme distortions.

Nangong Shiru's chariot was still some distance away from here, "Aoao~" The fire dragon wailed and did not dare to fly again, obviously afraid of the aura in Xia Cai.

"Naughty animal~"

Nangong Shiru looked at the fire dragon with a little fart, and said with a smile, "Usually she is arrogant, but by this time she is so bold!!"

Nangong Shiru kicked the fire dragon and flew out of the chariot.

Sure enough, he had just landed in the air, and a solid dragon power was immediately used like water, even Nangong Shiru's heart shuddered inexplicably!

"Not bad!"

Nangong Shiru looked at the battle formation formed above Xia Cai, gave a low compliment, and then slightly flicked the fingers holding the golden halberd.

The corner of Nangong Zixu's mouth twitched a few times. He knew that this was a small gesture by Nangong Shiru, which usually appeared when making a difficult choice.

"My lord, what is difficult to decide?"

Nangong Zixu looked at Xia Cai and Zhan Zhen in front of her head, wondering in her heart, "Could it be that she gave up opening Longjing?"

Of course, Nangong Shiru's figure stopped being familiar, her fingers stopped moving, and she flew close to Xia Cai.

"My lord~"

Before the battle, a warlord flew up and said respectfully, "The warlord is ready and can open Longjing at any time."


Nangong Shiru was noncommittal about what he said to the warlord, only nodded slightly, passed the warlord, and flew to the side of Xia Cai.

But within Xia Cai, apart from the faint roar, there was a slight tremor of space, like a giant running deep in the earth.

Nangong Shiru's gaze flicked over Xia Cai and fell directly on the rusty totem.

The totem is very weird, and it is only seen in Nangong Shiru's life.

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It is not ordinary flowers, birds, insects, fish, nor wild beasts, just big or small, rust spots of different shades!

However, it is this rusty spot that firmly blocks the Xia Cai and even the condensed Longwei!

"Are you sure you can open Longjing?"

Nangong Shiru's eyes glowed with gold, staring at the rusty spot for a long while, but didn't see anything, and asked the warlord with a smile.

"The end~"

The warlord was stunned for a moment. He didn't know how to answer. While he was thinking, Nangong Shiru smiled and said, "Don't embarrass you anymore, get ready to go!"

"Blood coward?"

The warlord was stunned again, and asked cautiously, "My lord, is it the blood coward used in Lingxu City?"


Nangong Shiru glared at the warlord and scolded, "It's not that **** coquettish, do you want to use the blood of your team's more than ten thousand warlords?"


At the same time that the warlord obeyed, Nangong Zixu shuddered suddenly, and he finally understood what Nangong Shiru's difficult choice was just now!

It turned out that Nangong Shiru was the first to prepare the blood of these teams to open Longjing! !

However, Nangong Zixu gave birth to another doubt. Could it be that Nangong Shiru planned to open Longjing as early as in Lingxu City? Did this destroy the entire Lingxu City?

Of course, this was just a suspicion. Nangong Zixu did not dare to show his face. He also followed carefully behind Nangong Shiru, watching all eighty dragon wells.

When he came to the last Longjing, Nangong Zixu first explained: "My lord, the last Longjing took half of our time, but this Longjing is different from all the previous ones."

"How could this be?"

Nangong Shiru was a little unhappy, frowning and said, "Could it be that you made a mistake?"

"Wrong is not wrong~"

Nangong Zixu said, "After all, the locations of these Longjings were obtained from...Xianfu, so you can't go wrong."

"Not to mention that the other Longjing are right. There is no reason why this Longjing is wrong!"

"Moreover, there is no special difference in this Longjing except for Longwei!"

Sure enough, when Nangong Shiru flew, he could see clearly that it was also a red-colored mountain cliff, but the rust spots on this mountain cliff were rust spots, there was no dark golden glow, and there was no soaring dragon, even the rust spots were pitch black. Kind of coldness filled the surroundings.

Nangong Shiru looked around and waved her hand again, revealing the location of eighty-one dragon wells.

Then I even looked at the fairy picture, raised his hand a little, a group of red color was revealed in the middle of the eighty-one dragon wells, it was obviously a small red cliff sky.

This dark dragon well is on the edge of the light and shadow.

"My lord~"

The guard on duty watched for a moment, then echoed, "I'm afraid this Longjing has been abandoned, and the general will not be able to perceive the dragon's power and breath at all."


Nangong Shiru was already a little impetuous, he just glanced at the totem, nodded and said, "You wait here first, and don't have to listen to orders. If there is any change, report it in time!"

After that, Nangong Shiru once again set foot on the chariot and headed for the sky!

Nangong Zixu stood in front of the front of the chariot, watching Nangong Shiru's eyes flashing fire, knowing that he wanted to open the Longjing immediately, watching the Dragon Qi break through the Red Cliff Xiaotian, and even wanted to see Li Nianxiao and others being purple. Yaoluo dragons were torn to pieces.

Sure enough, the chariot stopped above the nine heavens, and Nangong Shiru looked at the small red cliff realm not far away, gritted his teeth and shouted: "Zixu, command the generals, prepare~"

"Yes, my lord!"

Where does Nangong Zixu dare to disobey? He hurriedly agreed, took out the messenger device, and ordered: "Generals, pass the order, prepare..."

Nangong Shiru squinted his eyes and looked at the red light radiating from the Red Cliff Little Heaven Realm. After waiting for a half-pillar of incense, he took a deep breath and said calmly, "Let's start!"


Nangong Zixu also took a deep breath, UU reading www. preached: "Send the adult order, do it!"

On the eighty dragon wells, eighty blood covets floated.

The blood coward is made of bronze, is oval in shape and has a full exterior, with a lid on it and a pattern of weird beasts on the lid.

Following Nangong Zixu's order, eighty warlords raised their hands and pointed, "Keng" the caps of the eighty blood coquetts rushed up, and the eighty blood lights burst out from the blood coquettish immediately!

Almost visible to the naked eye, there are countless humanoids struggling within the blood light!

At the same time, the terrifying howls and screams were also heard!

Although it was far away, although standing on the chariot, Nangong Zixu was trembling in his heart as he watched the blood soaring everywhere, this... how many immortals must be killed!

Afraid it is not just a small remote town in Lingxu City, right?

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