Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2574: Yuanjia is on a narrow road and Shen's family again

A trace of disdain appeared at the corner of Gu Junshi's mouth, and he replied, "That's because he deserves to die!"


The third son of the Shen family raised his hand, the scarlet sword was raised, and a heat wave swept around.

"My goodness, this...this is the Scorching Sun Sword of the Third Young Master of the Shen Family!"

The onlookers immediately exclaimed.

"Of course, I have seen this sword. The Third Young Master of the Shen Family used the Scorching Sun Sword to kill the Thirteen Bandits of Yanqi!"

"Gu Junshi is dying! How could this waste wood be the opponent of the Third Young Master of the Shen Family?"

In the midst of everyone's cynicism, Gu Yanshi took out a blue wooden stick from his sleeve!

"Haha, laughed at me!"

"Is this waste article a wooden stick?"

"Why doesn't he go to the fire?"

However, the third young master of the Shen family fell on the wooden stick, with a rare surprise on his face, and whispered: "You...are you the Thousand Chance Stick?"

"Not bad!"

Gu Junshi proudly waved the Thousand Chance Rod, and a strange twisted light and shadow emerged, and said, "I didn't expect you to know the Thousand Chance Rod!"

"Haha, even if it is a Thousand Chance Rod, it depends on whose hand you hold it. You **** holding it is a wooden stick!"

Speaking of the Shen Family's Third Young Master's sword, he lightly waved, "Boom" the fire wave swept towards Gu Yanshi like the burning sky, inside the flame, Jianguang hidden murderous intent!

"Hey, the famous Third Young Master of the Shen Family is nothing but that!"

Gu Yanshi sighed softly, stabbing the Qianji stick in his hand!

But seeing seventy-two twisted phantoms on the cyan sticks, these phantoms directly submerged into the flames, and then, ignoring the space, instantly condensed into sticks again in front of the third master of the Shen family.


Just when everyone's eyes were about to fall to the ground, the wooden stick penetrated the white clothes directly into the third young master Shen's chest!


The Third Young Master of the Shen Family screamed, put his hands on his chest, and cried out inconceivably, "You...what realm are you, you actually have such strength?"


Gu Yanshi was afraid that he would close the door, "boom" bronze-colored artificial flowers gushing out, a petal is clearly visible in the sun!

"Impossible, impossible~"

The onlooker made a fuss and shouted, "How could the waste son-in-law of the Xu family be a Yuqing immortal?"

When everyone was astonished, the third young master of the Shen family suddenly smiled, raised his sword and pointed it towards the sky, and said faintly: "Since it is a human being, I can rest assured!"

"What do you mean?"

Gu Yanshi frowned slightly and looked at Shen Family Third Young Master.

"Haha, haha~"

The Third Young Master of the Shen Family raised his hand and pointed to Gu Junshi and said, "You fool, revenge for Shen Yu is our Shen family's business, not my own business!" (Ahem, I feel a bit unable to write... …)

"Do you think I will be driven out of the clan by the Gu family just like you?"

"I am not alone in the team, behind me is the entire Shen family!"

"Roar, roar~"

With that said, there was a roar of beasts around Lingxu City, but seeing the mid-air, thousands of Shen family disciples proudly surrounded it.

"My God, this...this is the Shen family's team, right?"

"Gu Junshi actually provokes the Shen family team, it looks like he will die today!"

"Haha, haha~"

The Third Young Master of the Shen Family looked at the helper coming, and laughed again, "Gu Junshi, why don't you kneel down and beg for mercy?"

"Maybe for the sake of licking your shoes, I can still give you the whole body!"


A sneer appeared at the corner of Gu Junshi's mouth, and he took out a mountain-shaped seal and whispered a few words.


In the distant sky, a horn blew.


The Third Young Master Shen looked at Gu Yanshi in surprise, wondering, "You...Where did you get the team from?"

Gu Junshi didn't even bother with the Third Young Master of the Shen Family, and only replied indifferently, "Just look at it!"

With the sound of the horn, a team of more than 10,000 people from all over the city of Lingxu flew in all directions, a wave of murderous aura mixed with a soaring fighting intent, which had already covered the thousands of Shen family disciples in front of them.

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Although surrounded by others, the more than a thousand Shen family disciples were not panicking, but had a sequence team ready to fight.

However, when the quartet team approached, the hunting black battle flag was raised above the team, and more than a thousand Shen family disciples panicked.

"No, this...this is the team from the Temple of War~"

"No, just look at the four black flags, isn't it the four generals of the'Silver Attack and Kill'?"

"The Temple of War! The Temple of War!!"

"I heard that their Dragon King is the most mysterious figure in Lingxu City. No one knows who he is!!"

"The Temple of the Gods of War is now powerful and powerful than the Shen family..."

The Shen family's disciples were in chaos without a fight, and the third young master of the Shen family was caught off guard. He looked at Gu Yanshi inconceivably and whispered, "Could it be that are the Dragon King?"

"Not bad!"

Gu Junshi proudly replied, "I am the Dragon King of the God of War!"


The third master of the Shen family was frightened with a cold sweat, and sweat dripped from his forehead!

This is the famous Dragon King of the God of War, and the Third Young Master of the Shen Family couldn't imagine that he would go to the Dragon King one day!

"Dragon King, you... Are you the Dragon King??"

The Third Young Master of the Shen family felt that he was going to be scared to pee. He said tremblingly, "I...I offended the Shen family..."

"Do you want to expose your grievances if you offend?"

Gu Zuoshi grinned and said, "If this is the case, where is the prestige of my Temple of War?"

"You~ don't deceive people too much!"

The third young master of the Shen family who was still arrogant just now is now a wronged and innocent boy!

"I just want to tell you a word~"

Gu Junshi raised his hand and raised the Thousand Chance Rod, and said calmly, "I knew this before, so why bother? Kill!!"

Following that, Gu Junshi let out a low growl, and the disciples of the Temple of Ten Thousands of Battles Qi Qi shouted: "Follow the order of the Dragon King, kill!!"

Thousands of Shen family disciples shivered in this roar!

"This is what you forced me!"

The third son of the Shen family gritted his teeth and pulled out a white jade jewelry from between his neck, spouting blood.


The essence of blood fell on the jewelry, and the jewelry turned into a black panther and flew out.

With wings on his back and fierce eyes, the black panther leaped towards Gu Yanshi with his teeth and claws!


Gu Junshi looked at Black Panther and exclaimed, "Shen...Shen family??"

The Third Young Master of the Shen Family grinned and said, "So you know the Shen family, if that's the case, you go to die!"


The black panther tore the void, UU reading rushed over!

Gu Yanshi was shocked, because the Panther was too fast and his aura was too strong, so he hurriedly urged Qian Ji Bang.

It's a pity that before the Thousand Chance Rod was swung out, the Panthers had already rushed forward.


The Black Panther raised his paw and slammed the Thousand Chance Rod into the air, and the Panther's panther's tail curled up lightning, knocking Gu Yanshi into the air!


Although half of Gu Junshi's body was collapsed by the black panther, and even the seven orifices were bleeding, he still yelled, "Shen Family, I'm never finished with you!"

"Even if I die today, I will destroy your Shen family in the next life!!"

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