Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2569: Inch has strength

Xiao Hua didn't know how far Nangong Shiru was from the small town that jǐyán flew to, but he knew that this small town was not big.

After Xiao Hua's gaze swept over, he said to Li Nianxiao and Yinghuo: "You two go find it, I have to find a place to solve the red spirit soul!"

"Uncle Master, be careful!"

Although Li Nianxiao believed that Xiao Hua could solve it, he didn't feel shocked when he heard Yinghuo say how powerful the Red Dust Soul is.


Xiao Hua nodded, shook his figure, and flew up from jǐyán (jǐyán)'s back and fell towards a mountain peak.

Yinghuo's income is correct, the Red Dust Soul is really troublesome, which is beyond Xiao Hua's expectation.

Xiao Hua thought that by virtue of his magical powers, even if it was contaminated, he could easily get rid of it, but he did not expect that the perineum would be a stroke for him.

A stroke of magical power, a stroke of murderous intent, absolutely not nonsense, Xiao Hua felt that the red spirit spirit that had just spread on his body had begun to penetrate into his body.

And the infiltration place is exactly the nameless things he got in the secret realm of the **** cicada.

It's true that success is this thing, and failure is this thing!

When Xiao Hua's figure fell, she released her shadow body first to alert them, and then he sacrificed Lin Quan Gao Yitu, and went straight into the third floor.

Xiao Hua's body was still sitting cross-legged in the green willow forest, and Xiao Hua's mental and Confucian statue did not dare to approach, and he circled around to the green willow.

Moreover, the Mind Confucian statue did not dare to enter the tree hole. He sat cross-legged under the tree and began to explore.

The mist spread rapidly within the statue of Xiao Hua's mind and Confucianism, and it turned out to be a world full of nothingness.

In this world, countless red spirits are born and die, exactly as Xiao Hua had seen in the mist before.

For Xiao Hua, countless red spirits are countless lives. How could Xiao Hua destroy them?

All he can do is to peel the world from his image of mind and spirit intact!

It's a pity that it is easy to destroy, but difficult to strip!

Xiao Hua's image of Confucianism in Mind slightly urged Tai Chi to return to the Yuan, and immediately caused the whole world of the red spirit to shake, and he could only taste it.


Xiao Hua sighed a little, "The price of kindness is a bit big!"

Xiao Hua is now very contradictory. Reason tells him that he needs to promptly urge Tai Chi Gui Yuanlu to refine these red spirits before he can start to peel off the mist; but feelings tell him that this is a world with countless lives in it, himself Refining these lives is tantamount to destroying a world.

Recalling what she had seen in the mist for thousands of years, thinking of countless towns like Lu Zhen, Xiao Hua really couldn't start.

"No, it's not right!"

During this hesitation, Xiao Hua was a little surprised, "The mist of the red dust souls has a cycle of birth and death in the heavenly court. After all, there is innate aura there, but why these red dust souls are in the body of the poor road, and they are also endless? Where did it come from?"

"Since it is a life, there will be reincarnation, how do they reincarnate?"

"Even if these lives are at the end of life and do not enter the six reincarnations, then they must have an end, right?"

Xiao Hua thought about it for a moment, and suddenly he thought of the more obscure "three births" in the Shimmering Secret Art. This part was because of the reincarnation involved. Xiao Hua passed the Secret Art to Xue Xue. Now it is true that the birth and death of the Red Dust Soul There is no reincarnation, but there is a derivation, which has a great relationship with the realization of the Shuo Li secret technique.

"How about, enter the space and take a look?"

"See if you can use Xiao Hua's power to peel off these red spirits?"

At this time, Xiao Hua didn't dare to enter the space, because he didn't know whether he could bring the Red Dust Soul into the space, let alone how the Red Dust Soul would follow him into the space, what impact it would have!

"No, absolutely not!"

Xiao Hua strangled this decision in his heart. This move was too risky.

Afterwards, Xiao Hua was tempted to contact Xue Xue who was on the dark side of the space. Fortunately, after a while, a huge amount of insight fell into Xiao Hua's heart.

There is the mystery of reincarnation, and there is also the art of shimmering!

Xiao Hua raised his eyebrows, looked at the world of the Red Dust Soul in his body with extreme surprise, and whispered: "Oh my God, I dare not imagine, this... this Red Dust Soul's derivation can actually supplement and complete the beginning of the spiritual race. Zong’s Secret Art of Shimmering?"

One is the first sect of the spirit family with boundless magical powers, and the other is the red-dust soul of the ant, even Xiao Hua, did not expect that the ruler's strengths and strengths would be reflected in both.

Xiao Hua knew that he didn't have much time, he tried to strip the Red Dust Soul while he realized the birth and death of the Red Dust Soul, completing the Secret Art of Shimmering.

It is a pity that until Xiao Hua completed the Shuo Li secret technique, he could not find a way to strip the Red Dust Soul.


Xiao Hua smiled bitterly, looked at the body and muttered to himself, "I can only draw a salary from the bottom of the tank!"

Xiao Hua's drawing of salary from the bottom of the tank is very simple, that is, his mind falls into the flesh and introduces the red spirit into the language.

Although the language is ruined, Xiao Hua's image of mind and Confucianism will not be contaminated.

Shache is handsome!

"It's just a pity that this will soon be able to grow flowers successfully!"

Xiao Hua sighed helplessly, got up and walked towards the body.

After all, Xiao Hua started the cultivation of Confucian immortals from the beginning of entering the heavenly court. From the burial of flowers, to pregnancy, embryo formation, budding, branching, flowering, and the final step of abandonment, no one would regret it.

"It's a pity that the flower bones condensed by the light of civilization!"

Xiao Hua looked at the flower bones in the flesh, except for reluctance or reluctance, after all, everything was done perfectly before.

It's just that when things have reached this point, you have to give up!

Xiao Hua's mind fell into the flesh...

Sure enough, Xiao Hua's mind had just touched the flesh, and "buzzed" on the chest and abdomen of the flesh, and the light of civilization condensed and the flower bones shook It was trembling, but the budding petals are now trembling. Open.

The inexplicable thing mixed with countless red dust souls immediately flowed down toward the petals like Wanliu return to the sect!

As the Red Dust Soul fell, the crystal clear three-color petals were immediately contaminated, not only becoming mottled, like rust spots, but also rapidly withering. The imprint of the Three Souls Xiao Hua left on the flower bones was also eroded by these Red Dust Souls!

"Oh oh~"

Observing all this, Xiao Hua understood that the Three Flowers of Confucianism had the imprint of the Three Souls. Although these red spirits were small, but there were so many souls, they could eat the three souls of the Confucianism like ants. And the language is naturally going to be annihilated!

Moreover, the Red Dust Soul is originally a divine soul, so once the culture and the culture become contaminated, there is no way to get rid of it.

I don't know how long it took, the flower bones withered into a line outline, and all the red spirits fell into this outline.

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