Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2562: Why is there Xiao Hua everywhere?

Yinghuo yelled a few times, and seeing Xiao Hua ignored him, and then saw Xiao Hua actually settled, stomping his feet, and shouted: "I only now know why you can win Wenheng, you are boring. Thinking of cultivation, cultivation all the time!!!"

"Xiao Wenheng, you would have no literary friends like this!"

Xiao Hua didn't speak, Li Nianxiao couldn't speak, Yinghuo couldn't talk to herself forever, so the scene was embarrassing.

Although jǐyán (jǐyán) has radiant brilliance on his back, the seven colors change the colors that are hard to see by ordinary people, but they are silent and silent.

Ying was confused and looked around, her eyes fell on Li Nianxiao. Li Nianxiao hurriedly opened his mouth. He wanted to say, "Where are my sisters!"

I didn't know that he opened his mouth, "poof", a flame spurted out, and he yelled "Senior Aunt" as "~ Secretary~ Ku"!

"Haha, haha!"

Yinghu couldn't help laughing again.

Seeing Yinghuo smile like a flower, Li Nianxiao didn't have any reason to feel tight. He felt as if his heart had been pierced by something.


After Yinghuo laughed, she shouted at Li Nianxiao, "Nephew, what is your name?"


Not knowing what was going on, Li Nianxiao stammered even more, he said in a flustered manner, "My name is Li Nianxiao!"

"Li Nianxiao?"

How smart Yinghuo is. She blinked her eyes and glanced at Xiao Hua, who had already begun to give birth to five-colored petals, and asked, "When you read Xiao, do you miss Xiao Hua?"


Li Nianxiao answered honestly.

"I'm going~"

The heart of Yinghuo gossip rose up, and said anxiously, "Nephew, could it be that your mother and Xiao Hua were... a couple before?? Why did you give you such a name?"

"Not my mother~"

Li Nianxiao naturally knew the relationship between his father and mother and Xiao Hua, so he didn't care about Yinghuo's misunderstanding, and said, "It's my father!"

Hello everyone, our public account will find gold and coin red envelopes every day, and you can receive them as long as you pay attention. Please seize the opportunity for the last benefit at the end of the year. Public Account [Book Friends Base Camp]

"No way!!"

Ying confused, dumbfounded, and whispered, "Xiao Wenheng still has the addiction to Longyang?"

"No, no~"

Li Nianxiao blushed again, and hurriedly waved his hand, "My father is the big brother of Xiao Shishu, and my mother's life is saved by Xiao Shishu. His old man is also the leader of our Ten Thousand Demon Realm Human Race. We have built a big city. It's called Nian Xiaocheng!"


Ying puzzled her lips, and said with a sneer, "It turns out that Xiao Wenheng has such a glorious past! It's really unexpected!!"

Li Nianxiao was stunned. He wanted to talk about Xiao Hua's great achievements in the mortal realm, but after hearing Yingluo's words, she seemed to be dismissive of these!

"It's because of Xiao Wenheng's contribution to the human race that you are called Nian Xiao?"

Yinghuo went on to say, "You guys are too obvious, right?"

"No, no~"

Li Nianxiao quickly waved his hand and said, "I don't know how other people named them, but my father told me that when he took my mother's coffin around looking for how to resurrect my mother, he thought about..."

"what did you say?"

Before Li Nianxiao finished speaking, Yinghuo's eyes lit up and interrupted him and asked, "Your mother is dead? You...your father is taking your mother's coffin??"


Li Nianxiao nodded and said, "In the end, it was Uncle Xiao who saved..."

"Don't always mention Xiao Wenheng!"

Yingzhu became impatient, and interrupted Li Nianxiao again, "Say the point!"

"Wh... what's the point?"

Li Nianxiao was inexplicable.

"Your father, how did you know your mother?"

"How did your mother die?"

"Why did your father take your mother's coffin to find the method of resurrection?"

"Also, don't mention Xiao Hua in the middle!"

Li Nianxiao scratched his head, the flame rushed out between the hair with his fingers, and then he closed his mouth tightly and said nothing.

"Say it!"

Yinghu urged.

"I can't say it!"

Li Nianxiao replied extremely innocently, "My mother met Shishu Xiao before my dad, and my parents and Shishu Xiao had a fateful relationship. When my mother died, Shishu Xiao Right in front of her, the body of her old man is still Uncle Xiao..."

"How come there is Xiao Hua everywhere!!"

Yingluo was distressed, and said, "Forget it, forget it, just say it!"

Thus, Li Nianxiao began to tell the love story of Cai Zhuoxia and Li Zongbao.

Li Nianxiao is also a suzerain in the Mortal Realm. Although he is a little conscientious in the face of Xiao Hua, he is naturally eloquent when talking about his unforgettable past.

Yinghuo is now running away from marriage, most envious of love than Jin Jian. The love between Li Zongbao and Cai Zhuoxia hit her like a heavy hammer. She opened her eyes wide and looked at Li Nianxiao without saying a word, listening to him. A miserable relationship.

Hearing Cai Zhuoxia's fall for the first time, she called Li Zongbao's name in her mouth, and the tears of fascination were already dripping;

When I heard Li Zongbao put Cai Zhuoxia's body in the crystal coffin, the entire Xiaoyu Continent was rushing around, searching for the method of resurrection endlessly, clenching his mysterious hands;

In the end, when Xiao Hua brought Cai Zhuoxia back to life, the two finally became married, and she smiled like a flower.

It is a pity that Li Nianxiao's conversation changed again. Speaking of Li Zongbao and Cai Zhuoxia being trapped by the Demon Sect, Cai Zhuoxia sacrificed her life to protect Li Zongbao, and Yingzhuo's heart hung again...

After finishing talking about the story of Cai Zhuoxia and Li Zongbao, Yinghuo easily asked about Li Nianxiao's experience in the world.

Although Li Nianxiao’s experience is not as touched by the love of his parents as his parents’ love, the strange experience and the complexity are enough to make Yinghua interested, not to mention the hardships and dangers of the Ten Thousand Demon Realm human race, it is easy to make Yinghua the same enemy, and Yinghua will always ask What about it? Even when Li Nianxiao asked about Yinghuo accidentally later, Yinghuo would occasionally talk about some of his experiences in Heavenly Court!

The moment Yingluo spoke, Xiao Hua's hanging heart finally landed, and said silently in his heart: "Brother Li, there is only this I can help. Whether UU can read depends on your son himself. !"

In fact, the moment the Jade Diablo Xiao Hua saw Li Nianxiao in the space, he had the urge to draw a red line to Li Nianxiao and Yingzhuo, but thinking of Yingzhu’s identity, Jade Diablo Xiao Hua was afraid of being self-defeating, so he gave up. This idea.

I don’t know if it was Jade Xiaohua’s mistake, or Li Nianxiao really had a relationship with Yinghuo. From now on, if Xiang Zhili came out, it would definitely mess things up!

Li Nianxiao, who is still loyal and honest, may match the temper of Yinghua!

But these are all Xiao Hua's wishful thinking. What kind of identity is she wondering? Xiao Hua really didn't dare to expect too much.

He just gave Li Nianxiao a chance.

I would like to thank the following fairy friends for their infinite support to the cultivation of gods, and thank all the book friends for their perseverance. They are: singing bird, Lianshui Xiuyuan, smelly mosquito, trotting youth, guf8547*5, spruce, busy Old man, eat cold skin in the middle of the night, Nuo Lunxi watch, Zfwz666, ruthless, loritin, black body tease you, Dun Yu, Mr. Huan, return, vanilla flavor, Southern Emperor Beima, used to look forward to the present, do not smoke a day, etc. </div>

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