Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2550: I was stimulated by Xiao Hua

After    disciple went down, Wen Zhong picked up the half piece of Goose Book and looked at it again. It took a long while before putting Goose Book on the Jade Case.

   Seeing Yan Shu turned into blood on the Jade Case, Wen Zhong said in distress, "Is it possible to find Xiao Hua for cooperation?"

   "He is a man with a broad mind, and he doesn't know how to plot it behind his back, but...His foul name, Wen Mou really dare not flatter him, he is digging three feet of the ground, he is better, and just move the entire continent away!"

   "It's difficult!"

   "It's difficult!!"

   Wen Zhong was worried.

   Another place in the Heavenly Court, on the edge of a not-so-big city, Qinglian Sword Fairy is walking among a group of Wind Fairy with Lan Zhan.

   Although the two were walking in the crowd at the same time, the Qinglian Sword Immortal was like the same turbid world Qinglian. Even if they didn't reveal the sword intent, the kind of demeanor and the kind of talk were like a proud clear stream, incompatible with the surrounding scenery.

  Looking at Lan Zhan again, it was clear that he was behind Qinglian Sword Immortal, but it seemed that he was mixed up with Fengxian, as if he was separated from Qinglian Sword Immortal by thousands of miles.

   Suddenly, Qinglian Jianxian stopped and asked faintly: "Lan Zhan, how do you feel?"


   Lan Zhan was in a daze, and answered without thinking.


   Sword Immortal Qinglian shook his head, "Didn't I tell you? I just pointed you to sword repair, not your master."

   "Yes, yes, senior!"

   Lan Zhan came back to his senses, saw sweat on his forehead, and hurriedly replied, "It's the younger generation who was wrong, the younger generation just didn't guard the house!"

   "You are more than a **** who doesn't keep the house~"

   Qinglian Sword Fairy said, "If you walk thousands of miles, your sword spirit will be scattered!"

   Lan Zhan was shocked, and whispered: "Thank you, senior for your reminder."

   "Oh, wrong, wrong!"

   Sword Immortal Qinglian sighed, "You don't have to thank anything, but remember, the sword is a weapon of aloofness, and the sword is the jade of the jade, rather than bending it!"

   Lan Zhan just wanted to say something, Qinglian Jianxian raised his hand to stop him, looked around, and said: "Did you just feel that the surrounding area is so kind and you are willing to be with them?"

   Lan Zhan thought for a while and said, "Yes, yes!"

   "And you still feel like you are following me, like walking on thin ice, like a man on your back, not willing to half a step~"

   Lan Zhan's face was embarrassed, but he nodded.

   "But you still have a longing in your heart, willing to follow me!"

   Qinglian Sword Fairy continued, "So your footsteps follow!"

   "Yes, senior!"

   "The one who wants to follow me is your sword soul,"

   Qinglian Jian Xianfen said, "And what you want to stay here is your heart."

   "Your sword soul is not actually with the original heart~"

   Qinglian Sword Immortal smiled, "So although I am willing to point you to sword repair, but I don't accept you as a disciple. That's why."

If it is Xiao Hua, I must explain or comfort Lan Zhan again at this time, but Qinglian Sword Immortal is not like that, but continues: "If you want to defeat Jiang Jianming, you must let your original mind stay with the sword soul more, otherwise I can't help you much!"

   After speaking, Qinglian Jianxian turned around and left.

   Lan Zhan lowered his head and thought, while following Qinglian Jianxian.

   After walking a few steps, Qinglian Jianxian suddenly raised his brows and raised his hand to grab it. On the pavilion in the distance, a Xiayun Festival suddenly flew into his hands.


   Above the pavilion, a Fengxian exclaimed, but when he saw the Qinglian Sword Fairy holding the Xiayun Festival, he shut up immediately.


Qinglian Sword Immortal looked at the Xiayun Festival and laughed, "Lan Zhan, did you see that Xiao Hua participated in the Apocalypse Election, and now he has won the only Wenheng in the Heavenly Court. Dacheng, how can you deal with Jiang Jianming?"

   "Master Xiao is Master Xiao!"

   Lan Zhan was startled, but then he said dejectedly, "How can I compare with his old man?"

   "He is a Taoist practitioner who can participate in the election of the apocalypse in the heaven, even the middle and small three yuan, you are a heavenly Confucian immortal, don't even have the slightest desire to win?"

Qinglian Jianxian was not surprised by Lan Zhan’s reaction. Even he felt that Xiao Hua’s Lianzhong Sanyuan was incredible, but he still inspired Lan Zhan to say, “If so, you can turn around now and die under Jiang Jianming’s sword. !"


   Lan Zhan was stunned, and said, "Master Xiao is a Taoist immortal? He... his old man is obviously a Yuqing immortal and rebuilt!"

   "There is nothing impossible in this world?"

   Qinglian Sword Fairy said lightly, "He can do it, why can't you?"

   "Yes, I... why can't I?"

Lan Zhan was a little fascinated, Xiao Hua shocked him too much. He walked behind Qinglian Sword Immortal in a daze. Although it looked like a walking corpse, an unspeakable aura emerged from his heart, making his figure gradually grow from the surroundings. It became clear in the wind fairy.

   "Om~" I don't know how long it took, Lan Zhan's body suddenly gave birth to a sword sound, Qinglian Sword Immortal laughed and stroked his palm, "Yes, yes, this is the real sword intent, aloof, not group..."

   Qinglian Sword Immortal was talking, some inexplicable aura gushing out from the distant heavens and earth, the smile on Qinglian Sword Immortal's face solidified, his eyes beamed at the aura, and he asked in surprise: "Dome?"

   "Haha, great, the old man has been looking for you for a long time, and he really met here!"

With that, Qinglian Sword Immortal opened his mouth, and the "Keng" sword shadow was shocked. Qinglian Sword Immortal pulled Lan Zhan and said with a smile: "You are also destined, the old man's shocking three-foot sword is not easy to use. Today, let you also realize the meaning of Sanchi Qingfeng!"

   After finishing speaking, Qinglian Sword Immortal rushed towards the place where the breath gushed out like a flashing sword shadow.


   Lan Zhan perceives the sword intent like a tide, and feels pleasantly surprised, "This... is this the three-foot sword that you often say?"


   Qinglian Jianxian proudly replied and stopped talking.

   Lan Zhan closed his eyes slightly, comprehending the sword intent that Qinglian Sword Immortal said.

   But he knew in his heart, if Xiao Hua Lianzhong Apocalypse had not chosen the small three yuan, how could Qinglian Sword Fairy easily come up with the Jinghong Three-foot Sword?

   It is not only Qinglian Jianxian who is stimulated by Xiao Hua's small three yuan, even if Xuhuangcheng is an extremely remote small town, a person who is very causal with Xiao Hua, UU reading was also disturbed by the news.

   "Gu Yanshi~"

   In a magnificent pavilion, a high-pitched voice sounded like an old hen, "Where did you die?"

   Then, a middle-aged beautiful woman flew out of the pavilion and looked up...

   Say goodbye to 2020, no matter what you lose or gain, 2020 is finally over.

I would like to thank the following fairy friends for their infinite support to the cultivation of gods, and thank all the book friends for their perseverance. They are: singing bird, Lianshui Xiuyuan, smelly mosquito, trotting youth, guf8547*5, spruce, busy Old man, eat cold skin in the middle of the night, Nuo Lunxi watch, Zfwz666, ruthless, loritin, black body tease you, Dun Yu, Mr. Huan, return, vanilla flavor, Southern Emperor Beima and so on.

   2021 has arrived, and fellow Taoists still have to face life positively.

   Tanhua’s mission is to complete the fairy world chapter perfectly, and I hope you will continue to support you.

  Of course, the best gift for everyone in the New Year is to add more, please accept it.

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