Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2261: Abandoned demon emperor

"Demon Emperor Yan" said the Emperor Emperor, "Hurry up and take out the waterfall star stone, this human race **** is haunted, don't let him take advantage!"

"Good!" The demon emperor promised, and the demon emperor said, "I'll investigate!"

Speaking of the demon emperor flying, five demon bodies with the same feathers were born around them, and six demon bodies were around, and the vague mist began to spread.

"Here!" Demon Emperor flew to the place where he had appeared, and said, "The waterfall has taken shape!"

The demon emperor flew close to the blood-colored barrier. This second blood-colored barrier is different from the first one. The barrier is not a vortex of airflow, but the blood-condensed Yingluo. The closer to the barrier, the more Yingluo, the demon embarrassed. Where the figure fell, there was a 璎珞shaped hole flashing in the barrier, and there was a **** water flowing down like a waterfall.

The demon emperor looked at the **** water flowing behind and turned into a blossoming 珎珞 flew up, the white lines on the Lingxiao flickered rapidly, and the waterfall star stone rushed out!

The demon emperor was overjoyed to see the waterfall and star stone, and urged: "Quick!"

The demon emperor hesitated for a while and said, "Yiye emperor, this waterfall star stone can only hold five demon emperors. I will urge it, naturally I will go first, and then?"

"Nonsense~" Demon Emperor sneered, "I will naturally be the next one! Come on!"

The demon emperor Liuli glanced at several demon emperors and said, "The demon emperor is third, the demon emperor is fourth, and the demon emperor stays at the end!"

"Me~" The snake tail of Demon Emperor's Fake shakes a few times, and it seems a little dissatisfied.

"Look at what?" Demon Emperor sneered. "I took the human race away and let you take advantage. Are you still unhappy? Haven't you heard? The Star Beast didn't kill the human race. If I had arranged it in advance, you could enter The second line is vast?"

"Yes, yes~" the demon emperor hurriedly responded, "the demon emperor did not say anything, but he just wanted to take over for me."

"Hum~" Demon Emperor sneered coldly, shouting at Demon Emperor, "Hurry up!"

"Yes!" The demon emperor was terrified, the fierce breath of the demon emperor was too great, he hurriedly rushed out of the white lines on the spirit rhinoceros, and the waterfall star quickly rose into a rotating star fragment.

This star fragment has just appeared. Within the "buzzing" 璎珞shaped cave, there is a sound of wind and howling, and then, eighteen black arcs penetrate through the waterfall and fall precisely on the star fragment.

"Booming" star fragments suddenly grew, and a dark mist was born on it, and the mist turned into a black star and flew towards the Yinluo Cave.

"Quick!" Without saying anything, the demon emperor shouted four hoofs, and his figure fell on the stars!

The smash of the "snap" star fragments exploded, and the rotation of the stars also slowed down.

The demon emperor's resplendent wind flew, and the mist of the "snap" star fragments exploded again, turning more slowly.

"Roar~" The demon Emperor Kui also snarled, and stepped on the wind and thunder.

The mist of the "snap" star fragments dissipated in the thunder light. Not only did the rotation slow down, but also the eighteen black arcs also broke several times, and the speed of flying into the hole was also slow.

"Damn it!" Demon Emperor's eyes produced fierceness, and the Emperor Emperor shrank his head, standing on it without speaking.

"Demon Emperor~" Demon Emperor's gaze moved away from Demon Emperor Kui, looking at Demon Emperor Em roaring, "You hurry up, don't care about that human race!"

"Okay!" The demon emperor's wings spread, and the mist on the stars of "Poo Poo" annihilated again, this time instead of exploding but withering away.

The demon emperor's demon body is not big, but after falling, before the star fragments, there are only fifteen dark arcs left and five more broken!

"Roar~" Seeing this, the demon emperor was in a hurry, he snarled and flew down towards the star fragments.

There was a trace of hesitation in the eyes of the demon emperor, and he turned to look at the remaining ten arcs, and the star fragments that were much slower.

The body shape of the demon emperor has not fallen. "Puff-puff~" The bursts of dark mist continued to cover the stars fragments.

"Slap" ten arcs and break three more!

"Go!" The demon emperor suddenly turned into a wind, rushed directly over, stood in front of the demon emperor's eyes, and shouted.

"No!" the demon emperor's eyes flashed red, shouting, "I'm going in too, I'll wait for an appointment..."

"Papa" the seven arcs are two shorter!

"Roar~" The demon emperor's five tails flicked, and his figure suddenly elongated, and the dazzling horns had a dazzling Chinese light that hit the demon emperor's eye!

The demon emperor's ox cow came up, his eyes were crimson, and he growled, like a blue light on the corner of the branch, and there were laws withering around!

Who knows, the demon emperor's one-horned red light "boomed" directly penetrated the blue light, and blasted into the corner of the demon emperor's corpse, and the "ka 嚓嚓" demon emperor's corpse's horn was actually broken.

As for the body shape of the demon emperor, he was not afraid of the withering of the law, and suddenly fell in front of the demon emperor's eye, and opened his mouth to bite on the neck of the demon emperor's eye!

The neck of the demon emperor's neck immediately showed a blue texture and radiance. "Papa" the emperor's white fangs pierced the blue texture. "Poo" bit through the neck of the demon emperor's ear!

"Roar!" The demon emperor roared, and his four hooves slammed, and pieces of yellow and yellow emerged.

"Roar" Demon Emperor Kui also gave birth to a column of sun and moon light, which also slammed into the body of the Demon Emperor's Eye. Watching the blood on the Demon Emperor's Eye dripped on the waterfall star stone, the pieces of star stone began to break away. , "Demon Emperor, Waterfall Star Rock can't support, whether it is the demon emperor or the demon emperor!"

The demon emperor looked around, opened his mouth, and a drop of contaminated blood fell from his fangs, "Aoao!" The demon emperor yelled at this, fled from the waterfall stone, far away, far away, and there was a lingering fear Take a look at the four demon emperors on the waterfall stone!

"Hurry up!" Yaodi Xian urged Yaodi Xuan, looking at the **** Yanzi Xuan, where can he say anything?

Stimulate the debris of stars, and slowly fall into Yingluo along with the seven dark arcs.

As soon as the blossoming Luoluo touched the dark mist of the waterfall star stone, it immediately withered, without affecting the star stone falling into the waterfall.

As for the waterfall, when the debris falls, it not only rewinds, but even produces a vortex similar to the texture of the dark mist, dragging the debris into the vast ocean!

"Alas!" The Emperor Emperor sighed slightly, and she turned her head to look around. She was very sorry. The Demon Emperor Clan was right. The Demon Emperor Clan did agree with the Demon Emperor and himself, but in the face of cruelty , The overbearing demon emperor, who dare to say one more word?

The demon emperor turned her head unintentionally, but she saw that in the distance, her face changed a lot, she exclaimed, "Demon emperor..."

Unfortunately, at this time, the star fragments have fallen into the Sumeru rule, not only shrinking, but the surrounding space is also prohibited. How can the demon emperor be heard?

"Ah?" Yaodi Kui, Yaodixuan and Yaodizun were also disturbed at this time. They turned their heads at the same time and exclaimed at the same time, all eyes flashed with incredible expressions.

But after seeing the demon emperor behind him, after a golden light flashed, Xiao Huatieqing showed his face.

"Quick escape~~" the demon emperor shouted loudly. The demon emperor seemed to perceive something, and hurriedly turned his head.

"Ah?" The demon emperor shuddered, turned and flew back!

"Hey~" Xiao Hua lifted his right hand, the thunderstorm technique appeared, and said coldly, "Aren't you just arrogant? Five demon emperors besieged Xiao one, come, now Xiao one comes to the door, you can start! "

"Booming" Thunder flew all around. The demon emperor turned around and flew fast. He flew to Xiao Hua while looking at him, and the color of fear gradually disappeared.

"Booming" and waiting for the thunderbolt to fall on the body of the demon emperor. The thunderbolt just broke the yellow body of the demon emperor's body and shattered it, and did not hurt the demon body.

The demon emperor was completely relieved, "roaring" he snarled, his hoof stepped out of the yellow, and turned his head, with a yellow light column in his eyes shot at Xiao Hua's chest and abdomen!

Don't look at the demon emperor being eaten to death by the demon emperor, how can I also say that the demon emperor, this arc passes through, all the laws of the thousands of squares in the left and right are gradually withering away.

"Hehe~" Watching the beam of light fall, Xiao Hua was confident, and his hands were rubbed again. "Boom" Thunderlight fell like a storm.

There is a way of life and death within the Thunder. Although this way of life and death is still too weak, but within the arc, countless crystal clear flowers are born suddenly!

"Oh?" Looking at the flower that Thunder gave birth, Xiao Hua was also somewhat ill-mannered. This flower looked like he had seen in the Soul Star Fruit Forest before!

"Roar~" Seeing that the innate supernatural powers were restrained, the demon emperor's eyes became more and more crazy, the white fog burst out of the white head, and the four hooves and even the horns interrupted by the demon emperor's 狰 also produced sharp!

The demon emperor is The space within a thousand miles around is immediately messy, boiling mist, crazy white light, and the roaring momentum of the surge!

"Hum hum~" Xiao Hua also got up, snorted a few times, and did not urge any magical powers, directly pulled out the wishful stick, "cracked" and beat the demon emperor...

"I'm going~" the demon emperor whispered, "what is this human race to do? Is he going to try the flesh with the demon emperor?"

The Emperor Emperor Gang just said, "Booming" with a thunder, Xiao Hua only hit Qiankun on the body of the Demon Emperor. The demon body of the Demon Emperor was immediately beaten and fleshed out, which looks no more bitter than the previous Demon Emperor. The body of the scorpion is almost a bit thin.

"Roar!" The demon emperor roared low, and turned around, the snake tail swept through the air, striking Xiao Hua with lightning.

Xiao Hua didn't pay attention to his tail at all, and "brushed" Xiao Hua's body with a red mark, which almost cut Xiao Hua in half!

"Haha" The demon emperor laughed, and said, "Do the human races want to stand up in my demon league? How could he have the demon emperor strong body?"

"Not to say that the flesh is tough!" The demon emperor also smiled, "but he was banned in the demon league by human means, and he could not be the enemy of the demon emperor!"

"Not necessarily," the demon emperor said faintly, "This Xiao Hua's tricks are strange, Shentong is changeable, what a stick, I haven't seen it before!"

Just now, the demon emperor froze coldly and said: "I am about to enter the second vast ocean, don't be distracted!"

"Good!" The demon emperor promised, and was about to turn his head. Suddenly the demon emperor exclaimed, "Demon emperor, look, what did Xiao Hua come up with?"

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