Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2235: Death universe

It should be the sky dome here, because the stars transformed by Xiao Hua’s demon body are still rotating unscathed, and within two thousand miles, in addition to the star Xiao Hua, there are two, but their trajectories and Xiao Hua cross Yes, when Xiao Hua discovered them, they entered the vision of Xiao Hua's mind and wait and see, and now they have begun to come out.

The sky dome is very dry, without flames and winds.

There is no deafening sound of Daxinghe, but there are more cries of howling and wolfing, and people are quite frightened.

"It's weird, what is this demon alliance?"

After Xiao Huan tried to sense the lack of space, he couldn't help thinking in a low voice.

"Hey~" Suddenly a voice rang in Xiao Hua's mind. This voice was a little lonely and excited. "This is not a demon league."

"Who?" Xiao Hua asked in a hurry.

"Who am I, don't you know?" the voice asked rhetorically.

"Where do I know who you are?" Xiao Hua hurriedly looked around.

It's a pity that except for those crazy silhouettes, there is no moving thing found.

"Don't look for it!" the voice said slightly, and said, "I'm not there at all."

Suddenly, Xiao Hua was terrified. He looked down at the other half of the stars transformed by his demon body and exclaimed, "Is it... are you?"

"Haha, it's really a human [] race, I guess it!" The voice laughed, "It's me!"

"You?" Xiao Huaxin said miraculously, "Aren't you already fallen? And, I didn't find you have any trace of vitality at all!"

"Good!" the voice said, "I am falling, but that is in the demon league, in this universe, I have not fallen, or, in this universe, death is the existence, is eternal life! !"

"Universe?" Xiao Hua was extremely shocked. "What does the universe mean?"

"Don't ask me," the voice replied, "I don't know, I just got these messages from the things that swallowed me."

"Then... who are you?" Xiao Hua thought for a moment, and whispered, "Can you turn into stars in Daxing Han, should they be the famous demon clan of the Demon League?"

"Who I am is not important anymore!" The voice pondered for a moment, and answered, "I don't know how long I died in the demon league, even if I know my name?"

With that in mind, Xiao Hua felt the sorrow of this voice clearly: "And in this universe, I thought I was reborn, but... but I didn't expect it to be the beginning of a nightmare."

"What's wrong?" Xiao Hua asked curiously.

"I don't quite know how you exist~" the voice said, "And all living things should be dead here, why do you live?"

"I..." Xiao Hua's mind naturally didn't know why he was so sober, and he didn't wait for him to speak. The voice said, "I don't even know, you can still move, can you have the means to resist?"

"You... can't move?"

Xiao Hua was speechless and asked in sympathy.

"Don't you already take up half of my body? Can you move that part?"

"Really~" Xiao Hua's mind felt the demon's body, and he really couldn't move. He could only answer honestly.

"So, you don't know my pain!" The voice said, "We have just entered this universe, we still have 10,000 years to float in this universe, there is a sea of ​​blood in front, a lake of fire, an iceberg, There is a dead light waiting for us. I have no means to resist it. I can only suffer silently and be swallowed up silently by the existence of this universe."

"Every time they bite me, I will get some of their memories and the cosmos of this universe."

"Unfortunately, their cognition is nothing but ants to the sky, they think they are all, but I know that they are so insignificant."

"Being endlessly tortured by these ants, I can't stand it anymore. I rushed to my own glory and trampled by gravel. I actually missed the one-month stay in the Daxing River and reminded me of the warmth of the Demon League, reminding me The previous glory!"

"Although, that warmth, that memory, it is just the moment of entering and leaving the Daxinghe!!


Xingchen's will should suffocate enough, and now he finally caught a talking human race, and said hard!

Xiao Hua's mind is also a patient person. He listened without saying a word, and urged the nightmare with a sickle to reap those strange life forms, and then refine them into the body.

The will of the stars will be chattering about it, not only in time but also to introduce the dangers and strange attacks that the stars will encounter when they move to a certain place.

Xiaohua Xinshen naturally has the means to resist, but his limited strength does not help the will of the stars. As a result, when Xiaohua’s mind was cultivated, the star’s will endured the pain that Xiaohua’s mind could not know. Xiaohua’s mind even heard the will of the stars Or a low moan, or a crazy wailing, or a loud curse!

On this day, the stars came out of a sea of ​​blood. Even Xiao Hua’s mind, there were something more than the blood devil’s head. The sourness, itching, and even the pain made Xiao Hua crazy. Fortunately, Xiao Hua There is the initial scripture of Zhou Yu, and there is Jiu Xiao, before they can stick to it.

"Huh~" Star Will will take a long breath and say, "Finally understand what I said earlier? When you are powerless to resist and accept this torture without life and death, do you still want to live like this forever?"

"I don't want to!" Xiao Hua's mind cut the railway.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Ah~" Xiao Hua said, "Well, do you want me to ruin you, or let me take you away from this track?"

"A demon clan without demon respect strength. It is impossible to take the stars away from Daxing Hanoi, let alone destroy them!" Xingchen will smile bitterly, "As for the human race, it is even more impossible!"

Xiao Hua thought for a moment. This star will say right, even if he is already a junior middle class in Taiyi, it is extremely difficult to destroy a star in the special environment of Daxinghe.

"Then you..." Xiao Hua frowned.

"Swallow me!" Star Will said, "You have occupied half of my body, and I will give you the rest."

"No, no~" Xiao Hua said quickly, "This occupation is different from devouring. I'm just a demon body falling into the And the rules here are different, I'm mixed with you, After the demon league, I will still be separated from you!"

"You are wrong!" Star Will said, "The time rule of this universe is different from the demon league. We are here for ten thousand years, and the demon union is only one year. Ten thousand years of time is enough to change everything. You have no way to divide me. Apart from devouring me, you have to find a way to fly out of the Daxing River by yourself. There is no other way."

Thanks to the fairy friends represented below, for helping Xiao Zhenren to ride the Demon League and achieve a positive result as soon as possible. I wish you all a happy family and a happy Dragon Boat Festival. I hope that your monthly and recommended tickets will continue to be provided to Xiushen, and at the same time, everyone will help to promote the authenticity of Xiushen in various channels. These fairy friends are: Relentless, Coming, Stinky mosquitoes, Xu Zhi, Lao Jiu, Shield Royal, Lao Gao, Return, Hyacinth love octopus, Cang chopping, Wang Yifei, singing flute, please call me Master, 13 ducks, busy man, SS sky, m curtain, stupid Taoist, conscientious cultivation, immortal fist, K, Fang Moumou, Ao Shenzhou, ordinary rice grain, Ry, kevin and other Taoists.

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