Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2096: Fairyland is making waves again

Watching Gu Yu fly Guan Tianyue out of the hall, Yuya said without hesitation: "Where is Tsing Yi?"

"Adult," a gust of wind blew from outside the palace, and a woman in Tsing Yi flew in. "Humble office."

"Immediately contact the Bianshu Palace of the Butian Clan," Yuya ordered. "Inspecting the recent battles of the Taiji Mengyi Tianchong and the recent battle report of the Bingshu Palace. I want to know what happened there, the most ... It's better to have the trend of shooting Wang Yongyao! "

Tsing Yi was extremely nahan, but she had no words, and immediately flew out of the hall after nodding.

Yuya naturally knows that Wang Shengyao, the son of Shengsheng, rules Taiji Mengyi's boundary. After all, the last time Xi Yuxiyu sneaked into the fairy realm and killed the Quartet in the city of the star tower, which made Daozun Tiangong really show his limelight.

What Yuya did n’t know was that Wang Yongyao, the shooter at this time, was not in the Bingshu Palace, where Zhou Chen was stationed, and Yong Yao was sitting on the silver seat, squinting and watching the endless Jiechong, nobody Know what she is thinking.

Far away, a star boat swept in the dark, like a falling star, Yong Yao swept his eyes, and a sneer came out of the corner of his mouth.

After a while, an immortal will fly respectfully, holding Moxian Hitomi in his hand and said, "Sir, there is a battle report."

"Speak," Wang Shengyao, the shooter, was too lazy to raise his hand to the report, and said lightly, "What's the bad news?"

"Yun," said the fairy with a smile, "two good news."

"Oh," Shesheng Wang Yongyao raised her eyelids and asked, "Chou Chen found it?"

"No, no!"

"That's the Twelve Shooting Kings of the Liao Chong Team. The 144 captive demon masters have been investigated?"

"No, it's not!"

"That is, all the Jinxian Yuexiao and Jinxian Buyao of my team have been investigated?"

Xian Jiang instantly sweated on his forehead and stuttered, "Not yet ... Not yet ..."

"Hehe" She Sheng Wang Yongyao smiled first, and said, "It's okay, you say, what good news."

"Adult" Xian Jiang gave a breath and said, "Deputy Xiao captive demon has been instructed to take the team out of the boundary charge defense and go to the depths of the boundary charge to sweep the residual Tai Chi halo of Xi Yu Xiyu!

"This is good news!" She said Wang Yongyao burst into tears and laughed, said, "Deputy Xiao captive demon is under the leadership of the family, is the deputy captive demon of Si Nankong!"

"Yes, yes," Xian will be embarrassed and hurriedly laughed with him, "This is a battle report, not good news."

"Alas, it's true!" Wang Shengyao shot, sighed, "At this time, no warrior dare to go deep into the realm, but this is Xiao Xiaoren, really a lone hero. It should be possible to clean up the left and near boundaries, and prepare for our team to enter the boundary. What about the second good news? "

"The list of warlords staying in the Priscilla has been finalized," Xian Jiang quickly replied, "There are 1,023 Yue Xiao, Bu Yao, and Teng Teng Yuan Shen avatars in their insides. All their bodies have been stained with ghost marks, And there are already 1,367,601 fairy soldiers to be contaminated by ghost marks, and these fairy soldiers will be wiped out. "

"Good!" Wang Shengyao shot the silver seat, "This is good news!"

"Yes, Master" Xian Jiang whispered, "There is a sentence in the battle report ..."

"What's the matter?" Wang Shengyao, the shooter, was obviously in a good mood. He didn't wait for the immortal to finish, and immediately urged.

"The deputy captive demon Xiaozheng has timely, accurate, and comprehensive information, and is the first to contribute to the cleansing of the ghost marks."

"Ah, yes!" Wang Yongyao sighed, "I didn't care much when I saw Xiao Zhenren's newsletter, but it was a ghost mark made by a demon enemy chief who could set off a huge wave? But I didn't expect Even though the Bingshugong Palace immediately cleared the Shumi Tian, ​​there are still more than a thousand Yuanshen avatars spreading ghost marks, and more than a thousand ghost marks have infected more than one million people in such a short time. Immortal soldier general, if it is a little later, the consequences will be disastrous! "

"Yes, yes, Master" Xian Jiang nodded, "Otherwise this is good news!"

"Well, leave the battle report, you go!"

Immortal will leave the battle report, hurriedly urged his body away, the King of Shooting Sound is too strong, the surrounding space has long been distorted, and Immortal will not dare to stay for long.

Wang Shengyao raised his hand to pick up the battle report, and then looked at it for a moment, as if suddenly remembered something, looked up and looked around, quietly took out a communication fairy, whispered: "Is the adult here?"

After asking three times in a row, there was no sound from the messaging device. When Wang Yongyao raised his hand to close, he hesitated and whispered: "Sir, I rushed in the Taiji Mengyi Tianjie, and I saw the long line Xiaoxia Xiao There is a Thunder Warship in the Penal Palace in the live vice team of Xiao Long. This battleship is different from the Penalty Palace standard warship, but it is obviously a Thunder Warship. This battleship is something I have never seen before. Please pay attention to it! "

After finishing talking, Wang Shengyao shut down the communication fairy device.

Almost at the same time, the boundary not far from the edge of the fairy realm, I saw countless light and shadows within the mysterious mysterious light under the red sun in the red sun, and a thunderous flashing fairy boat tore Breaking through the boundary and flying out, Ouyang Shuotian's fairy babies are naturally on the Xianzhou.

Xian Ying narrowed her eyes to look at the red sun, took a long breath, and said, "It's still comfortable in the fairy world. This world is like a hell, and I don't know how the others are. "

Saying, the fairy baby sat cross-legged, pinched the fairy tactics, and after a moment, the fairy baby whispered in his heart: "Where is the Dao friend?"

"Oh?" Ouyang Shuotian's voice immediately appeared in the heart of Xianying. "Congratulations, Daoyou, it seems that the enemy will be rewarded!"

"Alas," Xian Ying sighed, and said, "It's too early to get revenge. That fellow is too lucky. Although the poor way is to lay down the fairy array to wait for him to come, but he turned around and went to the boundary to rush, it seems There is no tens of centuries, I am afraid that I will not return. "

"Well, that's the case," Ouyang Shuotian smiled. "Dao friends, come back! The news of Xiao Yuexiao's attack on Xicheng and Yan Yongxi has reached the Palm of the Palace.

"You can't kill Na Du with your own hands, the poor Dao heart is unwilling!" Xian Ying gritted her teeth and said, "The poor Dao told the Taoist friends that he wanted to stay near Jie Chong."

Ouyang Shuotian did n’t expect that his fairy tale of hatred was like this. He smiled and said, “You ca n’t touch him even if you are in Jiechong. You can get a small message from Xiaodao. Xiao Zhenren went to the demon league to participate in the election!”

"What? Wang Xuan?" Xian Ying was stunned, wondering, "What Wang Xuan ?? Going to the Demon League?"

"It's the selection of the candidate for the King of Shooting Sound for the Sky Team," Ouyang Shuotian said. "The specific situation is not clear to the poor Dao, but what the poor Dao knows is that after he participated in the Wang Xuan, he should join the other teams from the two circles. When you return to the passage, you wo n’t go to the boundary, so it ’s useless to stay in the boundary. "

"Damn!" Xian Ying scolded, and said in his heart, "It seems that the poor can only go to the two realms."

"Daoyou shouldn't be anxious," said Ouyang Shuotian. "And come back first. After the Daoyou left, Master Tianzun suddenly summoned him and asked about it. There was a trance in the poor Dao's heart. He didn't dare to say more. Say, only you can check it out. "

When Immortal Baby heard Master Tianzun, his heart moved, anxiously said: "Yes, the poor way is ..."

However, Xian Ying only said a few words, but stopped again, and there was a deep hesitation on his face.

Ouyang Shuotian waited for a moment and asked, "What's wrong?"

In the meantime, Xianying decided to conceal what he saw when he saw the Thunder Warship, and then the words turned to Austria: "The poor Dao has actually said that the doppelganger is not reliable, and Tianzheng's strength is slightly worse ..."

"Ah, there is no way!" Ouyang Shuotian sighed, "There are many things you and I will not be able to come forward, only let him go."

"Well, the poor Dao hurried back immediately!" Xian Ying turned to look at Jie Chong again, urging Xian Zhou to accelerate.

Whether it was Jie Chong ’s temporary crisis recovery, or Immortal Realm ’s upcoming storm, Xiao Hua did n’t seem to know that he flew out of the Immortal Realm Defense and immediately urged his body to rush into the depths of the Realm, and there was still a lonely back However, for a long time, the back is also obliterated by the darkness of the boundary, just like a drop of water in the sea, it can not set off any waves at all.

However, Xiao Hua didn't fly far away with a joss stick, and his body stopped. He raised his hand to sacrifice the Kunlun mirror, flashing in the clear light, and Zhou Xiaoming flew out.

"Master?" Zhou Xiaoming looked at the familiar Jie Chong breath around him, wondering, "Why are you still in Jie Chong? Are you always turning back?"

"The old man wants to use Jiechong as his home," Xiao Hua said angrily. "I am going to work on killing the Tai Chi halo and not destroy it completely. The old man vows not to return to the fairy world!"

"Hey, okay!" Zhou Xiaoming smiled with a smile, "The disciple accompanied the master Ma Ge to corpse!"

Lu Shu looked at the distance and said: "It seems that the master has received the military order and is going to the depth of the boundary to clear the Tai Chi halo."

"Who said no!" Xiao Hua smiled bitterly. "The old man wanted to release Ma Nanshan, and he would become famous.

Hearing that both Xiaoming and Lu Shu were silent, they looked at Xiao Hua with a smile.

"Okay, okay," Xiao Hua had to wave his hand. "The old man can't go on anymore. The soldier's palace gave the old man a sweet date, and then sent the old man out!"

"What sweet dates?"

"Wang Xuan!"

Lu Shu's eyes lit up: "Master, although I don't know what Wang Xuan is, but listening to the name is very impressive, you can't escape the name!"

"The illusion of utility is that the old man is a floating cloud. UU reading" said Zhou Xiaoming.

"Hmm" Xiao Hua said with a smile: "Yes! The strength of the old man is actually not enough to participate in any king election, but Wang Shenghang, who shoots, wants the old man to look at the horizon. Another mission was assigned. Therefore, the old man had made up his mind, mainly to eliminate the surplus poison of Xiyu Xiyu.

"OK, OK" Zhou Xiaoming smiled, "Mo said that the master went to the demon league, even if he didn't, the disciples would be able to accompany Master to blow the bulls and farts in the world."

Thanks to the fairy friends represented below, for helping Xiao Zhenren to stop the poison and save the fairy world: Immortal Fist, Lao Jiu, Xiang Qing, Nandi Beima, please call me Master Shi, Dun Yu, Loritin, Nuo Lunxi, Pride Shenzhou, loyalty to God, Mao Lingzi, once looked forward to the present, busy man, Zfwz666, stupid Taoist, vanilla flavor, old high, small section of flowers, singing flute, ruthless, Dao Zun, dragon blood, tea egg eggs, Mo Yan Lose, Coke and Return!

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