Revival of the Gods

Chapter 178: Lingyunchi

The snow is getting bigger and bigger, and even the weather is a lot colder. Xiao Hua can't think of it. There is such a cold place on the side of the evil dragon. He once thought that the stupid person sent himself to the other end of the Enlightenment. ◢щЩш.suimEnG.1a is only when he meets a dust fairy and asks the direction to know that although it is far away from Yunmengze, it is already a country. The sphere of influence. Xiao Hua was going to announce a country, but I couldn’t hear far from Lingyunchi. I simply turned the direction.

"What is the origin of this group of people!" Looking at the world is full of snow fluttering, Xiao Hua's thoughts can not help but fly, "If Xiaomou guessed it is correct, it should be a big family in the fairy world!"

Thinking of the family, Xiao Hua naturally thought of Jiang Jia and Shen Jia, and the Yan Hanshan! Xiao Hua and the Shen family are enemies. He does not know whether Shen’s immortal can send the things of the Wan Yao to the fairy world, but since he is smothered and attracted to the secret, he can be known by his teachers. Then, Xiao Hua does not have to have any luck, or do the worst plan! Xiao Hua is a good relationship with Jiang, but the question is where is the Hanshan? The fairyland is so big, the light road Mingxian domain is on the seven continents, and the three fairy fields are not allowed to be more than 20 continents. Think about more than 20 Yilin mainland, Xiaohua's skull is painful.

"But it, or solve the problem at hand!" Xiao Hua took his thoughts and secretly smiled. "It’s better to rely on yourself than relying on the sky. Xiao Xiao almost wanted to ask the stupid person to see what happened to Xiao. In particular, it can attract the head of the palace, but when it comes to the mouth, Xiaomou is swallowing up. They don’t want to reveal their identity. If they know that Xiaomou is complaining with the law, he might have to Xiaomou kills it!"

Look at the front, Xiao Hua's body shape, the display of martial arts flying into the snow.

"This... This is Lingyunchi???" After about a month, Xiao Hua stood on a high peak of snow and looked at the scene in front of him. He couldn't even say what he was surprised.

But see this is a basin with a size of a thousand miles, surrounded by snow peaks and straight into the sky! The sky of the sky is like a hanging painting. The fire of the sun falls on the snow peak without any heat, and even looks pale.

Although there is no heat in the sun, the fire is like a brush. When it falls on the basin, it will be dyed with a chilly cloud, like a flame!

As for the fire-colored clouds, there is a crystal clear and jasper-covered ice layer that will cover the earth. This ice layer is so pure that Xiao Hua can see it for dozens of miles or even hundreds of miles. What makes Xiao Hua feel incredible is that there are countless different buildings, palaces, or buildings in the ice space of this hundred miles, in the gap between the buildings, the fairy or the flying, or Stop, the entire huge ice space is just as lively as Helan!

“It’s hard to be...” Xiao Hua’s surprise, secretly, “Is this a thousand miles, and the huge ice crystals that are hundreds of miles away are Lingyunchi?”

"I am afraid of this! Since the Four Seas Dragon Palace is built in the sea, why can't Lingyun Pool be built in the ice? The fairy dust dust can fly in the sky, and there is no problem in free access to this ice layer!"

Xiao Hua was thinking, "brushing" not far from the two clear light flashes, three female immortals wearing a neon shirt with excitement flying inside, the female fairy did not cover up the body shape, until the high flying, the whole body Silver light is only falling, far away.

"Big good!" Xiao Hua praised, his body flew off the snow peak, and fell toward the ice crystal!

However, when Xiao Hua’s body shape touched the surface of the ice crystal, “咚” sounded softly, but on the ice crystal, hundreds of water blue runes swelled like fish, and kept Xiao Hua out. !

"This..." Xiao Hua was dumbfounded. Although he didn't knock out the big bag, he could be careful that the liver was caught in a big chunk!

"Oh..." But I heard about a few miles, and there was a gust of wind blowing. Xiaohua hurriedly looked at it, and saw thousands of tiny ices swaying over the ice of a thousand feet, rushing toward a There is a run length of ten feet, and it is close. The ice of several feet is picked up from the ice crystals. In a moment, it condenses into an ice man of several tens of feet. This ice man is transparent, and the ice crystals are above the clouds. Falling down, it seems like opening the hijab. A female fairy in armor shows her figure!

The female fairy glanced at Xiao Hua and sighed: "Where are the immortals coming from, why are you arrogant about my Lingyun pool?"

Although the female fairy is very strong, it can be seen that she did not take out the fairy. Xiao Hua naturally knew that she was a routine, so Xiao Hua flew to the front of the hand: "The first time I came to Lingyunchi, I don’t know how to enter, I also hope that Xianyou Haihan !"

"Well..." The female fairy responded with a faint sigh of relief. A blue ice crystal was held in her hand and said, "Where is the name of the fairy friend, where is the teacher, where is it from, where are you going?"

"Cough!" Xiao Hua coughed twice and cautiously replied, "In the next happy, it is a Jiexian, coming from Helan, wanting to declare a country!"

"Scattered fairy?" The female fairy looked up and down Xiaohua, reminding that "the scattered fairy into the Lingyun pool to have two Huangjing. The immortal friend He Lanzhen, is it not the outside disciple of the Qingyumen? The Qingyumen disciple only A yellow crystal can be."

"Huang Jing started!" Xiao Hua heard some pain, but he looked at the space under the ice crystals, biting his teeth and taking out two citrines, saying, "Yen is not a sapphire disciple!"

"Okay!" The female fairy has some eccentric look at Xiao Hua, and she has written something in the ice crystal to hand to Xiao Huadao. "This is the token used by Ren Xianyou in Lingyun Pool. There is a method of use, and there are Lingyun Pool. Rules, if Xianyou is a guilty rule, it will be punished by Lingyun Chixianwei, and it will be fined to pay for the fairyland, and then it will be eliminated. Wanyouxianyou will remember. Of course, if the fairy friend is disturbed, he can motivate the token. I Lingyun Chi Xianwei will arrive in time..."

Xiao Hua took the ice crystal and looked at it. He smiled: "Thank you for reminding me."

"I want to remind the fairy friend again..." The female fairy finally said, "This thing will disappear when it leaves Lingyun Chili. If you want to enter, you must reapply."

"Okay!" Xiao Hua nodded. "Yumou understands, unless it is absolutely necessary, Ren will not leave at will."

"Well, fairy friend please..." The female fairy raised her hand.

Xiao Hua once again spurred his body shape. Sure enough, his body shape just touched the ice crystals. When the tokens stood up, they shot a group of light and shadows to wrap themselves up. When the body shape touched the ice crystals, they immediately fell into it.

Looking at Xiao Hua's figure into the ice crystal, turned into a sultry form, the female fairy frowned, whispered: "This fairy is a bit weird, I obviously reminded him, how can he pay two Huang Jing? Say a sentence Will the lie be dead?"

Xiao Hua thought that the immortals in Lingyunchi were all urging their own martial arts, but he found himself wrong after entering, because there was a token in his hand, and his body gave birth to a thin layer of light and shadow. The ice crystal melts in one place, and the ice crystal seems to be non-existent. I can fly freely and hide the ice crystals. Xiao Hua is like watching outside the ice space, and urging the body to look around.

Xiaohua is a frond building recently. The flowers seem to be open and there is only one portal to go in, but Xiao Hua can see clearly, no matter how he flies around the building, the portal is always facing himself, so Xiao Hua Xiaoxiao, flying into the ice!

Not waiting for Xiao Hua's figure to fall in, a light-shadow like a flower-like shape flew out from the walls of the building. Inside the light and shadow, a young man who seems to be only in his twenties stood there, Shi Lidao: "Predecessors Ok, not small, what can be done for the predecessors."

"Well..." Xiao Hua smiled and said, "The old man is free to look at it!"

"Predecessors please..." The young man hurriedly led the way. When Xiao Hua flew into the portal, he was a big man. He thought that there was no space for ice crystals inside. As usual, he could find himself wrong. This is a space with a few acres of space. There are some dark patterns on the walls to make the walls. But... there is no fairy spirit in the space, but just like the outside of the space, it is completely ice crystal! ! !

"This... Is this different from the portal?" Xiao Hua was very wrong...

Just when Xiao Hua entered Lingyunchi, I was far from knowing a few places in the Mingdao continent. The faint golden light did not know where it came from, and it was dazzlingly covered with the fire and light of the next day. Jinguang rushed through the sky, and a giant light and shadow that was wider than the mountains was revealed between the heavens and the earth. This light and shadow is like a palace. It is also like a bamboo knot. The light spots like the water ripples can clearly see the countless 蝌蚪-like texts produced in the middle, all in one, waiting for all the light and shadow to be solid, pale blue The word "law" exudes a dignified breath engraved on it!

This is naturally the palm of the Ming Dynasty!

The word "hands-on" is just a condensed number of and turned into countless bamboo knots, bamboo slips scattered around, the shape of the green palace is like a flower. Around the palace, there is a rule of law, and there are different colors of the temples appearing in the void. These temples have different meteorological conditions, and they are wrapped around the palm of the palace. Occasionally, there are unsmiling immortals entering and leaving.

In a place farther away from the Palm Palace, a palace with a ring shape is slightly weird. From time to time, there are nine colors of light and shadow piercing into the void, and at the same time, there are colorful rays coming out from the void. Or, a slight tremor is born, and the entire temple will make a glaring golden light.

At this time, the sound of "嗡" was loud, and the golden light was thrown straight into the void, waiting for the golden light to converge, and the clouds of several acres were scattered like a temple. "Ah??" A very surprised voice, isn't it clear?

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