Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1779: Annoying Jiang Zibo

Latest website: "The disciples said it!" Jiang Shuang argued, "but do you know how that fairy official answered?"

"How did you answer?"

"What's wrong with the Shen family?" Jiang Shuang had a strange face on his face, and raised his hand. "Disciple from the Shen family, is there any gap between you and the Jiang family? Isn't it possible for the Jiang family to go to the Lord of Heaven?"

"How is that possible?" Jiang Shuang said again and changed his tone. "Our Shen family and the Jiang family are both fairy families. Under the guidance of the Taoist Heavenly Palace, and the practice and harmony with Meimei, how can there be a gap in life?"

"That's it! Look at it ..." Jiang Shuang changed his voice and said, "The disciples of the Shen family have said it's all right, what else do you think about the Jiang family?"

"Where is Shen's family?" Jiang Zibo asked Tieqing's complexion.

"The disciples don't know," Jiang Shuang shook his head, "Shen Yu Zhenxian, the group of true immortals they took first."

"Let's go." Jiang Zibo was helpless, and waved his hand. "Send a message to Jiang Yuchao and let them go to Jiang Yan's continent! There is a Taoist arrow on the left and right of the Taoist master, and Shen's family dares not."

"Uncle, rest assured, the disciples have been summoned in the Palace of the Realm," Jiang Shuang cautioned, "they should be on their way now!"

Jiang Zibo looked at Jiang Shuang and smiled bitterly: "Jiang Shuang, you are very good. You should lead this time ..."

"Uncle Zu said it!" Jiang Shuang laughed. "You always want to come, there must be something!"

Jiang Shuang was right. At this time, Jiang Yuchao was rushing to Huang Zengtian's Jietian Channel with 60,000 immortal soldiers!

Sixty thousand immortal soldiers lined up, more than one hundred immortal boats broke through, and the banner was displayed, and the past was noticeable! Huang Zengtian is no better than the real world. Where can there be so many immortal soldiers?

However, before seeing the immortal soldiers reaching the Jietian Channel, a team of immortal soldiers flew out of the defense. Under the leadership of an immortal soldier, they rushed over with a tense expression and arrayed early, yelled: "Where is it from? Xianbing? Dare to be arrogant in Huang Zengtian! "

Jiang Yuchao stood on the flying fairy boat and looked at some of the panicked immortal soldiers coldly: "How can such immortal soldiers fight a battle? One of my Jiang family immortal soldiers can fight three of him! Xia Qing, go and deal with them!"

"Yes, sir," Xia Qing shivered and flew out of Xianzhou.

Watching Xia Qing go, Jiang Yuchao turned his head to look at the apparently absent icefall fairy, and frowned, "Icefall, is there anything wrong?"

"Master," the Icefall Fairy hurriedly arched, "No!"

"No?" Jiang Yuchao looked around and whispered, "What are you thinking about? Since the past few months, you haven't kept your heart and made mistakes repeatedly. What is it for?"

"My lord, I ..." The Icefall Fairy said restlessly, and indeed, as Jiang Yuchao said, she didn't even know why, and from time to time she would think of the person who had fallen!

It's been more than 200 years since I saw the broken fairy baby at the last glance. Although I had missed it a little bit earlier, I miss it more and more recently, and she weighed heavily on her heart!

Looking at the tangled ice fairy fairy, Jiang Yuchao bitterly said: "Nearly 200 years, you have cultivated as an old man without an inch and do n’t say anything. After all, you are already in the middle of the five elements, and it is difficult to move forward, but ... you are not in the immortal world. Although the old man wants to entrust a heavy task, how can your strength be comparable to Xia Qing's five elements of high order? You are all surnames, you can still start without military skills ... "

At this point, Jiang Yuchao stopped, because Xia Qing had already returned, and he respectfully said: "Sir, General Hu has not received the order of the Taoist Heavenly Palace, so it is a little fuss, and it will be explained clearly at the end!"

"Okay!" Jiang Yuchao laughed. "You did a good job, pass on the old man's military order, the whole team, and carry out warriors!"

"Yes, sir!" Xia Qing promised, turned around and flew out again, held out his right hand, gave out a command flag, and commanded, "Generals, listen to my order, the whole team ..."

"Ice Falls!" Jiang Yuchao flew out of Xianzhou with the crowd, seeing that there was a gap, and then whispered, "The old man has got the news, and the elder rumor has sent a message to Tianzongmen in the upper world, suggesting Xia Qing After taking over the immortal soldiers in the clan, the old man will also return to Yuanmingwen to lift the sky. "

"Ah?" The Icefall Fairy froze, and just about to say something, Jiang Yuchao continued, "The old man can help you ... the only thing you can do for yourself!"

"Master Xie!" The Icefall Fairy looked sad and whispered.

The Jiang family immortal soldiers are well-trained, but the Zancha exercises have been completed. The immortals will wield the martial arts immortals to collect the immortal soldiers, and then line up to the Jietian channel.

What made Jiang Yuchao dissatisfied was that the celestial officials of Tianzun Mansion who guarded the channel did not immediately let them enter the transmission channel, but instead let them wait outside the channel, saying that the order of the main heavenly palace had not yet come down, and they did not dare to let the Jiang family Sixty thousand immortal soldiers ventured into Taiming jade to finish the day.

"Master," Xia Qing went to negotiate, and said lightly, "My Jiang family went to Qingming He Tongtian to destroy the demon soldiers. You do n’t think it ’s convenient to do more, but you block it. If you delay the opportunity, you Will you dare to take responsibility? "

"Master Xia wait a moment." Shou Zhenxian would not dare to neglect and accompany the smile, "I have ordered a subordinate to subscribe, I believe there will be a reply soon!"

Nevertheless, Jiang Jiaxian soldiers also waited for three hours before the interface passage.

After waiting to fly out of the interface channel, Xia Qing suggested: "Sir, time is running out. If I wait to urge Xianzhou to go directly to another heaven channel, don't you have to release the fairy soldiers?"

Jiang Yuchao glanced at Xia Qing and scolded: "Xia Qing, you have a careful mind, you have cultivated hard, and you even love soldiers like a child. You have many strengths! But you have a very terrible weakness, do you know?"

Xia Qing was not annoyed at all, but eagerly said, "Sir, I don't know the end, but I hope the adults will point out!"

"Love to be clever!" Jiang Yuchao said, "Sometimes I like to take shortcuts!"

"Yes, sir." Xia Qing hurriedly bowed, "the end will remember!"

"It's not bad to take shortcuts," Jiang Yu said. "But it depends on what shortcuts you take and how to go!"

Jiang Yu paused and ordered: "First let out the immortal soldiers, and the old man slowly said ..."

"Yes, sir!" Xia Qing got the order, and ordered the generals around. "Zhu Jiang, listen to my order and send the fairy soldiers out of the team!"

When the generals urged the marching fairy, Jiang Yuchao looked around and solemnly said: "Not only Xia Qing, Ice Falls, Jiang Yao, you must also remember that, in addition to the heaven and the channel and the transmission of the fairy array, the fairy The soldiers had to collect the martial arts magic weapon, and everywhere else, the magic soldiers had to fly in the formation! "

"Sir," said Jiang Yao, a fairy general, and laughed. "The generals are a little puzzled. Why does the Jiang family ’s fairy army have this ban? Are you worried that it will cost you money to transfer the fairy array?"

"Well," Jiang Yuchao nodded, "Jiang Yao asked very well. In fact, when the old man heard this ban, he was also puzzled. When the leader of the Yuanri army replied that the ban is a ban, no need to Ask why, although you can do it! So far the husband does not know why exactly! "

"Hehe," Xia Qing and others all laughed when they saw Jiang Yuchao's expression and kindness, "It looks like the end will have to answer other fairy soldiers like this!"

Jiang Yuchao shook his head with a smile and said, "Although no one answers the old man's question, from the perspective of the old man's so many discipline leaders, there are three reasons ..."

"Please ask your confusion!" Xia Qing bowed first.

"Please adults to confuse!" The generals did not dare to neglect and hurried to salute, the Icefall Fairy had no choice but to follow the salute.

"One of them," Jiang Yuchao said, "is the money crystal that Jiang Yao said, and the heaven channel and the teleportation array are charged according to the number of people. Let ’s have 60,000 immortal soldiers, each with a topaz. That's 60,000 topaz! And I'll wait for the fairy general, but don't count it for dozens? "

"Haha, what the Lord said is extremely true!" The generals smiled.

"Second," Jiang Yuchao said again, "I wait to walk in the fairy realm, especially for long journeys, or to meet fairy beasts, or to meet rivals. If I fall, I will have 60,000 immortals in the martial arts. What should the soldiers do? We ca n’t let them flee! Let alone 60,000 immortal soldiers line up, scaring ... they will scare away the fairy beast or the enemy! "

"Yes, that's exactly it!" Xia Qing stroked his palm, "I was worried that the disciples of the Shen family would be intercepted on the road by the end, but now it seems absolutely not!"

"As for the third ..." Jiang Yuchao finally said, "The power of the immortal soldiers lies in the battle array, not in individuals, but also in the battle array when flying, so that the immortal soldiers are familiar with the battle array and the cooperation with each other. Time, you can do it! "

"The end will be wrong." Xia Qing waited for Jiang Yuchao's voice to land, and bowed again, "Thank you for your advice!"

"Okay ~ ~ Jiang Yuchao raised his hand and raised Xia Qingdao," If you know something wrong, you can improve it! The Jiang family is yours, the Xian army is yours, come on! "

"Yes, sir!" Xia Qing Han smiled, and stood up, "I'll start when I wait?"

"Well, march!" Jiang Yuchao nodded with emotion at Xia Qing's eyesight.

Jiang Yuchao said he was not worried. In fact, he was terribly worried. Although there was a teleportation array along the way, there were more dangerous places besides the teleportation array.

Jiang Yuchao had made preparations before Jiang Shuang set off, but he never expected that it would be Qingming He Tongtian, and after Jiang Yuchao got Jiang Shuang's instructions, he would arrive at the prescribed time, so he Hurrying off and not fully prepared before.

Not to mention that Xiantu is not complete, that is, the pioneers of path exploration have not sent a lot.

However, after flying for several months like this, I saw the Qingming He Tongtian's Jietian Channel, and then passed through a few teleportation arrays. Jiang Yuchao stood on the fairy boat and looked at the overview of the fairy offered by Xia Qing. Knowing that you should be able to get to the edge of the **** continent within a single month, this is a little relieved!

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